Fork 0
forked from nortti/tea_cah
Juhani Krekelä 819803d998 Add !kick
2019-05-07 12:05:59 +03:00

375 lines
9.3 KiB

import threading
import time
import channel
import gameloop
nickserv_pass = None
irc_chan = None
game_channel = None
def chunk(l, n):
assert 0 < n
chunked = []
item = []
for i in l:
if len(item) >= n:
item = []
if len(item) > 0:
return chunked
class GameLoop(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, irc, chan, irc_chan):
self.irc = irc
self.chan = chan
self.irc_chan = irc_chan
def send(self, message):
message_parts = message.encode().split(b' ')
line = []
line_len = 0
for part in message_parts:
if len(part) + line_len > 440:
self.irc.bot_response(self.irc_chan, b' '.join(line))
line = []
line_len = 0
line_len += len(part) + 1
if len(line) > 0:
self.irc.bot_response(self.irc_chan, b' '.join(line))
def notice(self, recipient, message):
recipient = recipient.encode()
message_parts = message.encode().split(b' ')
line = []
line_len = 0
for part in message_parts:
if len(part) + line_len > 440:
self.irc.send_raw(b'NOTICE %s :[%s] %s' % (recipient, self.irc_chan, b' '.join(line)))
line = []
line_len = 0
line_len += len(part) + 1
if len(line) > 0:
self.irc.send_raw(b'NOTICE %s :[%s] %s' % (recipient, self.irc_chan, b' '.join(line)))
def get_event(self):
event = self.chan.recv()
return event
def voice(self, nicks):
if type(nicks) == str: nicks = [nicks]
for nicks in chunk(nicks, 4):
self.irc.send_raw(b'MODE %s +%s %s' % (self.irc_chan, b'v'*len(nicks), b' '.join(i.encode() for i in nicks)))
def devoice(self, nicks):
if type(nicks) == str: nicks = [nicks]
for nicks in chunk(nicks, 4):
self.irc.send_raw(b'MODE %s -%s %s' % (self.irc_chan, b'v'*len(nicks), b' '.join(i.encode() for i in nicks)))
def run(self):
gameloop.game(self.send, self.notice, self.voice, self.devoice, self.get_event)
except Exception as err:
self.send('Crash! (%s, %s)' % (type(err), repr(err)))
def start_gameloop(irc):
global game_channel, irc_chan
if game_channel is not None:
chan = channel.Channel()
GameLoop(irc, chan, irc_chan).start()
game_channel = chan
def stop_gameloop():
global game_channel
if game_channel is None:
game_channel = None
def send_event(event):
global game_channel
def parse_command(message, nick, irc):
def send(m):
global irc_chan
irc.bot_response(irc_chan, m)
def args(num, index = 1):
nonlocal message
if type(num) == int:
num = [num]
if len(message) - index not in num:
command = ' '.join(message[:index])
if len(num) == 1:
if num[0] == 1:
send('%s needs 1 argument' % command)
send('%s needs %i arguments' % (command, num[0]))
send('%s needs either %s arguments' % (command, ' or '.join(num)))
return None
return message[index:]
events = gameloop.events
message = message.split()
if len(message) == 0: return
c = message[0]
if c == '!status':
if args(0) is not None:
elif c == '!start':
arg = args([0, 1])
if arg is not None:
if len(arg) == 0:
send_event((events.start, nick))
send_event((events.start, nick, arg[0]))
elif c == '!ready':
if args(0) is not None:
send_event((events.ready, nick))
elif c == '!unready':
if args(0) is not None:
send_event((events.unready, nick))
elif c == '!kill':
if args(0) is not None:
elif c == '!join':
if args(0) is not None:
send_event((events.join, nick))
elif c == '!leave':
if args(0) is not None:
send_event((events.leave, nick))
elif c == '!players':
if args(0) is not None:
elif c == '!kick':
arg = args(1)
if arg is not None:
kickee, = arg
send_event((events.kick, nick, kickee))
elif c == '!deck':
if len(message) < 2:
send('Subcommands: !deck add | remove | list')
subc = message[1]
if subc == 'add':
arg = args(1, 2)
if arg is not None:
code, = arg
if code == 'random':
send_event((events.deck_add, code))
elif subc == 'remove':
arg = args(1, 2)
if arg is not None:
code, = arg
send_event((events.deck_remove, code))
elif subc == 'list':
if args(0, 2) is not None:
send('Subcommands: !deck add | remove | list')
elif c == '!limit':
arg = args([0, 1, 2])
if arg is None: return
if len(arg) == 0:
num = arg[0]
if not num.isdecimal():
send('Usage: !limit [<number> [<type>]]')
num = int(num)
if len(arg) == 2:
limit_type = arg[1]
if limit_type == 'p' or limit_type == 'points':
send_event((events.limit, gameloop.limit_types.points, num))
elif limit_type == 'r' or limit_type == 'rounds':
send_event((events.limit, gameloop.limit_types.rounds, num))
send('Allowed limit types: p(oints), r(ounds)')
send_event((events.limit, gameloop.limit_types.points, num))
elif c == '!card' or all(i.isdecimal() for i in message):
if c == '!card':
arg = message[1:]
arg = message
if not all(i.isdecimal() for i in arg):
send('Usage: [!card] <number> ...')
choices = [int(i) for i in arg]
send_event((events.card, nick, choices))
elif c == '!cards':
if args(0) is not None:
send_event((events.cards, nick))
elif c == '!origins':
if args(0) is not None:
send_event((events.origins, nick))
elif c == '!help':
arg = args([0, 1, 2])
if arg is not None:
if len(arg) > 0:
if arg[0][0] == '!':
arg[0] = arg[0][1:]
if len(arg) == 0:
send('!status !start !ready !unready !kill !join !leave !players !kick !deck !limit !card !cards !origins')
elif len(arg) == 1:
if arg[0] in ('status', 'ready', 'unready', 'kill', 'join', 'leave', 'players', 'cards', 'origins'):
send('Usage: !%s' % (arg[0]))
elif arg[0] == 'start':
send('Usage: !start [<preset>]')
elif arg[0] == 'kick':
send('Usage: !kick <nick>')
elif arg[0] == 'card':
send('Usage: [!card] <number> ...')
elif arg[0] == 'deck':
send('Subcommands: !deck add | remove | list')
elif arg[0] == 'limit':
send('Usage: !limit [<number> [<type>]]')
send('No such command !%s' % (arg[0]))
elif len(arg) == 2:
if arg[0] == 'deck':
if arg[1] == 'add':
send('Usage: !deck add <code> | random')
elif arg[1] == 'remove':
send('Usage: !deck remove <code>')
elif arg[1] == 'list':
send('Usage: !deck list')
send('No such subcommand !%s %s' % (arg[0], arg[1]))
send('No such subcommand !%s %s' % (arg[0], arg[1]))
send('Uh, how did we get %i args?' % len(arg))
# initialize(*, config)
# Called to initialize the IRC bot
# Runs before even logger is brought up, and blocks further bringup until it's done
# config is a configpatser.ConfigParser object containig contents of bot.conf
def initialize(*, config):
global nickserv_pass, irc_chan
nickserv_pass = config['nickserv']['password']
irc_chan = config['server']['channels'].split()[0].encode()
# on_connect(*, irc)
# Called after IRC bot has connected and sent the USER/NICk commands but not yet attempted anything else
# Called for every reconnect
# Blocks the bot until it's done, including PING/PONG handling
# irc is the IRC API object
def on_connect(*, irc):
global nickserv_pass
if nickserv_pass != '':
irc.msg(b'nickserv', b'IDENTIFY ' + nickserv_pass.encode())
time.sleep(30) # One day I will do this correctly. Today is not the day
# on_quit(*, irc)
# Called just before IRC bot sends QUIT
# Blocks the bot until it's done, including PING/PONG handling
# irc is the IRC API object
def on_quit(*, irc):
# handle_message(*, prefix, message, nick, channel, irc)
# Called for PRIVMSGs.
# prefix is the prefix at the start of the message, without the leading ':'
# message is the contents of the message
# nick is who sent the message
# channel is where you should send the response (note: in queries nick == channel)
# irc is the IRC API object
# All strings are bytestrings
def handle_message(*, prefix, message, nick, channel, irc):
global irc_chan
if channel == irc_chan:
parse_command(message.decode(), nick.decode(), irc)
# handle_nonmessage(*, prefix, command, arguments, irc)
# Called for all other commands than PINGs and PRIVMSGs.
# prefix is the prefix at the start of the message, without the leading ':'
# command is the command or number code
# arguments is rest of the arguments of the command, represented as a list. ':'-arguments are handled automatically
# irc is the IRC API object
# All strings are bytestrings
def handle_nonmessage(*, prefix, command, arguments, irc):
if command == b'NICK':
old = prefix.split(b'!')[0].decode()
new = arguments[0].decode()
send_event((gameloop.events.nick_change, old, new))
elif command == b'PART' or command == b'QUIT':
nick = prefix.split(b'!')[0].decode()
send_event((gameloop.events.leave, nick))
elif command == b'KICK':
nick = arguments[1].decode()
send_event((gameloop.events.leave, nick))