#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int docat(const char* inputname, int fd) { do { const size_t BUFFER_SIZE = 255; char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE+1]; ssize_t bytesread = read(fd, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE); if ( bytesread == 0 ) { break; } if ( bytesread < 0 ) { error(0, errno, "read: %s", inputname); return 1; } if ( writeall(1, buffer, bytesread) ) { error(0, errno, "write: %s", inputname); return 1; } } while ( true ); return 0; } int cat(int argc, char* argv[]) { int result = 0; for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { int fd = open(argv[i], O_RDONLY); if ( fd < 0 ) { error(0, errno, "%s", argv[i]); result = 1; continue; } result |= docat(argv[i], fd); close(fd); } return result; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if ( 1 < argc ) { return cat(argc, argv); } if ( !isatty(0) ) { return docat("", 0); } bool lastwasesc = false; // TODO: This is just compatibility with how cat worked in early versions of // Sortix. Ideally, this should be removed and just cat the raw stdin. // Read the keyboard input from the user. unsigned termmode = TERMMODE_KBKEY | TERMMODE_UNICODE | TERMMODE_SIGNAL; if ( settermmode(0, termmode) ) { error(1, errno, "settermmode"); } while ( true ) { uint32_t codepoint; ssize_t numbytes = read(0, &codepoint, sizeof(codepoint)); if ( !numbytes ) { break; } if ( numbytes < 0 ) { break; } int kbkey = KBKEY_DECODE(codepoint); if ( kbkey < 0 ) { continue; } if ( kbkey == KBKEY_UP ) { printf("\e[A"); fflush(stdout); continue; } if ( kbkey == KBKEY_DOWN ) { printf("\e[B"); fflush(stdout); continue; } if ( kbkey == KBKEY_RIGHT ) { printf("\e[C"); fflush(stdout); continue; } if ( kbkey == KBKEY_LEFT ) { printf("\e[D"); fflush(stdout); continue; } if ( kbkey == KBKEY_ESC ) { printf("\e["); fflush(stdout); lastwasesc = true; continue; } if ( kbkey ) { continue; } if ( lastwasesc && codepoint == '[' ) { continue; } if ( codepoint >= 0x80 ) { continue; } char msg[2]; msg[0] = codepoint; msg[1] = '\0'; printf(msg); fflush(stdout); lastwasesc = false; } return 0; }