
52 lines
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import enum
import entry
import hashing
class result(enum.Enum):
notfound, ok, fail = range(3)
def check_fingerprint(entries, domain, port, fingerprint):
"""check_fingerprint([Entry], str, u16, bytes[32]) → (enum result: result, str / None: comment)
Checks if the given host is found with the given fingerprint.
Will return the comment on the host if the host is found, regardless
of whether the fingerprint checks out."""
assert type(entries) == list and all(type(i) == entry.Entry for i in entries)
assert type(domain) == str
assert type(port) == int and 0 <= port <= (1<<16) - 1
assert type(fingerprint) == bytes and len(fingerprint) == 32
# Normalize the host here, so we don't have to do it every time we
# check for a possible match
normalized_hosts = [entry.normalize_host(domain, port)]
# If we are looking at non-22 port, also check the general form of
# the host without a port specifier. This seems to be how OpenSSH
# does it too
if port != 22:
normalized_hosts.append(entry.normalize_host(domain, 22))
for possible_match in entries:
for normalized_host in normalized_hosts:
hashed_host = hashing.hash_with_salt(normalized_host, possible_match.salt)
if hashed_host == possible_match.hashed_host:
# Convert the comment to a string
# We put replacement characters where
# decoding fails instead of throwing an
# error, because even whilethe comment
# field must be valid utf-8, failing in this
# situation is bad UX
comment = possible_match.comment.decode('utf-8', errors = 'replace')
# TODO: Justify this
# We only care about the first match, so we
# return here
if fingerprint == possible_match.fingerprint:
# Fingerprint matches, it passes
return (result.ok, comment)
# Fingerprint different, it fails
return (, comment)
# We did not match, tell the caller so
return (result.notfound, None)