/* * Copyright (c) 2016, 2018, 2020 Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * sysmerge.c * Upgrade current operating system from a sysroot. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "conf.h" #include "execute.h" #include "hooks.h" #include "fileops.h" #include "manifest.h" #include "release.h" static void compact_arguments(int* argc, char*** argv) { for ( int i = 0; i < *argc; i++ ) { while ( i < *argc && !(*argv)[i] ) { for ( int n = i; n < *argc; n++ ) (*argv)[n] = (*argv)[n+1]; (*argc)--; } } } static bool has_pending_upgrade(void) { return access_or_die("/boot/sortix.bin.sysmerge.orig", F_OK) == 0 || access_or_die("/boot/sortix.initrd.sysmerge.orig", F_OK) == 0 || access_or_die("/sysmerge", F_OK) == 0; } static void help(FILE* fp, const char* argv0) { fprintf(fp, "Usage: %s [OPTION]... SOURCE\n", argv0); fprintf(fp, "Merge the files from SOURCE onto the current system.\n"); } static void version(FILE* fp, const char* argv0) { fprintf(fp, "%s (Sortix) %s\n", argv0, VERSIONSTR); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); // Pipes. bool booting = false; bool cancel = false; bool hook_finalize = false; bool hook_prepare = false; bool wait = false; const char* argv0 = argv[0]; for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { const char* arg = argv[i]; if ( arg[0] != '-' || !arg[1] ) continue; argv[i] = NULL; if ( !strcmp(arg, "--") ) break; if ( arg[1] != '-' ) { char c; while ( (c = *++arg) ) switch ( c ) { case 'c': cancel = true; break; case 'w': wait = true; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown option -- '%c'\n", argv0, c); help(stderr, argv0); exit(1); } } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "--help") ) help(stdout, argv0), exit(0); else if ( !strcmp(arg, "--version") ) version(stdout, argv0), exit(0); else if ( !strcmp(arg, "--booting") ) booting = true; else if ( !strcmp(arg, "--cancel") ) cancel = true; else if ( !strcmp(arg, "--hook-finalize") ) hook_finalize = true; else if ( !strcmp(arg, "--hook-prepare") ) hook_prepare = true; else if ( !strcmp(arg, "--wait") ) wait = true; else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown option: %s\n", argv0, arg); help(stderr, argv0); exit(1); } } compact_arguments(&argc, &argv); if ( 1 < booting + cancel + hook_finalize + hook_prepare + wait ) errx(2, "Mutually incompatible options were passed"); bool hook_only = hook_prepare || hook_finalize; bool no_source = cancel; bool no_cancel = booting || hook_only; const char* source; if ( no_source ) { source = ""; if ( 1 < argc ) errx(2, "Unexpected extra operand `%s'", argv[1]); } else if ( booting ) { source = "/sysmerge"; if ( 1 < argc ) errx(2, "Unexpected extra operand `%s'", argv[1]); } else { if ( argc < 2 ) errx(2, "No source operand was given"); source = argv[1]; if ( 2 < argc ) errx(2, "Unexpected extra operand `%s'", argv[2]); } bool did_cancel = false; if ( !no_cancel && has_pending_upgrade() ) { rename("/boot/sortix.bin.sysmerge.orig", "/boot/sortix.bin"); rename("/boot/sortix.initrd.sysmerge.orig", "/boot/sortix.initrd"); execute((const char*[]) { "rm", "-rf", "/sysmerge", NULL }, ""); execute((const char*[]) { "update-initrd", NULL }, "e"); printf("Cancelled pending system upgrade.\n"); did_cancel = true; } if ( cancel ) { if ( !did_cancel ) printf("No system upgrade was pending.\n"); return 0; } const char* old_release_path = "/etc/sortix-release"; struct release old_release; if ( !os_release_load(&old_release, old_release_path, old_release_path) ) { if ( errno == ENOENT ) warn("%s", old_release_path); exit(2); } char* new_release_path; if ( asprintf(&new_release_path, "%s/etc/sortix-release", source) < 0 ) err(2, "asprintf"); struct release new_release; if ( !os_release_load(&new_release, new_release_path, new_release_path) ) { if ( errno == ENOENT ) warn("%s", new_release_path); exit(2); } free(new_release_path); const char* old_machine_path = "/etc/machine"; char* old_machine = read_string_file(old_machine_path); if ( !old_machine ) err(2, "%s", old_machine_path); char* new_machine_path; if ( asprintf(&new_machine_path, "%s/etc/machine", source) < 0 ) err(2, "asprintf"); char* new_machine = read_string_file(new_machine_path); if ( !new_machine ) err(2, "%s", new_machine_path); if ( strcmp(old_machine, new_machine) != 0 ) errx(2, "%s (%s) does not match %s (%s)", new_machine_path, new_machine, old_machine_path, old_machine); free(old_machine); free(new_machine_path); free(new_machine); // TODO: Check for version (skipping, downgrading). struct conf conf; load_upgrade_conf(&conf, "/etc/upgrade.conf"); bool can_run_new_abi = abi_compatible(new_release.abi_major, new_release.abi_minor, old_release.abi_major, old_release.abi_minor); bool header; bool copy_files; bool run_prepare; bool run_finalize; bool my_prepare; bool my_finalize; if ( booting ) { header = true; copy_files = true; run_prepare = true; my_prepare = true; run_finalize = true; my_finalize = true; } else if ( hook_prepare ) { header = false; copy_files = false; run_prepare = true; my_prepare = true; run_finalize = false; my_finalize = false; } else if ( hook_finalize ) { header = false; copy_files = false; run_prepare = false; my_prepare = false; run_finalize = true; my_finalize = true; } else { if ( !wait && !can_run_new_abi ) { printf("%lu.%lu -> %lu.%lu ABI transition, " "delaying upgrade to next boot.\n", old_release.abi_major, old_release.abi_major, new_release.abi_major, new_release.abi_major); wait = true; } header = true; copy_files = true; run_prepare = !wait; my_prepare = false; run_finalize = !wait; my_finalize = false; } if ( header ) { if ( wait ) printf("Scheduling upgrade to %s on next boot using %s:\n", new_release.pretty_name, source); else printf("Upgrading to %s using %s:\n", new_release.pretty_name, source); } // Compatibility hooks that runs before the old system is replaced. if ( run_prepare ) { if ( my_prepare ) { upgrade_prepare(&old_release, &new_release, source, "/"); } else { char* new_sysmerge = join_paths(source, "sbin/sysmerge"); if ( !new_sysmerge ) err(2, "asprintf"); execute((const char*[]) { new_sysmerge, "--hook-prepare", source, NULL }, "e"); free(new_sysmerge); } if ( hook_prepare ) return 0; } if ( copy_files ) { const char* target = ""; if ( wait ) { target = "/sysmerge"; if ( mkdir(target, 0755) < 0 ) err(2, "%s", target); execute((const char*[]) { "tix-collection", "/sysmerge", "create", NULL }, "e"); } install_manifest("system", source, target); install_ports(source, target); } if ( wait ) { printf(" - Scheduling upgrade on next boot...\n"); execute((const char*[]) { "cp", "/boot/sortix.bin", "/boot/sortix.bin.sysmerge.orig", NULL }, "e"); execute((const char*[]) { "cp", "/boot/sortix.initrd", "/boot/sortix.initrd.sysmerge.orig", NULL }, "e"); execute((const char*[]) { "cp", "/sysmerge/boot/sortix.bin", "/boot/sortix.bin", NULL }, "e"); execute((const char*[]) { "/sysmerge/sbin/update-initrd", NULL }, "e"); printf("The system will be upgraded to %s on the next boot.\n", new_release.pretty_name); printf("Run %s --cancel to cancel the upgrade.\n", argv[0]); return 0; } // Compatibility hooks that run after the new system is installed. if ( run_finalize ) { if ( my_finalize ) { upgrade_finalize(&old_release, &new_release, source, "/"); } else { char* new_sysmerge = join_paths(source, "sbin/sysmerge"); if ( !new_sysmerge ) err(2, "asprintf"); execute((const char*[]) { new_sysmerge, "--hook-finalize", source, NULL }, "e"); free(new_sysmerge); } if ( hook_finalize ) return 0; } if ( booting ) { unlink("/boot/sortix.bin.sysmerge.orig"); unlink("/boot/sortix.initrd.sysmerge.orig"); execute((const char*[]) { "rm", "-rf", "/sysmerge", NULL }, ""); } if ( access_or_die("/etc/fstab", F_OK) == 0 ) { printf(" - Creating initrd...\n"); execute((const char*[]) { "update-initrd", NULL }, "e"); if ( conf.grub ) { // TODO: Figure out the root device. //printf(" - Installing bootloader...\n"); //execute((const char*[]) { "grub-install", "/", NULL }, "eqQ"); printf(" - Configuring bootloader...\n"); execute((const char*[]) { "update-grub", NULL }, "eqQ"); } else if ( access_or_die("/etc/grub.d/10_sortix", F_OK) == 0 ) { printf(" - Creating bootloader fragment...\n"); execute((const char*[]) { "/etc/grub.d/10_sortix", NULL }, "eq"); } } printf("Successfully upgraded to %s.\n", new_release.pretty_name); return 0; }