/* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2018, 2022 Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * inode.cpp * Filesystem inode. */ #define __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "block.h" #include "device.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "inode.h" #include "iso9660fs.h" #include "util.h" #ifndef S_SETABLE #define S_SETABLE 02777 #endif #ifndef O_WRITE #define O_WRITE (O_WRONLY | O_RDWR) #endif Inode::Inode(Filesystem* filesystem, iso9660_ino_t inode_id) { this->prev_inode = NULL; this->next_inode = NULL; this->prev_hashed = NULL; this->next_hashed = NULL; this->data_block = NULL; this->data = NULL; this->filesystem = filesystem; this->reference_count = 1; this->remote_reference_count = 0; this->inode_id = inode_id; this->parent_inode_id = 0; } Inode::~Inode() { if ( data_block ) data_block->Unref(); Unlink(); } void Inode::Parse() { const uint8_t* block_data = (const uint8_t*) data; uid = 0; gid = 0; time = 0; uint8_t file_flags = block_data[25]; bool is_directory = file_flags & ISO9660_DIRENT_FLAG_DIR; mode = 0555 | (is_directory ? ISO9660_S_IFDIR : ISO9660_S_IFREG); uint32_t u32; memcpy(&u32, block_data + 10, sizeof(u32)); size = le32toh(u32); nlink = 1; const uint8_t* time_bytes = block_data + 18; struct tm tm; memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm)); tm.tm_year = time_bytes[0]; tm.tm_mon = time_bytes[1] - 1; tm.tm_mday = time_bytes[2]; tm.tm_hour = time_bytes[3]; tm.tm_min = time_bytes[4]; tm.tm_sec = time_bytes[5]; // TODO: Is this accurate? time_t tz_offset = (-48 + time_bytes[6]) * 15 * 60; // TODO: The timezone offset should've been mixed in with mktime, somehow. time = mktime(&tm) + tz_offset; uint8_t dirent_len = block_data[0]; uint8_t name_len = block_data[32]; size_t extended_off = 33 + name_len + !(name_len & 1); for ( size_t i = extended_off; i < dirent_len && 3 <= dirent_len - i; ) { const uint8_t* field = block_data + i; uint8_t len = field[2]; if ( !len || dirent_len - i < len ) break; i += len; if ( len == 36 && field[0] == 'P' && field[1] == 'X' && field[3] == 1 ) { uint32_t bits; memcpy(&bits, field + 4, sizeof(bits)); mode = le32toh(bits) & 0xffff; memcpy(&bits, field + 12, sizeof(bits)); nlink = le32toh(bits); memcpy(&bits, field + 20, sizeof(bits)); uid = le32toh(bits); memcpy(&bits, field + 28, sizeof(bits)); gid = le32toh(bits); } } if ( ISO9660_S_ISLNK(mode) ) { uint8_t buf[256]; size = ReadLink(buf, sizeof(buf)); } } uint32_t Inode::Mode() { return mode; } uint32_t Inode::UserId() { return uid; } uint32_t Inode::GroupId() { return gid; } uint64_t Inode::Size() { return size; } uint64_t Inode::Time() { return time; } Block* Inode::GetBlock(uint32_t offset) { uint32_t lba; memcpy(&lba, (uint8_t*) data + 2, sizeof(lba)); lba = le32toh(lba); uint32_t block_id = lba + offset; return filesystem->device->GetBlock(block_id); } bool Inode::FindParentInode(uint64_t parent_lba, uint64_t parent_size) { if ( inode_id == filesystem->root_ino ) return parent_inode_id = inode_id, true; Block* block = NULL; uint32_t block_size = filesystem->block_size; uint64_t parent_offset = parent_lba * block_size; uint64_t block_id = 0; uint64_t offset = 0; while ( offset < parent_size ) { uint64_t entry_block_id = (parent_offset + offset) / block_size; uint64_t entry_block_offset = (parent_offset + offset) % block_size; if ( block && block_id != entry_block_id ) { block->Unref(); block = NULL; } if ( !block && !(block = filesystem->device->GetBlock(entry_block_id)) ) return false; const uint8_t* block_data = block->block_data + entry_block_offset; uint8_t dirent_len = block_data[0]; if ( !dirent_len ) { offset = (entry_block_id + 1) * block_size; continue; } uint8_t name_len = block_data[32]; const uint8_t* name_data = block_data + 33; if ( name_len == 0 || !name_data[0] ) { parent_inode_id = parent_offset + offset; return true; } // TODO: Can dirent_len be misaligned? uint64_t reclen = dirent_len + (dirent_len & 1); if ( !reclen ) return errno = EINVAL, false; offset += reclen; } return errno = EINVAL, false; } bool Inode::ReadDirectory(uint64_t* offset_inout, Block** block_inout, uint64_t* block_id_inout, char* name, uint8_t* file_type_out, iso9660_ino_t* inode_id_out) { uint64_t offset = *offset_inout; next_block: uint64_t filesize = Size(); if ( filesize <= offset ) return errno = 0, false; uint64_t entry_block_id = offset / filesystem->block_size; uint64_t entry_block_offset = offset % filesystem->block_size; if ( *block_inout && *block_id_inout != entry_block_id ) { (*block_inout)->Unref(); (*block_inout) = NULL; } if ( !*block_inout && !(*block_inout = GetBlock(*block_id_inout = entry_block_id)) ) return false; const uint8_t* block_data = (*block_inout)->block_data + entry_block_offset; uint8_t dirent_len = block_data[0]; if ( !dirent_len ) { offset = (entry_block_id + 1) * filesystem->block_size; goto next_block; } if ( name ) { uint8_t name_len = block_data[32]; const uint8_t* name_data = block_data + 33; size_t extended_off = 33 + name_len + !(name_len & 1); iso9660_ino_t entry_inode_id = ((*block_inout)->block_id * filesystem->block_size) + entry_block_offset; // TODO: The root directory inode should be that of its . entry. if ( name_len == 0 || !name_data[0] ) { name[0] = '.'; name[1] = '\0'; name_len = 1; entry_inode_id = inode_id; } else if ( name_len == 1 && name_data[0] == 1 ) { name[0] = '.'; name[1] = '.'; name[2] = '\0'; name_len = 2; if ( !parent_inode_id ) { uint32_t parent_lba; memcpy(&parent_lba, block_data + 2, sizeof(parent_lba)); parent_lba = le32toh(parent_lba); uint32_t parent_size; memcpy(&parent_size, block_data + 10, sizeof(parent_size)); parent_size = le32toh(parent_size); if ( !FindParentInode(parent_lba, parent_size) ) return false; } entry_inode_id = parent_inode_id; } else { for ( size_t i = 0; i < name_len; i++ ) { if ( name_data[i] == ';' ) { name_len = i; break; } name[i] = tolower(name_data[i]); } name[name_len] = '\0'; } for ( size_t i = extended_off; i < dirent_len && 3 <= dirent_len - i; ) { const uint8_t* field = block_data + i; uint8_t len = field[2]; if ( !len || dirent_len - i < len ) break; i += len; if ( 5 <= len && field[0] == 'N' && field[1] == 'M' && field[3] == 1 ) { uint8_t nm_flags = field[4]; if ( nm_flags & (1 << 0) ) // TODO: Continued names. break; name_len = len - 5; memcpy(name, field + 5, name_len); name[name_len] = '\0'; } // TODO: Other extensions. } uint8_t file_flags = block_data[25]; // TODO: Rock Ridge. bool is_directory = file_flags & ISO9660_DIRENT_FLAG_DIR; uint8_t file_type = is_directory ? ISO9660_FT_DIR : ISO9660_FT_REG_FILE; *file_type_out = file_type; *inode_id_out = entry_inode_id; } // TODO: Can dirent_len be misaligned? uint64_t reclen = dirent_len + (dirent_len & 1); if ( !reclen ) return errno = EINVAL, false; offset += reclen; *offset_inout = offset; return true; } Inode* Inode::Open(const char* elem, int flags, mode_t mode) { if ( !ISO9660_S_ISDIR(Mode()) ) return errno = ENOTDIR, (Inode*) NULL; size_t elem_length = strlen(elem); if ( elem_length == 0 ) return errno = ENOENT, (Inode*) NULL; uint64_t offset = 0; Block* block = NULL; uint64_t block_id = 0; char name[256]; uint8_t file_type; iso9660_ino_t inode_id; while ( ReadDirectory(&offset, &block, &block_id, name, &file_type, &inode_id) ) { size_t name_len = strlen(name); if ( name_len == elem_length && memcmp(elem, name, elem_length) == 0 ) { block->Unref(); if ( (flags & O_CREAT) && (flags & O_EXCL) ) return errno = EEXIST, (Inode*) NULL; if ( (flags & O_DIRECTORY) && file_type != ISO9660_FT_UNKNOWN && file_type != ISO9660_FT_DIR && file_type != ISO9660_FT_SYMLINK ) return errno = ENOTDIR, (Inode*) NULL; Inode* inode = filesystem->GetInode(inode_id); if ( !inode ) return (Inode*) NULL; if ( flags & O_DIRECTORY && !ISO9660_S_ISDIR(inode->Mode()) && !ISO9660_S_ISLNK(inode->Mode()) ) { inode->Unref(); return errno = ENOTDIR, (Inode*) NULL; } if ( flags & O_WRITE ) { inode->Unref(); return errno = EROFS, (Inode*) NULL; } return inode; } } if ( block ) block->Unref(); if ( flags & O_CREAT ) { (void) mode; return errno = EROFS, (Inode*) NULL; } return errno = ENOENT, (Inode*) NULL; } bool Inode::Link(const char* elem, Inode* dest) { if ( !ISO9660_S_ISDIR(Mode()) ) return errno = ENOTDIR, false; if ( ISO9660_S_ISDIR(dest->Mode()) ) return errno = EISDIR, false; size_t elem_length = strlen(elem); if ( elem_length == 0 ) return errno = ENOENT, false; uint64_t offset = 0; Block* block = NULL; uint64_t block_id = 0; char name[256]; uint8_t file_type; iso9660_ino_t inode_id; while ( ReadDirectory(&offset, &block, &block_id, name, &file_type, &inode_id) ) { size_t name_len = strlen(name); if ( name_len == elem_length && memcmp(elem, name, elem_length) == 0 ) { block->Unref(); return errno = EEXIST, false; } } if ( block ) block->Unref(); return errno = EROFS, false; } Inode* Inode::UnlinkKeep(const char* elem, bool directories, bool force) { if ( !ISO9660_S_ISDIR(Mode()) ) return errno = ENOTDIR, (Inode*) NULL; size_t elem_length = strlen(elem); if ( elem_length == 0 ) return errno = ENOENT, (Inode*) NULL; uint64_t offset = 0; Block* block = NULL; uint64_t block_id = 0; char name[256]; uint8_t file_type; iso9660_ino_t inode_id; while ( ReadDirectory(&offset, &block, &block_id, name, &file_type, &inode_id) ) { size_t name_len = strlen(name); if ( name_len == elem_length && memcmp(elem, name, elem_length) == 0 ) { (void) directories; (void) force; block->Unref(); return errno = EROFS, (Inode*) NULL; } } if ( block ) block->Unref(); return errno = ENOENT, (Inode*) NULL; } bool Inode::Unlink(const char* elem, bool directories, bool force) { Inode* result = UnlinkKeep(elem, directories, force); if ( !result ) return false; result->Unref(); return true; } ssize_t Inode::ReadLink(uint8_t* buf, size_t bufsize) { size_t result = 0; const uint8_t* block_data = (const uint8_t*) data; uint8_t dirent_len = block_data[0]; uint8_t name_len = block_data[32]; size_t extended_off = 33 + name_len + !(name_len & 1); bool continued = true; for ( size_t i = extended_off; i < dirent_len && 3 <= dirent_len - i; ) { const uint8_t* field = block_data + i; uint8_t len = field[2]; if ( !len || dirent_len - i < len ) break; i += len; if ( 5 <= len && field[0] == 'S' && field[1] == 'L' && field[3] == 1 ) { for ( size_t n = 5; n < len && 2 <= len - n; ) { uint8_t comp_flags = field[n + 0]; uint8_t comp_len = field[n + 1]; if ( len - (n + 2) < comp_len ) break; const char* data = (const char*) (field + n + 2); size_t datalen = comp_len; // TODO: How is a trailing slash encoded? if ( !continued || (comp_flags & (1 << 3) /* root */) ) { buf[result++] = '/'; if ( result == bufsize ) return (ssize_t) result; } if ( comp_flags & (1 << 1) ) { data = "."; datalen = 1; } else if ( comp_flags & (1 << 2) ) { data = ".."; datalen = 2; } size_t possible = bufsize - result; size_t count = datalen < possible ? datalen : possible; memcpy(buf + result, data, count); result += count; if ( result == bufsize ) return (ssize_t) result; continued = comp_flags & (1 << 0); n += 2 + comp_len; } } } return (ssize_t) result; } ssize_t Inode::ReadAt(uint8_t* buf, size_t s_count, off_t o_offset) { if ( !ISO9660_S_ISREG(Mode()) && !ISO9660_S_ISLNK(Mode()) ) return errno = EISDIR, -1; if ( o_offset < 0 ) return errno = EINVAL, -1; if ( SSIZE_MAX < s_count ) s_count = SSIZE_MAX; uint64_t sofar = 0; uint64_t count = (uint64_t) s_count; uint64_t offset = (uint64_t) o_offset; uint64_t file_size = Size(); if ( file_size <= offset ) return 0; if ( file_size - offset < count ) count = file_size - offset; while ( sofar < count ) { uint64_t block_id = offset / filesystem->block_size; uint32_t block_offset = offset % filesystem->block_size; uint32_t block_left = filesystem->block_size - block_offset; Block* block = GetBlock(block_id); if ( !block ) return sofar ? sofar : -1; size_t amount = count - sofar < block_left ? count - sofar : block_left; memcpy(buf + sofar, block->block_data + block_offset, amount); sofar += amount; offset += amount; block->Unref(); } return (ssize_t) sofar; } bool Inode::Rename(Inode* olddir, const char* oldname, const char* newname) { if ( !strcmp(oldname, ".") || !strcmp(oldname, "..") || !strcmp(newname, ".") || !strcmp(newname, "..") ) return errno = EPERM, false; Inode* src_inode = olddir->Open(oldname, O_RDONLY, 0); if ( !src_inode ) return false; if ( Inode* dst_inode = Open(newname, O_RDONLY, 0) ) { bool same_inode = src_inode->inode_id == dst_inode->inode_id; dst_inode->Unref(); if ( same_inode ) return src_inode->Unref(), true; } src_inode->Unref(); return errno = EROFS, false; } bool Inode::RemoveDirectory(const char* path) { return UnlinkKeep(path, true); } void Inode::Refer() { reference_count++; } void Inode::Unref() { assert(0 < reference_count); reference_count--; if ( !reference_count && !remote_reference_count ) delete this; } void Inode::RemoteRefer() { remote_reference_count++; } void Inode::RemoteUnref() { assert(0 < remote_reference_count); remote_reference_count--; if ( !reference_count && !remote_reference_count ) delete this; } void Inode::Use() { data_block->Use(); Unlink(); Prelink(); } void Inode::Unlink() { (prev_inode ? prev_inode->next_inode : filesystem->mru_inode) = next_inode; (next_inode ? next_inode->prev_inode : filesystem->lru_inode) = prev_inode; size_t bin = inode_id % INODE_HASH_LENGTH; (prev_hashed ? prev_hashed->next_hashed : filesystem->hash_inodes[bin]) = next_hashed; if ( next_hashed ) next_hashed->prev_hashed = prev_hashed; } void Inode::Prelink() { prev_inode = NULL; next_inode = filesystem->mru_inode; if ( filesystem->mru_inode ) filesystem->mru_inode->prev_inode = this; filesystem->mru_inode = this; if ( !filesystem->lru_inode ) filesystem->lru_inode = this; size_t bin = inode_id % INODE_HASH_LENGTH; prev_hashed = NULL; next_hashed = filesystem->hash_inodes[bin]; filesystem->hash_inodes[bin] = this; if ( next_hashed ) next_hashed->prev_hashed = this; }