/* pmshell.c * PMShell graphics driver * (c) 2002 Mikulas Patocka * This file is a part of the Links program, released under GPL. */ #include "cfg.h" /*#define PM_DEBUG*/ #ifdef PM_DEBUG #define debug_call(x) do { printf("%016llx, %d: ", (unsigned long long)get_time(), _gettid()); printf x; putchar('\n'); fflush(stdout); } while (0) #else #define debug_call(x) #endif #ifdef GRDRV_PMSHELL #include "links.h" static long pm_get_color(int rgb); extern struct graphics_driver pmshell_driver; #ifdef OS2 #define INCL_DOS #define INCL_DOSERRORS #define INCL_GPI #define INCL_WIN #include #include #include #define PM_SPAWN_SUBPROC /* Links on OS/2 crashes with 24-bit bpp and bitmaps wider than 10921 pixels, apparently there is something that expects 15-bit line stride in bitmap handling code in pmshell. We set this limit lower, to 128, so that we don't exhaust shared memory with big images */ #define OS2_MAX_BITMAP_SIZE 128 /* GpiDrawBits can't draw images with more than 32767 pixes in X direction. We'd better draw them line-by-line */ #define OS2_MAX_LINE_SIZE 8191 extern PPIB os2_pib; static ULONG pm_hidden_frame = 0; static ULONG pm_frame = (FCF_TITLEBAR | FCF_SYSMENU | FCF_SIZEBORDER | FCF_MINMAX | FCF_SHELLPOSITION | FCF_TASKLIST | FCF_NOBYTEALIGN); static HAB hab_disp; static HAB hab; static HMQ hmq; static HDC hdc_mem; static HPS hps_mem; static HWND hwnd_hidden; static HPS hps_hidden; static HPOINTER icon; static HPAL hpal; #define pm_use_palette (hpal != NULLHANDLE && pmshell_driver.param->palette_mode) static _fmutex pm_mutex; static HEV pm_sem; static ULONG pm_event_dummy; static int pm_lock_init(void) { if (_fmutex_create(&pm_mutex, 0)) goto r0; if (DosCreateEventSem(NULL, &pm_sem, 0, 0)) goto r1; return 0; r1: _fmutex_checked_close(&pm_mutex); r0: return -1; } static void pm_lock_close(void) { APIRET r; r = DosCloseEventSem(pm_sem); if (r && r != ERROR_SEM_BUSY) fatal_exit("DoscloseEventSem failed: %ld", (long)r); _fmutex_checked_close(&pm_mutex); } static inline void pm_lock(void) { _fmutex_request(&pm_mutex, _FMR_IGNINT); } static inline void pm_unlock(void) { _fmutex_release(&pm_mutex); } static inline void pm_event_wait(void) { APIRET r; wait_again: r = DosWaitEventSem(pm_sem, SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT); if (r == ERROR_INTERRUPT) goto wait_again; if (r) fatal_exit("DosWaitEventSem failed: %ld", (long)r); if ((r = DosResetEventSem(pm_sem, &pm_event_dummy))) fatal_exit("DosResetEventSem failed: %ld", (long)r); } static inline void pm_event_signal(void) { APIRET r; if ((r = DosPostEventSem(pm_sem))) fatal_exit("DosPostEventSem failed: %ld", (long)r); } static inline void SetCapture(HWND hwnd) { WinSetCapture(HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd); } static inline void ReleaseCapture(void) { WinSetCapture(HWND_DESKTOP, NULLHANDLE); } #define PM_START_DRAW() do { } while (0) #define PM_UNFLUSH() do { } while (0) #endif #ifdef WIN /*#define UNICODE*/ /*#define NO_STRICT*/ #include #ifdef HAVE_WINDOWSX_H #include #endif #include static HMODULE module_handle; static pthread_t pthread_handle; static int unicode_title_supported; static int unicode_supported; static ATOM window_class_atom; static HDC screen_dc; static HWND hwnd_hidden; static HICON icon_big; static HICON icon_small; #define RECTL RECT #define xLeft left #define xRight right #define yTop top #define yBottom bottom #define WM_BUTTON1DOWN WM_LBUTTONDOWN #define WM_BUTTON1DBLCLK WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK #define WM_BUTTON2DOWN WM_RBUTTONDOWN #define WM_BUTTON2DBLCLK WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK #define WM_BUTTON3DOWN WM_MBUTTONDOWN #define WM_BUTTON3DBLCLK WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK #define WM_BUTTON1UP WM_LBUTTONUP #define WM_BUTTON2UP WM_RBUTTONUP #define WM_BUTTON3UP WM_MBUTTONUP #ifndef WM_XBUTTONDOWN #define WM_XBUTTONDOWN 0x20b #endif #ifndef WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK #define WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK 0x20d #endif #ifndef WM_XBUTTONUP #define WM_XBUTTONUP 0x20c #endif #ifndef XBUTTON1 #define XBUTTON1 0x0001 #endif #ifndef XBUTTON2 #define XBUTTON2 0x0002 #endif #ifndef GET_X_LPARAM #define GET_X_LPARAM(lp) ((short)LOWORD(lp)) #endif #ifndef GET_Y_LPARAM #define GET_Y_LPARAM(lp) ((short)HIWORD(lp)) #endif static HANDLE winapi_semaphore; static HANDLE winapi_event; static CRITICAL_SECTION winapi_draw_lock; static tcount winapi_draw_progress; static int pm_lock_init(void) { winapi_semaphore = CreateSemaphoreA(NULL, 1, 1, NULL); if (!winapi_semaphore) goto r0; winapi_event = CreateEventA(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (!winapi_event) goto r1; InitializeCriticalSection(&winapi_draw_lock); winapi_draw_progress = 0; return 0; r1: if (!CloseHandle(winapi_semaphore)) fatal_exit("CloseHandle failed"); r0: return -1; } static void pm_lock_close(void) { DeleteCriticalSection(&winapi_draw_lock); if (!CloseHandle(winapi_event)) fatal_exit("CloseHandle failed"); if (!CloseHandle(winapi_semaphore)) fatal_exit("CloseHandle failed"); } static inline void pm_lock(void) { if (WaitForSingleObject(winapi_semaphore, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED) fatal_exit("WaitForSingleObject failed"); } static inline void pm_unlock(void) { if (!ReleaseSemaphore(winapi_semaphore, 1, NULL)) fatal_exit("ReleaseSemaphore failed"); } static inline void pm_event_wait(void) { if (WaitForSingleObject(winapi_event, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED) fatal_exit("WaitForSingleObject failed"); } static inline void pm_event_signal(void) { if (!SetEvent(winapi_event)) fatal_exit("SetEvent failed"); } static void pm_do_flush(void *ignore) { if (winapi_draw_progress & 1) { if (!GdiFlush()) {/*error("GdiFlush failed: %u", (unsigned)GetLastError());*/} EnterCriticalSection(&winapi_draw_lock); winapi_draw_progress++; LeaveCriticalSection(&winapi_draw_lock); } } ATTR_NOINLINE static void pm_start_draw_slow(void) { register_bottom_half(pm_do_flush, NULL); EnterCriticalSection(&winapi_draw_lock); winapi_draw_progress++; LeaveCriticalSection(&winapi_draw_lock); } static inline void PM_START_DRAW(void) { if (!(winapi_draw_progress & 1)) pm_start_draw_slow(); } #define PM_UNFLUSH() unregister_bottom_half(pm_do_flush, NULL) #endif #define PM_ALLOC_ZERO 1 #define PM_ALLOC_MAYFAIL 2 #if defined(WIN) && !defined(USE_WIN32_HEAP) /* space allocated with malloc may span multiple mapped areas and SetDIBitsToDevice doesn't like it. So use HeapAlloc/HeapFree */ static void *pm_alloc(size_t size, int flags) { void *data; again: data = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), flags & PM_ALLOC_ZERO ? HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY : 0, size); if (!data) { if (out_of_memory(0, flags & PM_ALLOC_MAYFAIL ? NULL : cast_uchar "pm_alloc", size)) goto again; } return data; } static void pm_free(void *ptr) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, ptr); } #else static void *pm_alloc(size_t size, int flags) { if (!(flags & PM_ALLOC_MAYFAIL)) { if (!(flags & PM_ALLOC_ZERO)) return mem_alloc(size); else return mem_calloc(size); } else { if (!(flags & PM_ALLOC_ZERO)) return mem_alloc_mayfail(size); else return mem_calloc_mayfail(size); } } #define pm_free mem_free #endif static BITMAPINFO *pm_bitmapinfo; static int icon_set; #define pm_class_name "links" #define pm_class_name_l L"links" #define E_KEY 1 #define E_MOUSE 2 #define E_REDRAW 3 #define E_RESIZE 4 struct pm_event { list_entry_1st int type; int x1, y1, x2, y2; list_entry_last }; struct pm_window { list_entry_1st int x, y; unsigned char in; unsigned char minimized; struct pm_window *nxt; struct pm_window **prv; #ifdef OS2 HPS ps; HWND h; #endif #ifdef WIN HDC dc; HDC new_dc; HDC old_dc; HPEN pen_orig; HPEN pen_cache; HBRUSH brush_cache; int pen_cache_color; int brush_cache_color; tcount drawing_cookie; int timer_active; #endif HWND hc; HRGN rgn; struct graphics_device *dev; int button; unsigned long lastpos; struct list_head queue; list_entry_last }; #define WIN_HASH 64 static int HASH_VALUE(HWND hw) { return (unsigned long)hw & (WIN_HASH - 1); } static struct pm_window *pm_windows[WIN_HASH]; static void pm_hash_window(struct pm_window *win) { int pos = HASH_VALUE(win->hc); win->prv = &pm_windows[pos]; if ((win->nxt = pm_windows[pos])) pm_windows[pos]->prv = &win->nxt; pm_windows[pos] = win; } static void pm_unhash_window(struct pm_window *win) { if (win->nxt) win->nxt->prv = win->prv; *win->prv = win->nxt; } static inline struct pm_window *pm_lookup_window(HWND h) { struct pm_window *win; for (win = pm_windows[HASH_VALUE(h)]; win && win->hc != h; win = win->nxt) ; return win; } #define pm_win(dev) ((struct pm_window *)dev->driver_data) static int pm_pipe[2]; static unsigned char *pm_status; static int pm_cp; static struct list_head pm_event_windows = { &pm_event_windows, &pm_event_windows }; static unsigned char pm_flush_font_cache = 0; static void pm_send_event(struct pm_window *win, int t, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { /* must be called with pm_lock */ struct pm_event *ev; if ((ev = malloc(sizeof(struct pm_event)))) { ev->type = t; ev->x1 = x1, ev->y1 = y1; ev->x2 = x2, ev->y2 = y2; if (!win->in) { if (list_empty(pm_event_windows)) { int wr; EINTRLOOP(wr, write(pm_pipe[1], "x", 1)); } add_to_list(pm_event_windows, win); win->in = 1; } add_to_list(win->queue, ev); } } static void pm_send_mouse_event(struct pm_window *win, int x1, int y1, int b) { if (!list_empty(win->queue)) { struct pm_event *last = list_struct(win->queue.next, struct pm_event); if (last->type == E_MOUSE && last->x2 == b) { last->x1 = x1; last->y1 = y1; return; } } pm_send_event(win, E_MOUSE, x1, y1, b, 0); } static void pm_cancel_event(struct pm_window *win, int t, struct pm_event **pev) { struct pm_event *ev; struct list_head *lev; if (pev) *pev = NULL; foreachback(struct pm_event, ev, lev, win->queue) if (ev->type == t) { if (pev) *pev = ev; else { del_from_list(ev); free(ev); } return; } } static void pm_resize(struct pm_window *win, RECTL *r) { struct pm_event *ev; win->x = r->xRight; win->y = r->yTop; pm_cancel_event(win, E_REDRAW, NULL); pm_cancel_event(win, E_RESIZE, &ev); if (ev) { ev->x2 = r->xRight; ev->y2 = r->yTop; } else pm_send_event(win, E_RESIZE, 0, 0, r->xRight, r->yTop); } static void pm_redraw(struct pm_window *win, RECTL *r) { struct pm_event *ev; pm_cancel_event(win, E_RESIZE, &ev); if (ev) return; pm_cancel_event(win, E_REDRAW, &ev); if (ev) { if (r->xLeft < ev->x1) ev->x1 = r->xLeft; if (r->xRight > ev->x2) ev->x2 = r->xRight; if (win->y - r->yTop < ev->y1) ev->y1 = win->y - r->yTop; if (win->y - r->yBottom > ev->y2) ev->y2 = win->y - r->yBottom; return; } pm_send_event(win, E_REDRAW, r->xLeft, win->y - r->yTop, r->xRight, win->y - r->yBottom); } #ifdef OS2 #define N_VK 0x42 static struct os2_key pm_vk_table[N_VK] = { {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {KBD_CTRL_C, 0}, {KBD_BS, 0}, {KBD_TAB, 0}, {KBD_TAB, KBD_SHIFT}, {KBD_ENTER, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {KBD_ESC, 0}, {' ', 0}, {KBD_PAGE_UP, 0}, {KBD_PAGE_DOWN, 0}, {KBD_END, 0}, {KBD_HOME, 0}, {KBD_LEFT, 0}, {KBD_UP, 0}, {KBD_RIGHT, 0}, {KBD_DOWN, 0}, {0, 0}, {KBD_INS, 0}, {KBD_DEL, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {KBD_ENTER, 0}, {0, 0}, {KBD_F1, 0}, {KBD_F2, 0}, {KBD_F3, 0}, {KBD_F4, 0}, {KBD_F5, 0}, {KBD_F6, 0}, {KBD_F7, 0}, {KBD_F8, 0}, {KBD_F9, 0}, {KBD_F10, 0}, {KBD_F11, 0}, {KBD_F12, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {KBD_DEL, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0} }; #endif static int win_x(struct pm_window *win) { #ifdef OS2 int x = (short)(win->lastpos & 0xffff); #endif #ifdef WIN int x = GET_X_LPARAM(win->lastpos); #endif if (x >= win->x) x = win->x - 1; if (x < 0) x = 0; return x; } static int win_y(struct pm_window *win) { #ifdef OS2 int y = (short)(win->y - (win->lastpos >> 16)); #endif #ifdef WIN int y = GET_Y_LPARAM(win->lastpos); #endif if (y >= win->y) y = win->y - 1; if (y < 0) y = 0; return y; } static void pm_user_msg(unsigned long msg, void *mp1, void *mp2); #ifdef OS2 static MRESULT EXPENTRY pm_window_proc(HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) #define mouse_pos ((unsigned)mp1) #endif #ifdef WIN static LRESULT CALLBACK pm_window_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM mp1, LPARAM mp2) #define mouse_pos ((unsigned long)mp2) #endif { #ifdef OS2 MRESULT ret; int k_usch; int scancode; #endif int flags; long k_usvk; long k_fsflags; long key; struct pm_window *win; RECTL wr, ur; debug_call(("T: pm_window_proc: %lx %lx %p %p", hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2)); if (hwnd == hwnd_hidden) { debug_call(("T: pm_user_msg")); pm_user_msg(msg, (void *)mp1, (void *)mp2); } else switch (msg) { #ifdef OS2 case WM_REALIZEPALETTE: pm_lock(); if (pm_use_palette) { if ((win = pm_lookup_window(hwnd))) { ULONG pcclr; HWND hc = win->hc; HPS ps = win->ps; LONG nc; pm_unlock(); nc = WinRealizePalette(hc, ps, &pcclr); if (nc == PAL_ERROR) error("WinRealizePalette failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab_disp)); /*fprintf(stderr, "WinRealizePalette: %lu, %ld\n", pcclr, nc);*/ pm_lock(); } } if ((win = pm_lookup_window(hwnd))) { pm_flush_font_cache = 1; if (!WinQueryWindowRect(win->h, &wr)) { error("WinQueryWindowRect failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab_disp)); memset(&wr, 0, sizeof wr); } pm_redraw(win, &wr); } pm_unlock(); return 0; #endif case WM_PAINT: debug_call(("T: WM_PAINT: pm_lock")); pm_lock(); #ifdef OS2 debug_call(("T: WM_PAINT: WinQueryUpdateRect")); if (!WinQueryUpdateRect(hwnd, &ur)) { error("WinQueryUpdateRect failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab_disp)); memset(&ur, 0, sizeof ur); } debug_call(("T: WM_PAINT: WinQueryWindowRect")); if (!WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, &wr)) { error("WinQueryWindowRect failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab_disp)); memset(&wr, 0, sizeof wr); } debug_call(("T: WM_PAINT: WinValidateRect")); if (!WinValidateRect(hwnd, &ur, FALSE)) error("WinValidateRect failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab_disp)); #endif #ifdef WIN GetUpdateRect(hwnd, &ur, FALSE); if (!GetClientRect(hwnd, &wr)) { memset(&wr, 0, sizeof wr); } wr.yTop = wr.yBottom; wr.yBottom = 0; if (!ValidateRect(hwnd, &ur)) fatal_exit("ValidateRect failed"); #endif debug_call(("T: WM_PAINT: pm_lookup_window")); if (!(win = pm_lookup_window(hwnd))) { debug_call(("T: WM_PAINT: pm_lookup_window failed")); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("T: WM_PAINT: return 0")); return 0; } if (win->minimized) { debug_call(("T: WM_PAINT: win->minimized")); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("T: WM_PAINT: break")); break; } #ifdef WIN ur.yTop = win->y - ur.yTop; ur.yBottom = win->y - ur.yBottom; #endif if (wr.xRight != win->x || wr.yTop != win->y) { #if 0 if (WinQueryWindowRect(win->h, &wr)) { pm_default_window_width = wr.xRight; pm_default_window_height = wr.yTop; } #endif debug_call(("T: WM_PAINT: pm_resize")); #ifdef WIN KillTimer(win->hc, 0); KillTimer(win->hc, 1); #endif pm_resize(win, &wr); } else { debug_call(("T: WM_PAINT: pm_redraw")); pm_redraw(win, &ur); } debug_call(("T: WM_PAINT: pm_unlock")); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("T: WM_PAINT: return 0")); return 0; #ifdef OS2 case WM_MINMAXFRAME: debug_call(("T: WM_MINMAXFRAME: pm_lock")); pm_lock(); debug_call(("T: WM_MINMAXFRAME: pm_lookup_window")); if (!(win = pm_lookup_window(hwnd))) { debug_call(("T: WM_MINMAXFRAME: pm_lookup_window failed")); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("T: WM_MINMAXFRAME: return 0")); return 0; } if (((SWP *)mp1)->fl & (SWP_HIDE | SWP_MINIMIZE)) win->minimized = 1; else win->minimized = 0; debug_call(("T: WM_MINMAXFRAME: minimized: %d, win->minimized", win->minimized)); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("T: WM_MINMAXFRAME: break")); break; #endif case WM_CLOSE: debug_call(("T: WM_CLOSE")); case WM_QUIT: debug_call(("T: WM_QUIT: pm_lock")); pm_lock(); debug_call(("T: WM_QUIT: pm_lookup_window")); if (!(win = pm_lookup_window(hwnd))) { debug_call(("T: WM_QUIT: pm_lookup_window failed")); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("T: WM_QUIT: return 0")); return 0; } debug_call(("T: WM_QUIT: pm_send_event")); pm_send_event(win, E_KEY, KBD_CTRL_C, 0, 0, 0); debug_call(("T: WM_QUIT: pm_unlock")); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("T: WM_QUIT: return 0")); return 0; case WM_CHAR: debug_call(("T: WM_CHAR")); #ifdef WIN case WM_SYSCHAR: case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: #endif #ifdef OS2 k_fsflags = (int)mp1; scancode = ((unsigned long)mp1 >> 24) & 0xff; k_usch = (int)mp2 & 0xffff; k_usvk = ((int)mp2 >> 16) & 0xffff; /* * F1 keydown is lost for unknown reason --- so catch * keyup instead. */ if ((k_fsflags & (KC_VIRTUALKEY | KC_CHAR)) == KC_VIRTUALKEY && k_usvk == 0x20) k_fsflags ^= KC_KEYUP; if (k_fsflags & (KC_KEYUP | KC_DEADKEY | KC_INVALIDCOMP)) { debug_call(("T: WM_CHAR: return 0 @ 1")); return 0; } flags = (k_fsflags & KC_SHIFT ? KBD_SHIFT : 0) | (k_fsflags & KC_CTRL ? KBD_CTRL : 0) | (k_fsflags & KC_ALT ? KBD_ALT : 0); if (k_fsflags & KC_ALT && ((scancode >= 0x47 && scancode <= 0x49) || (scancode >= 0x4b && scancode <= 0x4d) || (scancode >= 0x4f && scancode <= 0x52))) { debug_call(("T: WM_CHAR: return 0 @ 2")); return 0; } if ((k_fsflags & (KC_VIRTUALKEY | KC_CHAR)) == KC_VIRTUALKEY) { if (k_usvk < N_VK && (key = pm_vk_table[k_usvk].x)) { flags |= pm_vk_table[k_usvk].y; if (key == KBD_CTRL_C) flags &= ~KBD_CTRL; goto s; } } if (k_usch & 0xff) { key = k_usch & 0xff; if (!(flags & KBD_CTRL)) { if (key == 0x0d) key = KBD_ENTER; if (key == 0x08) key = KBD_BS; if (key == 0x09) key = KBD_TAB; if (key == 0x1b) key = KBD_ESC; } if (key >= 0 && key < ' ') key += '@', flags |= KBD_CTRL; } else key = os2xtd[k_usch >> 8].x, flags |= os2xtd[k_usch >> 8].y; if ((key & 0xdf) == 'C' && (flags & KBD_CTRL)) key = KBD_CTRL_C, flags &= ~KBD_CTRL; s: if (!key) { debug_call(("T: WM_CHAR: return 0 @ 3")); return 0; } /*if (key >= 0) flags &= ~KBD_SHIFT;*/ if (key >= 0x80 && pm_cp) { if ((key = cp2u(key, pm_cp)) < 0) { debug_call(("T: WM_CHAR: return 0 @ 4")); return 0; } } #endif #ifdef WIN k_fsflags = (long)mp2; flags = 0; if (k_fsflags & (1 << 29)) flags |= KBD_ALT; if (msg == WM_KEYDOWN || msg == WM_SYSKEYDOWN) { /*fprintf(stderr, "vk: %lx %lx\n", (long)mp1, (long)mp2);*/ k_usvk = (long)mp1; switch (k_usvk) { case VK_CANCEL: key = KBD_CTRL_C; break; case VK_PRIOR: key = KBD_PAGE_UP; break; case VK_NEXT: key = KBD_PAGE_DOWN; break; case VK_END: key = KBD_END; break; case VK_HOME: key = KBD_HOME; break; case VK_LEFT: key = KBD_LEFT; break; case VK_RIGHT: key = KBD_RIGHT; break; case VK_DOWN: key = KBD_DOWN; break; case VK_UP: key = KBD_UP; break; case VK_INSERT: key = KBD_INS; break; case VK_DELETE: key = KBD_DEL; break; case VK_F1: key = KBD_F1; break; case VK_F2: key = KBD_F2; break; case VK_F3: key = KBD_F3; break; case VK_F4: key = KBD_F4; break; case VK_F5: key = KBD_F5; break; case VK_F6: key = KBD_F6; break; case VK_F7: key = KBD_F7; break; case VK_F8: key = KBD_F8; break; case VK_F9: key = KBD_F9; break; case VK_F10: key = KBD_F10; break; case VK_F11: key = KBD_F11; break; case VK_F12: key = KBD_F12; break; #ifdef VK_HELP case VK_HELP: key = KBD_HELP; break; #endif #ifdef VK_APPS case VK_APPS: key = KBD_MENU; break; #endif #ifdef VK_BROWSER_BACK case VK_BROWSER_BACK: key = KBD_BACK; break; #endif #ifdef VK_BROWSER_FORWARD case VK_BROWSER_FORWARD: key = KBD_FORWARD; break; #endif #ifdef VK_BROWSER_REFRESH case VK_BROWSER_REFRESH: key = KBD_RELOAD; break; #endif #ifdef VK_BROWSER_STOP case VK_BROWSER_STOP: key = KBD_STOP; break; #endif #ifdef VK_BROWSER_SEARCH case VK_BROWSER_SEARCH: key = KBD_FIND; break; #endif #ifdef VK_BROWSER_FAVORITES case VK_BROWSER_FAVORITES: key = KBD_BOOKMARKS; break; #endif #ifdef VK_BROWSER_HOME case VK_BROWSER_HOME: key = KBD_OPEN; break; #endif default: return 0; } } else { /*fprintf(stderr, "ch: %lx %lx\n", (long)mp1, (long)mp2);*/ key = (long)mp1; if (key <= 0) return 0; if (key > 0 && key < 0x20) { if (key == 3) key = KBD_CTRL_C; else if (key == 8) key = KBD_BS; else if (key == 9) key = KBD_TAB; else if (key == 10) key = KBD_ENTER; else if (key == 13) key = KBD_ENTER; else if (key == 27) key = KBD_ESC; else if (key == 127) key = KBD_BS; else { key += 'A' - 1; flags |= KBD_CTRL; } } else if (!unicode_supported) { key = cp2u(key, pm_cp); } } #endif debug_call(("T: WM_CHAR: pm_lock")); pm_lock(); debug_call(("T: WM_CHAR: pm_lookup_window")); if (!(win = pm_lookup_window(hwnd))) { debug_call(("T: WM_CHAR: pm_lookup_window failed")); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("T: WM_CHAR: return 0")); return 0; } debug_call(("T: WM_CHAR: pm_send_event")); pm_send_event(win, E_KEY, key, flags, 0, 0); debug_call(("T: WM_CHAR: pm_unlock")); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("T: WM_CHAR: return 0")); return 0; case WM_BUTTON1DOWN: case WM_BUTTON1DBLCLK: flags = B_LEFT; goto button_down; case WM_BUTTON2DOWN: case WM_BUTTON2DBLCLK: flags = B_RIGHT; goto button_down; case WM_BUTTON3DOWN: case WM_BUTTON3DBLCLK: flags = B_MIDDLE; goto button_down; button_down: debug_call(("T: BUTTON_DOWN: pm_lock")); pm_lock(); debug_call(("T: BUTTON_DOWN: pm_lookup_window")); if (!(win = pm_lookup_window(hwnd))) { debug_call(("T: BUTTON_DOWN: pm_lookup_window failed")); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("T: BUTTON_DOWN: break")); break; } win->button |= 1 << flags; win->lastpos = mouse_pos; debug_call(("T: BUTTON_DOWN: pm_send_event (%d)", flags)); pm_send_event(win, E_MOUSE, win_x(win), win_y(win), B_DOWN | flags, 0); debug_call(("T: BUTTON_DOWN: pm_unlock")); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("T: BUTTON_DOWN: SetCapture")); SetCapture(hwnd); debug_call(("T: BUTTON_DOWN: break")); break; case WM_BUTTON1UP: #ifdef OS2 case WM_BUTTON1MOTIONEND: #endif flags = B_LEFT; goto button_up; case WM_BUTTON2UP: #ifdef OS2 case WM_BUTTON2MOTIONEND: #endif flags = B_RIGHT; goto button_up; case WM_BUTTON3UP: #ifdef OS2 case WM_BUTTON3MOTIONEND: #endif flags = B_MIDDLE; goto button_up; button_up: debug_call(("T: BUTTON_UP: pm_lock")); pm_lock(); debug_call(("T: BUTTON_UP: pm_lookup_window")); if (!(win = pm_lookup_window(hwnd))) { debug_call(("T: BUTTON_UP: pm_lookup_window failed")); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("T: BUTTON_UP: break")); break; } if (msg == WM_BUTTON1UP) win->lastpos = mouse_pos; if (win->button & (1 << flags)) { debug_call(("T: BUTTON_UP: pm_send_event (%d)", flags)); pm_send_event(win, E_MOUSE, win_x(win), win_y(win), B_UP | flags, 0); } win->button &= ~(1 << flags); debug_call(("T: BUTTON_UP: pm_unlock")); pm_unlock(); if (!win->button) { debug_call(("T: BUTTON_UP: ReleaseCapture")); ReleaseCapture(); } debug_call(("T: BUTTON_UP: break")); break; #ifdef WIN case WM_XBUTTONDOWN: case WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK: if (HIWORD(mp1) == XBUTTON1) flags = B_FOURTH; else if (HIWORD(mp1) == XBUTTON2) flags = B_FIFTH; else break; goto button_down; case WM_XBUTTONUP: if (HIWORD(mp1) == XBUTTON1) flags = B_FOURTH; else if (HIWORD(mp1) == XBUTTON2) flags = B_FIFTH; else break; goto button_up; #endif case WM_MOUSEMOVE: debug_call(("T: WM_MOUSEMOVE: pm_lock")); pm_lock(); debug_call(("T: WM_MOUSEMOVE: pm_lookup_window")); if (!(win = pm_lookup_window(hwnd))) { debug_call(("T: WM_MOUSEMOVE: pm_lookup_window failed")); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("T: WM_MOUSEMOVE: break")); break; } #ifdef OS2 debug_call(("T: WM_MOUSEMOVE: %x -> WinQueryCapture", win->button)); if (win->button && WinQueryCapture(HWND_DESKTOP) != hwnd) { debug_call(("T: WM_MOUSEMOVE: clear buttons")); for (flags = B_LEFT; flags <= B_SIXTH; flags++) if (win->button & (1 << flags)) pm_send_event(win, E_MOUSE, win_x(win), win_y(win), B_UP | flags, 0); win->button = 0; } #endif if (win->lastpos == mouse_pos) { debug_call(("T: WM_MOUSEMOVE: pm_unlock")); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("T: WM_MOUSEMOVE: break")); break; } win->lastpos = mouse_pos; debug_call(("T: WM_MOUSEMOVE: pm_send_mouse_event")); pm_send_mouse_event(win, win_x(win), win_y(win), (win->button ? B_DRAG : B_MOVE) | (win->button & (1 << B_LEFT) ? B_LEFT : win->button & (1 << B_MIDDLE) ? B_MIDDLE : win->button & (1 << B_RIGHT) ? B_RIGHT : win->button & (1 << B_FOURTH) ? B_FOURTH : win->button & (1 << B_FIFTH) ? B_FIFTH : win->button & (1 << B_SIXTH) ? B_SIXTH : 0)); debug_call(("T: WM_MOUSEMOVE: pm_unlock")); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("T: WM_MOUSEMOVE: break")); break; #ifdef WIN case WM_CAPTURECHANGED: pm_lock(); if (!(win = pm_lookup_window(hwnd))) { pm_unlock(); break; } if ((HWND)mp2 == win->hc) { pm_unlock(); break; } for (flags = B_LEFT; flags <= B_SIXTH; flags++) if (win->button & (1 << flags)) pm_send_event(win, E_MOUSE, win_x(win), win_y(win), B_UP | flags, 0); win->button = 0; pm_unlock(); break; #endif #ifdef OS2 case WM_VSCROLL: debug_call(("T: VM_VSCROLL: pm_lock")); pm_lock(); debug_call(("T: VM_VSCROLL: pm_lookup_window")); if (!(win = pm_lookup_window(hwnd))) { debug_call(("T: VM_VSCROLL: pm_lookup_window failed")); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("T: VM_VSCROLL: break")); break; } if ((unsigned long)mp2 == SB_LINEUP << 16 || (unsigned long)mp2 == SB_LINEDOWN << 16) { debug_call(("T: VM_VSCROLL: pm_send_event")); pm_send_event(win, E_MOUSE, win_x(win), win_y(win), ((unsigned long)mp2 == SB_LINEUP << 16 ? B_WHEELUP1 : B_WHEELDOWN1) | B_MOVE, 0); } debug_call(("T: VM_VSCROLL: pm_unlock")); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("T: VM_VSCROLL: break")); break; case WM_HSCROLL: debug_call(("T: VM_HSCROLL: pm_lock")); pm_lock(); debug_call(("T: VM_HSCROLL: pm_lookup_window")); if (!(win = pm_lookup_window(hwnd))) { debug_call(("T: VM_HSCROLL: pm_lookup_window failed")); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("T: VM_HSCROLL: break")); break; } if ((unsigned long)mp2 == SB_LINELEFT << 16 || (unsigned long)mp2 == SB_LINERIGHT << 16) { debug_call(("T: VM_HSCROLL: pm_send_event")); pm_send_event(win, E_MOUSE, win_x(win), win_y(win), ((unsigned long)mp2 == SB_LINELEFT << 16 ? B_WHEELLEFT1 : B_WHEELRIGHT1) | B_MOVE, 0); } debug_call(("T: VM_HSCROLL: pm_unlock")); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("T: VM_HSCROLL: break")); break; #endif #ifdef WIN case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: case 0x020e: flags = HIWORD(mp1); if (!flags) break; pm_lock(); if (!(win = pm_lookup_window(hwnd))) { pm_unlock(); break; } pm_send_event(win, E_MOUSE, win_x(win), win_y(win), (flags > 0 && flags < 0x8000 ? (msg == WM_MOUSEWHEEL ? B_WHEELUP : B_WHEELRIGHT) : (msg == WM_MOUSEWHEEL ? B_WHEELDOWN: B_WHEELLEFT)) | B_MOVE, 0); pm_unlock(); break; #endif #ifdef WIN case WM_TIMER: if (!GetClientRect(hwnd, &wr)) { break; } wr.yTop = wr.yBottom; wr.yBottom = 0; pm_lock(); if ((win = pm_lookup_window(hwnd))) { KillTimer(win->hc, 0); KillTimer(win->hc, 1); win->timer_active = 0; pm_redraw(win, &wr); } pm_unlock(); break; case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: if (!is_winnt()) break; pm_lock(); if ((win = pm_lookup_window(hwnd)) && win->dc) { EnterCriticalSection(&winapi_draw_lock); win->drawing_cookie = winapi_draw_progress; LeaveCriticalSection(&winapi_draw_lock); } pm_unlock(); break; case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: if (!is_winnt()) break; pm_lock(); if ((win = pm_lookup_window(hwnd)) && win->dc) { int not_racing; EnterCriticalSection(&winapi_draw_lock); not_racing = win->drawing_cookie == winapi_draw_progress && !(winapi_draw_progress & 1); LeaveCriticalSection(&winapi_draw_lock); if (not_racing) goto skip_windowposchanged; if (!win->new_dc) win->new_dc = GetDC(win->hc); if (win->old_dc) { if (!ReleaseDC(win->hc, win->old_dc)) error("ReleaseDC failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); win->old_dc = NULL; } SetTimer(win->hc, 0, WIN32_REPAINT_IDLE_TIME, NULL); if (!win->timer_active) { SetTimer(win->hc, 1, WIN32_REPAINT_BUSY_TIME, NULL); win->timer_active = 1; } } skip_windowposchanged: pm_unlock(); break; #endif } #ifdef OS2 debug_call(("T: WinDefWindowProc: %lx %lx %p %p", hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2)); ret = WinDefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2); debug_call(("T: WinDefWindowProc returned %p", ret)); return ret; #endif #ifdef WIN if (!unicode_supported) return DefWindowProcA(hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2); else return DefWindowProcW(hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2); #endif } static int pm_thread_shutdown; #define MSG_CREATE_WINDOW (WM_USER + 0) #define MSG_DELETE_WINDOW (WM_USER + 1) #define MSG_SET_WINDOW_TITLE (WM_USER + 2) #define MSG_SHUTDOWN_THREAD (WM_USER + 3) static void pm_user_msg(unsigned long msg, void *mp1, void *mp2) { struct pm_window *win; switch (msg) { case MSG_CREATE_WINDOW: win = mp1; #ifdef OS2 debug_call(("T: WinCreateStdWindow")); win->h = WinCreateStdWindow(HWND_DESKTOP, 0, &pm_frame, pm_class_name, "Links", 0, 0, 0, &win->hc); debug_call(("T: WinCreateStdWindow: %lx", win->h)); if (win->h != NULLHANDLE) { if (icon != NULLHANDLE) { debug_call(("T: WinSendMsg")); WinSendMsg(win->h, WM_SETICON, (void *)icon, 0); } debug_call(("T: WinSetWindowPos")); if (!WinSetWindowPos(win->h, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_ACTIVATE | SWP_SHOW | SWP_ZORDER)) error("WinSetWindowPos failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab_disp)); } #endif #ifdef WIN if (unicode_supported) { win->hc = CreateWindowExW(WS_EX_APPWINDOW | WS_EX_LEFT, (void *)(unsigned long)window_class_atom, L"Links", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, NULL, NULL, module_handle, NULL); } else { win->hc = CreateWindowExA(WS_EX_APPWINDOW | WS_EX_LEFT, (void *)(unsigned long)window_class_atom, "Links", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, NULL, NULL, module_handle, NULL); } if (!win->hc) goto fail_createwindowex; if ((win->dc = GetDC(win->hc)) == NULL) goto fail_getdc; if (unicode_supported) { if (icon_big != NULL) SendMessageW(win->hc, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)icon_big); if (icon_small != NULL) SendMessageW(win->hc, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM)icon_small); } else { if (icon_big != NULL) SendMessageA(win->hc, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)icon_big); if (icon_small != NULL) SendMessageA(win->hc, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM)icon_small); } ShowWindow(win->hc, SW_SHOW); /*SetWindowPos(win->hc, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW);*/ SetForegroundWindow(win->hc); #endif debug_call(("T: pm_lock")); pm_lock(); debug_call(("T: pm_event_signal")); pm_event_signal(); debug_call(("T: break")); break; case MSG_DELETE_WINDOW: win = mp1; #ifdef OS2 debug_call(("T: WinDestroyWindow")); if (!WinDestroyWindow(win->h)) fatal_exit("WinDestroyWindow failed"); #endif #ifdef WIN if (win->dc) { if (!ReleaseDC(win->hc, win->dc)) error("ReleaseDC failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); win->dc = NULL; } if (win->old_dc) { if (!ReleaseDC(win->hc, win->old_dc)) error("ReleaseDC failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); win->old_dc = NULL; } if (win->new_dc) { if (!ReleaseDC(win->hc, win->new_dc)) error("ReleaseDC failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); win->new_dc = NULL; } fail_getdc: if (!DestroyWindow(win->hc)) fatal_exit("DestroyWindow failed"); fail_createwindowex: win->hc = NULL; #endif debug_call(("T: pm_lock")); pm_lock(); debug_call(("T: pm_event_signal")); pm_event_signal(); debug_call(("T: break")); break; case MSG_SET_WINDOW_TITLE: win = mp1; #ifdef OS2 debug_call(("T: WinSetWindowText")); WinSetWindowText(win->h, mp2); #endif #ifdef WIN if (unicode_supported && unicode_title_supported) SetWindowTextW(win->hc, mp2); else SetWindowTextA(win->hc, mp2); #endif debug_call(("T: pm_lock")); pm_lock(); debug_call(("T: pm_event_signal")); pm_event_signal(); debug_call(("T: break")); break; case MSG_SHUTDOWN_THREAD: debug_call(("T: pm_thread_shutdown")); pm_thread_shutdown = 1; break; } } static void pm_send_msg(int msg, void *param, void *param2) { #ifdef OS2 debug_call(("M: calling WinPostMsg(%d, %p, %p)", msg, param, param2)); while (!WinPostMsg(hwnd_hidden, msg, (MPARAM)param, (MPARAM)param2)) { debug_call(("M: WinPostMsg failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab))); portable_sleep(1000); } debug_call(("M: WinPostMsg succeeded")); #endif #ifdef WIN BOOL r; if (!GdiFlush()) {/*error("GdiFlush failed: %u", (unsigned)GetLastError());*/} retry: if (!unicode_supported) r = PostMessageA(hwnd_hidden, msg, (unsigned long)param, (unsigned long)param2); else r = PostMessageW(hwnd_hidden, msg, (unsigned long)param, (unsigned long)param2); if (!r) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); if (err == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA) { portable_sleep(1000); goto retry; } fatal_exit("PostMessage failed: %x", (unsigned)GetLastError()); } #endif pm_event_wait(); debug_call(("M: pm_event_wait succeeded")); #ifdef WIN if (msg == MSG_SHUTDOWN_THREAD) { if (pthread_join(pthread_handle, NULL)) fatal_exit("pthread_join failed"); } #endif } static void pm_dispatcher(void *p) { #ifdef OS2 QMSG msg; HWND hwnd_hidden_h; #endif #ifdef WIN MSG msg; HCURSOR hcursor; WNDCLASSEXW class_w; WNDCLASSEXA class_a; #endif pm_status = NULL; #ifdef OS2 /*DosSetPriority(PRTYS_THREAD, PRTYC_FOREGROUNDSERVER, 1, 0);*/ /*DosSetPriority(PRTYS_THREAD, PRTYC_TIMECRITICAL, 1, 0);*/ DosSetPriority(PRTYS_THREAD, PRTYC_NOCHANGE, 1, 0); if ((hab_disp = WinInitialize(0)) == NULLHANDLE) { pm_status = cast_uchar "WinInitialize failed in pm thread.\n"; goto os2_fail0; } if ((hmq = WinCreateMsgQueue(hab_disp, 0)) == NULLHANDLE) { ERRORID e = WinGetLastError(hab_disp); if ((e & 0xffff) == PMERR_NOT_IN_A_PM_SESSION) pm_status = cast_uchar "Not in a pmshell session.\n"; else pm_status = cast_uchar "WinCreateMsgQueue failed in pm thread.\n"; goto os2_fail1; } if ((pm_cp = WinQueryCp(hmq))) { unsigned char a[12]; snprint(a, 12, pm_cp); if ((pm_cp = get_cp_index(a)) < 0 || pm_cp == utf8_table) pm_cp = 0; } /*{ ULONG cp_list[100]; int n, i; debug("WinQueryCp: %d", WinQueryCp(hmq)); n = WinQueryCpList(hab_disp, 100, cp_list); debug("%d", n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%d, ", cp_list[i]); }*/ if (WinRegisterClass(hab_disp, pm_class_name, pm_window_proc, CS_SIZEREDRAW, 0) == FALSE) { pm_status = cast_uchar "WinRegisterClass failed for.\n"; goto os2_fail2; } if ((hwnd_hidden_h = WinCreateStdWindow(HWND_DESKTOP, 0, &pm_hidden_frame, pm_class_name, NULL, 0, 0, 0, &hwnd_hidden)) == NULLHANDLE) { pm_status = cast_uchar "Could not create hidden window.\n"; goto os2_fail3; } if ((hps_hidden = WinGetPS(hwnd_hidden)) == NULLHANDLE) { pm_status = cast_uchar "Could not get hidden window ps.\n"; goto os2_fail4; } #if 0 { int c, d; LONG colors[256]; c = GpiQueryRealColors(hps_hidden, 0, 0, 256, colors); if (c == GPI_ALTERROR) { error("GpiQueryRealColors failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab_disp)); } else { for (d = 0; d < c; d++) fprintf(stderr, "color[%03d] = %06lx\n", d, colors[d]); } } #endif #endif #ifdef WIN { unsigned long (WINAPI *f_SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext)(unsigned long ctx); f_SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext = (void *)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("user32.dll"), "SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext"); /*debug("result: %p", f_SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext);*/ if (f_SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext) { f_SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext(-3); } } pm_cp = get_windows_cp(0); hcursor = LoadCursorA(0, (void *)IDC_ARROW); memset(&class_w, 0, sizeof class_w); class_w.cbSize = sizeof class_w; class_w.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; class_w.lpfnWndProc = pm_window_proc; class_w.hInstance = module_handle; class_w.hCursor = hcursor; class_w.lpszClassName = pm_class_name_l; window_class_atom = RegisterClassExW(&class_w); if (window_class_atom) { OSVERSIONINFO v; unicode_supported = 1; unicode_title_supported = 0; v.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof v; if (is_winnt() && GetVersionEx(&v) && v.dwMajorVersion >= 5) unicode_title_supported = 1; } else { unicode_supported = 0; unicode_title_supported = 0; memset(&class_a, 0, sizeof class_a); class_a.cbSize = sizeof class_a; class_a.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; class_a.lpfnWndProc = pm_window_proc; class_a.hInstance = module_handle; class_a.hCursor = hcursor; class_a.lpszClassName = pm_class_name; window_class_atom = RegisterClassExA(&class_a); } if (!window_class_atom) { pm_status = cast_uchar "Unable to register window class.\n"; goto win32_fail; } if (unicode_supported) { hwnd_hidden = CreateWindowExW(WS_EX_LEFT, (void *)(unsigned long)window_class_atom, L"Links", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, NULL, NULL, module_handle, NULL); } else { hwnd_hidden = CreateWindowExA(WS_EX_LEFT, (void *)(unsigned long)window_class_atom, "Links", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, NULL, NULL, module_handle, NULL); } if (!hwnd_hidden) { pm_status = cast_uchar "Could not create hidden window.\n"; goto win32_fail; } if (!unicode_supported) PeekMessageA(&msg, NULL, WM_USER, WM_USER, PM_NOREMOVE); else PeekMessageW(&msg, NULL, WM_USER, WM_USER, PM_NOREMOVE); #endif pm_event_signal(); while (!pm_thread_shutdown) { #ifdef OS2 /*BOOL ret; debug_call(("T: calling WinPeekMsg")); ret = WinPeekMsg(hab_disp, &msg, 0L, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE); debug_call(("T: WinPeekMsg: %ld", ret)); if (!ret) { debug_call(("T: calling WinWaitMsg")); ret = WinWaitMsg(hab_disp, 0, 0); debug_call(("T: WinWaitMsg: %ld", ret)); continue; }*/ debug_call(("T: calling WinGetMsg")); WinGetMsg(hab_disp, &msg, 0L, 0, 0); debug_call(("T: WinGetMsg: %lx, %lx, %p, %p, %lx, %lx.%lx, %lx", msg.hwnd, msg.msg, msg.mp1, msg.mp2, msg.time, msg.ptl.x, msg.ptl.y, msg.reserved)); WinDispatchMsg(hab_disp, &msg); #endif #ifdef WIN if (!unicode_supported) GetMessageA(&msg, NULL, 0, 0); else GetMessageW(&msg, NULL, 0, 0); TranslateMessage(&msg); if (!unicode_supported) DispatchMessageA(&msg); else DispatchMessageW(&msg); #endif } #ifdef OS2 if (!WinReleasePS(hps_hidden)) error("WinReleasePS failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab_disp)); os2_fail4: if (!WinDestroyWindow(hwnd_hidden_h)) error("WinDestroyWindow failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab_disp)); os2_fail3: os2_fail2: if (!WinDestroyMsgQueue(hmq)) error("WinDestroyMsgQueue failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab_disp)); os2_fail1: if (!WinTerminate(hab_disp)) error("WinTerminate failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab_disp)); os2_fail0: #endif #ifdef WIN if (!DestroyWindow(hwnd_hidden)) error("DestroyWindow failed: %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); win32_fail: #endif pm_event_signal(); return; } #ifdef WIN static void *pm_dispatcher_win32(void *p) { pm_dispatcher(NULL); return NULL; } #endif #ifdef WIN static void pm_release_cached_objects(struct pm_window *win) { if (win->pen_orig) { if (!SelectObject(win->dc, win->pen_orig)) error("SelectObject failed for original pen %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); win->pen_orig = NULL; } if (win->pen_cache) { if (!DeleteObject(win->pen_cache)) error("DeleteObject failed for pen cache %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); win->pen_cache = NULL; win->pen_cache_color = -1; } if (win->brush_cache) { if (!DeleteObject(win->brush_cache)) error("DeleteObject failed for brush cache %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); win->brush_cache = NULL; win->brush_cache_color = -1; } if (!GdiFlush()) {/*error("GdiFlush failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError());*/} } #endif static void pm_handler(void *p) { unsigned char flush_font; unsigned char c; struct pm_window *win = NULL; struct pm_event *ev = NULL; debug_call(("M: pm_handler: pm_lock")); pm_lock(); debug_call(("M: pm_handler: pm_locked")); if (!list_empty(pm_event_windows)) { win = list_struct(pm_event_windows.prev, struct pm_window); if (!list_empty(win->queue)) { ev = list_struct(win->queue.prev, struct pm_event); del_from_list(ev); } if (list_empty(win->queue)) { del_from_list(win); win->in = 0; } } if (list_empty(pm_event_windows)) { int rd; debug_call(("M: pm_handler: read")); EINTRLOOP(rd, read(pm_pipe[0], &c, 1)); if (rd != 1) { if (rd < 0) fatal_exit("error on pm pipe: %s", strerror(errno)); else fatal_exit("eof on pm pipe"); } } debug_call(("M: pm_handler: pm_unlock")); flush_font = pm_flush_font_cache; pm_flush_font_cache = 0; #ifdef WIN if (win) { if (win->new_dc && !win->old_dc) { pm_release_cached_objects(win); win->old_dc = win->dc; win->dc = win->new_dc; win->new_dc = NULL; } } #endif pm_unlock(); flush_bitmaps(flush_font, 0, 0); debug_call(("M: pm_handler: pm_unlocked: %p", ev)); if (!ev) return; debug_call(("M: pm_handler: event: %d", ev->type)); switch (ev->type) { struct rect r; case E_KEY: if (win->dev->keyboard_handler) win->dev->keyboard_handler(win->dev, ev->x1, ev->y1); break; case E_MOUSE: if (win->dev->mouse_handler) win->dev->mouse_handler(win->dev, ev->x1, ev->y1, ev->x2); break; case E_REDRAW: if (win->dev->redraw_handler) { r.x1 = ev->x1; r.y1 = ev->y1; r.x2 = ev->x2; r.y2 = ev->y2; win->dev->redraw_handler(win->dev, &r); } break; case E_RESIZE: win->dev->size.x2 = ev->x2; win->dev->size.y2 = ev->y2; if (win->dev->resize_handler) { win->dev->resize_handler(win->dev); } } debug_call(("M: pm_handler: free ev")); free(ev); debug_call(("M: pm_handler: done")); } static int pm_bitmap_count = 0; static unsigned char *pm_get_af_unix_name(void) { return cast_uchar ""; } #ifdef PM_SPAWN_SUBPROC static int pm_sin, pm_sout, pm_serr, pm_ip[2], pm_op[2], pm_ep[2]; static int pm_cons_ok = 0; static void pm_setup_console(int undo) { int rs; if (pm_cons_ok != undo) return; if (pm_cons_ok) goto fail9; setmode(1, O_BINARY); setmode(2, O_BINARY); pm_sin = c_dup(0); if (pm_sin < 0) goto fail; pm_sout = c_dup(1); if (pm_sout < 0) goto fail1; pm_serr = c_dup(2); if (pm_serr < 0) goto fail2; if (c_pipe(pm_ip)) goto fail3; if (c_pipe(pm_op)) goto fail4; if (c_pipe(pm_ep)) goto fail5; EINTRLOOP(rs, dup2(pm_ip[0], 0)); if (rs != 0) goto fail6; EINTRLOOP(rs, dup2(pm_op[1], 1)); if (rs != 1) goto fail7; EINTRLOOP(rs, dup2(pm_ep[1], 2)); if (rs != 2) goto fail8; EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pm_ip[0])); EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pm_op[1])); EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pm_ep[1])); pm_cons_ok = 1; return; fail9: EINTRLOOP(rs, dup2(pm_serr, 2)); fail8: EINTRLOOP(rs, dup2(pm_sout, 1)); fail7: EINTRLOOP(rs, dup2(pm_sin, 0)); fail6: EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pm_ep[0])); EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pm_ep[1])); fail5: EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pm_op[0])); EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pm_op[1])); fail4: EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pm_ip[0])); EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pm_ip[1])); fail3: EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pm_serr)); fail2: EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pm_sout)); fail1: EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pm_sin)); fail: pm_cons_ok = 0; } static int pm_do_console_step(int slp) { #define CONS_BUF 20 int did_something = 0; unsigned char buffer[CONS_BUF]; fd_set s; struct timeval tv = { 0, 0 }; int rs; int m = pm_op[0] > pm_ep[0] ? pm_op[0] : pm_ep[0]; int r, w; if (pm_sin > m) m = pm_sin; m++; if (!pm_cons_ok) return -1; FD_ZERO(&s); /*FD_SET(pm_sin, &s);*/ if (m > (int)FD_SETSIZE) { fatal_exit("too big handle %d", m - 1); } FD_SET(pm_op[0], &s); FD_SET(pm_ep[0], &s); EINTRLOOP(rs, select(m, &s, NULL, NULL, slp ? NULL : &tv)); if (rs <= 0) return -1; #define SEL_CHK(ih, oh) \ if (FD_ISSET(ih, &s)) { \ EINTRLOOP(r, read(ih, buffer, CONS_BUF)); \ if (r <= 0) return -1; \ do { \ if ((w = hard_write(oh, buffer, r)) <= 0) return -1;\ did_something = 1; \ r -= w; \ } while (r > 0); \ } block_signals(0, 0); /*SEL_CHK(pm_sin, pm_ip[1]);*/ SEL_CHK(pm_op[0], pm_sout); SEL_CHK(pm_ep[0], pm_serr); unblock_signals(); return did_something; #undef SEL_CHK } static void pm_do_console(void) { while (pm_do_console_step(1) >= 0) ; } static void pm_sigcld(void *p) { int st; pid_t w; EINTRLOOP(w, wait(&st)); while (pm_do_console_step(0) > 0) ; if (w > 0 && WIFEXITED(st)) exit(WEXITSTATUS(st)); else exit(RET_FATAL); } static unsigned char *pm_spawn_subproc(void) { char **arg; int rs; pid_t pm_child_pid; if ((unsigned)g_argc > MAXINT / sizeof(char *) - 1) overalloc(); arg = mem_alloc((g_argc + 1) * sizeof(char *)); memcpy(arg, g_argv, g_argc * sizeof(char *)); arg[g_argc] = NULL; pm_child_pid = -1; install_signal_handler(SIGCHLD, pm_sigcld, NULL, 1); pm_setup_console(0); pm_child_pid = spawnvp(P_PM, path_to_exe, arg); mem_free(arg); if (pm_child_pid < 0) { set_sigcld(); pm_setup_console(1); return cast_uchar "Unable to spawn subprocess.\n"; } pm_do_console(); pm_setup_console(1); while (1) EINTRLOOP(rs, select(1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)); return cast_uchar "Not reached.\n"; } #endif static void pm_set_palette(void) { #ifdef OS2 HPAL p; int i; struct pm_window *win; if (pm_use_palette) { p = hpal; pmshell_driver.get_color = get_color_fn(pmshell_driver.depth); } else { p = NULLHANDLE; pmshell_driver.get_color = pm_get_color; } if (GpiSelectPalette(hps_hidden, p) == (HPAL)PAL_ERROR) error("GpiSelectPalette failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); if (!pm_use_palette) { if (!GpiCreateLogColorTable(hps_hidden, LCOL_RESET | LCOL_PURECOLOR, LCOLF_RGB, 0, 0, NULL)) error("GpiCreateLogColorTable failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); } for (i = 0; i < WIN_HASH; i++) for (win = pm_windows[i]; win; win = win->nxt) { if (GpiSelectPalette(win->ps, p) == (HPAL)PAL_ERROR) error("GpiSelectPalette failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); if (!pm_use_palette) { if (!GpiCreateLogColorTable(win->ps, LCOL_RESET | LCOL_PURECOLOR, LCOLF_RGB, 0, 0, NULL)) error("GpiCreateLogColorTable failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); } if (pm_use_palette) { ULONG pcclr; LONG nc; nc = WinRealizePalette(win->hc, win->ps, &pcclr); if (nc == PAL_ERROR) error("WinRealizePalette failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); } } #endif #ifdef WIN pmshell_driver.get_color = pm_get_color; #endif } static unsigned char *pm_init_driver(unsigned char *param, unsigned char *display) { unsigned char *s; int rs; #ifdef OS2 if (os2_pib) { if (os2_pib->pib_ultype != 3 && os2_pib->pib_ultype != 4) { #ifdef PM_SPAWN_SUBPROC s = pm_spawn_subproc(); goto r0; #else os2_pib->pib_ultype = 3; #endif } } if ((hab = WinInitialize(0)) == 0) { s = cast_uchar "WinInitialize failed.\n"; goto r0; } #endif #ifdef WIN module_handle = GetModuleHandleA(NULL); if (!module_handle) { s = cast_uchar "Unable to get module handle.\n"; goto r0; } #endif if (c_pipe(pm_pipe)) { s = cast_uchar "Could not create pipe.\n"; goto r1; } set_nonblock(pm_pipe[1]); memset(pm_windows, 0, sizeof(struct pm_window *) * WIN_HASH); if (pm_lock_init()) { s = cast_uchar "Could not create mutext.\n"; goto r2; } pm_thread_shutdown = 0; #ifdef OS2 if (_beginthread(pm_dispatcher, NULL, 65536, NULL) == -1) { s = cast_uchar "Could not start thread.\n"; goto r3; } #endif #ifdef WIN if (pthread_create(&pthread_handle, NULL, pm_dispatcher_win32, NULL)) { s = cast_uchar "Could not start thread.\n"; goto r3; } #endif pm_event_wait(); if (pm_status) { s = pm_status; goto r3; } #ifdef OS2 pmshell_driver.flags &= ~GD_SWITCH_PALETTE; pmshell_driver.depth = 0xc3; { unsigned i; LONG formats[16]; memset(formats, 0, sizeof formats); if (GpiQueryDeviceBitmapFormats(hps_hidden, array_elements(formats), formats) == FALSE) goto db; for (i = 0; array_elements(formats) - i > 1; i += 2) { /*if (formats[i] || formats[i + 1]) fprintf(stderr, "format[%d]: %ld, %ld\n", i, formats[i], formats[i + 1]);*/ if (formats[i] == 1) switch (formats[i+1]) { case 4: /* 216 colors with rounding makes text look better, but images worse */ #if 0 pmshell_driver.depth = 0x21; pmshell_driver.depth |= 0x300; goto db; #endif case 8: pmshell_driver.depth = 0x41; pmshell_driver.depth |= 0x300; goto db; case 15: pmshell_driver.depth |= 15 * 1024; goto db; case 16: pmshell_driver.depth |= 16 * 1024; goto db; case 24: goto db; } } } db: { unsigned i, pm_colors; unsigned bit_count = (pmshell_driver.depth >> 3) & 0x1f; if (bit_count <= 4) pm_colors = !(pmshell_driver.depth & 0x300) ? 16 : 8; else pm_colors = !(pmshell_driver.depth & 0x300) ? 256 : 216; pm_bitmapinfo = pm_alloc(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + (bit_count <= 8 ? 256 : 1) * sizeof(RGB), PM_ALLOC_ZERO); pm_bitmapinfo->cbFix = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); pm_bitmapinfo->cPlanes = 1; pm_bitmapinfo->cBitCount = bit_count <= 8 ? 8 : bit_count; hpal = NULLHANDLE; if (bit_count <= 8) { LONG dev_planes, dev_bitcount, dev_additional; ULONG pm_palette[256]; HDC hdc; memset(pm_palette, 0, sizeof pm_palette); for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { unsigned rgb[3]; q_palette(pm_colors, i, 255, rgb); pm_bitmapinfo->argbColor[i].bBlue = rgb[2]; pm_bitmapinfo->argbColor[i].bGreen = rgb[1]; pm_bitmapinfo->argbColor[i].bRed = rgb[0]; pm_palette[i] = (rgb[0] << 16) | (rgb[1] << 8) | rgb[2]; } hdc = GpiQueryDevice(hps_hidden); if (hdc == HDC_ERROR) { error("GpiQueryDevice failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); goto skip_palette; } if (!DevQueryCaps(hdc, CAPS_COLOR_PLANES, 1, &dev_planes) || !DevQueryCaps(hdc, CAPS_COLOR_BITCOUNT, 1, &dev_bitcount) || !DevQueryCaps(hdc, CAPS_ADDITIONAL_GRAPHICS, 1, &dev_additional)) { error("GpiQueryCaps failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); goto skip_palette; } /*fprintf(stderr, "caps: %lx %lx %lx\n", dev_planes, dev_bitcount, dev_additional);*/ if (dev_planes != 1) goto skip_palette; if (dev_bitcount < 8) goto skip_palette; if (!(dev_additional & CAPS_PALETTE_MANAGER)) goto skip_palette; hpal = GpiCreatePalette(hab, LCOL_PURECOLOR /*| LCOL_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_COLORS*/, LCOLF_CONSECRGB, pm_colors, pm_palette); if (hpal == GPI_ERROR) { error("GpiCreatePalette failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); hpal = NULLHANDLE; } if (hpal != NULLHANDLE) { if (GpiSelectPalette(hps_hidden, hpal) == (HPAL)PAL_ERROR) { error("GpiSelectPalette failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); if (!GpiDeletePalette(hpal)) error("GpiDeletePalette failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); hpal = NULLHANDLE; } if (GpiSelectPalette(hps_hidden, NULLHANDLE) == (HPAL)PAL_ERROR) error("GpiSelectPalette failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); pmshell_driver.flags |= GD_SWITCH_PALETTE; } } skip_palette: pm_set_palette(); } { SIZEL sizl = { 0, 0 }; PSZ data[4] = { "DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL }; hdc_mem = DevOpenDC(hab, OD_MEMORY, "*", 4L, (PDEVOPENDATA)data, NULLHANDLE); if (!hdc_mem) { s = cast_uchar "Unable to create memory device context.\n"; goto r4; } hps_mem = GpiCreatePS(hab, hdc_mem, &sizl, GPIA_ASSOC | PU_PELS | GPIT_MICRO); if (!hps_mem) { s = cast_uchar "Unable to create memory presentation space.\n"; goto r5; } } icon = WinLoadPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, 0, 1); #endif #ifdef WIN { int bpp; screen_dc = GetDC(NULL); if (!screen_dc) { s = cast_uchar "Unable to get screen device context.\n"; goto r4; } bpp = GetDeviceCaps(screen_dc, BITSPIXEL); if (bpp < 24) pmshell_driver.depth = 0x7a; else pmshell_driver.depth = 0xc3; pm_bitmapinfo = pm_alloc(sizeof(BITMAPINFO), PM_ALLOC_ZERO); pm_bitmapinfo->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(pm_bitmapinfo->bmiHeader); pm_bitmapinfo->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; pm_bitmapinfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount = bpp < 24 ? 16 : 24; pm_bitmapinfo->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; } icon_big = LoadImage(module_handle, MAKEINTRESOURCE(1), IMAGE_ICON, 32, 32, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); icon_small = LoadImage(module_handle, MAKEINTRESOURCE(1), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); pm_set_palette(); #endif icon_set = 0; set_handlers(pm_pipe[0], pm_handler, NULL, NULL); return NULL; #ifdef OS2 r5: if (DevCloseDC(hdc_mem) == DEV_ERROR) error("DevCloseDC failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); #endif r4: pm_free(pm_bitmapinfo); pm_send_msg(MSG_SHUTDOWN_THREAD, NULL, NULL); r3: PM_UNFLUSH(); pm_lock_close(); r2: EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pm_pipe[0])); EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pm_pipe[1])); r1: #ifdef OS2 if (!WinTerminate(hab)) error("WinTerminate failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); #endif r0: return stracpy(s); } static void pm_shutdown_driver(void) { int rs; pm_send_msg(MSG_SHUTDOWN_THREAD, NULL, NULL); #ifdef OS2 if (icon != NULLHANDLE) if (!WinDestroyPointer(icon)) error("WinDestroyPointer failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); if (hpal != NULLHANDLE) { if (!GpiDeletePalette(hpal)) error("GpiDeletePalette failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); } if (!GpiDestroyPS(hps_mem)) error("GpiDestroyPS failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); if (DevCloseDC(hdc_mem) == DEV_ERROR) error("DevCloseDC failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); #endif #ifdef WIN if (icon_small != NULL) if (!DestroyIcon(icon_small)) error("DestroIcon failed: %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); if (icon_big != NULL) if (!DestroyIcon(icon_big)) error("DestroIcon failed: %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); if (!ReleaseDC(NULL, screen_dc)) error("ReleaseDC failed: %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); #endif pm_free(pm_bitmapinfo); PM_UNFLUSH(); pm_lock_close(); close_socket(&pm_pipe[0]); EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pm_pipe[1])); #ifdef OS2 if (!WinTerminate(hab)) error("WinTerminate failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); #endif if (pm_bitmap_count) internal_error("pm_shutdown_driver: %d bitmaps leaked", pm_bitmap_count); } #ifdef OS2 static HPOINTER pmshell_create_icon(void) { unsigned char *icon_data, *icon_data_2; int icon_w, icon_h; ssize_t icon_skip; int size; int i, j; HBITMAP hbm; HPOINTER hicon; HPAL prev_pal; const int border = 4; get_links_icon(&icon_data, &icon_w, &icon_h, &icon_skip, 4); size = (int)(icon_h * icon_skip); icon_data_2 = pm_alloc(size * 2, 0); for (i = 0; i < icon_h; i++) memcpy(icon_data_2 + i * icon_skip, icon_data + (icon_h - 1 - i) * icon_skip, icon_skip); mem_free(icon_data); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { icon_data_2[i + size] = 0; } #define set_trans(x, y) memset(icon_data_2 + ((y) + icon_h) * icon_skip + (x) * (pmshell_driver.depth & 7), 0xff, pmshell_driver.depth & 7); for (j = 0; j < border; j++) for (i = 0; i < icon_w; i++) set_trans(i, j); for (j = icon_h - border; j < icon_h; j++) for (i = 0; i < icon_w; i++) set_trans(i, j); for (j = 0; j < icon_h; j++) for (i = 0; i < border; i++) set_trans(i, j); for (j = 0; j < icon_h; j++) for (i = icon_w - border; i < icon_w; i++) set_trans(i, j); #undef set_trans pm_bitmapinfo->cx = icon_w; pm_bitmapinfo->cy = icon_h * 2; if ((prev_pal = GpiSelectPalette(hps_hidden, NULLHANDLE)) == (HPAL)PAL_ERROR) error("GpiSelectPalette failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); hbm = GpiCreateBitmap(hps_hidden, (PBITMAPINFOHEADER2)pm_bitmapinfo, CBM_INIT, icon_data_2, (PBITMAPINFO2)pm_bitmapinfo); if (prev_pal != (HPAL)PAL_ERROR) { if (GpiSelectPalette(hps_hidden, prev_pal) == (HPAL)PAL_ERROR) error("GpiSelectPalette failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); } pm_free(icon_data_2); if (hbm == GPI_ERROR) return NULLHANDLE; hicon = WinCreatePointer(HWND_DESKTOP, hbm, FALSE, 0, 0); if (!hicon) error("WinCreatePointer failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); if (!GpiDeleteBitmap(hbm)) error("GpiDeleteBitmap failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); return hicon; } #endif #ifdef WIN static HICON win32_create_icon(int x, int y) { unsigned char *icon_data, *zero_data; int icon_w, icon_h; ssize_t icon_skip; int left, right, top, bottom; int i, j; HBITMAP hbm_icon; HBITMAP hbm_mask; ICONINFO ic; HICON hicon = NULL; HDC memory_dc; HGDIOBJ prev_obj; get_links_icon(&icon_data, &icon_w, &icon_h, &icon_skip, 4); zero_data = pm_alloc(icon_h * icon_skip, 0); memcpy(zero_data, icon_data, icon_h * icon_skip); mem_free(icon_data); icon_data = zero_data; zero_data = pm_alloc(icon_h * icon_skip, PM_ALLOC_ZERO); memory_dc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); if (!memory_dc) { error("CreateCompatibleDC failed: %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); goto ret1; } hbm_icon = CreateCompatibleBitmap(screen_dc, x, y); if (!hbm_icon) { error("CreateBitmap failed: %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); goto ret2; } prev_obj = SelectObject(memory_dc, hbm_icon); if (!prev_obj) { error("SelectObject failed: %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); goto ret3; } pm_bitmapinfo->bmiHeader.biWidth = icon_w; pm_bitmapinfo->bmiHeader.biHeight = -icon_h; if (!StretchDIBits(memory_dc, 0, 0, x, y, 0, 0, icon_w, icon_h, icon_data, pm_bitmapinfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY)) { error("StretchDIBits failed: %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); prev_obj = SelectObject(memory_dc, prev_obj); if (!prev_obj) { error("SelectObject failed: %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); goto ret3; } goto ret3; } prev_obj = SelectObject(memory_dc, prev_obj); if (!prev_obj) { error("SelectObject failed: %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); goto ret3; } hbm_mask = CreateBitmap(x, y, 1, 1, zero_data); if (!hbm_mask) { error("CreateCompatibleBitmap failed: %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); goto ret3; } prev_obj = SelectObject(memory_dc, hbm_mask); if (!prev_obj) { error("SelectObject failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); goto ret4; } if (x == 16 && y == 16) { top = bottom = left = right = 1; if (is_winnt()) top = 2; } else if (x == 32 && y == 32) { top = bottom = left = right = 3; } else { top = bottom = left = right = 0; } for (j = 0; j < top; j++) for (i = 0; i < x; i++) SetPixel(memory_dc, i, j, 0xffffff); for (j = y - bottom; j < y; j++) for (i = 0; i < x; i++) SetPixel(memory_dc, i, j, 0xffffff); for (j = 0; j < y; j++) for (i = 0; i < left; i++) SetPixel(memory_dc, i, j, 0xffffff); for (j = 0; j < y; j++) for (i = x - left; i < x; i++) SetPixel(memory_dc, i, j, 0xffffff); prev_obj = SelectObject(memory_dc, prev_obj); if (!prev_obj) { error("SelectObject failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); goto ret4; } memset(&ic, 0, sizeof ic); ic.fIcon = TRUE; ic.hbmMask = hbm_mask; ic.hbmColor = hbm_icon; hicon = CreateIconIndirect(&ic); if (!hicon) error("CreateIconIndirect failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); ret4: if (!DeleteBitmap(hbm_mask)) error("DeleteBitmap failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); ret3: if (!DeleteBitmap(hbm_icon)) error("DeleteBitmap failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); ret2: if (!DeleteDC(memory_dc)) error("DeleteDC failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); ret1: pm_free(icon_data); pm_free(zero_data); return hicon; } #endif static struct graphics_device *pm_init_device(void) { RECTL wr; struct graphics_device *dev; struct pm_window *win; if (!icon_set) { #ifdef OS2 if (icon == NULLHANDLE) icon = pmshell_create_icon(); #endif #ifdef WIN if (!icon_big) icon_big = win32_create_icon(32, 32); if (!icon_small) icon_small = win32_create_icon(16, 16); #endif } icon_set = 1; win = mem_alloc(sizeof(struct pm_window)); win->lastpos = -1L; win->button = 0; init_list(win->queue); win->in = 0; win->minimized = 0; #ifdef WIN win->dc = NULL; win->old_dc = NULL; win->new_dc = NULL; win->pen_orig = NULL; win->pen_cache = NULL; win->pen_cache_color = -1; win->brush_cache = NULL; win->brush_cache_color = -1; win->drawing_cookie = (tcount)-1; win->timer_active = 0; #endif debug_call(("M: pm_init_device: pm_send_msg")); pm_send_msg(MSG_CREATE_WINDOW, win, NULL); debug_call(("M: pm_init_device: pm_send_msg done")); #ifdef OS2 if (win->h == NULLHANDLE) { goto r1; } debug_call(("M: pm_init_device: WinGetPS")); if ((win->ps = WinGetPS(win->hc)) == NULLHANDLE) { goto r2; } if ((win->rgn = GpiCreateRegion(win->ps, 0, NULL)) == RGN_ERROR) { goto r3; } #endif #ifdef WIN if (win->hc == NULL) { goto r1; } if ((win->rgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0)) == NULL) { goto r3; } #endif dev = mem_calloc(sizeof(struct graphics_device)); dev->driver_data = win; win->dev = dev; #ifdef OS2 debug_call(("M: pm_init_device: WinQueryWindowRect")); if (!WinQueryWindowRect(win->hc, &wr)) { memset(&wr, 0, sizeof wr); } #endif #ifdef WIN if (!GetClientRect(win->hc, &wr)) { memset(&wr, 0, sizeof wr); } wr.yTop = wr.yBottom; #endif win->x = dev->size.x2 = wr.xRight; win->y = dev->size.y2 = wr.yTop; dev->clip.x1 = dev->clip.y1 = 0; dev->clip.x2 = dev->size.x2; dev->clip.y2 = dev->size.y2; debug_call(("M: pm_init_device: pm_hash_window")); pm_hash_window(win); debug_call(("M: pm_init_device: pm_unlock")); pm_unlock(); pm_set_palette(); debug_call(("M: pm_init_device: return")); return dev; r3: #ifdef OS2 if (!WinReleasePS(win->ps)) error("WinReleasePS failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); r2: #endif pm_unlock(); pm_send_msg(MSG_DELETE_WINDOW, win, NULL); r1: if (win->in) del_from_list(win); pm_unlock(); mem_free(win); return NULL; } static void pm_shutdown_device(struct graphics_device *dev) { struct pm_window *win = pm_win(dev); #ifdef OS2 debug_call(("M: pm_shutdown_device: WinReleasePS")); if (!GpiDestroyRegion(win->ps, win->rgn)) error("GpiDestroyRegion failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); if (!WinReleasePS(win->ps)) error("WinReleasePS failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); #endif #ifdef WIN if (!DeleteObject(win->rgn)) error("DeleteObject failed for region %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); pm_release_cached_objects(win); #endif debug_call(("M: pm_shutdown_device: pm_send_msg")); pm_send_msg(MSG_DELETE_WINDOW, win, NULL); debug_call(("M: pm_shutdown_device: pm_unhash_window")); pm_unhash_window(win); if (win->in) del_from_list(win); debug_call(("M: pm_shutdown_device: pm_unlock")); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("M: pm_shutdown_device: free")); while (!list_empty(win->queue)) { struct pm_event *ev = list_struct(win->queue.next, struct pm_event); del_from_list(ev); free(ev); } mem_free(win); mem_free(dev); debug_call(("M: pm_shutdown_device: return")); } #define MAX_TITLE_SIZE 512 static void pm_set_window_title(struct graphics_device *dev, unsigned char *title) { unsigned char *text; debug_call(("M: pm_set_window_title: start")); #ifdef WIN if (unicode_supported && unicode_title_supported) { int l = 0; text = init_str(); while (*title && l < MAX_TITLE_SIZE * 2) { unsigned u; GET_UTF_8(title, u); if (u > 0 && u <= 0xffff) { add_chr_to_str(&text, &l, u & 0xff); add_chr_to_str(&text, &l, u >> 8); } } add_chr_to_str(&text, &l, 0); } else #endif { text = convert(utf8_table, pm_cp, title, NULL); clr_white(text); if (strlen(cast_const_char text) > MAX_TITLE_SIZE) text[MAX_TITLE_SIZE] = 0; } debug_call(("M: pm_set_window_title: pm_send_msg")); pm_send_msg(MSG_SET_WINDOW_TITLE, pm_win(dev), text); debug_call(("M: pm_set_window_title: pm_unlock")); pm_unlock(); /*SendMessage(pm_win(dev)->hc, WM_SETTEXT, NULL, text);*/ debug_call(("M: pm_set_window_title: mem_free")); mem_free(text); debug_call(("M: pm_set_window_title: return")); } static int pm_get_empty_bitmap(struct bitmap *bmp) { unsigned size; debug_call(("M: get_empty_bitmap (%dx%d)", bmp->x, bmp->y)); if ((unsigned)bmp->x > (unsigned)MAXINT / (pmshell_driver.depth & 7) - 4) { over: bmp->data = NULL; bmp->flags = NULL; return -1; } bmp->skip = (bmp->x * (pmshell_driver.depth & 7) + 3) & ~3; size = (unsigned)bmp->skip * (unsigned)bmp->y; if (bmp->skip && size / (unsigned)bmp->skip != (unsigned)bmp->y) goto over; if (size > MAXINT) goto over; bmp->data = pm_alloc(size, PM_ALLOC_MAYFAIL); if (!bmp->data) goto over; bmp->data = (unsigned char *)bmp->data + size - bmp->skip; bmp->skip = -bmp->skip; debug_call(("M: get_empty_bitmap done")); return 0; } static inline unsigned char *bmp_base_pointer(struct bitmap *bmp) { return (unsigned char *)bmp->data + bmp->skip * (bmp->y - 1); } static void pm_register_bitmap(struct bitmap *bmp) { #ifdef OS2 HBITMAP hbm; unsigned char *pointer; #endif debug_call(("M: register_bitmap (%dx%d)", bmp->x, bmp->y)); pm_bitmap_count++; #ifdef OS2 if (!bmp->data) { bmp->flags = (void *)GPI_ERROR; return; } pointer = bmp_base_pointer(bmp); again: if (bmp->x > OS2_MAX_BITMAP_SIZE || bmp->y > OS2_MAX_BITMAP_SIZE) { hbm = GPI_ERROR; } else { pm_bitmapinfo->cx = bmp->x; pm_bitmapinfo->cy = bmp->y; hbm = GpiCreateBitmap(hps_hidden, (PBITMAPINFOHEADER2)pm_bitmapinfo, CBM_INIT, pointer, (PBITMAPINFO2)pm_bitmapinfo); if (hbm == GPI_ERROR) { if (out_of_memory(MF_GPI, NULL, 0)) goto again; } } bmp->flags = (void *)hbm; if (hbm != GPI_ERROR) { mem_free(pointer); bmp->data = NULL; } debug_call(("M: register_bitmap done")); #endif } static void *pm_prepare_strip(struct bitmap *bmp, int top, int lines) { #ifdef OS2 debug_call(("M: prepare_strip (%dx%d)", bmp->x, bmp->y)); if (bmp->flags == (void *)GPI_ERROR) { if (bmp->data) goto return_data; over: bmp->data = NULL; return NULL; } if (bmp->data) internal_error("pm_prepare_strip: bmp->data should not be set here"); if (-bmp->skip && (unsigned)-bmp->skip * (unsigned)lines / (unsigned)-bmp->skip != (unsigned)lines) goto over; if ((unsigned)-bmp->skip * (unsigned)lines > MAXINT) goto over; bmp->data = pm_alloc(-bmp->skip * lines, PM_ALLOC_MAYFAIL); if (!bmp->data) goto over; debug_call(("M: prepare_strip done")); return (unsigned char *)bmp->data - bmp->skip * (lines - 1); return_data: #endif return ((unsigned char *)bmp->data) + bmp->skip * top; } static void pm_commit_strip(struct bitmap *bmp, int top, int lines) { #ifdef OS2 LONG r; HBITMAP old; HBITMAP new = (HBITMAP)bmp->flags; debug_call(("M: commit_strip (%dx%d)", bmp->x, bmp->y)); if (new == GPI_ERROR || !bmp->data) return; debug_call(("M: commit_strip done")); old = GpiSetBitmap(hps_mem, new); if (old == HBM_ERROR) goto ret; pm_bitmapinfo->cx = bmp->x; pm_bitmapinfo->cy = bmp->y; again: r = GpiSetBitmapBits(hps_mem, bmp->y - top - lines, lines, bmp->data, (PBITMAPINFO2)pm_bitmapinfo); if (r == GPI_ALTERROR) { if (out_of_memory(MF_GPI, NULL, 0)) goto again; } GpiSetBitmap(hps_mem, old); ret: pm_free(bmp->data); bmp->data = NULL; debug_call(("M: commit_strip done")); #endif } static void pm_unregister_bitmap(struct bitmap *bmp) { debug_call(("M: unregister_bitmap (%dx%d)", bmp->x, bmp->y)); pm_bitmap_count--; #ifdef OS2 if ((HBITMAP)bmp->flags != GPI_ERROR) { if (bmp->data) internal_error("pm_unregister_bitmap: bmp->data should not be set here"); if (!GpiDeleteBitmap((HBITMAP)bmp->flags)) error("GpiDeleteBitmap failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); } else #endif if (bmp->data) { pm_free(bmp_base_pointer(bmp)); } debug_call(("M: unregister_bitmap done")); } static void pm_draw_bitmap(struct graphics_device *dev, struct bitmap *bmp, int x, int y) { POINTL p; RECTL r; debug_call(("M: draw_bitmap (%dx%d -> %x,%x)", bmp->x, bmp->y, x, y)); CLIP_DRAW_BITMAP PM_START_DRAW(); r.xLeft = x < dev->clip.x1 ? dev->clip.x1 - x : 0; r.xRight = x + bmp->x > dev->clip.x2 ? dev->clip.x2 - x : bmp->x; r.yTop = bmp->y - (y < dev->clip.y1 ? dev->clip.y1 - y : 0); r.yBottom = y + bmp->y > dev->clip.y2 ? bmp->y - dev->clip.y2 + y : 0; p.x = x + r.xLeft; p.y = pm_win(dev)->y - y - bmp->y + r.yBottom; #ifdef OS2 if ((HBITMAP)bmp->flags != GPI_ERROR) { WinDrawBitmap(pm_win(dev)->ps, (HBITMAP)bmp->flags, &r, &p, 0, 1, DBM_NORMAL); } else if (!bmp->data) { return; } else { POINTL pp[4]; if (bmp->x > OS2_MAX_LINE_SIZE) { int i; unsigned char *data_ptr = (unsigned char *)bmp->data + bmp->skip * (bmp->y - r.yTop) + r.xLeft * (pmshell_driver.depth & 7); for (i = r.yTop - r.yBottom - 1; i >= 0; i--) { pm_bitmapinfo->cx = r.xRight - r.xLeft; pm_bitmapinfo->cy = 1; pp[0].x = p.x; pp[0].y = p.y + i; pp[1].x = p.x + (r.xRight - r.xLeft) - 1; pp[1].y = p.y + i; pp[2].x = 0; pp[2].y = 0; pp[3].x = r.xRight - r.xLeft; pp[3].y = 1; GpiDrawBits(pm_win(dev)->ps, data_ptr, (PBITMAPINFO2)pm_bitmapinfo, 4, pp, ROP_SRCCOPY, 0); data_ptr += bmp->skip; } } else { pm_bitmapinfo->cx = bmp->x; pm_bitmapinfo->cy = r.yTop - r.yBottom; pp[0].x = p.x; pp[0].y = p.y; pp[1].x = p.x + (r.xRight - r.xLeft) - 1; pp[1].y = p.y + (r.yTop - r.yBottom) - 1; pp[2].x = r.xLeft; pp[2].y = 0; pp[3].x = r.xRight; pp[3].y = r.yTop - r.yBottom; GpiDrawBits(pm_win(dev)->ps, (unsigned char *)bmp->data + bmp->skip * (bmp->y - 1 - r.yBottom), (PBITMAPINFO2)pm_bitmapinfo, 4, pp, ROP_SRCCOPY, 0); } } #endif #ifdef WIN if (!bmp->data) return; pm_bitmapinfo->bmiHeader.biWidth = bmp->x; pm_bitmapinfo->bmiHeader.biHeight = r.yTop - r.yBottom; SetDIBitsToDevice(pm_win(dev)->dc, p.x, pm_win(dev)->y - p.y - (r.yTop - r.yBottom), r.xRight - r.xLeft, r.yTop - r.yBottom, r.xLeft, 0, 0, r.yTop - r.yBottom, (unsigned char *)bmp->data + bmp->skip * (bmp->y - 1 - r.yBottom), pm_bitmapinfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS); #endif debug_call(("M: draw_bitmap done")); } static long pm_get_color(int rgb) { #ifdef OS2 int c; rgb &= 0xffffff; c = GpiQueryNearestColor(hps_hidden, 0, rgb); if (c == GPI_ALTERROR) return rgb; /*fprintf(stderr, "pm_get_color: %x -> %x\n", rgb, c);*/ return c; #endif #ifdef WIN COLORREF c, d; c = ((rgb & 0xff) << 16) | (rgb & 0xff00) | ((rgb & 0xff0000) >> 16); d = GetNearestColor(screen_dc, c); if (d == CLR_INVALID) return c; return d; #endif } #ifdef WIN static int win32_select_brush(struct pm_window *win, int color) { HBRUSH hbrush; if (color == win->brush_cache_color) return 0; hbrush = CreateSolidBrush(color); if (!hbrush) { error("CreateSolidBrush failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); return -1; } if (win->brush_cache != NULL) if (!DeleteObject(win->brush_cache)) error("DeleteObject failed for previous brush %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); win->brush_cache = hbrush; win->brush_cache_color = color; return 0; } static int win32_select_pen(struct pm_window *win, int color) { HPEN hpen; HGDIOBJ orig; if (color == win->pen_cache_color) return 0; hpen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, color); if (!hpen) { error("CreatePen failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); return -1; } orig = SelectObject(win->dc, hpen); if (!orig) { error("SelectObject failed for pen %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); if (!DeleteObject(hpen)) error("DeleteObject failed for pen %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); return -1; } if (!win->pen_orig) win->pen_orig = orig; else if (!DeleteObject(orig)) error("DeleteObject failed for previous pen %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); win->pen_cache = hpen; win->pen_cache_color = color; return 0; } #endif static void pm_fill_area(struct graphics_device *dev, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, long color) { RECTL r; debug_call(("M: fill_area (%d,%d)->(%d,%d)", x1, y1, x2, y2)); CLIP_FILL_AREA PM_START_DRAW(); r.xLeft = x1; r.yBottom = y2; r.xRight = x2; r.yTop = y1; #ifdef OS2 r.yBottom = pm_win(dev)->y - r.yBottom; r.yTop = pm_win(dev)->y - r.yTop; WinFillRect(pm_win(dev)->ps, &r, color); #endif #ifdef WIN if (win32_select_brush(pm_win(dev), color)) return; if (!FillRect(pm_win(dev)->dc, &r, pm_win(dev)->brush_cache)) error("FillRect failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); #endif debug_call(("M: fill_area done")); } static void pm_draw_hline(struct graphics_device *dev, int x1, int y, int x2, long color) { #ifdef OS2 HPS ps = pm_win(dev)->ps; POINTL p; #endif debug_call(("M: draw_hline (%d,%d)->(%d)", x1, y, x2)); CLIP_DRAW_HLINE PM_START_DRAW(); #ifdef OS2 GpiSetColor(ps, color); p.x = x1; p.y = pm_win(dev)->y - y - 1; GpiMove(ps, &p); p.x = x2 - 1; GpiLine(ps, &p); #endif #ifdef WIN if (win32_select_pen(pm_win(dev), color)) return; if (!MoveToEx(pm_win(dev)->dc, x1, y, NULL)) { error("MoveToEx failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); } else if (!LineTo(pm_win(dev)->dc, x2, y)) { error("LineTo failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); } #endif debug_call(("M: draw_hline done")); } static void pm_draw_vline(struct graphics_device *dev, int x, int y1, int y2, long color) { #ifdef OS2 HPS ps = pm_win(dev)->ps; POINTL p; #endif debug_call(("M: draw_vline (%d,%d)->(%d)", x, y1, y2)); CLIP_DRAW_VLINE PM_START_DRAW(); #ifdef OS2 GpiSetColor(ps, color); p.x = x; p.y = pm_win(dev)->y - y1 - 1; GpiMove(ps, &p); p.y = pm_win(dev)->y - y2; GpiLine(ps, &p); #endif #ifdef WIN if (win32_select_pen(pm_win(dev), color)) return; if (!MoveToEx(pm_win(dev)->dc, x, y1, NULL)) { error("MoveToEx failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); } else if (!LineTo(pm_win(dev)->dc, x, y2)) { error("LineTo failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); } #endif debug_call(("M: draw_vline done")); } static void pm_scroll_redraws(struct pm_window *win, struct rect *r, int scx, int scy) { struct pm_event *e; pm_cancel_event(win, E_REDRAW, &e); if (!e) return; if (scx >= 0) { if (e->x2 > r->x1 && e->x2 < r->x2) { e->x2 += scx; if (e->x2 > r->x2) e->x2 = r->x2; } } else { if (e->x1 > r->x1 && e->x1 < r->x2) { e->x1 += scx; if (e->x1 < r->x1) e->x1 = r->x1; } } if (scy >= 0) { if (e->y2 > r->y1 && e->y2 < r->y2) { e->y2 += scy; if (e->y2 > r->y2) e->y2 = r->y2; } } else { if (e->y1 > r->y1 && e->y1 < r->y2) { e->y1 += scy; if (e->y1 < r->y1) e->y1 = r->y1; } } } static int pm_scroll(struct graphics_device *dev, struct rect_set **set, int scx, int scy) { struct pm_window *win = pm_win(dev); #ifdef OS2 RGNRECT rgnrect; #endif #ifdef WIN32 size_t sz; RGNDATA *rgndata; #endif RECTL *rects; size_t i; RECTL r; PM_START_DRAW(); debug_call(("M: scroll (%d,%d)", scx, scy)); pm_lock(); r.xLeft = dev->clip.x1; r.yBottom = dev->clip.y2; r.xRight = dev->clip.x2; r.yTop = dev->clip.y1; #ifdef OS2 r.yBottom = win->y - r.yBottom; r.yTop = win->y - r.yTop; WinScrollWindow(win->hc, scx, -scy, &r, &r, win->rgn, NULL, 0); memset(&rgnrect, 0, sizeof rgnrect); rgnrect.ulDirection = RECTDIR_LFRT_TOPBOT; if (!GpiQueryRegionRects(win->ps, win->rgn, NULL, &rgnrect, NULL)) { error("GpiQueryRegionRects failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); goto end; } /*fprintf(stderr, "GpiQueryRegionRects: %lu, %lu, %lu, %lu\n", rgnrect.ircStart, rgnrect.crc, rgnrect.crcReturned, rgnrect.ulDirection);*/ if (rgnrect.crcReturned <= 1) { if (!WinInvalidateRegion(win->hc, win->rgn, FALSE)) error("WinInvalidateRegion failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); goto end; } rgnrect.crc = rgnrect.crcReturned; if (rgnrect.crcReturned > MAXINT / sizeof(RECTL)) overalloc(); rects = pm_alloc(rgnrect.crcReturned * sizeof(RECTL), 0); if (!GpiQueryRegionRects(win->ps, win->rgn, NULL, &rgnrect, rects)) { error("GpiQueryRegionRects failed: %lx", WinGetLastError(hab)); goto end_rects; } for (i = 0; i < rgnrect.crcReturned; i++) { struct rect xr; xr.x1 = rects[i].xLeft; xr.x2 = rects[i].xRight; xr.y1 = win->y - rects[i].yTop; xr.y2 = win->y - rects[i].yBottom; /*fprintf(stderr, "returned: %d, %d, %d, %d\n", xr.x1, xr.x2, xr.y1, xr.y2);*/ add_to_rect_set(set, &xr); } end_rects: pm_free(rects); #endif #ifdef WIN if (ScrollWindowEx(win->hc, scx, scy, &r, &r, win->rgn, NULL, 0) == ERROR) { error("ScrollWindowEx failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); goto end; } sz = GetRegionData(win->rgn, 0, NULL); if (!sz) { error("GetRegionData failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); goto end; } rgndata = pm_alloc(sz, 0); sz = GetRegionData(win->rgn, sz, rgndata); if (!sz) { error("GetRegionData failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); goto end_rgndata; } if (rgndata->rdh.iType != RDH_RECTANGLES || rgndata->rdh.nCount <= 1) { if (!InvalidateRgn(win->hc, win->rgn, FALSE)) error("InvalidateRgn failed %u", (unsigned)GetLastError()); } else { rects = (RECTL *)rgndata->Buffer; for (i = 0; i < rgndata->rdh.nCount; i++) { struct rect xr; xr.x1 = rects[i].xLeft; xr.x2 = rects[i].xRight; xr.y1 = rects[i].yTop; xr.y2 = rects[i].yBottom; /*fprintf(stderr, "returned: %d, %d, %d, %d\n", xr.x1, xr.x2, xr.y1, xr.y2);*/ add_to_rect_set(set, &xr); } } end_rgndata: pm_free(rgndata); #endif end: pm_scroll_redraws(win, &dev->clip, scx, scy); pm_unlock(); debug_call(("M: scroll done")); return 0; } #ifdef OS2 #define pm_flush NULL #endif #ifdef WIN static void pm_flush(struct graphics_device *dev) { PM_UNFLUSH(); pm_do_flush(NULL); } #endif struct graphics_driver pmshell_driver = { #ifdef OS2 cast_uchar "pmshell", #endif #ifdef WIN cast_uchar "windows", #endif pm_init_driver, pm_init_device, pm_shutdown_device, pm_shutdown_driver, NULL, NULL, NULL, pm_get_af_unix_name, NULL, NULL, pm_get_empty_bitmap, pm_register_bitmap, pm_prepare_strip, pm_commit_strip, pm_unregister_bitmap, pm_draw_bitmap, NULL, /* pm_get_color */ pm_fill_area, pm_draw_hline, pm_draw_vline, pm_scroll, NULL, NULL, /* start_draw */ NULL, /* end_draw */ pm_flush, NULL, /* block */ NULL, /* unblock */ pm_set_palette, NULL, /* get_real_colors */ pm_set_window_title, NULL, /* exec */ NULL, /* set_clipboard_text */ NULL, /* get_clipboard_text */ 0, /* depth */ 0, 0, /* x, y */ GD_UNICODE_KEYS, /* flags */ NULL, /* param */ }; #ifdef _UWIN int main(int argc, char **argv); int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInst, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShow) { int i, neednew, quote, clen; int argc = 1; char **argv; if (!(argv = malloc(2 * sizeof(char *)))) alloc_err: fatal_exit("can't allocate commandline"); if (!(argv[0] = cast_char strdup("links"))) goto alloc_err; argv[1] = NULL; neednew = 1; quote = 0; clen = 0; for (i = 0; lpCmdLine[i]; i++) { unsigned c = lpCmdLine[i]; if (c == ' ' && !quote) { neednew = 1; continue; } if (c == '"') { quote ^= 1; continue; } if (c == '\\' && lpCmdLine[i + 1]) { c = lpCmdLine[++i]; } if (neednew) { if (!(argv = realloc(argv, (argc + 2) * sizeof(char *)))) goto alloc_err; if (!(argv[argc] = malloc(1))) goto alloc_err; argv[argc + 1] = NULL; argc++; neednew = 0; clen = 0; } if (!(argv[argc - 1] = realloc(argv[argc - 1], clen + 1))) goto alloc_err; argv[argc - 1][clen] = c; argv[argc - 1][clen + 1] = 0; clen++; } /*debug("cmdline: -%s-", lpCmdLine);*/ return main(argc, argv); } #endif #endif