Implement player - tile collision.

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Juhani Krekelä 2022-01-14 15:32:00 +00:00
parent 7ee428b20d
commit 790bcddfa9
1 changed files with 45 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -84,11 +84,10 @@ static double timespec2double(struct timespec ts) {
return ts.tv_sec + ts.tv_nsec / 1000.0 / 1000.0 / 1000.0;
char sample_tilemap(double x, double y) {
static char sample_tilemap(size_t x, size_t y) {
size_t tx = x / TILE_SIDE;
size_t ty = y / TILE_SIDE;
assert(tx < TILES);
assert(ty < TILES);
if (tx >= TILES || ty >= TILES) return ' ';
return tilemap[ty * TILES + tx];
@ -105,6 +104,9 @@ static void update(struct timespec now, struct timespec dt_timespec) {
else if (right_held) player_dx = 30;
else player_dx = 0;
if (jump_held) player_dy = -30;
else player_dy = 30;
// Collision against walls of the map
if (player_x < 0) {
player_x = 0;
@ -122,22 +124,50 @@ static void update(struct timespec now, struct timespec dt_timespec) {
// Collision against tiles
char topleft = sample_tilemap(player_x, player_y);
char topright = sample_tilemap(player_x + TILE_SIDE, player_y);
char bottomleft = sample_tilemap(player_x, player_y + TILE_SIDE);
char bottomright = sample_tilemap(player_x + TILE_SIDE, player_y + TILE_SIDE);
size_t px = player_x;
size_t py = player_y;
size_t left_cx = px - 1;
size_t right_cx = px + TILE_SIDE;
size_t leftright_top_cy = py;
size_t leftright_bottom_cy = py + TILE_SIDE - 1;
if ((sample_tilemap(left_cx, leftright_top_cy) != ' ' ||
sample_tilemap(left_cx, leftright_bottom_cy) != ' ') &&
player_dx < 0) {
size_t snapped_px = (px + TILE_SIDE - 1) / TILE_SIDE * TILE_SIDE;
player_x = snapped_px;
player_dx = 0;
if ((sample_tilemap(right_cx, leftright_top_cy) != ' ' ||
sample_tilemap(right_cx, leftright_bottom_cy) != ' ') &&
player_dx > 0) {
size_t snapped_px = px / TILE_SIDE * TILE_SIDE;
player_x = snapped_px;
player_dx = 0;
px = player_x;
py = player_y;
size_t topbottom_left_cx = px;
size_t topbottom_right_cx = px + TILE_SIDE - 1;
size_t top_cy = py - 1;
size_t bottom_cy = py + TILE_SIDE;
bool on_ground = false;
if (bottomleft != ' ' || bottomright != ' ')
if ((sample_tilemap(topbottom_left_cx, bottom_cy) != ' ' ||
sample_tilemap(topbottom_right_cx, bottom_cy) != ' ') &&
player_dy > 0) {
on_ground = true;
if (topleft != ' ' || topright != ' ' || bottomleft != ' ' || bottomright != ' ')
player_dx = 0;
if (on_ground)
size_t snapped_py = py / TILE_SIDE * TILE_SIDE;
player_y = snapped_py;
player_dy = 0;
player_dy = 30;
if ((sample_tilemap(topbottom_left_cx, top_cy) != ' ' ||
sample_tilemap(topbottom_right_cx, top_cy) != ' ') &&
player_dy < 0) {
size_t snapped_py = (py + TILE_SIDE - 1) / TILE_SIDE * TILE_SIDE;
player_y = snapped_py;
player_dy = 0;
static void draw_grass_tile(size_t x, size_t y) {