/******************************************************************************* Copyright(C) Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. This file is part of Sortix. Sortix is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Sortix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Sortix. If not, see . x86-family/interrupt.cpp Interrupt support for i386 and x86_64 systems. *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gdt.h" #include "idt.h" #include "pic.h" extern "C" void isr0(); extern "C" void isr1(); extern "C" void isr2(); extern "C" void isr3(); extern "C" void isr4(); extern "C" void isr5(); extern "C" void isr6(); extern "C" void isr7(); extern "C" void isr8(); extern "C" void isr9(); extern "C" void isr10(); extern "C" void isr11(); extern "C" void isr12(); extern "C" void isr13(); extern "C" void isr14(); extern "C" void isr15(); extern "C" void isr16(); extern "C" void isr17(); extern "C" void isr18(); extern "C" void isr19(); extern "C" void isr20(); extern "C" void isr21(); extern "C" void isr22(); extern "C" void isr23(); extern "C" void isr24(); extern "C" void isr25(); extern "C" void isr26(); extern "C" void isr27(); extern "C" void isr28(); extern "C" void isr29(); extern "C" void isr30(); extern "C" void isr31(); extern "C" void isr128(); extern "C" void isr130(); extern "C" void isr131(); extern "C" void irq0(); extern "C" void irq1(); extern "C" void irq2(); extern "C" void irq3(); extern "C" void irq4(); extern "C" void irq5(); extern "C" void irq6(); extern "C" void irq7(); extern "C" void irq8(); extern "C" void irq9(); extern "C" void irq10(); extern "C" void irq11(); extern "C" void irq12(); extern "C" void irq13(); extern "C" void irq14(); extern "C" void irq15(); extern "C" void interrupt_handler_null(); extern "C" void syscall_handler(); extern "C" void yield_cpu_handler(); extern "C" void thread_exit_handler(); namespace Sortix { namespace Interrupt { extern "C" { unsigned long asm_is_cpu_interrupted = 0; } const bool CALLTRACE_KERNEL = false; const bool CALLTRACE_USER = false; const bool RUN_DEBUGGER_ON_KERNEL_CRASH = false; const bool RUN_DEBUGGER_ON_USER_CRASH = false; const size_t NUM_KNOWN_EXCEPTIONS = 20; const char* exception_names[] = { "Divide by zero", /* 0, 0x0 */ "Debug", /* 1, 0x1 */ "Non maskable interrupt", /* 2, 0x2 */ "Breakpoint", /* 3, 0x3 */ "Into detected overflow", /* 4, 0x4 */ "Out of bounds", /* 5, 0x5 */ "Invalid opcode", /* 6, 0x6 */ "No coprocessor", /* 7, 0x7 */ "Double fault", /* 8, 0x8 */ "Coprocessor segment overrun", /* 9, 0x9 */ "Bad TSS", /* 10, 0xA */ "Segment not present", /* 11, 0xB */ "Stack fault", /* 12, 0xC */ "General protection fault", /* 13, 0xD */ "Page fault", /* 14, 0xE */ "Unknown interrupt", /* 15, 0xF */ "Coprocessor fault", /* 16, 0x10 */ "Alignment check", /* 17, 0x11 */ "Machine check", /* 18, 0x12 */ "SIMD Floating-Point", /* 19, 0x13 */ }; const unsigned int NUM_INTERRUPTS = 256U; static struct IDT::idt_entry interrupt_table[NUM_INTERRUPTS]; static Handler interrupt_handlers[NUM_INTERRUPTS]; static void* interrupt_handler_context[NUM_INTERRUPTS]; void RegisterHandler(unsigned int index, Interrupt::Handler handler, void* context) { assert(index < NUM_INTERRUPTS); interrupt_handlers[index] = handler; interrupt_handler_context[index] = context; } static void RegisterRawHandler(unsigned int index, void (*handler)(void), bool userspace, bool preemptive) { assert(index < NUM_INTERRUPTS); addr_t handler_entry = (addr_t) handler; uint16_t selector = KCS; uint8_t rpl = userspace ? URPL : KRPL; uint8_t type = preemptive ? IDT::TYPE_TRAP : IDT::TYPE_INTERRUPT; uint8_t ist = 0; uint8_t flags = IDT::FLAG_PRESENT | type << IDT::FLAG_TYPE_SHIFT | rpl << IDT::FLAG_DPL_SHIFT; IDT::SetEntry(&interrupt_table[index], handler_entry, selector, flags, ist); } void Init() { // Initialize the interrupt table entries to the null interrupt handler. memset(&interrupt_table, 0, sizeof(interrupt_table)); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_INTERRUPTS; i++ ) { interrupt_handlers[i] = NULL; interrupt_handler_context[i] = NULL; RegisterRawHandler(i, interrupt_handler_null, false, false); } // Remap the IRQ table on the PICs. PIC::ReprogramPIC(); RegisterRawHandler(0, isr0, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(1, isr1, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(2, isr2, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(3, isr3, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(4, isr4, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(5, isr5, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(6, isr6, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(7, isr7, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(8, isr8, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(9, isr9, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(10, isr10, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(11, isr11, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(12, isr12, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(13, isr13, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(14, isr14, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(15, isr15, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(16, isr16, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(17, isr17, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(18, isr18, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(19, isr19, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(20, isr20, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(21, isr21, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(22, isr22, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(23, isr23, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(24, isr24, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(25, isr25, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(26, isr26, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(27, isr27, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(28, isr28, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(29, isr29, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(30, isr30, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(31, isr31, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(32, irq0, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(33, irq1, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(34, irq2, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(35, irq3, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(36, irq4, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(37, irq5, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(38, irq6, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(39, irq7, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(40, irq8, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(41, irq9, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(42, irq10, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(43, irq11, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(44, irq12, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(45, irq13, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(46, irq14, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(47, irq15, false, false); RegisterRawHandler(128, syscall_handler, true, true); RegisterRawHandler(129, yield_cpu_handler, true, false); RegisterRawHandler(130, isr130, true, true); RegisterRawHandler(131, isr131, true, true); RegisterRawHandler(132, thread_exit_handler, true, false); RegisterHandler(129, Scheduler::InterruptYieldCPU, NULL); RegisterHandler(130, Signal::DispatchHandler, NULL); RegisterHandler(131, Signal::ReturnHandler, NULL); RegisterHandler(132, Scheduler::ThreadExitCPU, NULL); IDT::Set(interrupt_table, NUM_INTERRUPTS); Interrupt::Enable(); } const char* ExceptionName(const struct interrupt_context* intctx) { if ( intctx->int_no < NUM_KNOWN_EXCEPTIONS ) return exception_names[intctx->int_no]; return "Unknown"; } uintptr_t ExceptionLocation(const struct interrupt_context* intctx) { #if defined(__x86_64__) return intctx->rip; #elif defined(__i386__) return intctx->eip; #endif } void CrashCalltrace(const struct interrupt_context* intctx) { #if defined(__x86_64__) Calltrace::Perform(intctx->rbp); #elif defined(__i386__) Calltrace::Perform(intctx->ebp); #else #warning "Please provide a calltrace implementation for your CPU." #endif } __attribute__((noreturn)) void KernelCrashHandler(struct interrupt_context* intctx) { Scheduler::SaveInterruptedContext(intctx, &CurrentThread()->registers); // Walk and print the stack frames if this is a debug build. if ( CALLTRACE_KERNEL ) CrashCalltrace(intctx); // Possibly switch to the kernel debugger in event of a crash. if ( RUN_DEBUGGER_ON_KERNEL_CRASH ) Debugger::Run(false); // Panic the kernel with a diagnostic message. PanicF("Unhandled CPU Exception id %zu `%s' at ip=0x%zx (cr2=0x%zx, " "err_code=0x%zx)", intctx->int_no, ExceptionName(intctx), ExceptionLocation(intctx), intctx->cr2, intctx->err_code); } void UserCrashHandler(struct interrupt_context* intctx) { Scheduler::SaveInterruptedContext(intctx, &CurrentThread()->registers); // Execute this crash handler with preemption on. Interrupt::Enable(); // TODO: Also send signals for other types of user-space crashes. if ( intctx->int_no == 14 /* Page fault */ ) { struct sigaction* act = &CurrentProcess()->signal_actions[SIGSEGV]; kthread_mutex_lock(&CurrentProcess()->signal_lock); bool handled = act->sa_handler != SIG_DFL && act->sa_handler != SIG_IGN; if ( handled ) CurrentThread()->DeliverSignalUnlocked(SIGSEGV); kthread_mutex_unlock(&CurrentProcess()->signal_lock); if ( handled ) return Signal::DispatchHandler(intctx, NULL); } // Walk and print the stack frames if this is a debug build. if ( CALLTRACE_USER ) CrashCalltrace(intctx); // Possibly switch to the kernel debugger in event of a crash. if ( RUN_DEBUGGER_ON_USER_CRASH ) Debugger::Run(false); // Issue a diagnostic message to the kernel log concerning the crash. Log::PrintF("The current process (pid %ji `%s') crashed and was terminated:\n", (intmax_t) CurrentProcess()->pid, CurrentProcess()->program_image_path); Log::PrintF("%s exception at ip=0x%zx (cr2=0x%zx, err_code=0x%zx)\n", ExceptionName(intctx), ExceptionLocation(intctx), intctx->cr2, intctx->err_code); // Exit the process with the right error code. // TODO: Send a SIGINT, SIGBUS, or whatever instead. CurrentProcess()->ExitThroughSignal(SIGSEGV); // Deliver signals to this thread so it can exit correctly. Signal::DispatchHandler(intctx, NULL); } extern "C" void interrupt_handler(struct interrupt_context* intctx) { unsigned int int_no = intctx->int_no; // IRQ 7 and 15 might be spurious and might need to be ignored. if ( int_no == IRQ7 && !(PIC::ReadISR() & (1 << 7)) ) return; if ( int_no == IRQ15 && !(PIC::ReadISR() & (1 << 15)) ) { PIC::SendMasterEOI(); return; } bool is_in_kernel = (intctx->cs & 0x3) == KRPL; bool is_in_user = !is_in_kernel; bool is_crash = int_no < 32 && int_no != 7; // Invoke the appropriate interrupt handler. if ( is_crash && is_in_kernel ) KernelCrashHandler(intctx); else if ( is_crash && is_in_user ) UserCrashHandler(intctx); else if ( interrupt_handlers[int_no] ) interrupt_handlers[int_no](intctx, interrupt_handler_context[int_no]); // Send an end of interrupt signal to the PICs if we got an IRQ. if ( IRQ0 <= int_no && int_no <= IRQ15 ) PIC::SendEOI(int_no - IRQ0); } } // namespace Interrupt } // namespace Sortix