/* * Copyright (c) 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * inode.cpp * Interfaces and utility classes for implementing inodes. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Sortix { AbstractInode::AbstractInode() { metalock = KTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; inode_type = INODE_TYPE_UNKNOWN; stat_mode = 0; stat_nlink = 0; stat_uid = 0; stat_gid = 0; stat_size = 0; stat_atim = Time::Get(CLOCK_REALTIME); stat_ctim = Time::Get(CLOCK_REALTIME); stat_mtim = Time::Get(CLOCK_REALTIME); stat_blksize = 0; stat_blocks = 0; } AbstractInode::~AbstractInode() { } void AbstractInode::linked() { InterlockedIncrement(&stat_nlink); } void AbstractInode::unlinked() { InterlockedDecrement(&stat_nlink); } int AbstractInode::sync(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/) { return 0; } int AbstractInode::stat(ioctx_t* ctx, struct stat* st) { struct stat retst; ScopedLock lock(&metalock); memset(&retst, 0, sizeof(retst)); retst.st_dev = dev; retst.st_rdev = dev; retst.st_ino = ino; retst.st_mode = stat_mode; retst.st_nlink = (nlink_t) stat_nlink; retst.st_uid = stat_uid; retst.st_gid = stat_gid; retst.st_size = stat_size; retst.st_atim = stat_atim; retst.st_ctim = stat_ctim; retst.st_mtim = stat_mtim; retst.st_blksize = stat_blksize; retst.st_blocks = stat_size / 512; if ( !ctx->copy_to_dest(st, &retst, sizeof(retst)) ) return -1; return 0; } // TODO: Provide an easier mechanism for letting subclasses give this // information than overriding this method. Additionally, what should be // done in abstract kernel objects where this call doesn't make that much // sense? int AbstractInode::statvfs(ioctx_t* ctx, struct statvfs* stvfs) { struct statvfs retstvfs; ScopedLock lock(&metalock); memset(&retstvfs, 0, sizeof(retstvfs)); retstvfs.f_bsize = 0; retstvfs.f_frsize = 0; retstvfs.f_blocks = 0; retstvfs.f_bfree = 0; retstvfs.f_bavail = 0; retstvfs.f_files = 0; retstvfs.f_ffree = 0; retstvfs.f_favail = 0; retstvfs.f_fsid = dev; retstvfs.f_flag = ST_NOSUID; retstvfs.f_namemax = ULONG_MAX; if ( !ctx->copy_to_dest(stvfs, &retstvfs, sizeof(retstvfs)) ) return -1; return 0; } int AbstractInode::chmod(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, mode_t mode) { ScopedLock lock(&metalock); stat_mode = (mode & S_SETABLE) | this->type; return 0; } int AbstractInode::chown(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, uid_t owner, gid_t group) { ScopedLock lock(&metalock); stat_uid = owner; stat_gid= group; return 0; } int AbstractInode::truncate(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, off_t /*length*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_DIR ) return errno = EISDIR, -1; return errno = EINVAL, -1; } off_t AbstractInode::lseek(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, off_t /*offset*/, int /*whence*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_STREAM || inode_type == INODE_TYPE_TTY ) return errno = ESPIPE, -1; return errno = EBADF, -1; } ssize_t AbstractInode::read(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, uint8_t* /*buf*/, size_t /*count*/) { return errno = EBADF, -1; } ssize_t AbstractInode::pread(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, uint8_t* /*buf*/, size_t /*count*/, off_t /*off*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_STREAM || inode_type == INODE_TYPE_TTY ) return errno = ESPIPE, -1; return errno = EBADF, -1; } ssize_t AbstractInode::write(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const uint8_t* /*buf*/, size_t /*count*/) { return errno = EBADF, -1; } ssize_t AbstractInode::pwrite(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const uint8_t* /*buf*/, size_t /*count*/, off_t /*off*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_STREAM || inode_type == INODE_TYPE_TTY ) return errno = ESPIPE, -1; return errno = EBADF, -1; } int AbstractInode::utimens(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const struct timespec* times) { ScopedLock lock(&metalock); struct timespec now = { 0, 0 }; if ( times[0].tv_nsec == UTIME_NOW || times[1].tv_nsec == UTIME_NOW ) now = Time::Get(CLOCK_REALTIME); if ( times[0].tv_nsec == UTIME_NOW ) stat_atim = now; else if ( times[0].tv_nsec != UTIME_OMIT ) stat_atim = times[0]; if ( times[1].tv_nsec == UTIME_NOW ) stat_mtim = now; else if ( times[1].tv_nsec != UTIME_OMIT ) stat_mtim = times[1]; return 0; } int AbstractInode::isatty(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_TTY ) return 1; return errno = ENOTTY, 0; } ssize_t AbstractInode::readdirents(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, struct dirent* /*dirent*/, size_t /*size*/, off_t /*start*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_DIR ) return errno = EBADF, -1; return errno = ENOTDIR, -1; } Ref AbstractInode::open(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const char* /*filename*/, int /*flags*/, mode_t /*mode*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_DIR ) return errno = EBADF, Ref(NULL); return errno = ENOTDIR, Ref(NULL); } Ref AbstractInode::factory(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const char* /*filename*/, int /*flags*/, mode_t /*mode*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_DIR ) return errno = EBADF, Ref(NULL); return errno = ENOTDIR, Ref(NULL); } int AbstractInode::mkdir(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const char* /*filename*/, mode_t /*mode*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_DIR ) return errno = EBADF, -1; return errno = ENOTDIR, -1; } int AbstractInode::link(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const char* /*filename*/, Ref /*node*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_DIR ) return errno = EBADF, -1; return errno = ENOTDIR, -1; } int AbstractInode::link_raw(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const char* /*filename*/, Ref /*node*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_DIR ) return errno = EBADF, -1; return errno = ENOTDIR, -1; } int AbstractInode::unlink(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const char* /*filename*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_DIR ) return errno = EBADF, -1; return errno = ENOTDIR, -1; } int AbstractInode::unlink_raw(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const char* /*filename*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_DIR ) return errno = EBADF, -1; return errno = ENOTDIR, -1; } int AbstractInode::rmdir(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const char* /*filename*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_DIR ) return errno = EBADF, -1; return errno = ENOTDIR, -1; } int AbstractInode::rmdir_me(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_DIR ) return errno = EBADF, -1; return errno = ENOTDIR, -1; } int AbstractInode::symlink(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const char* /*oldname*/, const char* /*filename*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_DIR ) return errno = EBADF, -1; return errno = ENOTDIR, -1; } ssize_t AbstractInode::readlink(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, char* /*buf*/, size_t /*bufsiz*/) { return errno = EINVAL, -1; } int AbstractInode::tcgetwincurpos(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, struct wincurpos* /*wcp*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_TTY ) return errno = EBADF, -1; return errno = ENOTTY, -1; } int AbstractInode::tcgetwinsize(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, struct winsize* /*ws*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_TTY ) return errno = EBADF, -1; return errno = ENOTTY, -1; } int AbstractInode::tcsetpgrp(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, pid_t /*pgid*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_TTY ) return errno = EBADF, -1; return errno = ENOTTY, -1; } pid_t AbstractInode::tcgetpgrp(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_TTY ) return errno = EBADF, -1; return errno = ENOTTY, -1; } int AbstractInode::settermmode(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, unsigned /*mode*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_TTY ) return errno = EBADF, -1; return errno = ENOTTY, -1; } int AbstractInode::gettermmode(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, unsigned* /*mode*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_TTY ) return errno = EBADF, -1; return errno = ENOTTY, -1; } int AbstractInode::poll(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, PollNode* /*node*/) { #if 0 // TODO: Support poll on regular files as per POSIX. if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_FILE ) { // TODO: Correct bits? if ( !((POLLIN | POLLOUT) & node->events) ) return errno = EAGAIN, -1; node->master->revents |= (POLLIN | POLLOUT) & node->events; return 0; } #endif return errno = ENOTSUP, -1; } int AbstractInode::rename_here(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, Ref /*from*/, const char* /*oldname*/, const char* /*newname*/) { if ( inode_type == INODE_TYPE_DIR ) return errno = EBADF, -1; return errno = ENOTDIR, -1; } Ref AbstractInode::accept(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, uint8_t* /*addr*/, size_t* /*addrlen*/, int /*flags*/) { return errno = ENOTSOCK, Ref(); } int AbstractInode::bind(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const uint8_t* /*addr*/, size_t /*addrlen*/) { return errno = ENOTSOCK, -1; } int AbstractInode::connect(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const uint8_t* /*addr*/, size_t /*addrlen*/) { return errno = ENOTSOCK, -1; } int AbstractInode::listen(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, int /*backlog*/) { return errno = ENOTSOCK, -1; } ssize_t AbstractInode::recv(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, uint8_t* /*buf*/, size_t /*count*/, int /*flags*/) { return errno = ENOTSOCK, -1; } ssize_t AbstractInode::send(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const uint8_t* /*buf*/, size_t /*count*/, int /*flags*/) { return errno = ENOTSOCK, -1; } int AbstractInode::getsockopt(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, int /*level*/, int /*option_name*/, void* /*option_value*/, size_t* /*option_size_ptr*/) { return errno = ENOTSOCK, -1; } int AbstractInode::setsockopt(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, int /*level*/, int /*option_name*/, const void* /*option_value*/, size_t /*option_size*/) { return errno = ENOTSOCK, -1; } ssize_t AbstractInode::tcgetblob(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const char* /*name*/, void* /*buffer*/, size_t /*count*/) { return errno = ENOTTY, -1; } ssize_t AbstractInode::tcsetblob(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const char* /*name*/, const void* /*buffer*/, size_t /*count*/) { return errno = ENOTTY, -1; } int AbstractInode::unmounted(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/) { return 0; } int AbstractInode::tcdrain(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/) { return errno = ENOTTY, -1; } int AbstractInode::tcflow(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, int /*action*/) { return errno = ENOTTY, -1; } int AbstractInode::tcflush(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, int /*queue_selector*/) { return errno = ENOTTY, -1; } int AbstractInode::tcgetattr(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, struct termios* /*tio*/) { return errno = ENOTTY, -1; } pid_t AbstractInode::tcgetsid(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/) { return errno = ENOTTY, -1; } int AbstractInode::tcsendbreak(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, int /*duration*/) { return errno = ENOTTY, -1; } int AbstractInode::tcsetattr(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, int /*actions*/, const struct termios* /*tio*/) { return errno = ENOTTY, -1; } } // namespace Sortix