; ; Gdt.s -- contains global descriptor table and interrupt descriptor table ; setup code. ; Based on code from Bran's kernel development tutorials. ; Rewritten for JamesM's kernel development tutorials. [GLOBAL gdt_flush] ; Allows the C code to call gdt_flush(). gdt_flush: mov eax, [esp+4] ; Get the pointer to the GDT, passed as a parameter. lgdt [eax] ; Load the new GDT pointer mov ax, 0x10 ; 0x10 is the offset in the GDT to our data segment mov ds, ax ; Load all data segment selectors mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax mov ss, ax jmp 0x08:.flush ; 0x08 is the offset to our code segment: Far jump! .flush: ret [GLOBAL idt_flush] ; Allows the C code to call idt_flush(). idt_flush: mov eax, [esp+4] ; Get the pointer to the IDT, passed as a parameter. lidt [eax] ; Load the IDT pointer. sti ret [GLOBAL tss_flush] ; Allows our C code to call tss_flush(). tss_flush: mov ax, 0x2B ; Load the index of our TSS structure - The index is ; 0x28, as it is the 5th selector and each is 8 bytes ; long, but we set the bottom two bits (making 0x2B) ; so that it has an RPL of 3, not zero. ltr ax ; Load 0x2B into the task state register. ret