
115 lines
3.1 KiB

import base64
import entry
# TODO: Include file number in the error info
class FileFormatError(Exception): pass
class VersionMismatch(Exception): pass
def parse_header(header):
"""parse_header(bytes) → str
Throw an error if the header isn't good and return the file comment
(if any) if it is"""
assert type(header) == bytes
magic = header[0:6]
if magic != b'SSHWOT':
raise FileFormatError('Invalid magic')
# Version 0 is the current one
version = header[6:7]
if version == b'':
raise FileFormatError('No newline after header')
if version != b'0':
raise VersionMismatch('Version %i not supported' % version[0])
# See if we have a comment
if header[7:8] == b' ':
# It says we have
if header[8:9] == b'\n':
# No, we don't, but we do have a space telling we
# have. The header is malformed
raise FileFormatError('Missing comment or spurious space in the header')
# Yes, we do
# Check it ends with a newline
if header[-1] != 0x0a:
raise FileFormatError('Missing newline at the end of the header')
file_comment = header[8:-1].decode('utf-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
raise FileFormatError('Comment is not valid utf-8')
return file_comment
elif header[7:8] == b'\n':
# No, we have newline
return ''
# No, we have something else
raise FileFormatError("Expected a space or a newline but got '%s' instead" % header[7:].decode('utf-8'))
def parse_entry(line):
"""parse_entry(bytes) → Entry"""
assert type(line) == bytes
def extract_b64_field(rest):
"""extract_b64_field(bytes) → (bytes: decoded_field, bytes:rest)"""
field_b64 = rest[0:44]
if len(field_b64) != 44:
raise FileFormatError('Unexpected end of line')
field = base64.b64decode(field_b64, validate = True)
except (ValueError, base64.binascii.Error) as err:
raise FileFormatError('Malformed base64 string: %s' % field_b64.decode('utf-8')) from err
return field, rest[44:]
salt, rest = extract_b64_field(line)
hashed_host, rest = extract_b64_field(rest)
fingerprint, rest = extract_b64_field(rest)
# What do we have after that?
if rest[0:1] == b' ':
# A comment?
if rest[1:2] == b'\n':
# No, but it says we have. It's malformed
raise FileFormatError('Missing comment or spurious space in the entry')
# Yes. Make sure it ends in a newline
if rest[-1] != 0x0a:
raise FileFormatError('No newline after entry')
comment = rest[1:-1].decode('utf-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
raise FileFormatError('Comment is not valid utf-8')
elif rest[0:1] == b'\n':
# A newline
comment = ''
# Something else
raise FileFormatError('Expected a space or a newline but got "%s" instead' % rest.decode('utf-8'))
return entry.Entry(salt, hashed_host, fingerprint, comment)
def read(f):
"""read(file(rb)) → ([Entry]: entries, str: file_comment)"""
lines = [line for line in f]
if len(lines) == 0:
raise FileFormatError('Missing header')
file_comment = parse_header(lines[0])
entries = []
for line in lines[1:]:
return entries, file_comment