Gidubba ======== Gidubba (Sumerian for 'stylus') is a simple line editor for the Thingamajig computer architecture. Its git repository can be found at and that of Thingamajig at System requirements ------------------- Gidubba requires a terminal with local echo at address FFFF and optionally a line printer at address FFFE. The emulator implementation included in the Thingamajig repository is suitable. If your setup differs from this you may have to modify the code yourself. Usage ----- The commands are individual letters that can be followed by one or two arguments separated by a comma. The first argument is a target line number between 0 and FFFF and the second the range of lines between 0 and FF the command affects. Inserting lines to a target that does not exist or the shortcut hash (#) appends them to the text; otherwise targets or parts of ranges that do not exist are ignored. Commands with a single argument: * I: Insert a line or lines Commands with two arguments: * D: Delete a line * L: List a line Commands with no argument: * P: Print (requires a printer) * H: Halt Both commands and arguments are case-insensitive. In both the command prompt as well as when inserting lines sending an escape (^[) will allow retyping the line in question. To finish inserting lines send a substitute (^Z): the line on which this is done is not saved.