/****************************************************************************** COPYRIGHT(C) JONAS 'SORTIE' TERMANSEN 2011. This file is part of Sortix. Sortix is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Sortix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Sortix. If not, see . vgaterminal.cpp A terminal based on the VGA text mode buffer. ******************************************************************************/ #include "platform.h" #include "log.h" #include "vga.h" #include "vgaterminal.h" namespace Sortix { namespace VGATerminal { const nat width = 80; const nat height = 25; const uint16_t defaultcolor = (COLOR8_LIGHT_GREY << 8) | (COLOR8_BLACK << 12); uint16_t* const vga = (uint16_t* const) 0xB8000; nat line; nat column; uint16_t currentcolor; nat ansisavedposx; nat ansisavedposy; bool showcursor; enum { NONE, CSI, COMMAND, } ansimode; void UpdateCursor() { if ( showcursor ) { VGA::SetCursor(column, line); } else { VGA::SetCursor(width, height-1); } } // Clear the screen, put the cursor at the top left corner, set default // text color, and reset ANSI escape sequence state. void Reset() { ansimode = NONE; line = 0; column = 0; ansisavedposx = 0; ansisavedposy = 0; currentcolor = defaultcolor; for ( nat y = 0; y < height; y++ ) { for ( nat x = 0; x < width; x++ ) { vga[y * width + x] = ' ' | defaultcolor; } } // Reset the VGA cursor. showcursor = true; UpdateCursor(); } // Initialize the terminal driver. void Init() { Reset(); } // Move every line one row up and leaves an empty line at the bottom. void ScrollUp() { for ( nat y = 1; y < height; y++ ) { for ( nat x = 0; x < width; x++ ) { vga[(y-1) * width + x] = vga[y * width + x]; } } for ( nat x = 0; x < width; x++ ) { vga[(height-1) * width + x] = ' ' | currentcolor; } } // Move every line one row down and leaves an empty line at the top. void ScrollDown() { for ( nat y = 1; y < height; y++ ) { for ( nat x = 0; x < width; x++ ) { vga[(y) * width + x] = vga[(y-1) * width + x]; } } for ( nat x = 0; x < width; x++ ) { vga[x] = ' ' | currentcolor; } } // Move to the next line. If at bottom, scroll one line up. void Newline() { if ( line < height - 1 ) { line++; column = 0; } else { ScrollUp(); column = 0; } UpdateCursor(); } void ANSIReset(); void ParseANSIEscape(char c); // Print text to the vga framebuffer, simulating how a terminal would // display the text. size_t Print(void* /*user*/, const char* string, size_t stringlen) { // Check for the bug where string contains the address 0x80000000 // which is not legal to print. It looks like we are trying to // print a string from the stack that wasn't NUL-terminated. I // tracked down the string value comes from LogTerminal, but it // doesn't seem to originate from a write(2) call. Weird stuff. addr_t straddr = (addr_t) string; if ( straddr <= 0x80000000UL && 0x80000000UL <= straddr + stringlen ) { PanicF("Trying to print bad string 0x%zx + 0x%zx bytes: this " "is a known bug, but with an unknown cause.", straddr, stringlen); } // Iterate over each character. size_t left = stringlen; while ( (left--) > 0 ) { char c = *(string++); // If we are parsing an escape sequence, parse another char. if ( ansimode != NONE ) { ParseANSIEscape(c); continue; } switch ( c ) { // Move cursor to the next line and scroll up (if needed). case '\n': { Newline(); break; } // Move cursor to start of line. case '\r': { column = 0; break; } // Delete the previous char on this line. case '\b': { // TODO: Properly handle backspace over lines and tabs. if ( column < 1 ) { break; } vga[line * width + (--column)] = ' ' | currentcolor; break; } // Expand a tab to a few spaces. case '\t': { if ( column == width ) { Newline(); } nat until = 4 - (column % 4); while ( (until--) != 0 ) { vga[line * width + (column++)] = ' ' | currentcolor; } break; } // Initialize an ANSI escape sequence, allowing much more // powerful control of the terminal than ASCII does. case '\e': { ANSIReset(); break; } // Print this character at the cursor and increment the cursor. default: { if ( column == width ) { Newline(); } vga[line * width + (column++)] = c | currentcolor; break; } } } // Update the VGA hardware cursor. UpdateCursor(); return stringlen; } const size_t ANSI_NUM_PARAMS = 16; nat ansiusedparams; nat ansiparams[ANSI_NUM_PARAMS]; nat currentparamindex; bool paramundefined; bool ignoresequence; // TODO: The ANSI escape code is only partially implemented! // Begin an ANSI esacpe sequence. void ANSIReset() { if ( ansimode == NONE ) { ansiusedparams = 0; currentparamindex = 0; ansiparams[0] = 0; paramundefined = true; ignoresequence = false; ansimode = CSI; } } // Reads parameters and changes font properties accordingly. void AnsiSetFont() { // Convert from the ANSI color scheme to the VGA color scheme. nat conversion[8] = { COLOR8_BLACK, COLOR8_RED, COLOR8_GREEN, COLOR8_BROWN, COLOR8_BLUE, COLOR8_MAGENTA, COLOR8_CYAN, COLOR8_LIGHT_GREY }; for ( size_t i = 0; i < ansiusedparams; i++ ) { nat cmd = ansiparams[i]; // Turn all attributes off. if ( cmd == 0 ) { currentcolor = defaultcolor; } // Set text color. else if ( 30 <= cmd && cmd <= 37 ) { nat val = cmd - 30; currentcolor &= (0xF0FF); currentcolor |= (conversion[val] << 8); } // Set background color. else if ( 40 <= cmd && cmd <= 47 ) { nat val = cmd - 40; currentcolor &= (0x0FFF); currentcolor |= (conversion[val] << 12); } // TODO: There are many other things we don't support. } } // Executes an ASNI escape command based on given parameters. void RunANSICommand(char c) { switch ( c ) { // Cursor up case 'A': { nat dist = ( 0 < ansiusedparams ) ? ansiparams[0] : 1; if ( line < dist ) { line = 0; } else { line -= dist; } break; } // Cursor down case 'B': { nat dist = ( 0 < ansiusedparams ) ? ansiparams[0] : 1; if ( height <= line + dist ) { line = height-1; } else { line += dist; } break; } // Cursor forward case 'C': { nat dist = ( 0 < ansiusedparams ) ? ansiparams[0] : 1; if ( width <= column + dist ) { column = width-1; } else { column += dist; } break; } // Cursor backward case 'D': { nat dist = ( 0 < ansiusedparams ) ? ansiparams[0] : 1; if ( column < dist ) { column = 0; } else { column -= dist; } break; } // Move to beginning of line N lines down. case 'E': { column = 0; nat dist = ( 0 < ansiusedparams ) ? ansiparams[0] : 1; if ( height <= line + dist ) { line = height-1; } else { line += dist; } break; } // Move to beginning of line N lines up. case 'F': { column = 0; nat dist = ( 0 < ansiusedparams ) ? ansiparams[0] : 1; if ( line < dist ) { line = 0; } else { line -= dist; } break; } // Move the cursor to column N. case 'G': { nat pos = ( 0 < ansiusedparams ) ? ansiparams[0]-1 : 0; if ( width <= pos ) { pos = width-1; } column = pos; break; } // Move the cursor to line Y, column X. case 'H': case 'f': { nat posy = ( 0 < ansiusedparams ) ? ansiparams[0]-1 : 0; nat posx = ( 1 < ansiusedparams ) ? ansiparams[1]-1 : 0; if ( width <= posx ) { posx = width-1; } if ( height <= posy ) { posy = height-1; } column = posx; line = posy; break; } // Erase parts of the screen. case 'J': { nat mode = ( 0 < ansiusedparams ) ? ansiparams[0] : 0; nat from = 0; nat to = 0; // From cursor to end. if ( mode == 0 ) { from = line*width + column; to = height*width - 1; } // From start to cursor. if ( mode == 1 ) { from = 0; to = line*width + column; } // Everything. if ( mode == 2 ) { from = 0; to = height*width - 1; } for ( nat i = from; i <= to; i++ ) { vga[i] = ' ' | currentcolor; } break; } // Erase parts of the current line. case 'K': { nat mode = ( 0 < ansiusedparams ) ? ansiparams[0] : 0; nat from = 0; nat to = 0; // From cursor to end. if ( mode == 0 ) { from = column; to = width - 1; } // From start to cursor. if ( mode == 1 ) { from = 0; to = column; } // Everything. if ( mode == 2 ) { from = 0; to = width - 1; } for ( nat i = from; i <= to; i++ ) { vga[line * width + i] = ' ' | currentcolor; } break; } // Scroll a line up and place a new line at the buttom. case 'S': { ScrollUp(); line = height-1; break; } // Scroll a line up and place a new line at the top. case 'T': { ScrollDown(); line = 0; break; } // Change how the text is rendered. case 'm': { if ( ansiusedparams == 0 ) { ansiparams[0] = 0; ansiusedparams++; } AnsiSetFont(); break; } // Request special information from terminal. case 'n': { // TODO: Handle this code. break; } // Save cursor position. case 's': { ansisavedposx = column; ansisavedposx = line; break; } // Restore cursor position. case 'u': { column = ansisavedposx; line = ansisavedposx; if ( width <= column ) { column = width-1; } if ( height <= line ) { line = height-1; } break; } // Hide cursor. case 'l': { // TODO: This is somehow related to the special char '?'. if ( 0 < ansiusedparams && ansiparams[0] == 25 ) { showcursor = false; UpdateCursor(); } break; } // Show cursor. case 'h': { // TODO: This is somehow related to the special char '?'. if ( 0 < ansiusedparams && ansiparams[0] == 25 ) { showcursor = true; UpdateCursor(); } break; } // TODO: Handle other cases. } ansimode = NONE; } // Parse another char of an ASNI escape code. void ParseANSIEscape(char c) { // Check the proper prefixes are used. if ( ansimode == CSI ) { if ( c != '[' ) { ansimode = NONE; return; } ansimode = COMMAND; } // Parse parameters and the command. else if ( ansimode == COMMAND ) { // Read part of a parameter. if ( '0' <= c && c <= '9' ) { if ( paramundefined ) { ansiusedparams++; } paramundefined = false; nat val = c - '0'; ansiparams[currentparamindex] *= 10; ansiparams[currentparamindex] += val; } // Parameter delimiter. else if ( c == ';' ) { if ( currentparamindex == ANSI_NUM_PARAMS - 1 ) { ansimode = NONE; return; } paramundefined = true; ansiparams[++currentparamindex] = 0; } // Left for future standardization, so discard this sequence. else if ( c == ':' ) { ignoresequence = true; } // Run a command. else if ( 64 <= c && c <= 126 ) { if ( !ignoresequence ) { RunANSICommand(c); } } // Something I don't understand, and ignore intentionally. else if ( c == '?' ) { } // TODO: There are some rare things that should be supported here. // Ignore unknown input. else { ansimode = NONE; } } } } }