2014-05-28 22:18:54 +02:00

493 lines
14 KiB

Copyright(C) Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen 2013.
This file is part of Sortix.
Sortix is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
Sortix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
Sortix. If not, see <>.
Filesystem based socket interface.
// TODO: Should this be moved into user-space?
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sortix/fcntl.h>
#include <sortix/poll.h>
#include <sortix/socket.h>
#include <sortix/stat.h>
#include <sortix/kernel/descriptor.h>
#include <sortix/kernel/inode.h>
#include <sortix/kernel/ioctx.h>
#include <sortix/kernel/kernel.h>
#include <sortix/kernel/kthread.h>
#include <sortix/kernel/mtable.h>
#include <sortix/kernel/pipe.h>
#include <sortix/kernel/poll.h>
#include <sortix/kernel/process.h>
#include <sortix/kernel/refcount.h>
#include "fs.h"
// TODO: This is declared in the <sys/socket.h> header that isn't ready for
// kernel usage, so we declare it here for now.
#ifndef AF_UNIX
#define AF_UNIX 3
namespace Sortix {
namespace NetFS {
class Manager;
class StreamSocket;
class Manager : public AbstractInode
Manager(uid_t owner, gid_t group, mode_t mode);
virtual ~Manager() { }
virtual Ref<Inode> open(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* filename, int flags,
mode_t mode);
bool Listen(StreamSocket* socket);
void Unlisten(StreamSocket* socket);
Ref<StreamSocket> Accept(StreamSocket* socket, ioctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* addr,
size_t* addrsize, int flags);
int AcceptPoll(StreamSocket* socket, ioctx_t* ctx, PollNode* node);
bool Connect(StreamSocket* socket);
StreamSocket* LookupServer(struct sockaddr_un* address);
StreamSocket* first_server;
StreamSocket* last_server;
kthread_mutex_t manager_lock;
class StreamSocket : public AbstractInode
StreamSocket(uid_t owner, gid_t group, mode_t mode, Ref<Manager> manager);
virtual ~StreamSocket();
virtual Ref<Inode> accept(ioctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* addr, size_t* addrsize,
int flags);
virtual int bind(ioctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* addr, size_t addrsize);
virtual int connect(ioctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* addr, size_t addrsize);
virtual int listen(ioctx_t* ctx, int backlog);
virtual ssize_t recv(ioctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* buf, size_t count, int flags);
virtual ssize_t send(ioctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* buf, size_t count,
int flags);
virtual ssize_t read(ioctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* buf, size_t count);
virtual ssize_t write(ioctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* buf, size_t count);
virtual int poll(ioctx_t* ctx, PollNode* node);
int do_bind(ioctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* addr, size_t addrsize);
public: /* For use by Manager. */
PollChannel accept_poll_channel;
Ref<Manager> manager;
PipeEndpoint incoming;
PipeEndpoint outgoing;
StreamSocket* prev_socket;
StreamSocket* next_socket;
StreamSocket* first_pending;
StreamSocket* last_pending;
struct sockaddr_un* bound_address;
bool is_listening;
bool is_connected;
bool is_refused;
kthread_mutex_t socket_lock;
kthread_cond_t pending_cond;
kthread_cond_t accepted_cond;
static void QueueAppend(StreamSocket** first, StreamSocket** last,
StreamSocket* socket)
socket->prev_socket = *last;
socket->next_socket = NULL;
if ( *last )
(*last)->next_socket = socket;
if ( !*first )
*first = socket;
*last = socket;
static void QueueRemove(StreamSocket** first, StreamSocket** last,
StreamSocket* socket)
if ( socket->prev_socket )
socket->prev_socket->next_socket = socket->next_socket;
*first = socket->next_socket;
if ( socket->next_socket )
socket->next_socket->prev_socket = socket->prev_socket;
*last = socket->prev_socket;
StreamSocket::StreamSocket(uid_t owner, gid_t group, mode_t mode,
Ref<Manager> manager)
inode_type = INODE_TYPE_STREAM;
dev = (dev_t) manager.Get();
ino = (ino_t) this;
this->type = S_IFSOCK;
this->stat_uid = owner;
this->stat_gid = group;
this->stat_mode = (mode & S_SETABLE) | this->type;
this->prev_socket = NULL;
this->next_socket = NULL;
this->first_pending = NULL;
this->last_pending = NULL;
this->bound_address = NULL;
this->is_listening = false;
this->is_connected = false;
this->is_refused = false;
this->manager = manager;
this->socket_lock = KTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
this->pending_cond = KTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
this->accepted_cond = KTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
if ( is_listening )
delete[] bound_address;
Ref<Inode> StreamSocket::accept(ioctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* addr, size_t* addrsize,
int flags)
ScopedLock lock(&socket_lock);
if ( !is_listening )
return errno = EINVAL, Ref<Inode>(NULL);
return manager->Accept(this, ctx, addr, addrsize, flags);
int StreamSocket::do_bind(ioctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* addr, size_t addrsize)
if ( is_connected || is_listening || bound_address )
return errno = EINVAL, -1;
size_t path_offset = offsetof(struct sockaddr_un, sun_path);
size_t path_len = (path_offset - addrsize) / sizeof(char);
if ( addrsize < path_offset )
return errno = EINVAL, -1;
uint8_t* buffer = new uint8_t[addrsize];
if ( !buffer )
return -1;
if ( ctx->copy_from_src(buffer, addr, addrsize) )
struct sockaddr_un* address = (struct sockaddr_un*) buffer;
if ( address->sun_family == AF_UNIX )
bool found_nul = false;
for ( size_t i = 0; !found_nul && i < path_len; i++ )
if ( address->sun_path[i] == '\0' )
found_nul = true;
if ( found_nul )
bound_address = address;
return 0;
errno = EINVAL;
delete[] buffer;
return -1;
int StreamSocket::bind(ioctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* addr, size_t addrsize)
ScopedLock lock(&socket_lock);
return do_bind(ctx, addr, addrsize);
int StreamSocket::connect(ioctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* addr, size_t addrsize)
ScopedLock lock(&socket_lock);
if ( is_listening )
return errno = EINVAL, -1;
if ( is_connected )
return errno = EISCONN, -1;
if ( addr && do_bind(ctx, addr, addrsize) != 0 )
return -1;
if ( !bound_address )
return errno = EINVAL, -1;
return manager->Connect(this) ? 0 : -1;
int StreamSocket::listen(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, int /*backlog*/)
ScopedLock lock(&socket_lock);
if ( is_connected || is_listening || !bound_address )
return errno = EINVAL, -1;
if ( !manager->Listen(this) )
return -1;
return 0;
ssize_t StreamSocket::recv(ioctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* buf, size_t count,
int /*flags*/)
ScopedLock lock(&socket_lock);
if ( !is_connected )
return errno = ENOTCONN, -1;
return, buf, count);
ssize_t StreamSocket::send(ioctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* buf, size_t count,
int /*flags*/)
ScopedLock lock(&socket_lock);
if ( !is_connected )
return errno = ENOTCONN, -1;
return outgoing.write(ctx, buf, count);
ssize_t StreamSocket::read(ioctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* buf, size_t count)
return recv(ctx, buf, count, 0);
ssize_t StreamSocket::write(ioctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* buf, size_t count)
return send(ctx, buf, count, 0);
int StreamSocket::poll(ioctx_t* ctx, PollNode* node)
if ( is_connected )
PollNode* slave = node->CreateSlave();
if ( !slave )
return -1;
int incoming_result = incoming.poll(ctx, node);
int outgoing_result = outgoing.poll(ctx, slave);
return incoming_result == 0 || outgoing_result == 0 ? 0 : -1;
if ( is_listening )
return manager->AcceptPoll(this, ctx, node);
return errno = ENOTCONN, -1;
Manager::Manager(uid_t owner, gid_t group, mode_t mode)
inode_type = INODE_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
dev = (dev_t) this;
ino = 0;
this->type = S_IFDIR;
this->stat_uid = owner;
this->stat_gid = group;
this->stat_mode = (mode & S_SETABLE) | this->type;
this->manager_lock = KTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
this->first_server = NULL;
this->last_server = NULL;
static int CompareAddress(const struct sockaddr_un* a,
const struct sockaddr_un* b)
return strcmp(a->sun_path, b->sun_path);
StreamSocket* Manager::LookupServer(struct sockaddr_un* address)
for ( StreamSocket* iter = first_server; iter; iter = iter->next_socket )
if ( CompareAddress(iter->bound_address, address) == 0 )
return iter;
return NULL;
static StreamSocket* QueuePop(StreamSocket** first, StreamSocket** last)
StreamSocket* ret = *first;
QueueRemove(first, last, ret);
return ret;
bool Manager::Listen(StreamSocket* socket)
ScopedLock lock(&manager_lock);
if ( LookupServer(socket->bound_address) )
return errno = EADDRINUSE, false;
QueueAppend(&first_server, &last_server, socket);
socket->is_listening = true;
return true;
void Manager::Unlisten(StreamSocket* socket)
ScopedLock lock(&manager_lock);
while ( socket->first_pending )
socket->first_pending->is_refused = true;
socket->first_pending = socket->first_pending->next_socket;
socket->last_pending = NULL;
QueueRemove(&first_server, &last_server, socket);
socket->is_listening = false;
int Manager::AcceptPoll(StreamSocket* socket, ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, PollNode* node)
ScopedLock lock(&manager_lock);
if ( socket->first_pending &&
((POLLIN | POLLRDNORM) & node->events) )
return node->master->revents |= ((POLLIN | POLLRDNORM) & node->events), 0;
return errno = EAGAIN, -1;
Ref<StreamSocket> Manager::Accept(StreamSocket* socket, ioctx_t* ctx,
uint8_t* addr, size_t* addrsize, int /*flags*/)
ScopedLock lock(&manager_lock);
// TODO: Support non-blocking accept!
while ( !socket->first_pending )
if ( !kthread_cond_wait_signal(&socket->pending_cond, &manager_lock) )
return errno = EINTR, Ref<StreamSocket>(NULL);
StreamSocket* client = socket->first_pending;
struct sockaddr_un* client_addr = client->bound_address;
size_t client_addr_size = offsetof(struct sockaddr_un, sun_path) +
(strlen(client_addr->sun_path)+1) * sizeof(char);
if ( addr )
size_t caller_addrsize;
if ( !ctx->copy_from_src(&caller_addrsize, addrsize, sizeof(caller_addrsize)) )
return Ref<StreamSocket>(NULL);
if ( caller_addrsize < client_addr_size )
return errno = ERANGE, Ref<StreamSocket>(NULL);
if ( !ctx->copy_from_src(addrsize, &client_addr_size, sizeof(client_addr_size)) )
return Ref<StreamSocket>(NULL);
if ( !ctx->copy_to_dest(addr, client_addr, client_addr_size) )
return Ref<StreamSocket>(NULL);
// TODO: Give the caller the address of the remote!
Ref<StreamSocket> server(new StreamSocket(0, 0, 0666, Ref<Manager>(this)));
if ( !server )
return Ref<StreamSocket>(NULL);
QueuePop(&socket->first_pending, &socket->last_pending);
if ( !client->outgoing.Connect(&server->incoming) )
return Ref<StreamSocket>(NULL);
if ( !server->outgoing.Connect(&client->incoming) )
return Ref<StreamSocket>(NULL);
client->is_connected = true;
server->is_connected = true;
// TODO: Should the server socket inherit the address of the listening
// socket or perhaps the one of the client's source/destination, or
// nothing at all?
return server;
bool Manager::Connect(StreamSocket* socket)
ScopedLock lock(&manager_lock);
StreamSocket* server = LookupServer(socket->bound_address);
if ( !server )
return errno = ECONNREFUSED, false;
socket->is_refused = false;
QueueAppend(&server->first_pending, &server->last_pending, socket);
server->accept_poll_channel.Signal(POLLIN | POLLRDNORM);
while ( !(socket->is_connected || socket->is_refused) )
if ( !kthread_cond_wait_signal(&socket->accepted_cond, &manager_lock) &&
!(socket->is_connected || socket->is_refused) )
QueueRemove(&server->first_pending, &server->last_pending, socket);
return errno = EINTR, false;
return !socket->is_refused;
// TODO: Support a poll method in Manager.
Ref<Inode> Manager::open(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const char* filename,
int /*flags*/, mode_t /*mode*/)
if ( !strcmp(filename, "stream") )
StreamSocket* socket = new StreamSocket(0, 0, 0666, Ref<Manager>(this));
return Ref<StreamSocket>(socket);
return errno = ENOENT, Ref<Inode>(NULL);
void Init(const char* devpath, Ref<Descriptor> slashdev)
ioctx_t ctx; SetupKernelIOCtx(&ctx);
Ref<Inode> node(new Manager(0, 0, 0666));
if ( !node )
PanicF("Unable to allocate %s/net/fs inode.", devpath);
// TODO: Race condition! Create a mkdir function that returns what it
// created, possibly with a O_MKDIR flag to open.
if ( slashdev->mkdir(&ctx, "net", 0755) < 0 && errno != EEXIST )
PanicF("Could not create a %s/net directory", devpath);
if ( slashdev->mkdir(&ctx, "net/fs", 0755) < 0 && errno != EEXIST )
PanicF("Could not create a %s/net/fs directory", devpath);
Ref<Descriptor> mpoint = slashdev->open(&ctx, "net/fs", O_READ | O_WRITE, 0);
if ( !mpoint )
PanicF("Could not open the %s/net/fs directory", devpath);
Ref<MountTable> mtable = CurrentProcess()->GetMTable();
// TODO: Make sure that the mount point is *empty*! Add a proper function
// for this on the file descriptor class!
if ( !mtable->AddMount(mpoint->ino, mpoint->dev, node) )
PanicF("Unable to mount filesystem on %s/net/fs", devpath);
} // namespace NetFS
} // namespace Sortix