/* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2014, 2016 Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * command.c * Editor commands. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "command.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "display.h" #include "editor.h" #include "multibyte.h" #include "terminal.h" void editor_type_newline(struct editor* editor) { editor->dirty = true; if ( editor->lines_used == editor->lines_length ) { size_t new_length = editor->lines_length ? 2 * editor->lines_length : 8; struct line* new_lines = (struct line*) malloc(sizeof(struct line) * new_length); for ( size_t i = 0; i < editor->lines_used; i++ ) new_lines[i] = editor->lines[i]; free(editor->lines); editor->lines = new_lines; editor->lines_length = new_length; } for ( size_t i = editor->lines_used-1; editor->cursor_row < i; i-- ) editor->lines[i+1] = editor->lines[i]; editor->lines_used++; struct line old_line = editor->lines[editor->cursor_row]; size_t keep_length = editor->cursor_column; size_t move_length = old_line.used - keep_length; struct line* keep_line = &editor->lines[editor->cursor_row]; struct line* move_line = &editor->lines[editor->cursor_row+1]; keep_line->data = (wchar_t*) malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * keep_length); keep_line->used = keep_length; keep_line->length = keep_length; if ( keep_length ) memcpy(keep_line->data, old_line.data + 0, sizeof(wchar_t) * keep_length); move_line->data = (wchar_t*) malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * move_length); move_line->used = move_length; move_line->length = move_length; if ( move_length ) memcpy(move_line->data, old_line.data + keep_length, sizeof(wchar_t) * move_length); editor_cursor_set(editor, editor->cursor_row+1, 0); free(old_line.data); } void editor_type_delete_selection(struct editor* editor); void editor_type_combine_with_last(struct editor* editor) { if ( !editor->cursor_row ) return; editor->dirty = true; struct line* keep_line = &editor->lines[editor->cursor_row-1]; struct line* gone_line = &editor->lines[editor->cursor_row]; wchar_t* keep_line_data = keep_line->data; wchar_t* gone_line_data = gone_line->data; size_t new_length = keep_line->used + gone_line->used; wchar_t* new_data = (wchar_t*) malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * new_length); memcpy(new_data, keep_line_data, sizeof(wchar_t) * keep_line->used); memcpy(new_data + keep_line->used, gone_line_data, sizeof(wchar_t) * gone_line->used); editor_cursor_set(editor, editor->cursor_row-1, keep_line->used); keep_line->data = new_data; keep_line->used = new_length; keep_line->length = new_length; editor->lines_used--; for ( size_t i = editor->cursor_row + 1; i < editor->lines_used; i++ ) editor->lines[i] = editor->lines[i+1]; free(keep_line_data); free(gone_line_data); } void editor_type_backspace(struct editor* editor) { if ( !(editor->select_row == editor->cursor_row && editor->select_column == editor->cursor_column) ) { editor_type_delete_selection(editor); return; } struct line* current_line = &editor->lines[editor->cursor_row]; if ( !editor->cursor_column ) { editor_type_combine_with_last(editor); return; } editor->dirty = true; current_line->used--; for ( size_t i = editor_cursor_column_dec(editor); i < current_line->used; i++ ) current_line->data[i] = current_line->data[i+1]; } void editor_type_combine_with_next(struct editor* editor) { if ( editor->cursor_row + 1 == editor->lines_used ) return; editor->dirty = true; struct line* keep_line = &editor->lines[editor->cursor_row]; struct line* gone_line = &editor->lines[editor->cursor_row+1]; wchar_t* keep_line_data = keep_line->data; wchar_t* gone_line_data = gone_line->data; size_t new_length = keep_line->used + gone_line->used; wchar_t* new_data = (wchar_t*) malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * new_length); memcpy(new_data, keep_line_data, sizeof(wchar_t) * keep_line->used); memcpy(new_data + keep_line->used, gone_line_data, sizeof(wchar_t) * gone_line->used); editor_cursor_column_set(editor, keep_line->used); keep_line->data = new_data; keep_line->used = new_length; keep_line->length = new_length; editor->lines_used--; for ( size_t i = editor->cursor_row + 1; i < editor->lines_used; i++ ) editor->lines[i] = editor->lines[i+1]; free(keep_line_data); free(gone_line_data); } void editor_type_delete(struct editor* editor) { if ( !(editor->select_row == editor->cursor_row && editor->select_column == editor->cursor_column) ) { editor_type_delete_selection(editor); return; } struct line* current_line = &editor->lines[editor->cursor_row]; if ( editor->cursor_column == current_line->used ) { editor_type_combine_with_next(editor); return; } editor->dirty = true; current_line->used--; for ( size_t i = editor->cursor_column; i < current_line->used; i++ ) current_line->data[i] = current_line->data[i+1]; } void editor_type_delete_selection(struct editor* editor) { if ( is_row_column_lt(editor->select_row, editor->select_column, editor->cursor_row, editor->cursor_column) ) { size_t tmp; tmp = editor->select_row; editor->select_row = editor->cursor_row; editor->cursor_row = tmp; tmp = editor->select_column; editor->select_column = editor->cursor_column; editor->cursor_column = tmp; } size_t desired_row = editor->cursor_row; size_t desired_column = editor->cursor_column; editor->cursor_row = editor->select_row; editor->cursor_column = editor->select_column; while ( !(editor->cursor_row == desired_row && editor->cursor_column == desired_column) ) editor_type_backspace(editor); } void editor_type_exit_select_left(struct editor* editor) { if ( editor_has_selection(editor) ) { size_t column, row; row_column_smallest(editor->cursor_row, editor->cursor_column, editor->select_row, editor->select_column, &column, &row); editor_cursor_set(editor, column, row); return; } } void editor_type_exit_select_right(struct editor* editor) { if ( editor_has_selection(editor) ) { size_t column, row; row_column_biggest(editor->cursor_row, editor->cursor_column, editor->select_row, editor->select_column, &column, &row); editor_cursor_set(editor, column, row); return; } } void editor_type_left(struct editor* editor) { editor_type_exit_select_left(editor); if ( editor->cursor_column ) editor_cursor_column_dec(editor); else if ( editor->cursor_row ) { editor_cursor_row_dec(editor); editor_cursor_column_set(editor, editor->lines[editor->cursor_row].used); } } void editor_type_select_left(struct editor* editor) { if ( editor->select_column ) editor_select_column_dec(editor); else if ( editor->select_row ) { editor_select_row_dec(editor); editor_select_column_set(editor, editor->lines[editor->select_row].used); } } void editor_type_control_left(struct editor* editor) { editor_type_exit_select_left(editor); if ( editor->cursor_column || editor->cursor_row ) editor_type_left(editor); int state = 0; while ( editor->cursor_column || editor->cursor_row ) { editor_type_left(editor); struct line* line = &editor->lines[editor->cursor_row]; wchar_t wc = line->data[editor->cursor_column]; if ( (state == 0 && !iswspace(wc)) || (state == 1 && iswspace(wc)) ) { editor_type_right(editor); if ( ++state == 2 ) break; } } } void editor_type_control_select_left(struct editor* editor) { if ( editor->select_column || editor->select_row ) editor_type_select_left(editor); int state = 0; while ( editor->select_column || editor->select_row ) { editor_type_select_left(editor); struct line* line = &editor->lines[editor->select_row]; wchar_t wc = line->data[editor->select_column]; if ( (state == 0 && !iswspace(wc)) || (state == 1 && iswspace(wc)) ) { editor_type_select_right(editor); if ( ++state == 2 ) break; } } } void editor_type_right(struct editor* editor) { editor_type_exit_select_right(editor); struct line* current_line = &editor->lines[editor->cursor_row]; if ( editor->cursor_column != current_line->used ) editor_cursor_column_inc(editor); else if ( editor->cursor_row+1 != editor->lines_used ) editor_cursor_row_inc(editor), editor_cursor_column_set(editor, 0); } void editor_type_select_right(struct editor* editor) { struct line* current_line = &editor->lines[editor->select_row]; if ( editor->select_column != current_line->used ) editor_select_column_inc(editor); else if ( editor->select_row+1 != editor->lines_used ) editor_select_row_inc(editor), editor_select_column_set(editor, 0); } void editor_type_control_right(struct editor* editor) { editor_type_exit_select_right(editor); int state = 0; while ( editor->cursor_column != editor->lines[editor->cursor_row].used || editor->cursor_row != editor->lines_used ) { struct line* line = &editor->lines[editor->cursor_row]; wchar_t wc = editor->cursor_column != line->used ? line->data[editor->cursor_column] : L' '; if ( (state == 0 && !iswspace(wc)) || (state == 1 && iswspace(wc)) ) { if ( ++state == 2 ) break; } editor_type_right(editor); } } void editor_type_control_select_right(struct editor* editor) { int state = 0; while ( editor->select_column != editor->lines[editor->select_row].used || editor->select_row != editor->lines_used ) { struct line* line = &editor->lines[editor->select_row]; wchar_t wc = editor->select_column != line->used ? line->data[editor->select_column] : L' '; if ( (state == 0 && !iswspace(wc)) || (state == 1 && iswspace(wc)) ) { if ( ++state == 2 ) break; } editor_type_select_right(editor); } } void editor_type_up(struct editor* editor) { editor_type_exit_select_left(editor); if ( !editor->cursor_row ) { editor_cursor_column_set(editor, 0); return; } struct line* old_line = &editor->lines[editor->cursor_row]; struct line* new_line = &editor->lines[editor_cursor_row_dec(editor)]; size_t old_column = editor_display_column_of_line_offset(editor, old_line, editor->cursor_column); size_t new_offset = editor_line_offset_of_display_column(editor, new_line, old_column); editor_cursor_column_set(editor, new_offset); } void editor_type_select_up(struct editor* editor) { if ( !editor->select_row ) { editor_select_column_set(editor, 0); return; } struct line* old_line = &editor->lines[editor->select_row]; struct line* new_line = &editor->lines[editor_select_row_dec(editor)]; size_t old_column = editor_display_column_of_line_offset(editor, old_line, editor->select_column); size_t new_offset = editor_line_offset_of_display_column(editor, new_line, old_column); editor_select_column_set(editor, new_offset); } void editor_type_control_up(struct editor* editor) { editor_type_exit_select_left(editor); if ( editor->cursor_row ) editor_cursor_row_dec(editor); editor_cursor_column_set(editor, 0); } void editor_type_control_select_up(struct editor* editor) { if ( editor->select_row ) editor_select_row_dec(editor); editor_select_column_set(editor, 0); } void editor_type_down(struct editor* editor) { editor_type_exit_select_right(editor); if ( editor->cursor_row+1 == editor->lines_used ) { editor_cursor_column_set(editor, editor->lines[editor->cursor_row].used); return; } struct line* old_line = &editor->lines[editor->cursor_row]; struct line* new_line = &editor->lines[editor_cursor_row_inc(editor)]; size_t old_column = editor_display_column_of_line_offset(editor, old_line, editor->cursor_column); size_t new_offset = editor_line_offset_of_display_column(editor, new_line, old_column); editor_cursor_column_set(editor, new_offset); } void editor_type_select_down(struct editor* editor) { if ( editor->select_row+1 == editor->lines_used ) { editor_select_column_set(editor, editor->lines[editor->select_row].used); return; } struct line* old_line = &editor->lines[editor->select_row]; struct line* new_line = &editor->lines[editor_select_row_inc(editor)]; size_t old_column = editor_display_column_of_line_offset(editor, old_line, editor->select_column); size_t new_offset = editor_line_offset_of_display_column(editor, new_line, old_column); editor_select_column_set(editor, new_offset); } void editor_type_control_down(struct editor* editor) { editor_type_exit_select_right(editor); if ( editor->cursor_row < editor->lines_used ) editor_cursor_row_inc(editor); editor_cursor_column_set(editor, editor->lines[editor->cursor_row].used); } void editor_type_control_select_down(struct editor* editor) { if ( editor->select_row < editor->lines_used ) editor_select_row_inc(editor); editor_select_column_set(editor, editor->lines[editor->select_row].used); } void editor_skip_leading(struct editor* editor) { struct line* current_line = &editor->lines[editor->cursor_row]; for ( editor_cursor_column_set(editor, 0); editor->cursor_column < current_line->used; editor_cursor_column_inc(editor) ) if ( !iswspace(current_line->data[editor->cursor_column]) ) break; } void editor_select_skip_leading(struct editor* editor) { struct line* current_line = &editor->lines[editor->select_row]; for ( editor_select_column_set(editor, 0); editor->select_column < current_line->used; editor_select_column_inc(editor) ) if ( !iswspace(current_line->data[editor->select_column]) ) break; } void editor_type_home(struct editor* editor) { if ( editor_has_selection(editor) ) { size_t column, row; row_column_smallest(editor->cursor_row, editor->cursor_column, editor->select_row, editor->select_column, &column, &row); editor_cursor_set(editor, column, row); } if ( !editor->cursor_column ) { editor_skip_leading(editor); return; } editor_cursor_column_set(editor, 0); } void editor_type_select_home(struct editor* editor) { if ( !editor->select_column ) { editor_select_skip_leading(editor); return; } editor_select_column_set(editor, 0); } void editor_skip_ending(struct editor* editor) { struct line* current_line = &editor->lines[editor->cursor_row]; for ( editor_cursor_column_set(editor, current_line->used); editor->cursor_column; editor_cursor_column_dec(editor) ) if ( !iswspace(current_line->data[editor->cursor_column-1]) ) break; } void editor_select_skip_ending(struct editor* editor) { struct line* current_line = &editor->lines[editor->select_row]; for ( editor_select_column_set(editor, current_line->used); editor->select_column; editor_select_column_dec(editor) ) if ( !iswspace(current_line->data[editor->select_column-1]) ) break; } void editor_type_end(struct editor* editor) { if ( editor_has_selection(editor) ) { size_t column, row; row_column_biggest(editor->cursor_row, editor->cursor_column, editor->select_row, editor->select_column, &column, &row); editor_cursor_set(editor, column, row); } struct line* current_line = &editor->lines[editor->cursor_row]; if ( editor->cursor_column == current_line->used ) { editor_skip_ending(editor); return; } editor_cursor_column_set(editor, current_line->used); } void editor_type_select_end(struct editor* editor) { struct line* current_line = &editor->lines[editor->select_row]; if ( editor->select_column == current_line->used ) { editor_select_skip_ending(editor); return; } editor_select_column_set(editor, current_line->used); } void editor_type_page_up(struct editor* editor) { if ( editor_has_selection(editor) ) { size_t column, row; row_column_smallest(editor->cursor_row, editor->cursor_column, editor->select_row, editor->select_column, &column, &row); editor_cursor_set(editor, column, row); } if ( editor->cursor_row < editor->viewport_height ) { editor_cursor_set(editor, 0, 0); return; } size_t new_line = editor->cursor_row - editor->viewport_height; editor_cursor_row_set(editor, new_line); size_t new_line_len = editor->lines[new_line].used; if ( new_line_len < editor->cursor_column ) editor_cursor_column_set(editor, new_line_len); } void editor_type_select_page_up(struct editor* editor) { if ( editor->select_row < editor->viewport_height ) { editor_select_set(editor, 0, 0); return; } size_t new_line = editor->select_row - editor->viewport_height; editor_select_row_set(editor, new_line); size_t new_line_len = editor->lines[new_line].used; if ( new_line_len < editor->select_column ) editor_select_column_set(editor, new_line_len); } void editor_type_page_down(struct editor* editor) { if ( editor_has_selection(editor) ) { size_t column, row; row_column_biggest(editor->cursor_row, editor->cursor_column, editor->select_row, editor->select_column, &column, &row); editor_cursor_set(editor, column, row); } size_t new_line = editor->cursor_row + editor->viewport_height; if ( editor->lines_used <= new_line ) { editor_cursor_row_set(editor, editor->lines_used - 1); editor_cursor_column_set(editor, editor->lines[editor->cursor_row].used); return; } editor_cursor_row_set(editor, new_line); size_t new_line_len = editor->lines[new_line].used; if ( new_line_len < editor->cursor_column ) editor_cursor_column_set(editor, new_line_len); } void editor_type_select_page_down(struct editor* editor) { size_t new_line = editor->select_row + editor->viewport_height; if ( editor->lines_used <= new_line ) { editor_select_row_set(editor, editor->lines_used - 1); editor_select_column_set(editor, editor->lines[editor->select_row].used); return; } editor_select_row_set(editor, new_line); size_t new_line_len = editor->lines[new_line].used; if ( new_line_len < editor->select_column ) editor_select_column_set(editor, new_line_len); } void editor_type_edit(struct editor* editor) { editor->mode = MODE_EDIT; } void editor_type_goto_line(struct editor* editor) { editor->mode = MODE_GOTO_LINE; editor->modal_used = 0; editor->modal_cursor = 0; editor->modal_error = false; } void editor_type_save(struct editor* editor) { editor->mode = MODE_SAVE; free(editor->modal); editor->modal = convert_mbs_to_wcs(editor->current_file_name); editor->modal_used = wcslen(editor->modal); editor->modal_length = editor->modal_used+1; editor->modal_cursor = editor->modal_used; editor->modal_error = false; } void editor_type_save_as(struct editor* editor) { editor->mode = MODE_SAVE; editor->modal_used = 0; editor->modal_cursor = 0; editor->modal_error = false; } void editor_type_open(struct editor* editor) { editor->mode = editor->dirty ? MODE_ASK_LOAD : MODE_LOAD; editor->modal_used = 0; editor->modal_cursor = 0; editor->modal_error = false; } void editor_type_open_as(struct editor* editor) { if ( editor->dirty ) return editor_type_open(editor); editor->mode = MODE_LOAD; free(editor->modal); editor->modal = convert_mbs_to_wcs(editor->current_file_name); editor->modal_used = wcslen(editor->modal); editor->modal_length = editor->modal_used+1; editor->modal_cursor = editor->modal_used; editor->modal_error = false; } void editor_type_quit(struct editor* editor) { editor->mode = editor->dirty ? MODE_ASK_QUIT : MODE_QUIT; editor->modal_cursor = 0; editor->modal_used = 0; editor->modal_error = false; } void editor_type_command(struct editor* editor) { editor->mode = MODE_COMMAND; editor->modal_cursor = 0; editor->modal_used = 0; editor->modal_error = false; } void editor_type_raw_character(struct editor* editor, wchar_t c) { struct line* current_line = &editor->lines[editor->cursor_row]; if ( current_line->used == current_line->length ) { size_t new_length = current_line->length ? 2 * current_line->length : 8; wchar_t* new_data = (wchar_t*) malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * new_length); for ( size_t i = 0; i < current_line->used; i++ ) new_data[i] = current_line->data[i]; free(current_line->data); current_line->data = new_data; current_line->length = new_length; } editor->dirty = true; for ( size_t i = current_line->used; editor->cursor_column < i; i-- ) current_line->data[i] = current_line->data[i-1]; current_line->used++; current_line->data[editor_cursor_column_inc(editor)-1] = c; } void editor_type_copy(struct editor* editor) { if ( editor->cursor_row == editor->select_row && editor->cursor_column == editor->select_column ) return; free(editor->clipboard); size_t start_row; size_t start_column; size_t end_row; size_t end_column; if ( is_row_column_lt(editor->select_row, editor->select_column, editor->cursor_row, editor->cursor_column) ) { start_row = editor->select_row; start_column = editor->select_column; end_row = editor->cursor_row; end_column = editor->cursor_column; } else { start_row = editor->cursor_row; start_column = editor->cursor_column; end_row = editor->select_row; end_column = editor->select_column; } size_t length = 0; for ( size_t row = start_row, column = start_column; is_row_column_lt(row, column, end_row, end_column); ) { struct line* line = &editor->lines[row]; if ( row == end_row ) { length += end_column - column; column = end_column; } else { length += (line->used - column) + 1 /*newline*/; column = 0; row++; } } editor->clipboard = (wchar_t*) malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * (length + 1)); size_t offset = 0; for ( size_t row = start_row, column = start_column; is_row_column_lt(row, column, end_row, end_column); ) { struct line* line = &editor->lines[row]; if ( row == end_row ) { memcpy(editor->clipboard + offset, line->data + column, sizeof(wchar_t) * (end_column - column)); offset += end_column - column; column = end_column; } else { memcpy(editor->clipboard + offset, line->data + column, sizeof(wchar_t) * (line->used - column)); editor->clipboard[offset + (line->used - column)] = L'\n'; offset += (line->used - column) + 1 /*newline*/; column = 0; row++; } } editor->clipboard[length] = L'\0'; } void editor_type_cut(struct editor* editor) { if ( editor->cursor_row == editor->select_row && editor->cursor_column == editor->select_column ) return; editor_type_copy(editor); editor_type_delete_selection(editor); } void editor_type_paste(struct editor* editor) { if ( !(editor->cursor_row == editor->select_row && editor->cursor_column == editor->select_column) ) editor_type_delete_selection(editor); for ( size_t i = 0; editor->clipboard && editor->clipboard[i]; i++ ) { if ( editor->clipboard[i] == L'\n' ) editor_type_newline(editor); else editor_type_raw_character(editor, editor->clipboard[i]); } } void editor_type_suspend(struct editor* editor) { editor->suspend_requested = true; } void editor_type_character(struct editor* editor, wchar_t c) { if ( editor->control ) { switch ( towlower(c) ) { case L'c': editor_type_copy(editor); break; case L'i': editor_type_goto_line(editor); break; case L'k': editor_type_cut(editor); break; case L'o': editor->shift ? editor_type_open_as(editor) : editor_type_open(editor); break; case L'q': editor_type_quit(editor); break; case L's': editor->shift ? editor_type_save_as(editor) : editor_type_save(editor); break; case L'v': editor_type_paste(editor); break; case L'x': editor_type_cut(editor); break; case L'z': editor_type_suspend(editor); break; } return; } if ( editor_has_selection(editor) ) editor_type_delete_selection(editor); if ( c == L'\n' ) { editor_type_newline(editor); return; } editor_type_raw_character(editor, c); }