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-- Standard List library for the Lamb programming language
-- Copyright (c) 2013 darkf
-- Licensed under the terms of the zlib license, see LICENSE for details
-- list membership test
memberOf?([], _) -> false.
memberOf?(x::xs, member) ->
if x == member then true
else memberOf?(xs, member).
-- map function: map(\x -> x*2, [1, 2, 3]) == [2, 4, 6]
map(f, []) -> [].
map(f, x::xs) -> f(x) :: map(f, xs).
-- list folds
foldl(f, v, []) -> v.
foldl(f, v, x::xs) -> do
foldl(f, f(v, x), xs)
foldr(f, v, []) -> v.
foldr(f, v, x::xs) -> do
f(x, foldr(f, v, xs))
sum(lst) -> foldl(\x,y -> x + y, 0, lst).
product(lst) -> foldl(\x,y -> x * y, 1, lst).
reverse(lst) -> foldl(\x,xs -> x :: xs, [], lst).
length(lst) -> foldl(\_,y -> 1 + y, 0, lst).
filter(f, []) -> [].
filter(f, x::xs) ->
if f(x) then x :: filter(f, xs)
else filter(f, xs).
-- index function
-- out of values (hey, this isn't the Circus of Values!)
at([], _) -> 0 - 1. -- (-1)
-- we've hit our target item
at(x::_, 0) -> x.
-- we've got more to go, keep iterating
at(x::xs, i) -> at(xs, i-1).
-- find (linear search)
find'([], _, _) -> 0 - 1. -- (-1)
find'(x::xs, item, i) ->
if x == item then i
else find'(xs, item, i+1).
find(lst, item) -> find'(lst, item, 0).
takeWhile(f, []) -> [].
takeWhile(f, x::xs) -> do
if f(x) == true then x :: takeWhile(f, xs)
else []
dropWhile(f, []) -> [].
dropWhile(f, x::xs) -> do
if f(x) == true then dropWhile(f, xs)
else x :: xs
drop(0, x) -> x.
drop(n, []) -> [].
drop(n, _::xs) -> drop(n-1, xs).
take(0, _) -> [].
take(n, []) -> [].
take(n, x::xs) -> x :: take(n-1, xs).