/******************************************************************************* Copyright(C) Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen 2012, 2013. This file is part of Sortix. Sortix is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Sortix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Sortix. If not, see . fs/kram.cpp Kernel RAM filesystem. *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kram.h" namespace Sortix { namespace KRAMFS { File::File(dev_t dev, ino_t ino, uid_t owner, gid_t group, mode_t mode) { inode_type = INODE_TYPE_FILE; if ( !dev ) dev = (dev_t) this; if ( !ino ) ino = (ino_t) this; filelock = KTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; this->type = S_IFREG; this->stat_uid = owner; this->stat_gid = group; this->stat_mode = (mode & S_SETABLE) | this->type; this->stat_size = 0; this->stat_blksize = 1; this->dev = dev; this->ino = ino; size = 0; bufsize = 0; buf = NULL; } File::~File() { delete[] buf; } int File::truncate(ioctx_t* ctx, off_t length) { ScopedLock lock(&filelock); return truncate_unlocked(ctx, length); } int File::truncate_unlocked(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, off_t length) { if ( SIZE_MAX < (uintmax_t) length ) { errno = EFBIG; return -1; } if ( (uintmax_t) length < size ) memset(buf + length, 0, size - length); if ( bufsize < (size_t) length ) { // TODO: Don't go above OFF_MAX (or what it is called)! size_t newbufsize = bufsize ? 2UL * bufsize : 128UL; if ( newbufsize < (size_t) length ) newbufsize = (size_t) length; uint8_t* newbuf = new uint8_t[newbufsize]; if ( !newbuf ) return -1; memcpy(newbuf, buf, size); delete[] buf; buf = newbuf; bufsize = newbufsize; } kthread_mutex_lock(&metalock); size = stat_size = length; kthread_mutex_unlock(&metalock); return 0; } off_t File::lseek(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, off_t offset, int whence) { ScopedLock lock(&filelock); if ( whence == SEEK_SET ) return offset; if ( whence == SEEK_END ) return (off_t) size + offset; errno = EINVAL; return -1; } ssize_t File::pread(ioctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* dest, size_t count, off_t off) { ScopedLock lock(&filelock); if ( size < (uintmax_t) off ) return 0; size_t available = size - off; if ( available < count ) count = available; if ( !ctx->copy_to_dest(dest, buf + off, count) ) return -1; return count; } ssize_t File::pwrite(ioctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* src, size_t count, off_t off) { ScopedLock lock(&filelock); // TODO: Avoid having off + count overflow! if ( size < off + count ) truncate_unlocked(ctx, off+count); if ( size <= (uintmax_t) off ) return -1; size_t available = size - off; if ( available < count ) count = available; ctx->copy_from_src(buf + off, src, count); return count; } Dir::Dir(dev_t dev, ino_t ino, uid_t owner, gid_t group, mode_t mode) { inode_type = INODE_TYPE_DIR; if ( !dev ) dev = (dev_t) this; if ( !ino ) ino = (ino_t) this; dirlock = KTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; this->stat_gid = owner; this->stat_gid = group; this->type = S_IFDIR; this->stat_mode = (mode & S_SETABLE) | this->type; this->dev = dev; this->ino = ino; numchildren = 0; childrenlen = 0; children = NULL; shutdown = false; } Dir::~Dir() { // We must not be deleted or garbage collected if we are still used by // someone. In that case the deleter should either delete our children or // simply forget about us. assert(!numchildren); delete[] children; } ssize_t Dir::readdirents(ioctx_t* ctx, struct kernel_dirent* dirent, size_t size, off_t start, size_t /*maxcount*/) { ScopedLock lock(&dirlock); if ( numchildren <= (uintmax_t) start ) return 0; struct kernel_dirent retdirent; memset(&retdirent, 0, sizeof(retdirent)); const char* name = children[start].name; size_t namelen = strlen(name); size_t needed = sizeof(*dirent) + namelen + 1; ssize_t ret = -1; if ( size < needed ) { errno = ERANGE; retdirent.d_namelen = namelen; } else { Ref inode = children[start].inode; ret = needed; retdirent.d_reclen = needed; retdirent.d_off = 0; retdirent.d_namelen = namelen; retdirent.d_ino = inode->ino; retdirent.d_dev = inode->dev; retdirent.d_type = ModeToDT(inode->type); } if ( !ctx->copy_to_dest(dirent, &retdirent, sizeof(retdirent)) ) return -1; if ( 0 <= ret && !ctx->copy_to_dest(dirent->d_name, name, namelen+1) ) return -1; return ret; } size_t Dir::FindChild(const char* filename) { for ( size_t i = 0; i < numchildren; i++ ) if ( !strcmp(filename, children[i].name) ) return i; return SIZE_MAX; } bool Dir::AddChild(const char* filename, Ref inode) { if ( numchildren == childrenlen ) { size_t newchildrenlen = childrenlen ? 2 * childrenlen : 4; DirEntry* newchildren = new DirEntry[newchildrenlen]; if ( !newchildren ) return false; for ( size_t i = 0; i < numchildren; i++ ) newchildren[i].inode = children[i].inode, newchildren[i].name = children[i].name; delete[] children; children = newchildren; childrenlen = newchildrenlen; } char* filenamecopy = String::Clone(filename); if ( !filenamecopy ) return false; inode->linked(); DirEntry* dirent = children + numchildren++; dirent->inode = inode; dirent->name = filenamecopy; return true; } void Dir::RemoveChild(size_t index) { assert(index < numchildren); if ( index != numchildren-1 ) { DirEntry tmp = children[index]; children[index] = children[numchildren-1]; children[numchildren-1] = tmp; index = numchildren-1; } children[index].inode.Reset(); delete[] children[index].name; numchildren--; } Ref Dir::open(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* filename, int flags, mode_t mode) { ScopedLock lock(&dirlock); if ( shutdown ) { errno = ENOENT; return Ref(NULL); } size_t childindex = FindChild(filename); if ( childindex != SIZE_MAX ) { if ( flags & O_EXCL ) { errno = EEXIST; return Ref(NULL); } return children[childindex].inode; } if ( !(flags & O_CREAT) ) return errno = ENOENT, Ref(NULL); Ref file(new File(dev, 0, ctx->uid, ctx->gid, mode)); if ( !file ) return Ref(NULL); if ( !AddChild(filename, file) ) return Ref(NULL); return file; } int Dir::mkdir(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* filename, mode_t mode) { ScopedLock lock(&dirlock); if ( shutdown ) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } size_t childindex = FindChild(filename); if ( childindex != SIZE_MAX ) { errno = EEXIST; return -1; } Ref dir(new Dir(dev, 0, ctx->uid, ctx->gid, mode)); if ( !dir ) goto cleanup_done; if ( dir->link_raw(ctx, ".", dir) ) goto cleanup_done; if ( dir->link_raw(ctx, "..", Ref(this)) ) goto cleanup_dot; if ( !AddChild(filename, dir) ) goto cleanup_dotdot; return 0; cleanup_dotdot: dir->unlink_raw(ctx, ".."); cleanup_dot: dir->unlink_raw(ctx, "."); cleanup_done: return -1; } int Dir::rmdir(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* filename) { if ( IsDotOrDotDot(filename) ) { errno = ENOTEMPTY; return -1; } ScopedLock lock(&dirlock); if ( shutdown ) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } size_t childindex = FindChild(filename); if ( childindex == SIZE_MAX ) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } Inode* child = children[childindex].inode.Get(); if ( !S_ISDIR(child->type) ) { errno = ENOTDIR; return -1; } if ( child->rmdir_me(ctx) < 0 ) { return -1; } RemoveChild(childindex); return 0; } int Dir::rmdir_me(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/) { ScopedLock lock(&dirlock); if ( shutdown ) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } for ( size_t i = 0; i < numchildren; i++ ) if ( !IsDotOrDotDot(children[i].name) ) return errno = ENOTEMPTY, -1; shutdown = true; for ( size_t i = 0; i < numchildren; i++ ) { children[i].inode->unlinked(); children[i].inode.Reset(); delete[] children[i].name; } delete[] children; children = NULL; numchildren = childrenlen = 0; return 0; } int Dir::link(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const char* filename, Ref node) { if ( S_ISDIR(node->type) ) { errno = EPERM; return -1; } // TODO: Is this needed? This may protect against file descriptors to // deleted directories being used to corrupt kernel state, or something. if ( IsDotOrDotDot(filename) ) { errno = EEXIST; return -1; } if ( node->dev != dev ) { errno = EXDEV; return -1; } ScopedLock lock(&dirlock); if ( shutdown ) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } size_t childindex = FindChild(filename); if ( childindex != SIZE_MAX ) { errno = EEXIST; return -1; } else if ( !AddChild(filename, node) ) return -1; return 0; } int Dir::link_raw(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const char* filename, Ref node) { if ( node->dev != dev ) { errno = EXDEV; return -1; } ScopedLock lock(&dirlock); size_t childindex = FindChild(filename); if ( childindex != SIZE_MAX ) { children[childindex].inode->unlinked(); children[childindex].inode = node; children[childindex].inode->linked(); } else if ( !AddChild(filename, node) ) return -1; return 0; } int Dir::unlink(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const char* filename) { ScopedLock lock(&dirlock); if ( shutdown ) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } size_t childindex = FindChild(filename); if ( childindex == SIZE_MAX ) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } Inode* child = children[childindex].inode.Get(); if ( S_ISDIR(child->type) ) { errno = EISDIR; return -1; } RemoveChild(childindex); return 0; } int Dir::unlink_raw(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const char* filename) { ScopedLock lock(&dirlock); size_t childindex = FindChild(filename); if ( childindex == SIZE_MAX ) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } RemoveChild(childindex); return 0; } int Dir::symlink(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const char* oldname, const char* filename) { ScopedLock lock(&dirlock); if ( shutdown ) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } (void) oldname; (void) filename; errno = ENOSYS; return -1; } int Dir::rename_here(ioctx_t* ctx, Ref from, const char* oldname, const char* newname) { if ( IsDotOrDotDot(oldname) || IsDotOrDotDot(newname) ) return errno = EINVAL, -1; // TODO: Check whether oldpath is an ancestor of newpath. // Avoid deadlocks by locking directories in the right order. Dir* from_dir = (Dir*) from.Get(); kthread_mutex_t* mutex_ptr1; kthread_mutex_t* mutex_ptr2; if ( from_dir->ino < this->ino ) mutex_ptr1 = &from_dir->dirlock, mutex_ptr2 = &this->dirlock; else if ( from_dir->ino == this->ino ) { mutex_ptr1 = &this->dirlock, mutex_ptr2 = NULL; if ( !strcmp(oldname, newname) ) return 0; } else mutex_ptr1 = &this->dirlock, mutex_ptr2 = &from_dir->dirlock; ScopedLock lock1(mutex_ptr1); ScopedLock lock2(mutex_ptr2); size_t from_index = from_dir->FindChild(oldname); if ( from_index == SIZE_MAX ) return errno = ENOENT, -1; Ref the_inode = from_dir->children[from_index].inode; size_t to_index = this->FindChild(newname); if ( to_index != SIZE_MAX ) { Ref existing = this->children[to_index].inode; if ( existing->dev == the_inode->dev && existing->ino == the_inode->ino ) return 0; if ( S_ISDIR(existing->type) ) { Dir* existing_dir = (Dir*) existing.Get(); if ( !S_ISDIR(the_inode->type) ) return errno = EISDIR, -1; assert(&existing_dir->dirlock != mutex_ptr1); assert(&existing_dir->dirlock != mutex_ptr2); if ( existing_dir->rmdir_me(ctx) != 0 ) return -1; } this->children[to_index].inode = the_inode; } else if ( !this->AddChild(newname, the_inode) ) return -1; from_dir->RemoveChild(from_index); if ( S_ISDIR(the_inode->type) ) the_inode->link_raw(ctx, "..", Ref(this)); return 0; } } // namespace KRAMFS } // namespace Sortix