/******************************************************************************* COPYRIGHT(C) JONAS 'SORTIE' TERMANSEN 2011, 2012. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . pong.cpp Two-player pong. *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Maxsi; int Init(); void Reset(); void ClearScreen(); void Collision(); void Goal(nat player); void UpdateUI(); void Update(); void ReadInput(); int main(int argc, char* argv[]); const int width = 80; const int height = 25; const int padsize = 5; const unsigned goalfreq = 800; const unsigned collisionfreq = 1200; int vgafd; uint16_t frame[width*height]; int ballx; int bally; int oldballx; int oldbally; int ballvelx; int ballvely; int p1y; int p2y; bool p1vup; bool p1vdown; bool p2vup; bool p2vdown; unsigned p1score; unsigned p2score; unsigned time; unsigned soundleft; bool FlushVGA() { return writeall(vgafd, frame, sizeof(frame)) < sizeof(frame); } int Init() { vgafd = open("/dev/vga", O_RDWR); if ( vgafd < 0 ) { error(0, errno, "unable to open vga device /dev/vga"); return 1; } Reset(); return 0; } void Reset() { ClearScreen(); ballx = width/2; bally = height/2; ballvelx = -1; ballvely = -1; oldballx = ballx - ballvelx; oldbally = bally - ballvely; p1y = (height-padsize) / 5; p2y = (height-padsize) / 5; p1vup = false; p1vdown = false; p2vup = false; p2vdown = false; p1score = 0; p2score = 0; time = 0; soundleft = -1; } void ClearScreen() { for ( int y = 0; y < height; y++ ) { uint16_t color = COLOR8_BLACK << 8; for ( int x = 0; x < width; x++ ) { frame[x + y*width] = ' ' | color; } } FlushVGA(); } void Collision() { System::Sound::SetFrequency(collisionfreq); soundleft = 40; } void Goal(nat player) { frame[ballx + bally*width] = ' ' | (COLOR8_WHITE << 8); int offset = (rand() % 4) - 2; ballx = width/2; bally = height/2 + offset; if ( player == 1 ) { ballvelx = 1; ballvely = (rand() % 2) * 2 - 1; p1score++; } else if ( player == 2 ) { ballvelx = -1; ballvely = (rand() % 2) * 2 - 1; p2score++; } if ( ballvely > 0 ) { ballvely /= ballvely; } if ( ballvely < 0 ) { ballvely /= -ballvely; } System::Sound::SetFrequency(goalfreq); soundleft = 50; UpdateUI(); } void UpdateUI() { for ( int x = 0; x < width; x++ ) { frame[x] = ' ' | (COLOR8_LIGHT_GREY << 12) | (COLOR8_RED << 8); } char num[12]; int len; len = String::ConvertUInt32(p1score, num); for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { frame[i] = ( frame[i] & 0xFF00 ) | num[i]; } len = String::ConvertUInt32(p2score, num); for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { frame[width - len + i] = ( frame[width - len + i] & 0xFF00 ) | num[i]; } } void Update() { int p1v = 0, p2v = 0; if ( p1vup && !p1vdown ) { p1v = -1; } else if ( !p1vup && p1vdown ) { p1v = 1; } if ( p2vup && !p2vdown ) { p2v = -1; } else if ( !p2vup && p2vdown ) { p2v = 1; } if ( p1v < 0 && p1y > 1 ) { p1y--; } if ( p1v > 0 && p1y + padsize < height ) { p1y++; } if ( p2v < 0 && p2y > 1 ) { p2y--; } if ( p2v > 0 && p2y + padsize < height ) { p2y++; } for ( int y = 1; y < height; y++ ) { uint16_t color = ( y < p1y || y >= p1y + padsize ) ? COLOR8_BLACK << 12 : COLOR8_RED << 12; frame[y*width] = ' ' | color; } for ( int y = 1; y < height; y++ ) { uint16_t color = ( y < p2y || y >= p2y + padsize ) ? COLOR8_BLACK << 12 : COLOR8_BLUE << 12; frame[width-1 + y*width] = ' ' | color; } if ( bally + ballvely <= 1 ) { ballvely = 0 - ballvely; Collision(); } if ( bally + ballvely >= height ) { ballvely = 0 - ballvely; Collision(); } if ( ballx + ballvelx < 1 ) { if ( bally + ballvely < p1y - 1 || bally + ballvely > p1y + padsize + 1 ) { Goal(2); } else { ballvelx = 0 - ballvelx; Collision(); } } if ( ballx + ballvelx >= width-1 ) { if ( bally + ballvely < p2y - 1 || bally + ballvely > p2y + padsize + 1 ) { Goal(1); } else { ballvelx = 0 - ballvelx; Collision(); } } frame[oldballx + oldbally*width] = ' ' | (COLOR8_WHITE << 8); frame[ballx + bally*width] = '.' | (COLOR8_WHITE << 8); oldballx = ballx; oldbally = bally; ballx += ballvelx; bally += ballvely; frame[ballx + bally*width] = 'o' | (COLOR8_WHITE << 8); } void ReadInput() { unsigned termmode = TERMMODE_KBKEY | TERMMODE_UNICODE | TERMMODE_SIGNAL | TERMMODE_NONBLOCK; if ( settermmode(0, termmode) ) { error(1, errno, "settermmode"); } while ( true ) { uint32_t codepoint; ssize_t numbytes = read(0, &codepoint, sizeof(codepoint)); if ( !numbytes ) { return; } if ( numbytes < 0 ) { return; } int kbkey = KBKEY_DECODE(codepoint); int abskbkey = (kbkey < 0) ? -kbkey : kbkey; if ( kbkey == KBKEY_ENTER ) { Reset(); } if ( abskbkey == KBKEY_W ) { p1vup = (0 < kbkey); } if ( abskbkey == KBKEY_S ) { p1vdown = (0 < kbkey); } if ( abskbkey == KBKEY_UP ) { p2vup = (0 < kbkey); } if ( abskbkey == KBKEY_DOWN ) { p2vdown = (0 < kbkey); } } } int usage(int /*argc*/, char* argv[]) { printf("usage: %s [OPTIONS]\n", argv[0]); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" --speed How many miliseconds between updates\n"); printf(" --usage Display this screen\n"); printf(" --help Display this screen\n"); return 0; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int sleepms = 50; for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( String::Compare(argv[i], "--help") == 0 ) { return usage(argc, argv); } if ( String::Compare(argv[i], "--usage") == 0 ) { return usage(argc, argv); } if ( String::Compare(argv[i], "--speed") == 0 && 1 < argc-i ) { sleepms = String::ToInt(argv[++i]); } } int result = Init(); if ( result != 0 ) { return result; } while (true) { Thread::USleep(sleepms * 1000); ReadInput(); Update(); UpdateUI(); FlushVGA(); if ( /*soundleft < 0*/ false ) { continue; } if ( soundleft <= 50 ) { System::Sound::SetFrequency(0); } else { soundleft -= sleepms; } } return 0; }