/******************************************************************************* Copyright(C) Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen 2013, 2015. This file is part of Tix. Tix is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Tix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Tix. If not, see . util.h Shared Utility functions for Tix. *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef UTIL_H #define UTIL_H #define DEFAULT_GENERATION "1" bool does_path_contain_dotdot(const char* path) { size_t index = 0; while ( path[index] ) { if ( path[index] == '.' && path[index+1] == '.' ) { index += 2; if ( !path[index] || path[index] == '/' ) return true; } while ( path[index] && path[index] != '/' ) index++; while ( path[index] == '/' ) index++; } return false; } bool does_path_contain_dot_or_dotdot(const char* path) { size_t index = 0; while ( path[index] ) { if ( path[index] == '.' ) { index++; if ( path[index] == '.' ) index++; if ( !path[index] || path[index] == '/' ) return true; } while ( path[index] && path[index] != '/' ) index++; while ( path[index] == '/' ) index++; } return false; } bool parse_boolean(const char* str) { return strcmp(str, "true") == 0; } char* strdup_null(const char* src) { return src ? strdup(src) : NULL; } char* strdup_null_if_content(const char* src) { if ( src && !src[0] ) return NULL; return strdup_null(src); } const char* non_modify_basename(const char* path) { const char* last_slash = (char*) strrchr((char*) path, '/'); if ( !last_slash ) return path; return last_slash + 1; } typedef struct { char** strings; size_t length; size_t capacity; } string_array_t; string_array_t string_array_make() { string_array_t sa; sa.strings = NULL; sa.length = sa.capacity = 0; return sa; } void string_array_reset(string_array_t* sa) { for ( size_t i = 0; i < sa->length; i++ ) free(sa->strings[i]); free(sa->strings); *sa = string_array_make(); } bool string_array_append(string_array_t* sa, const char* str) { if ( sa->length == sa->capacity ) { size_t new_capacity = sa->capacity ? sa->capacity * 2 : 8; size_t new_size = sizeof(char*) * new_capacity; char** new_strings = (char**) realloc(sa->strings, new_size); if ( !new_strings ) return false; sa->strings = new_strings; sa->capacity = new_capacity; } char* copy = strdup_null(str); if ( str && !copy ) return false; sa->strings[sa->length++] = copy; return true; } bool string_array_append_token_string(string_array_t* sa, const char* str) { while ( *str ) { if ( isspace((unsigned char) *str) ) { str++; continue; } size_t input_length = 0; size_t output_length = 0; bool quoted = false; bool escaped = false; while ( str[input_length] && (escaped || quoted || !isspace((unsigned char) str[input_length])) ) { if ( !escaped && str[input_length] == '\\' ) escaped = true; else if ( !escaped && str[input_length] == '"' ) quoted = !quoted; else escaped = false, output_length++; input_length++; } if ( quoted || escaped ) return false; char* output = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * (output_length+1)); if ( !output ) return false; input_length = 0; output_length = 0; quoted = false; escaped = false; while ( str[input_length] && (escaped || quoted || !isspace((unsigned char) str[input_length])) ) { if ( !escaped && str[input_length] == '\\' ) escaped = true; else if ( !escaped && str[input_length] == '"' ) quoted = !quoted; else if ( escaped && str[input_length] == 'a' ) escaped = false, output[output_length++] = '\a'; else if ( escaped && str[input_length] == 'b' ) escaped = false, output[output_length++] = '\b'; else if ( escaped && str[input_length] == 'e' ) escaped = false, output[output_length++] = '\e'; else if ( escaped && str[input_length] == 'f' ) escaped = false, output[output_length++] = '\f'; else if ( escaped && str[input_length] == 'n' ) escaped = false, output[output_length++] = '\n'; else if ( escaped && str[input_length] == 'r' ) escaped = false, output[output_length++] = '\r'; else if ( escaped && str[input_length] == 't' ) escaped = false, output[output_length++] = '\t'; else if ( escaped && str[input_length] == 'v' ) escaped = false, output[output_length++] = '\v'; else escaped = false, output[output_length++] = str[input_length]; input_length++; } output[output_length] = '\0'; if ( !string_array_append(sa, output) ) { free(output); return false; } free(output); str += input_length; } return true; } bool is_token_string_special_character(char c) { return isspace((unsigned char) c) || c == '"' || c == '\\'; } char* token_string_of_string_array(const string_array_t* sa) { size_t result_length = 0; for ( size_t i = 0; i < sa->length; i++ ) { if ( i ) result_length++; for ( size_t n = 0; sa->strings[i][n]; n++ ) { if ( is_token_string_special_character(sa->strings[i][n]) ) result_length++; result_length++; } } char* result = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * (result_length + 1)); if ( !result ) return NULL; result_length = 0; for ( size_t i = 0; i < sa->length; i++ ) { if ( i ) result[result_length++] = ' '; for ( size_t n = 0; sa->strings[i][n]; n++ ) { if ( is_token_string_special_character(sa->strings[i][n]) ) result[result_length++] = '\\'; result[result_length++] = sa->strings[i][n]; } } result[result_length] = '\0'; return result; } void string_array_append_file(string_array_t* sa, FILE* fp) { char* entry = NULL; size_t entry_size = 0; ssize_t entry_length; while ( 0 < (entry_length = getline(&entry, &entry_size, fp)) ) { if ( entry_length && entry[entry_length-1] == '\n' ) entry[entry_length-1] = '\0'; string_array_append(sa, entry); } free(entry); } bool string_array_append_file_path(string_array_t* sa, const char* path) { FILE* fp = fopen(path, "r"); if ( !fp ) return false; string_array_append_file(sa, fp); fclose(fp); return true; } size_t string_array_find(string_array_t* sa, const char* str) { for ( size_t i = 0; i < sa->length; i++ ) if ( !strcmp(sa->strings[i], str) ) return i; return SIZE_MAX; } bool string_array_contains(string_array_t* sa, const char* str) { return string_array_find(sa, str) != SIZE_MAX; } size_t dictionary_lookup_index(string_array_t* sa, const char* key) { size_t keylen = strlen(key); for ( size_t i = 0; i < sa->length; i++ ) { const char* entry = sa->strings[i]; if ( strncmp(key, entry, keylen) != 0 ) continue; if ( entry[keylen] != '=' ) continue; return i; } return SIZE_MAX; } const char* dictionary_get_entry(string_array_t* sa, const char* key) { size_t index = dictionary_lookup_index(sa, key); if ( index == SIZE_MAX ) return NULL; return sa->strings[index]; } const char* dictionary_get(string_array_t* sa, const char* key, const char* def = NULL) { size_t keylen = strlen(key); const char* entry = dictionary_get_entry(sa, key); return entry ? entry + keylen + 1 : def; } void dictionary_normalize_entry(char* entry) { bool key = true; size_t input_off, output_off; for ( input_off = output_off = 0; entry[input_off]; input_off++ ) { if ( key && isspace((unsigned char) entry[input_off]) ) continue; if ( key && (entry[input_off] == '=' || entry[input_off] == '#') ) key = false; entry[output_off++] = entry[input_off]; } entry[output_off] = '\0'; } void dictionary_append_file(string_array_t* sa, FILE* fp) { char* entry = NULL; size_t entry_size = 0; ssize_t entry_length; while ( 0 < (entry_length = getline(&entry, &entry_size, fp)) ) { if ( entry_length && entry[entry_length-1] == '\n' ) entry[entry_length-1] = '\0'; dictionary_normalize_entry(entry); if ( entry[0] == '#' ) continue; string_array_append(sa, entry); } free(entry); } bool dictionary_append_file_path(string_array_t* sa, const char* path) { FILE* fp = fopen(path, "r"); if ( !fp ) return false; dictionary_append_file(sa, fp); fclose(fp); return true; } __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))) char* print_string(const char* format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); char* ret; if ( vasprintf(&ret, format, ap) < 0 ) ret = NULL; va_end(ap); return ret; } char* read_single_line(FILE* fp) { char* ret = NULL; size_t ret_size = 0; ssize_t ret_len = getline(&ret, &ret_size, fp); if ( ret_len < 0 ) { free(ret); return NULL; } if ( ret_len && ret[ret_len-1] == '\n' ) ret[ret_len-1] = '\0'; return ret; } pid_t fork_or_death() { pid_t child_pid = fork(); if ( child_pid < 0 ) error(1, errno, "fork"); return child_pid; } void waitpid_or_death(pid_t child_pid, bool die_on_error = true) { int status; waitpid(child_pid, &status, 0); if ( die_on_error ) { if ( WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0 ) exit(WEXITSTATUS(status)); if ( WIFSIGNALED(status) ) error(128 + WTERMSIG(status), 0, "child with pid %ju was killed by " "signal %i (%s).", (uintmax_t) child_pid, WTERMSIG(status), strsignal(WTERMSIG(status))); } } bool fork_and_wait_or_death(bool die_on_error = true) { pid_t child_pid = fork_or_death(); if ( !child_pid ) return true; waitpid_or_death(child_pid, die_on_error); return false; } const char* getenv_def(const char* var, const char* def) { const char* ret = getenv(var); return ret ? ret : def; } int mkdir_p(const char* path, mode_t mode) { int saved_errno = errno; if ( mkdir(path, mode) != 0 && errno != EEXIST ) return -1; errno = saved_errno; return 0; } static void compact_arguments(int* argc, char*** argv) { for ( int i = 0; i < *argc; i++ ) { while ( i < *argc && !(*argv)[i] ) { for ( int n = i; n < *argc; n++ ) (*argv)[n] = (*argv)[n+1]; (*argc)--; } } } char* GetBuildTriplet() { #if defined(__sortix__) && defined(__i386__) return strdup("i486-sortix"); #elif defined(__sortix__) && defined(__x86_64__) return strdup("x86_64-sortix"); #elif defined(__sortix__) #warning "Add your build triplet here" #endif FILE* fp = popen("cc -dumpmachine", "r"); if ( !fp ) return NULL; char* ret = read_single_line(fp); pclose(fp); return ret; } bool get_option_variable(const char* option, char** varptr, const char* arg, int argc, char** argv, int* ip, const char* argv0) { size_t option_len = strlen(option); if ( strncmp(option, arg, option_len) != 0 ) return false; if ( arg[option_len] == '=' ) { *varptr = strdup(arg + option_len + 1); return true; } if ( arg[option_len] != '\0' ) return false; if ( *ip + 1 == argc ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: expected operand after `%s'\n", argv0, option); exit(1); } *varptr = strdup(argv[++*ip]), argv[*ip] = NULL; return true; } char* join_paths(const char* a, const char* b) { size_t a_len = strlen(a); bool has_slash = (a_len && a[a_len-1] == '/') || b[0] == '/'; return has_slash ? print_string("%s%s", a, b) : print_string("%s/%s", a, b); } bool IsFile(const char* path) { struct stat st; return stat(path, &st) == 0 && S_ISREG(st.st_mode); } bool IsDirectory(const char* path) { struct stat st; return stat(path, &st) == 0 && (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) || (errno = ENOTDIR, false)); } size_t count_tar_components(const char* path) { if ( !*path ) return 0; size_t slashes = 1; for ( size_t i = 0; path[i]; i++ ) if ( path[i] == '/' ) slashes++; return slashes; } #define GET_OPTION_VARIABLE(str, varptr) \ get_option_variable(str, varptr, arg, argc, argv, &i, argv0) // TODO: This is a bit inefficient but doing it otherwise would involve looking // through the error stream for messages such as "file not found", which // can be hard to distinguish from the common "oh no, an error occured" // case in which we need to abort as well. bool TarContainsFile(const char* archive, const char* file) { int pipes[2]; if ( pipe(pipes) ) error(1, errno, "pipe"); pid_t tar_pid = fork_or_death(); if ( !tar_pid ) { dup2(pipes[1], 1); close(pipes[1]); close(pipes[0]); const char* cmd_argv[] = { "tar", "--list", "--file", archive, NULL }; execvp(cmd_argv[0], (char* const*) cmd_argv); error(127, errno, "%s", cmd_argv[0]); } close(pipes[1]); FILE* fp = fdopen(pipes[0], "r"); char* line = NULL; size_t line_size = 0; ssize_t line_len; bool ret = false; while ( 0 < (line_len = getline(&line, &line_size, fp)) ) { if ( line_len && line[line_len-1] == '\n' ) line[--line_len] = '\0'; if ( strcmp(line, file) == 0 ) { ret = true; #if !defined(__sortix__) kill(tar_pid, SIGPIPE); break; #endif } } free(line); fclose(fp); int tar_exit_status; waitpid(tar_pid, &tar_exit_status, 0); bool sigpiped = WIFSIGNALED(tar_exit_status) && WTERMSIG(tar_exit_status) == SIGPIPE; bool errored = !WIFEXITED(tar_exit_status) || WEXITSTATUS(tar_exit_status) != 0; if ( errored && !sigpiped ) { error(1, 0, "Unable to list contents of `%s'.", archive); exit(WEXITSTATUS(tar_exit_status)); } return ret; } FILE* TarOpenFile(const char* archive, const char* file) { FILE* fp = tmpfile(); if ( !fp ) error(1, errno, "tmpfile"); pid_t tar_pid = fork_or_death(); if ( !tar_pid ) { dup2(fileno(fp), 1); fclose(fp); const char* cmd_argv[] = { "tar", "--to-stdout", "--extract", "--file", archive, "--", file, NULL }; execvp(cmd_argv[0], (char* const*) cmd_argv); error(127, errno, "%s", cmd_argv[0]); } int tar_exit_status; waitpid(tar_pid, &tar_exit_status, 0); if ( !WIFEXITED(tar_exit_status) || WEXITSTATUS(tar_exit_status) != 0 ) { error(1, 0, "Unable to extract `%s/%s'", archive, file); exit(WEXITSTATUS(tar_exit_status)); } if ( fseeko(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0 ) error(1, errno, "fseeko(tmpfile(), 0, SEEK_SET)"); return fp; } int fopenat_opener(int dirfd, const char* path, const char* mode) { int omode = 0; int oflags = 0; char c; // TODO: This is too hacky and a little buggy. while ( (c = *mode++) ) switch ( c ) { case 'r': omode = O_RDONLY; break; case 'a': oflags |= O_APPEND; /* fall-through */ case 'w': omode = O_WRONLY; oflags |= O_CREAT | O_TRUNC; break; case '+': omode = O_RDWR; break; case 'x': omode = O_EXCL; break; case 'b': break; case 't': break; default: errno = EINVAL; return -1; } return openat(dirfd, path, omode | oflags, 0666); } FILE* fopenat(DIR* dir, const char* path, const char* mode) { int fd = fopenat_opener(dirfd(dir), path, mode); if ( fd < 0 ) return NULL; FILE* ret = fdopen(fd, mode); if ( !ret ) return close(fd), (FILE*) NULL; return ret; } const char* VerifyInfoVariable(string_array_t* info, const char* var, const char* path) { const char* ret = dictionary_get(info, var); if ( !ret ) error(1, 0, "error: `%s': no `%s' variable declared", path, var); return ret; } void VerifyTixInformation(string_array_t* tixinfo, const char* tix_path) { const char* tix_version = dictionary_get(tixinfo, "tix.version"); if ( !tix_version ) error(1, 0, "error: `%s': no `tix.version' variable declared", tix_path); if ( atoi(tix_version) != 1 ) error(1, 0, "error: `%s': tix version `%s' not supported", tix_path, tix_version); const char* tix_class = dictionary_get(tixinfo, "tix.class"); if ( !tix_class ) error(1, 0, "error: `%s': no `tix.class' variable declared", tix_path); if ( !strcmp(tix_class, "srctix") ) error(1, 0, "error: `%s': this object is a source tix and needs to be " "compiled into a binary tix prior to installation.", tix_path); if ( strcmp(tix_class, "tix") ) error(1, 0, "error: `%s': tix class `%s' is not `tix': this object is " "not suitable for installation.", tix_path, tix_class); if ( !(dictionary_get(tixinfo, "tix.platform")) ) error(1, 0, "error: `%s': no `tix.platform' variable declared", tix_path); if ( !(dictionary_get(tixinfo, "pkg.name")) ) error(1, 0, "error: `%s': no `pkg.name' variable declared", tix_path); } bool IsCollectionPrefixRatherThanCommand(const char* arg) { return strchr(arg, '/') || !strcmp(arg, ".") || !strcmp(arg, ".."); } void ParseOptionalCommandLineCollectionPrefix(char** collection, int* argcp, char*** argvp) { if ( 2 <= *argcp && IsCollectionPrefixRatherThanCommand((*argvp)[1]) ) { if ( !*collection ) { free(*collection); *collection = strdup((*argvp)[1]); } (*argvp)[1] = NULL; compact_arguments(argcp, argvp); } else if ( !*collection ) { *collection = strdup("/"); } } void VerifyCommandLineCollection(char** collection) { if ( !*collection ) error(1, 0, "error: you need to specify which tix collection to " "administer using --collection or giving the prefix as the " "first argument."); if ( !**collection ) { free(*collection); *collection = strdup("/"); } char* collection_rel = *collection; if ( !(*collection = canonicalize_file_name(collection_rel)) ) error(1, errno, "canonicalize_file_name(`%s')", collection_rel); free(collection_rel); } void VerifyTixCollectionConfiguration(string_array_t* info, const char* path) { const char* tix_version = dictionary_get(info, "tix.version"); if ( !tix_version ) error(1, 0, "error: `%s': no `tix.version' variable declared", path); if ( atoi(tix_version) != 1 ) error(1, 0, "error: `%s': tix version `%s' not supported", path, tix_version); const char* tix_class = dictionary_get(info, "tix.class"); if ( !tix_class ) error(1, 0, "error: `%s': no `tix.class' variable declared", path); if ( strcmp(tix_class, "collection") != 0 ) error(1, 0, "error: `%s': error: unexpected tix class `%s'.", path, tix_class); if ( !(dictionary_get(info, "collection.prefix")) ) error(1, 0, "error: `%s': no `collection.prefix' variable declared", path); if ( !(dictionary_get(info, "collection.platform")) ) error(1, 0, "error: `%s': no `collection.platform' variable declared", path); } static pid_t original_pid; __attribute__((constructor)) static void initialize_original_pid() { original_pid = getpid(); } void cleanup_file_or_directory(int, void* path_ptr) { if ( original_pid != getpid() ) return; const char* path = (const char*) path_ptr; if ( fork_and_wait_or_death(false) ) { const char* cmd_argv[] = { "rm", "-rf", "--", path, NULL, }; execvp(cmd_argv[0], (char* const*) cmd_argv); error(127, errno, "%s", cmd_argv[0]); } } mode_t get_umask_value() { mode_t result = umask(0); umask(result); return result; } int fchmod_plus_x(int fd) { struct stat st; if ( fstat(fd, &st) != 0 ) return -1; mode_t new_mode = st.st_mode | (0111 & ~get_umask_value()); if ( fchmod(fd, new_mode) != 0 ) return -1; return 0; } void fprint_shell_variable_assignment(FILE* fp, const char* variable, const char* value) { if ( value ) { fprintf(fp, "export %s='", variable); for ( size_t i = 0; value[i]; i++ ) if ( value[i] == '\'' ) fprintf(fp, "'\\''"); else fputc(value[i], fp); fprintf(fp, "'\n"); } else { fprintf(fp, "unset %s\n", variable); } } bool is_success_exit_status(int status) { return WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0; } __attribute__((noreturn)) bool exit_like_exit_status(int status) { if ( WIFEXITED(status) ) exit(WEXITSTATUS(status)); if ( WIFSIGNALED(status) ) exit(128 + WTERMSIG(status)); exit(1); } enum recovery_state { RECOVERY_STATE_NONE, RECOVERY_STATE_PRINT_COMMAND, RECOVERY_STATE_RUN_SHELL, }; enum recovery_state recovery_configure_state(bool set, enum recovery_state to_what = RECOVERY_STATE_NONE) { static enum recovery_state recovery_state = RECOVERY_STATE_NONE; if ( set ) recovery_state = to_what; return recovery_state; } bool recovery_print_attempted_execution() { pid_t child_pid = fork(); if ( child_pid < 0 ) return false; if ( !child_pid ) { // Redirect stdout and stderr to /dev/null to prevent duplicate errors. // The recovery_execvp function below will automatically re-open the // terminal device when it needs to talk to the terminal. int dev_null = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); if ( 0 <= dev_null ) { dup2(dev_null, 1); dup2(dev_null, 2); close(dev_null); } recovery_configure_state(true, RECOVERY_STATE_PRINT_COMMAND); return true; } int status; waitpid(child_pid, &status, 0); return false; } bool recovery_run_shell() { pid_t child_pid = fork(); if ( child_pid < 0 ) return false; if ( !child_pid ) { recovery_configure_state(true, RECOVERY_STATE_RUN_SHELL); return true; } int status; waitpid(child_pid, &status, 0); return false; } int recovery_execvp(const char* path, char* const* argv) { if ( recovery_configure_state(false) == RECOVERY_STATE_NONE ) return execvp(path, argv); // Make sure that stdout and stderr go to an interactive terminal. if ( !isatty(1) ) { int dev_tty = open("/dev/tty", O_WRONLY); if ( 0 <= dev_tty ) { dup2(dev_tty, 1); dup2(dev_tty, 2); close(dev_tty); } } printf("Attempted command was: "); for ( int i = 0; argv[i]; i++ ) { if ( i ) putchar(' '); putchar('\''); for ( size_t n = 0; argv[i][n]; n++ ) if ( argv[i][n] == '\'' ) printf("'\\''"); else putchar(argv[i][n]); putchar('\''); } printf("\n"); if ( recovery_configure_state(false) == RECOVERY_STATE_PRINT_COMMAND ) _exit(0); const char* cmd_argv[] = { getenv_def("SHELL", "sh"), NULL }; execvp(cmd_argv[0], (char* const*) cmd_argv); error(127, errno, "%s", cmd_argv[0]); __builtin_unreachable(); } bool fork_and_wait_or_recovery() { int default_selection = 1; while ( true ) { pid_t child_pid = fork_or_death(); if ( !child_pid ) return true; int status; waitpid(child_pid, &status, 0); if ( is_success_exit_status(status) ) return false; if ( WIFEXITED(status) ) error(0, 0, "child with pid %ju exited with status %i.", (uintmax_t) child_pid, WEXITSTATUS(status)); else if ( WIFSIGNALED(status) ) error(0, 0, "child with pid %ju was killed by signal %i (%s).", (uintmax_t) child_pid, WTERMSIG(status), strsignal(WTERMSIG(status))); else error(0, 0, "child with pid %ju exited in an unusual manner (%i).", (uintmax_t) child_pid, status); if ( recovery_print_attempted_execution() ) return true; if ( !isatty(0) ) exit_like_exit_status(status); FILE* output = fopen("/dev/tty", "we"); if ( !output ) exit_like_exit_status(status); retry_ask_recovery_method: fprintf(output, "\n"); fprintf(output, "1. Abort\n"); fprintf(output, "2. Try again\n"); fprintf(output, "3. Pretend command was successful\n"); fprintf(output, "4. Run $SHELL -i to investigate\n"); fprintf(output, "5. Dump environment\n"); fprintf(output, "\n"); fprintf(output, "Please choose one: [%i] ", default_selection); fflush(output); char* input = read_single_line(stdin); if ( !input ) { fprintf(output, "\n"); fclose(output); error(0, errno, "can't read line from standard input, aborting."); exit_like_exit_status(status); } int selection = default_selection; if ( input[0] ) { char* input_end; selection = (int) strtol(input, &input_end, 0); if ( *input_end ) { error(0, 0, "error: `%s' is not an allowed choice", input); goto retry_ask_recovery_method; } if ( 5 < selection ) { error(0, 0, "error: `%i' is not an allowed choice", selection); goto retry_ask_recovery_method; } } if ( selection == 1 ) exit_like_exit_status(status); if ( selection == 2 ) { fprintf(output, "\nTrying to execute command again.\n\n"); fclose(output); continue; } if ( selection == 3 ) { fprintf(output, "\nPretending the command executed successfully.\n\n"); fclose(output); return false; } if ( selection == 4 ) { fprintf(output, "\nDropping you to a recovery shell, type `exit' " "when you are done.\n\n"); if ( recovery_run_shell() ) return true; } if ( selection == 5 ) { for ( size_t i = 0; environ[i]; i++ ) fprintf(output, "%s\n", environ[i]); goto retry_ask_recovery_method; } default_selection = 2; goto retry_ask_recovery_method; } } #endif