/****************************************************************************** COPYRIGHT(C) JONAS 'SORTIE' TERMANSEN 2011. This file is part of Sortix. Sortix is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Sortix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Sortix. If not, see . process.cpp Describes a process belonging to a subsystem. ******************************************************************************/ #include "platform.h" #include #include #include #include "thread.h" #include "process.h" #include "scheduler.h" #include "memorymanagement.h" #include "initrd.h" #include "elf.h" #include "syscall.h" using namespace Maxsi; namespace Sortix { bool ProcessSegment::Intersects(ProcessSegment* segments) { for ( ProcessSegment* tmp = segments; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next ) { if ( tmp->position < position + size && position < tmp->position + tmp->size ) { return true; } } if ( next ) { return next->Intersects(segments); } return false; } ProcessSegment* ProcessSegment::Fork() { ProcessSegment* nextclone = NULL; if ( next ) { nextclone = next->Fork(); if ( nextclone == NULL ) { return NULL; } } ProcessSegment* clone = new ProcessSegment(); if ( clone == NULL ) { while ( nextclone != NULL ) { ProcessSegment* todelete = nextclone; nextclone = nextclone->next; delete todelete; } return NULL; } next->prev = nextclone; clone->next = nextclone; clone->position = position; clone->size = size; return clone; } Process::Process() { addrspace = 0; segments = NULL; sigint = false; parent = NULL; prevsibling = NULL; nextsibling = NULL; firstchild = NULL; zombiechild = NULL; firstthread = NULL; mmapfrom = 0x80000000UL; exitstatus = -1; pid = AllocatePID(); Put(this); } Process::~Process() { Remove(this); ResetAddressSpace(); // Avoid memory leaks. ASSERT(segments == NULL); // TODO: Delete address space! } void Process::ResetAddressSpace() { ProcessSegment* tmp = segments; while ( tmp != NULL ) { Memory::UnmapRangeUser(tmp->position, tmp->size); ProcessSegment* todelete = tmp; tmp = tmp->next; delete todelete; } segments = NULL; } Process* Process::Fork() { ASSERT(CurrentProcess() == this); Process* clone = new Process; if ( !clone ) { return NULL; } ProcessSegment* clonesegments = NULL; // Fork the segment list. if ( segments ) { clonesegments = segments->Fork(); if ( clonesegments == NULL ) { delete clone; return NULL; } } // Fork address-space here and copy memory somehow. clone->addrspace = Memory::Fork(); if ( !clone->addrspace ) { // Delete the segment list, since they are currently bogus. ProcessSegment* tmp = clonesegments; while ( tmp != NULL ) { ProcessSegment* todelete = tmp; tmp = tmp->next; delete todelete; } delete clone; return NULL; } // Now it's too late to clean up here, if anything goes wrong, the // cloned process should be queued for destruction. clone->segments = clonesegments; // Remember the relation to the child process. clone->parent = this; if ( firstchild ) { firstchild->prevsibling = clone; clone->nextsibling = firstchild; firstchild = clone; } else { firstchild = clone; } // Fork the file descriptors. if ( !descriptors.Fork(&clone->descriptors) ) { Panic("No error handling when forking FDs fails!"); } Thread* clonethreads = ForkThreads(clone); if ( !clonethreads ) { Panic("No error handling when forking threads fails!"); } clone->firstthread = clonethreads; // Copy variables. clone->mmapfrom = mmapfrom; // Now that the cloned process is fully created, we need to signal to // its threads that they should insert themselves into the scheduler. for ( Thread* tmp = clonethreads; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->nextsibling ) { tmp->Ready(); } return clone; } Thread* Process::ForkThreads(Process* processclone) { Thread* result = NULL; Thread* tmpclone = NULL; for ( Thread* tmp = firstthread; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->nextsibling ) { Thread* clonethread = tmp->Fork(); if ( clonethread == NULL ) { while ( tmpclone != NULL ) { Thread* todelete = tmpclone; tmpclone = tmpclone->prevsibling; delete todelete; } return NULL; } clonethread->process = processclone; if ( result == NULL ) { result = clonethread; } if ( tmpclone != NULL ) { tmpclone->nextsibling = clonethread; clonethread->prevsibling = tmpclone; } tmpclone = clonethread; } return result; } void Process::ResetForExecute() { // TODO: Delete all threads and their stacks. // TODO: Unmap any process memory segments. } int Process::Execute(const char* programname, CPU::InterruptRegisters* regs) { size_t programsize = 0; byte* program = InitRD::Open(programname, &programsize); if ( !program ) { return -1; } addr_t entry = ELF::Construct(CurrentProcess(), program, programsize); if ( !entry ) { Log::PrintF("Could not create process '%s'", programname); if ( String::Compare(programname, "sh") == 0 ) { Panic("Couldn't create the shell process"); } return Execute("sh", regs); } // TODO: This may be an ugly hack! // TODO: Move this to x86/process.cpp. regs->eip = entry; regs->useresp = CurrentThread()->stackpos + CurrentThread()->stacksize; regs->ebp = CurrentThread()->stackpos + CurrentThread()->stacksize; return 0; } int SysExecute(const char* programname) { // TODO: Validate that filepath is a user-space readable string! // This is a hacky way to set up the thread! return Process::Execute(programname, Syscall::InterruptRegs()); } pid_t SysFork() { // Prepare the state of the clone. Syscall::SyscallRegs()->result = 0; CurrentThread()->SaveRegisters(Syscall::InterruptRegs()); Process* clone = CurrentProcess()->Fork(); if ( !clone ) { return -1; } return clone->pid; } pid_t SysGetPID() { return CurrentProcess()->pid; } pid_t SysGetParentPID() { Process* parent = CurrentProcess()->parent; if ( !parent ) { return -1; } return parent->pid; } pid_t nextpidtoallocate; pid_t Process::AllocatePID() { return nextpidtoallocate++; } int ProcessCompare(Process* a, Process* b) { if ( a->pid < b->pid ) { return -1; } if ( a->pid > b->pid ) { return 1; } return 0; } int ProcessPIDCompare(Process* a, pid_t pid) { if ( a->pid < pid ) { return -1; } if ( a->pid > pid ) { return 1; } return 0; } SortedList* pidlist; Process* Process::Get(pid_t pid) { size_t index = pidlist->Search(ProcessPIDCompare, pid); if ( index == SIZE_MAX ) { return NULL; } return pidlist->Get(index); } bool Process::Put(Process* process) { return pidlist->Add(process); } void Process::Remove(Process* process) { size_t index = pidlist->Search(process); ASSERT(index != SIZE_MAX); pidlist->Remove(index); } void Process::OnChildProcessExit(Process* process) { ASSERT(process->parent == this); for ( Thread* thread = firstthread; thread; thread = thread->nextsibling ) { if ( thread->onchildprocessexit ) { thread->onchildprocessexit(thread, process); } } } void SysExit(int status) { // Status codes can only contain 8 bits according to ISO C and POSIX. status %= 256; Process* process = CurrentProcess(); Process* parent = process->parent; Process* init = Scheduler::GetInitProcess(); if ( process->pid == 0 ) { Panic("System idle process exited"); } // If the init process terminated successfully, time to halt. if ( process == init ) { switch ( status ) { case 0: CPU::ShutDown(); case 1: CPU::Reboot(); default: PanicF("The init process exited abnormally with status code %u\n", status); } } // Take care of the orphans, so give them to init. while ( process->firstchild ) { Process* orphan = process->firstchild; process->firstchild = orphan->nextsibling; if ( process->firstchild ) { process->firstchild->prevsibling = NULL; } orphan->parent = init; orphan->prevsibling = NULL; orphan->nextsibling = init->firstchild; if ( orphan->nextsibling ) { orphan->nextsibling->prevsibling = orphan; } init->firstchild = orphan; } // Remove the current process from the family tree. if ( !process->prevsibling ) { parent->firstchild = process->nextsibling; } else { process->prevsibling->nextsibling = process->nextsibling; } if ( process->nextsibling ) { process->nextsibling->prevsibling = process->prevsibling; } // TODO: Close all the file descriptors! // Make all threads belonging to process unrunnable. for ( Thread* t = process->firstthread; t; t = t->nextsibling ) { Scheduler::EarlyWakeUp(t); Scheduler::SetThreadState(t, Thread::State::NONE); } // Delete the threads. while ( process->firstthread ) { Thread* todelete = process->firstthread; process->firstthread = process->firstthread->nextsibling; delete todelete; } // Now clean up the address space. process->ResetAddressSpace(); // TODO: Actually delete the address space. This is a small memory leak // of a couple pages. process->exitstatus = status; process->nextsibling = parent->zombiechild; if ( parent->zombiechild ) { parent->zombiechild->prevsibling = process; } parent->zombiechild = process; // Notify the parent process that the child has become a zombie. parent->OnChildProcessExit(process); // And so, the process had vanished from existence. But as fate would // have it, soon a replacement took its place. Scheduler::ProcessTerminated(Syscall::InterruptRegs()); Syscall::AsIs(); } struct SysWait_t { union { size_t align1; pid_t pid; }; union { size_t align2; int* status; }; union { size_t align3; int options; }; }; STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(SysWait_t) <= sizeof(Thread::scstate)); void SysWaitCallback(Thread* thread, Process* exitee) { // See if this process matches what we are looking for. SysWait_t* state = (SysWait_t*) thread->scstate; if ( state->pid != -1 && state->pid != exitee->pid ) { return; } thread->onchildprocessexit = NULL; Syscall::ScheduleResumption(thread); } pid_t SysWait(pid_t pid, int* status, int options) { Thread* thread = CurrentThread(); Process* process = thread->process; if ( pid != -1 ) { Process* waitingfor = Process::Get(pid); if ( !waitingfor ) { return -1; /* TODO: ECHILD*/ } if ( waitingfor->parent != process ) { return -1; /* TODO: ECHILD*/ } } // Find any zombie children matching the search description. for ( Process* zombie = process->zombiechild; zombie; zombie = zombie->nextsibling ) { if ( pid != -1 && pid != zombie->pid ) { continue; } pid = zombie->pid; // TODO: Validate that status is a valid user-space int! if ( status ) { *status = zombie->exitstatus; } if ( zombie == process->zombiechild ) { process->zombiechild = zombie->nextsibling; if ( zombie->nextsibling ) { zombie->nextsibling->prevsibling = NULL; } } else { zombie->prevsibling->nextsibling = zombie->nextsibling; if ( zombie->nextsibling ) { zombie->nextsibling->prevsibling = zombie->prevsibling; } } // And so, the process was fully deleted. delete zombie; return pid; } // The process needs to have children, otherwise we are waiting for // nothing to happen. if ( !process->firstchild ) { return -1; /* TODO: ECHILD*/ } // Resumes this system call when the wait condition has been met. thread->onchildprocessexit = SysWaitCallback; // Resume the system call with these parameters. thread->scfunc = (void*) SysWait; SysWait_t* state = (SysWait_t*) thread->scstate; state->pid = pid; state->status = status; state->options = options; thread->scsize = sizeof(SysWait_t); // Now go do something else. Syscall::Incomplete(); return 0; } void Process::Init() { Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_EXEC, (void*) SysExecute); Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_FORK, (void*) SysFork); Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_GETPID, (void*) SysGetPID); Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_GETPPID, (void*) SysGetParentPID); Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_EXIT, (void*) SysExit); Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_WAIT, (void*) SysWait); nextpidtoallocate = 0; pidlist = new SortedList(ProcessCompare); if ( !pidlist ) { Panic("could not allocate pidlist\n"); } } addr_t Process::AllocVirtualAddr(size_t size) { return (mmapfrom -= size); } }