-- Interpreter for the Lamb programming language -- Copyright (c) 2013 darkf -- Licensed under the terms of the zlib license, see LICENSE for details module Interp where import Prelude hiding (lookup) import qualified Data.Map as M import Control.Monad.State (State, runState, evalState, get, put) import System.IO (Handle, hPutStr, hGetLine, hFlush, stdout, stdin) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import AST import Parser (parseProgram) -- for Show newtype BIF = BIF (Value -> InterpState Value) instance Show BIF where show _ = "" instance Eq BIF where a == b = False data Value = IntV Integer | StrV String | UnitV | StreamV Int | ListV [Value] | Builtin BIF | FnV [(Pattern, [AST])] -- pattern->body bindings deriving (Show, Eq) type Env = M.Map String Value -- an environment type InterpState = State ([Handle], Env) -- interpreter state (open handles, global env) lookup :: Env -> String -> Maybe Value lookup env name = M.lookup name env bind :: Env -> String -> Value -> Env bind env name value = M.insert name value env -- value operators (IntV l) +$ (IntV r) = IntV (l + r) (StrV l) +$ (StrV r) = StrV (l ++ r) l +$ r = error $ "cannot + " ++ show l ++ " and " ++ show r (IntV l) -$ (IntV r) = IntV (l - r) l -$ r = error $ "cannot - " ++ show l ++ " and " ++ show r (IntV l) *$ (IntV r) = IntV (l * r) l *$ r = error $ "cannot * " ++ show l ++ " and " ++ show r (IntV l) /$ (IntV r) = IntV (l `div` r) l /$ r = error $ "cannot / " ++ show l ++ " and " ++ show r -- these are pretty nasty and instead of using unsafePerformIO -- we could throw eval, etc. into StateT with IO instead, but then -- everything would be in IO. _putstr (StrV str) = do (handles,_) <- get let stdout_s = head handles let io = unsafe_putstr stdout_s str return $ seq io UnitV where {-# NOINLINE unsafe_putstr #-} unsafe_putstr h s = unsafePerformIO $ hPutStr h s >> hFlush h _getline UnitV = do (handles,_) <- get let stdin_s = handles !! 1 let str = unsafe_getline stdin_s return $ seq () $ StrV str where {-# NOINLINE unsafe_getline #-} unsafe_getline h = unsafePerformIO $ hGetLine h _itos (IntV i) = return $ StrV $ show i _itos v = error $ "itos: not an int: " ++ show v initialState = ([stdout, stdin], M.fromList [("id", FnV [(VarP "x", [Var "x"])]), ("stdout", StreamV 0), ("putstr", Builtin $ BIF _putstr), ("putstrln", Builtin $ BIF (\x -> _putstr $ x +$ StrV "\n")), ("itos", Builtin $ BIF _itos), ("getline", Builtin $ BIF _getline)]) eval :: AST -> InterpState Value eval (IntConst i) = return $ IntV i eval (StrConst s) = return $ StrV s eval UnitConst = return UnitV eval (Block body) = foldr1 (>>) $ map eval body eval (ListConst v) = mapM eval v >>= \xs -> return $ ListV xs eval (Var var) = get >>= \(_,env) -> case lookup env var of Just v -> return v Nothing -> error $ "unbound variable " ++ var eval (Defun name fn) = do (s,env) <- get case lookup env name of Nothing -> -- bind new fn eval fn >>= \fn' -> put (s, bind env name fn') >> return fn' Just oldfn -> -- add pattern to old fn let FnV oldpats = oldfn Lambda [(pat, body)] = fn newfn = FnV ((pat, body):oldpats) in put (s, bind env name newfn) >> return newfn eval (Def name v') = do v <- eval v' (s,env) <- get put (s, bind env name v) return v eval (Lambda pats) = return $ FnV pats eval (Add l r) = do { l <- eval l; r <- eval r; return $ l +$ r } eval (Sub l r) = do { l <- eval l; r <- eval r; return $ l -$ r } eval (Mul l r) = do { l <- eval l; r <- eval r; return $ l *$ r } eval (Div l r) = do { l <- eval l; r <- eval r; return $ l /$ r } eval (Call name args) = get >>= \(_,env) -> case lookup env name of Just fn@(FnV _) -> do xargs <- mapM eval args applyMany fn xargs Just fn@(Builtin _) -> mapM eval args >>= applyMany fn Nothing -> error $ "call: name " ++ name ++ " doesn't exist or is not a function" patternBindings :: Pattern -> Value -> Maybe Env patternBindings (VarP n) v = Just $ M.fromList [(n, v)] patternBindings (IntP n) (IntV v) | v == n = Just M.empty | otherwise = Nothing patternBindings (IntP n) _ = Nothing patternBindings UnitP UnitV = Just M.empty patternBindings UnitP _ = Nothing patternBindings (ConsP x (ListP [])) (ListV (y:[])) = patternBindings x y patternBindings (ConsP _ _) (ListV (_:[])) = Nothing patternBindings (ConsP xp xsp) (ListV (x:xs)) = do xe <- patternBindings xp x xse <- patternBindings xsp $ ListV xs Just $ M.union xe xse patternBindings (ConsP _ _) _ = Nothing patternBindings (ListP []) (ListV (x:xs)) = Nothing -- not enough patterns patternBindings (ListP (_:_)) (ListV []) = Nothing -- not enough values patternBindings (ListP []) (ListV []) = Just M.empty -- base case patternBindings (ListP (x:xs)) (ListV (y:ys)) = do env <- patternBindings x y env' <- patternBindings (ListP xs) (ListV ys) Just $ M.union env' env patternBindings (ListP _) _ = Nothing -- not a list -- applies many arguments to a function applyMany :: Value -> [Value] -> InterpState Value applyMany fn@(FnV _) (arg:xs) = apply fn arg >>= \value -> applyMany value xs applyMany (Builtin (BIF fn)) (arg:xs) = fn arg >>= \value -> applyMany value xs applyMany value [] = return value applyMany _ xs = error "couldn't apply all arguments" -- applies a function apply :: Value -> Value -> InterpState Value apply (FnV pats) arg = apply' pats where apply' [] = error $ "argument " ++ show arg ++ " doesn't satisfy any patterns" apply' ((pat, body):xs) = case patternBindings pat arg of Just env' -> -- satisfies do (s,env) <- get put (s, M.union env' env) foldr1 (>>) $ map eval body Nothing -> -- doesn't satisfy this pattern apply' xs evalProgram :: [AST] -> Value -- fold the state from each node and return the result evalProgram nodes = evalState (foldr1 (>>) $ map eval nodes) initialState evalString :: String -> Value evalString program = case parseProgram program of Left err -> error $ show err Right prg -> evalProgram prg