add a driver

This commit is contained in:
darkf 2013-10-20 15:55:30 -07:00
parent 7fd13253e7
commit f7ea85f08f
2 changed files with 31 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import Control.Monad.State (State, runState, evalState, get, put)
module Interp where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad.State (State, runState, evalState, get, put)
import System.IO (Handle, hPutStr, hGetLine, hFlush, stdout, stdin)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import AST
@ -158,31 +159,3 @@ evalString program =
case parseProgram program of
Left err -> error $ show err
Right prg -> evalProgram prg
main = do
print $ evalProgram prg
print $ evalProgram prg2
print $ evalProgram prg3
print $ evalProgram prg4
print $ evalString "f() -> 5+2. f()."
print $ evalString "f([x, y, z]) -> z. f([1, 2, 3])."
print $ evalString "putstrln(getline()). putstrln(getline())."
prg = [Def "x" (IntConst 5),
Def "y" (IntConst 3),
Add (Var "x") (Var "y")]
prg2 = [Add (StrConst "hi ") (StrConst "there")]
lam arg body = Lambda [(VarP arg, [body])]
prg3 = [ Def "add" (lam "x" $ lam "y" $ Add (Var "x") (Var "y")),
Def "f" $ Lambda [
(IntP 0, [IntConst 100]),
(IntP 1, [IntConst 200]),
(VarP "x", [IntConst 300])
Call "f" [IntConst 2]]
prg4 = [ Def "lst" (ListConst [IntConst 1, IntConst 2, IntConst 3]),
Def "f" $ Lambda [
(ListP [VarP "x", VarP "y", VarP "z", VarP "w"], [Var "w"]),
(ConsP (VarP "x") (ConsP (VarP "y") (VarP "ys")), [Var "ys"])
Call "f" [Var "lst"]]

lamb.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
-- Driver for the Lamb programming language
-- Copyright (c) 2013 darkf
-- Licensed under the terms of the zlib license, see LICENSE for details
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import Interp (evalProgram, evalString, Value(UnitV))
-- returns Nothing if all files exist, or Just path for the first one that doesn't
allExist :: [String] -> IO (Maybe String)
allExist [] = return Nothing
allExist (x:xs) = do
exists <- doesFileExist x
if exists then allExist xs
else return $ Just x
evalFile :: String -> IO Value
evalFile path = do
contents <- readFile path
let ev = evalString contents
if ev == UnitV then return ev else return ev -- this is just to force evaluation
main = do
args <- getArgs
exist <- allExist args
case exist of
Just file -> putStrLn $ "error: file " ++ file ++ " doesn't exist"
Nothing ->
mapM_ evalFile args