/* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2015, 2016, 2021, 2024 Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * find.c * Locate files and directories. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum expr_kind { EXPR_PAREN, EXPR_NOT, EXPR_AND, EXPR_OR, EXPR_DELETE, EXPR_EXEC, EXPR_GROUP, EXPR_INUM, EXPR_LINKS, EXPR_NAME, EXPR_NEWER, EXPR_NOGROUP, EXPR_NOUSER, EXPR_PATH, EXPR_PERM, EXPR_PRINT, EXPR_PRUNE, EXPR_REGEX, EXPR_SIZE, EXPR_TIME, EXPR_TRUE, EXPR_TYPE, EXPR_USER, }; struct expr_paren { struct expr* expr; }; struct expr_not { struct expr* expr; }; struct expr_and { struct expr* a; struct expr* b; }; struct expr_or { struct expr* a; struct expr* b; }; struct expr_exec { int argc; const char* const* argv; bool ok; bool plus; bool dir; }; struct expr_group { gid_t gid; }; struct expr_inum { ino_t ino; int cmp; }; struct expr_links { nlink_t n; int cmp; }; struct expr_name { const char* pattern; int flags; }; struct expr_newer { struct timespec when; char t; }; struct expr_path { const char* pattern; }; struct expr_perm { mode_t mode; bool least; }; struct expr_print { char delim; }; struct expr_regex { regex_t re; }; struct expr_size { bool bytes; off_t size; int cmp; }; struct expr_time { time_t n; time_t interval; int cmp; char t; }; struct expr_type { char c; }; struct expr_user { uid_t uid; }; struct expr { enum expr_kind kind; union { struct expr_paren expr_paren; struct expr_not expr_not; struct expr_and expr_and; struct expr_or expr_or; struct expr_exec expr_exec; struct expr_group expr_group; struct expr_inum expr_inum; struct expr_links expr_links; struct expr_name expr_name; struct expr_newer expr_newer; struct expr_path expr_path; struct expr_perm expr_perm; struct expr_print expr_print; struct expr_regex expr_regex; struct expr_size expr_size; struct expr_time expr_time; struct expr_type expr_type; struct expr_user expr_user; }; struct expr* parent; }; enum symderef { SYMDEREF_NONE, SYMDEREF_ARGUMENTS, SYMDEREF_ALWAYS, }; static struct timespec startup; static char* join_paths(const char* a, const char* b) { size_t a_len = strlen(a); bool has_slash = (a_len && a[a_len-1] == '/') || b[0] == '/'; char* result; if ( (has_slash && asprintf(&result, "%s%s", a, b) < 0) || (!has_slash && asprintf(&result, "%s/%s", a, b) < 0) ) return NULL; return result; } static bool is_octal_string(const char* str) { if ( !str[0] ) return false; for ( size_t i = 0; str[i]; i++ ) if ( !('0' <= str[i] && str[i] <= '7') ) return false; return true; } static mode_t execute_modespec(const char* str, mode_t mode, mode_t type, mode_t umask) { if ( is_octal_string(str) ) { errno = 0; uintmax_t input = strtoumax((char*) str, NULL, 8); if ( errno == ERANGE ) return (mode_t) -1; if ( input & ~((uintmax_t) 07777) ) return (mode_t) -1; return (mode_t) input; } size_t index = 0; do { mode_t who_mask = 01000; while ( true ) { if ( str[index] == 'u' && (index++, true) ) who_mask |= 04700; else if ( str[index] == 'g' && (index++, true) ) who_mask |= 02070; else if ( str[index] == 'o' && (index++, true) ) who_mask |= 00007; else if ( str[index] == 'a' && (index++, true) ) who_mask |= 06777; else break; } if ( !(who_mask & 0777) ) who_mask |= 06777 & ~umask; do { char op; switch ( (op = str[index++]) ) { case '+': break; case '-': break; case '=': break; default: return (mode_t) -1; }; mode_t operand = 0; if ( str[index] == 'u' || str[index] == 'g' || str[index] == 'o' ) { char permcopy = str[index++]; switch ( permcopy ) { case 'u': operand = mode >> 6 & 07; break; case 'g': operand = mode >> 3 & 07; break; case 'o': operand = mode >> 0 & 07; break; default: __builtin_unreachable(); }; operand = operand << 0 | operand << 3 | operand << 6; switch ( permcopy ) { case 'u': if ( mode & 04000) operand |= 06000; break; case 'g': if ( mode & 02000) operand |= 06000; break; }; who_mask &= ~((mode_t) 01000); } else { bool unknown = false; do { switch ( str[index] ) { case 'r': operand |= 00444; break; case 'w': operand |= 00222; break; case 'x': operand |= 00111; break; case 'X': if ( S_ISDIR(type) || (mode & 0111) ) operand |= 00111; break; case 's': operand |= 06000; break; case 't': operand |= 00000; break; default: unknown = true; break; } } while ( !unknown && (index++, true) ); } switch ( op ) { case '+': mode |= (operand & who_mask); break; case '-': mode &= ~(operand & who_mask); break; case '=': mode = (mode & ~who_mask) | (operand & who_mask); break; default: __builtin_unreachable(); } } while ( str[index] == '+' || str[index] == '-' || str[index] == '=' ); } while ( str[index] == ',' && (index++, true) ); if ( str[index] ) return (mode_t) -1; return mode; } static const struct timespec* pick_time(const struct stat* ts, char t) { switch ( t ) { case 'a': return &ts->st_atim; case 'c': return &ts->st_ctim; case 'm': return &ts->st_mtim; default: __builtin_unreachable(); } } static time_t seconds_age(const struct timespec* ts) { time_t seconds = startup.tv_sec - ts->tv_sec; if ( startup.tv_nsec < ts->tv_nsec ) seconds--; if ( seconds < 0 ) seconds = 0; return seconds; } const int SUCCESS = 1 << 0; const int PRUNED = 1 << 1; static int evaluate(const struct expr* expr, int dirfd, const char* name, const char* relpath, const char* path, struct stat* st, size_t depth, size_t mindepth) { const struct expr* original_expr = expr; int result = SUCCESS; if ( depth < mindepth ) return result; while ( true ) { bool value; if ( expr->kind == EXPR_PAREN ) { assert(expr->expr_paren.expr->parent == expr); expr = expr->expr_paren.expr; continue; } else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_NOT ) { assert(expr->expr_not.expr->parent == expr); expr = expr->expr_not.expr; continue; } else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_AND ) { assert(expr->expr_and.a->parent == expr); assert(expr->expr_and.b->parent == expr); expr = expr->expr_and.a; continue; } else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_OR ) { assert(expr->expr_or.a->parent == expr); assert(expr->expr_or.b->parent == expr); expr = expr->expr_or.a; continue; } else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_DELETE ) { int flags = S_ISDIR(st->st_mode) ? AT_REMOVEDIR : 0; if ( !(value = !unlinkat(dirfd, relpath, flags)) ) { warn("-delete: %s", path); result &= ~SUCCESS; } } else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_EXEC ) { bool is_ok = true; if ( expr->expr_exec.ok ) { fprintf(stderr, "< %s ... %s > ? ", expr->expr_exec.argv[0], path); int ic; is_ok = (ic = getchar()) == 'y' && (ic = getchar()) == '\n'; while ( ic != EOF && ic != '\n' ) ic = getchar(); if ( ic != '\n' ) fputc('\n', stderr); } pid_t pid; if ( !is_ok ) value = false; else if ( (pid = fork()) < 0 ) { warn("fork"); value = false; } else if ( !pid ) { const char* param = expr->expr_exec.dir ? relpath : path; size_t param_size = strlen(param); int argc = expr->expr_exec.argc; char** argv = calloc(argc + 1, sizeof(char*)); if ( !argv ) err(1, "malloc"); for ( int i = 0; i < argc; i++ ) { const char* arg = expr->expr_exec.argv[i]; size_t occurences = 0; size_t len; for ( len = 0; arg[len]; len++ ) { if ( arg[len] == '{' && arg[len + 1] == '}' ) { occurences++; len++; } } if ( occurences ) { size_t size = len - 2 * occurences + 1; size_t param_sizes; if ( __builtin_mul_overflow(param_size, occurences, ¶m_sizes) || __builtin_add_overflow(param_sizes, size, &size) ) { errno = ENOMEM; err(1, "malloc"); } char* new_arg = malloc(size); if ( !new_arg ) err(1, "malloc"); size_t o = 0; for ( size_t n = 0; n < len; n++ ) { if ( arg[n] == '{' && arg[n + 1] == '}' ) { memcpy(new_arg + o, param, param_size); o += param_size; n++; } else new_arg[o++] = arg[n]; } new_arg[o] = '\0'; arg = new_arg; } argv[i] = (char*) arg; } if ( is_ok ) { close(0); if ( open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY) != 0 ) err(1, "/dev/null"); } argv[argc] = NULL; if ( expr->expr_exec.dir && dirfd != AT_FDCWD && fchdir(dirfd) < 0 ) err(1, "chdir into directory containing: %s", path); execvp(argv[0], argv); err(1, "%s", argv[0]); } else { int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0); bool success = WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0; if ( expr->expr_exec.plus ) { // TODO: Merge multiple paths into single invocations. value = true; if ( !success ) result &= ~SUCCESS; } else value = success; } } else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_GROUP ) value = st->st_gid == expr->expr_group.gid; else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_INUM) value = expr->expr_inum.cmp < 0 ? st->st_ino < expr->expr_inum.ino: expr->expr_inum.cmp > 0 ? st->st_ino > expr->expr_inum.ino : st->st_ino == expr->expr_inum.ino; else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_LINKS ) value = expr->expr_links.cmp < 0 ? st->st_nlink < expr->expr_links.n : expr->expr_links.cmp > 0 ? st->st_nlink > expr->expr_links.n : st->st_nlink == expr->expr_links.n; else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_NAME ) value = fnmatch(expr->expr_name.pattern, name, expr->expr_name.flags) == 0; else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_NEWER ) { const struct timespec* ts = pick_time(st, expr->expr_newer.t); value = expr->expr_newer.when.tv_sec < ts->tv_sec || (expr->expr_newer.when.tv_sec == ts->tv_sec && expr->expr_newer.when.tv_nsec < ts->tv_nsec); } else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_NOGROUP ) { errno = 0; value = !getgrgid(st->st_gid); if ( errno ) err(1, "getgrgid"); } else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_NOUSER ) { errno = 0; value = !getpwuid(st->st_uid); if ( errno ) err(1, "getpwuid"); } else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_PATH ) value = fnmatch(expr->expr_path.pattern, path, 0) == 0; else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_PERM ) value = (st->st_mode & (expr->expr_perm.least ? expr->expr_perm.mode : 07777)) == expr->expr_perm.mode; else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_PRINT ) { if ( printf("%s%c", path, expr->expr_print.delim) < 0 ) err(1, "stdout"); value = true; } else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_PRUNE ) { result |= PRUNED; value = true; } else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_REGEX ) { regmatch_t match; value = !regexec(&expr->expr_regex.re, path, 1, &match, 0) && match.rm_so == 1 && (size_t) match.rm_eo == strlen(path); } else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_SIZE ) { off_t size = expr->expr_size.bytes ? st->st_size : st->st_size / 512 + (st->st_size & 511 ? 1 : 0); value = expr->expr_size.cmp < 0 ? size < expr->expr_size.size : expr->expr_size.cmp > 0 ? size > expr->expr_size.size : size == expr->expr_size.size; } else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_TIME ) { const struct timespec* ts = pick_time(st, expr->expr_time.t); time_t age = seconds_age(ts) / expr->expr_time.interval; value = expr->expr_time.cmp < 0 ? age < expr->expr_time.n : expr->expr_time.cmp > 0 ? age > expr->expr_time.n : age == expr->expr_time.n; } else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_TRUE ) value = true; else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_TYPE ) value = expr->expr_type.c == 'b' ? S_ISBLK(st->st_mode) : expr->expr_type.c == 'c' ? S_ISCHR(st->st_mode) : expr->expr_type.c == 'd' ? S_ISDIR(st->st_mode) : expr->expr_type.c == 'f' ? S_ISREG(st->st_mode) : expr->expr_type.c == 'l' ? S_ISLNK(st->st_mode) : expr->expr_type.c == 'p' ? S_ISFIFO(st->st_mode) : expr->expr_type.c == 's' ? S_ISSOCK(st->st_mode) : 0; else if ( expr->kind == EXPR_USER ) value = st->st_uid == expr->expr_user.uid; else value = false; // Continue evaluating the parent expression. while ( true ) { if ( expr == original_expr ) return result; const struct expr* parent = expr->parent; if ( parent->kind == EXPR_PAREN ) expr = parent; else if ( parent->kind == EXPR_NOT ) { value = !value; expr = parent; } else if ( parent->kind == EXPR_AND ) { if ( value && expr == parent->expr_and.a ) { expr = parent->expr_and.b; break; } else expr = parent; } else if ( parent->kind == EXPR_OR ) { if ( !value && expr == parent->expr_or.a ) { expr = parent->expr_or.b; break; } else expr = parent; } else __builtin_unreachable(); } } } // Stat through a symlink if any, and if that fails, stat the symlink itself. static int fstatat_symlink(int dirfd, const char* path, struct stat* st, int flags) { if ( !fstatat(dirfd, path, st, flags) ) return 0; if ( flags & AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW ) return -1; int old_errno = errno; if ( fstatat(dirfd, path, st, flags | AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) < 0 || !S_ISLNK(st->st_mode) ) { errno = old_errno; return -1; } return 0; } // Like scandir on an existing DIR, but doesn't sort and omits . and .. entries. static int list_directory(DIR* dir, struct dirent*** entries_out) { struct dirent** entries = malloc(sizeof(struct dirent*)); if ( !entries ) return 0; size_t count = 0; size_t length = 1; struct dirent* entry; while ( (errno = 0, entry = readdir(dir)) ) { if ( !strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") ) continue; size_t name_length = strlen(entry->d_name); size_t entry_size = offsetof(struct dirent, d_name) + name_length + 1; struct dirent* new_entry = calloc(1, entry_size); if ( !new_entry ) break; memcpy(new_entry, entry, entry_size); if ( count == length ) { size_t size; if ( __builtin_mul_overflow(length, 2 * sizeof(struct dirent*), &size) ) { errno = ENOMEM; break; } struct dirent** new_entries = realloc(entries, size); if ( !new_entries ) { free(new_entry); break; } entries = new_entries; length *= 2; } if ( count == (unsigned int) INT_MAX ) { errno = EFBIG; break; } entries[count++] = new_entry; } if ( errno ) { for ( size_t i = 0; i < count; i++ ) free(entries[i]); free(entries); return -1; } *entries_out = entries; return (int) count; } // Partially perform a path traversal with only a single path element left. // This is different from dirname + baseline as it preserves trailing slashes. static int open_parent_directory(int dirfd, const char* path, size_t* offset) { size_t last_element = SIZE_MAX; for ( size_t i = 0; path[i]; i++ ) if ( path[i] == '/' && path[i + 1] && path[i + 1] != '/' ) last_element = i + 1; if ( last_element == SIZE_MAX && path[0] != '/' ) return *offset = 0, dirfd; char* dir = strndup(path, last_element); if ( !dir ) return -1; int fd = openat(dirfd, dir, O_RDONLY | O_DIRECTORY); free(dir); if ( fd < 0 ) return -1; if ( last_element == SIZE_MAX ) last_element = 0; return *offset = last_element, fd; } struct state { struct state* parent; int dirfd; const char* name; const char* relpath; const char* path; unsigned char type; size_t depth; int flags; struct stat st; int fd; DIR* dir; struct dirent** entries; int num_entries; int i; bool failed_open; bool has_stat; }; static bool find(const struct expr* expr, struct state* state, bool depth, enum symderef symderef, bool xdev, bool mount, size_t mindepth, size_t maxdepth) { // Ensure -execdir and such always have a single relative path element. size_t slash_at = strcspn(state->relpath, "/"); if ( state->relpath[slash_at + strspn(state->relpath + slash_at, "/")] || (state->dirfd == AT_FDCWD && state->relpath[0] == '/') ) { size_t offset; int new_dirfd = open_parent_directory(state->dirfd, state->relpath, &offset); if ( new_dirfd == -1 ) err(1, "%s", state->path); struct state new_state = {0}; new_state.dirfd = new_dirfd; new_state.name = state->name; new_state.relpath = state->relpath + offset; new_state.path = state->path; new_state.type = state->type; bool result = find(expr, &new_state, depth, symderef, xdev, mount, mindepth, maxdepth); if ( new_dirfd != state->dirfd ) close(new_dirfd); return result; } // Walk the filesystem with recursive state in the heap, handling one // filesystem entity per loop iteration, continuing with the parent // directory afterwards. state->flags = SUCCESS; while ( true ) { // If back to a parent directory, continue reading it. if ( state->dir ) goto loop; // Stat the filesystem entity; unless it's a known directory, in which // case the directory is opened instead and fstat'd afterwards (but // we come back here if the directory opening fails). if ( !state->has_stat && (state->type != DT_DIR || state->failed_open || maxdepth <= state->depth) ) { if ( fstatat_symlink(state->dirfd, state->relpath, &state->st, symderef == SYMDEREF_NONE ? AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW : 0) < 0 ) { warn("%s", state->path); state->flags &= ~SUCCESS; goto next; } state->has_stat = true; if ( (xdev || mount) && state->parent && state->st.st_dev != state->parent->st.st_dev ) goto next; } // Evaluate non-directories and directories that couldn't be opened. if ( (state->has_stat ? !S_ISDIR(state->st.st_mode) : state->type != DT_DIR) || state->failed_open || maxdepth <= state->depth ) { int old_errno = errno; bool success = evaluate(expr, state->dirfd, state->name, state->relpath, state->path, &state->st, state->depth, mindepth) & SUCCESS; if ( state->failed_open ) { errno = old_errno; warn("%s", state->path); success = false; } if ( !success ) state->flags &= ~SUCCESS; goto next; } // Open directories. if ( !state->dir && (state->has_stat ? S_ISDIR(state->st.st_mode) : state->type == DT_DIR) ) { state->fd = openat(state->dirfd, state->relpath, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC | O_DIRECTORY | (symderef == SYMDEREF_NONE ? O_NOFOLLOW : 0)); if ( state->fd < 0 ) { state->failed_open = true; continue; } if ( symderef == SYMDEREF_ARGUMENTS ) symderef = SYMDEREF_NONE; fstat(state->fd, &state->st); state->has_stat = true; bool is_mount_point = state->parent && state->st.st_dev != state->parent->st.st_dev; if ( mount && is_mount_point ) { close(state->fd); goto next; } for ( struct state* s = state->parent; s; s = s->parent ) { if ( state->st.st_dev == s->st.st_dev && state->st.st_ino == s->st.st_ino ) { warnx("Filesystem loop detected: %s is %s", state->path, s->path); state->flags &= ~SUCCESS; goto next; } } if ( !depth ) state->flags = evaluate(expr, state->dirfd, state->name, state->relpath, state->path, &state->st, state->depth, mindepth); state->dir = fdopendir(state->fd); if ( !state->dir ) { warn("fdopendir: %s", state->path); close(state->fd); state->flags &= ~SUCCESS; goto next; } if ( !(state->flags & PRUNED) && !(xdev && is_mount_point) ) { state->num_entries = list_directory(state->dir, &state->entries); if ( state->num_entries < 0 ) { warn("readdir: %s", state->path); state->flags &= ~SUCCESS; goto next; } } } // Recurse on a directory entry if any. if ( state->dir ) { loop: if ( state->i < state->num_entries ) { struct dirent* entry = state->entries[state->i++]; char* new_path = join_paths(state->path, entry->d_name); if ( !new_path ) err(1, "malloc"); struct state* new_state = calloc(1, sizeof(struct state)); if ( !new_state ) err(1, "malloc"); new_state->parent = state; new_state->dirfd = state->fd; new_state->name = entry->d_name; new_state->relpath = entry->d_name; new_state->path = new_path; new_state->type = entry->d_type; new_state->depth = state->depth + 1; new_state->flags = SUCCESS; state = new_state; continue; } if ( depth && !(evaluate(expr, state->dirfd, state->name, state->relpath, state->path, &state->st, state->depth, mindepth) & SUCCESS) ) state->flags &= ~SUCCESS; } next: // Clean up and continue with the parent directory if any. if ( state->dir ) { for ( int i = 0; i < state->num_entries; i++ ) free(state->entries[i]); free(state->entries); state->entries = NULL; state->num_entries = 0; closedir(state->dir); state->dir = NULL; } struct state* parent = state->parent; if ( !parent ) break; if ( !(state->flags & SUCCESS) ) parent->flags &= ~SUCCESS; free((char*) state->path); free(state); state = parent; } return state->flags & SUCCESS; } static void compact_arguments(int* argc, char*** argv) { for ( int i = 0; i < *argc; i++ ) { while ( i < *argc && !(*argv)[i] ) { for ( int n = i; n < *argc; n++ ) (*argv)[n] = (*argv)[n+1]; (*argc)--; } } } struct parse_state { struct parse_state* outer; struct expr** insert_and; struct expr** insert_or; }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { bool depth = false; bool ere = false; bool mount = false; enum symderef symderef = SYMDEREF_NONE; bool xdev = false; size_t mindepth = 0; size_t maxdepth = SIZE_MAX; for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { const char* arg = argv[i]; if ( arg[0] != '-' || !arg[1] ) continue; // Handle predicates whose prefix are valid short options. if ( !strcmp(arg, "-depth") || !strcmp(arg, "-delete") || !strcmp(arg, "-xdev") ) break; argv[i] = NULL; if ( !strcmp(arg, "--") ) break; if ( arg[1] != '-' ) { const char* orig_arg = arg; char c; bool do_break = false; while ( (c = *++arg) ) switch ( c ) { case 'd': depth = true; break; case 'E': ere = true; break; case 'H': symderef = SYMDEREF_ARGUMENTS; break; case 'L': symderef = SYMDEREF_ALWAYS; break; case 'P': symderef = SYMDEREF_NONE; break; case 'x': xdev = true; break; default: if ( orig_arg + 1 == arg ) { argv[i] = (char*) orig_arg; arg = "?"; do_break = true; break; } errx(1, "unknown option -- '%c'", c); } if ( do_break ) break; } else errx(1, "unknown option: %s", arg); } compact_arguments(&argc, &argv); // Locate the start of the expression in argv. int predicates_offset = 1; while ( predicates_offset < argc && !(argv[predicates_offset][0] == '-' && argv[predicates_offset][1]) && strcmp(argv[predicates_offset], "!") != 0 && strcmp(argv[predicates_offset], "(") != 0 ) predicates_offset++; struct expr* root = NULL; struct expr** insert_at = &root; struct expr* insert_at_parent = NULL; struct parse_state outermost_parse_state = { 0 }; struct parse_state* parse_state = &outermost_parse_state; parse_state->outer = NULL; parse_state->insert_and = &root; parse_state->insert_or = &root; bool found_action = false; bool found_delete = false; bool found_prune = false; // Parse the expression. for ( int i = predicates_offset; i < argc; i++ ) { const char* arg = argv[i]; struct expr* subexpr = calloc(1, sizeof(struct expr)); if ( !subexpr ) err(1, "malloc"); struct expr** next_insert_at = NULL; if ( !strcmp(arg, "(") ) { subexpr->kind = EXPR_PAREN; subexpr->expr_not.expr = NULL; struct parse_state* new_parse_state = calloc(1, sizeof(struct parse_state)); if ( !new_parse_state ) err(1, "malloc"); new_parse_state->outer = parse_state; new_parse_state->insert_and = &subexpr->expr_paren.expr; new_parse_state->insert_or = &subexpr->expr_paren.expr; parse_state = new_parse_state; next_insert_at = &subexpr->expr_paren.expr; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, ")") ) { if ( !parse_state->outer ) errx(1, "unbalanced closing parenthesis"); if ( insert_at ) errx(1, "expected subexpression before )"); struct parse_state* old_state = parse_state; parse_state = parse_state->outer; free(old_state); free(subexpr); continue; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "!") ) { subexpr->kind = EXPR_NOT; subexpr->expr_not.expr = NULL; next_insert_at = &subexpr->expr_not.expr; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-a") ) { if ( insert_at || !*parse_state->insert_and ) errx(1, "expected subexpression before -a"); subexpr->kind = EXPR_AND; subexpr->expr_and.a = *parse_state->insert_and; subexpr->expr_and.b = NULL; subexpr->parent = subexpr->expr_and.a->parent; subexpr->expr_and.a->parent = subexpr; *parse_state->insert_and = subexpr; insert_at = &subexpr->expr_and.b; insert_at_parent = subexpr; parse_state->insert_and = &subexpr->expr_and.b; continue; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-o") ) { if ( insert_at || !*parse_state->insert_or ) errx(1, "expected subexpression before -o"); subexpr->kind = EXPR_OR; subexpr->expr_or.a = *parse_state->insert_or; subexpr->expr_or.b = NULL; subexpr->parent = subexpr->expr_or.a->parent; subexpr->expr_or.a->parent = subexpr; *parse_state->insert_or = subexpr; insert_at = &subexpr->expr_or.b; insert_at_parent = subexpr; parse_state->insert_and = &subexpr->expr_or.b; parse_state->insert_or = &subexpr->expr_or.b; continue; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-anewer") || !strcmp(arg, "-newer") || !strcmp(arg, "-cnewer") ) { if ( i + 1 == argc ) errx(1, "missing parameter to %s", arg); char t = !strcmp(arg, "-newer") ? 'm' : arg[1]; const char* param = argv[++i]; struct stat st; if ( stat(param, &st) < 0 ) err(1, "%s", param); subexpr->kind = EXPR_NEWER; subexpr->expr_newer.when = *pick_time(&st, t); subexpr->expr_newer.t = t; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-atime") || !strcmp(arg, "-amin") || !strcmp(arg, "-ctime") || !strcmp(arg, "-cmin") || !strcmp(arg, "-mtime") || !strcmp(arg, "-mmin") ) { if ( i + 1 == argc ) errx(1, "missing parameter to %s", arg); char t = arg[1]; time_t interval = !strcmp(arg + 2, "time") ? 86400 : 60; const char* param = argv[++i]; int cmp = param[0] == '-' ? (param++, -1) : param[0] == '+' ? (param++, 1) : 0; char* end; errno = 0; intmax_t value = strtoimax(param, &end, 10); if ( errno || *end || (time_t) value != value ) errx(1, "invalid parameter to %s: %s", arg, param); time_t n = (time_t) value; subexpr->kind = EXPR_TIME; subexpr->expr_time.n = n; subexpr->expr_time.interval = interval; subexpr->expr_time.cmp = cmp; subexpr->expr_time.t = t; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-depth") ) { depth = true; subexpr->kind = EXPR_TRUE; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-delete") ) { found_action = true; found_delete = true; depth = true; subexpr->kind = EXPR_DELETE; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-exec") || !strcmp(arg, "-execdir") || !strcmp(arg, "-ok") || !strcmp(arg, "-okdir") ) { found_action = true; int count = 0; bool was_braces = false; while ( i + 1 + count < argc && strcmp(argv[i + 1 + count], ";") != 0 && !(was_braces && !strcmp(argv[i + 1 + count], "+")) ) { was_braces = !strcmp(argv[i + 1 + count], "{}"); count++; } if ( !count || i + count + 1 == argc ) errx(1, "missing parameter to %s", arg); subexpr->kind = EXPR_EXEC; subexpr->expr_exec.argc = count; subexpr->expr_exec.argv = (const char* const*) argv + i + 1; subexpr->expr_exec.ok = strstr(arg, "ok"); subexpr->expr_exec.dir = strstr(arg, "dir"); subexpr->expr_exec.plus = !strcmp(argv[i + count + 1], "+"); i += 1 + count; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-group") ) { if ( i + 1 == argc ) errx(1, "missing parameter to %s", arg); const char* param = argv[++i]; char* end; uintmax_t value = strtoumax(param, &end, 10); gid_t gid; if ( errno || *end || (gid_t) value != value ) { errno = 0; struct group* grp = getgrnam(param); if ( !grp ) { if ( errno ) err(1, "%s: %s", arg, param); else errx(1, "%s: No such group: %s", arg, param); } gid = grp->gr_gid; } else gid = value; subexpr->kind = EXPR_GROUP; subexpr->expr_group.gid = gid; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-inum") ) { if ( i + 1 == argc ) errx(1, "missing parameter to %s", arg); const char* param = argv[++i]; int cmp = param[0] == '-' ? (param++, -1) : param[0] == '+' ? (param++, 1) : 0; char* end; errno = 0; uintmax_t value = strtoumax(param, &end, 10); if ( errno || *end || (ino_t) value != value ) errx(1, "invalid parameter to %s: %s", arg, param); subexpr->kind = EXPR_INUM; subexpr->expr_inum.ino = (ino_t) value; subexpr->expr_inum.cmp = cmp; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-links") ) { if ( i + 1 == argc ) errx(1, "missing parameter to %s", arg); const char* param = argv[++i]; int cmp = param[0] == '-' ? (param++, -1) : param[0] == '+' ? (param++, 1) : 0; char* end; errno = 0; uintmax_t value = strtoumax(param, &end, 10); if ( errno || *end || (nlink_t) value != value ) errx(1, "invalid parameter to %s: %s", arg, param); subexpr->kind = EXPR_LINKS; subexpr->expr_links.n = (nlink_t) value; subexpr->expr_links.cmp = cmp; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-maxdepth") ) { if ( i + 1 == argc ) errx(1, "missing parameter to %s", arg); const char* param = argv[++i]; char* end; errno = 0; uintmax_t value = strtoumax(param, &end, 10); if ( errno || *end || (size_t) value != value ) errx(1, "invalid parameter to %s: %s", arg, param); subexpr->kind = EXPR_TRUE; maxdepth = (size_t) value; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-mindepth") ) { if ( i + 1 == argc ) errx(1, "missing parameter to %s", arg); const char* param = argv[++i]; char* end; errno = 0; uintmax_t value = strtoumax(param, &end, 10); if ( errno || *end || (size_t) value != value ) errx(1, "invalid parameter to %s: %s", arg, param); subexpr->kind = EXPR_TRUE; mindepth = (size_t) value; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-mount") ) { mount = true; subexpr->kind = EXPR_TRUE; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-name") || !strcmp(arg, "-iname") ) { if ( i + 1 == argc ) errx(1, "missing parameter to %s", arg); const char* param = argv[++i]; subexpr->kind = EXPR_NAME; subexpr->expr_name.pattern = param; subexpr->expr_name.flags = !strcmp(arg, "-iname") ? FNM_CASEFOLD : 0; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-nogroup") ) subexpr->kind = EXPR_NOGROUP; else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-nouser") ) subexpr->kind = EXPR_NOUSER; else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-path") ) { if ( i + 1 == argc ) errx(1, "missing parameter to %s", arg); const char* param = argv[++i]; subexpr->kind = EXPR_PATH; subexpr->expr_path.pattern = param; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-perm") ) { if ( i + 1 == argc ) errx(1, "missing parameter to %s", arg); const char* param = argv[++i]; size_t offset = 0; bool least = param[0] == '-'; if ( least ) offset++; if ( !param[offset] ) errx(1, "invalid parameter to %s: %s", arg, param); mode_t mode = execute_modespec(param + offset, 0, S_IFREG, 07777); if ( mode == (mode_t) -1 ) errx(1, "invalid parameter to %s: %s", arg, param); subexpr->kind = EXPR_PERM; subexpr->expr_perm.mode = mode; subexpr->expr_perm.least = least; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-print") || !strcmp(arg, "-print0") ) { found_action = true; subexpr->kind = EXPR_PRINT; subexpr->expr_print.delim = !strcmp(arg, "-print") ? '\n' : '\0'; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-prune") ) { found_prune = true; subexpr->kind = EXPR_PRUNE; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-regex") ) { if ( i + 1 == argc ) errx(1, "missing parameter to %s", arg); const char* param = argv[++i]; subexpr->kind = EXPR_REGEX; int error = regcomp(&subexpr->expr_regex.re, param + 1, ere ? REG_EXTENDED : 0); if ( error ) { size_t size = regerror(error, NULL, NULL, 0); char* error_string = malloc(size); if ( !error_string ) errx(1, "-regex: invalid regular expression: %s", param); regerror(error, NULL, error_string, size); errx(1, "-regex: %s: %s", error_string, param); } } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-size") ) { if ( i + 1 == argc ) errx(1, "missing parameter to %s", arg); const char* param = argv[++i]; int cmp = param[0] == '-' ? (param++, -1) : param[0] == '+' ? (param++, 1) : 0; char* end; errno = 0; intmax_t value = strtoimax(param, &end, 10); if ( errno || (*end && *end != 'c') || (off_t) value != value || value < 0 ) errx(1, "invalid parameter to %s: %s", arg, param); subexpr->kind = EXPR_SIZE; subexpr->expr_size.bytes = *end == 'c'; subexpr->expr_size.size = (off_t) value; subexpr->expr_size.cmp = cmp; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-type") ) { if ( i + 1 == argc ) errx(1, "missing parameter to %s", arg); const char* param = argv[++i]; if ( !param[0] || param[1] ) errx(1, "invalid parameter to %s: %s", arg, param); switch ( param[0] ) { case 'b': break; case 'c': break; case 'd': break; case 'f': break; case 'l': break; case 'p': break; case 's': break; default: errx(1, "invalid parameter to %s: %s", arg, param); } subexpr->kind = EXPR_TYPE; subexpr->expr_type.c = param[0]; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-user") ) { if ( i + 1 == argc ) errx(1, "missing parameter to %s", arg); const char* param = argv[++i]; char* end; uintmax_t value = strtoumax(param, &end, 10); uid_t uid; if ( errno || *end || (uid_t) value != value ) { errno = 0; struct passwd* pwd = getpwnam(param); if ( !pwd ) { if ( errno ) err(1, "%s: %s", arg, param); else errx(1, "%s: No such user: %s", arg, param); } uid = pwd->pw_uid; } else uid = value; subexpr->kind = EXPR_USER; subexpr->expr_user.uid = uid; } else if ( !strcmp(arg, "-xdev") ) { xdev = true; subexpr->kind = EXPR_TRUE; } else errx(1, "unknown primary: %s", arg); if ( insert_at ) { *insert_at = subexpr; subexpr->parent = insert_at_parent; } else { struct expr* and_expr = calloc(1, sizeof(struct expr)); if ( !and_expr ) err(1, "malloc"); and_expr->kind = EXPR_AND; and_expr->expr_and.a = *parse_state->insert_and; and_expr->expr_and.b = subexpr; and_expr->parent = and_expr->expr_and.a->parent; and_expr->expr_and.a->parent = and_expr; and_expr->expr_and.b->parent = and_expr; *parse_state->insert_and = and_expr; parse_state->insert_and = &and_expr->expr_and.b; } insert_at = next_insert_at; insert_at_parent = next_insert_at ? subexpr : NULL; } if ( parse_state->outer ) errx(1, "unbalanced opening parenthesis"); if ( insert_at && insert_at != &root ) errx(1, "expected another subexpression"); assert(!root || !root->parent); if ( !found_action ) { struct expr* print_expr = calloc(1, sizeof(struct expr)); if ( !print_expr ) err(1, "malloc"); print_expr->kind = EXPR_PRINT; print_expr->expr_print.delim = '\n'; if ( !root ) root = print_expr; else { struct expr* and_expr = calloc(1, sizeof(struct expr)); if ( !and_expr ) err(1, "malloc"); and_expr->kind = EXPR_AND; and_expr->expr_and.a = root; and_expr->expr_and.b = print_expr; and_expr->parent = root->parent; and_expr->expr_and.a->parent = and_expr; and_expr->expr_and.b->parent = and_expr; root = and_expr; } } if ( found_delete && symderef != SYMDEREF_NONE ) errx(1, "-delete is not allowed when following symbolic links"); if ( depth && found_prune ) warnx("warning: -prune is ignored when -depth"); assert(!root->parent); clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &startup); bool result = true; struct state state; if ( predicates_offset == 1 ) { memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state)); state.dirfd = AT_FDCWD; state.name = "."; state.relpath = "."; state.path = "."; state.type = DT_UNKNOWN; result = find(root, &state, depth, symderef, xdev, mount, mindepth, maxdepth); } else { for ( int i = 1; i < predicates_offset; i++ ) { const char* arg = argv[i]; char* argdup = strdup(arg); if ( !argdup ) err(1, "malloc"); memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state)); state.dirfd = AT_FDCWD; state.name = basename(argdup); state.relpath = arg; state.path = arg; state.type = DT_UNKNOWN; if ( !find(root, &state, depth, symderef, xdev, mount, mindepth, maxdepth) ) result = false; free(argdup); } } if ( ferror(stdout) || fflush(stdout) == EOF ) err(1, "stdout"); return result ? 0 : 1; }