/* * Copyright (c) 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2021 Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * lfbtextbuffer.cpp * An indexable text buffer rendered to a graphical linear frame buffer. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vga.h" #include "lfbtextbuffer.h" namespace Sortix { static uint32_t boldify(uint32_t color) { int b = color >> 0 & 0xFF; int g = color >> 8 & 0xFF; int r = color >> 16 & 0xFF; b += 63; if ( 255 < b ) b = 255; g += 63; if ( 255 < g ) g = 255; r += 63; if ( 255 < r ) r = 255; return (uint32_t) b << 0 | (uint32_t) g << 8 | (uint32_t) r << 16; } static void LFBTextBuffer__RenderThread(void* user) { ((LFBTextBuffer*) user)->RenderThread(); } LFBTextBuffer* CreateLFBTextBuffer(uint8_t* lfb, uint32_t lfbformat, size_t xres, size_t yres, size_t scansize) { const size_t QUEUE_LENGTH = 1024; size_t columns = xres / (VGA_FONT_WIDTH + 1); size_t rows = yres / VGA_FONT_HEIGHT; size_t fontsize = VGA_FONT_CHARSIZE * VGA_FONT_NUMCHARS; uint8_t* backbuf; uint8_t* font; TextChar* chars; TextBufferCmd* queue; LFBTextBuffer* ret; Process* kernel_process = Scheduler::GetKernelProcess(); if ( !(backbuf = new uint8_t[yres * scansize]) ) goto cleanup_done; if ( !(font = new uint8_t[fontsize]) ) goto cleanup_backbuf; if ( !(chars = new TextChar[columns * rows]) ) goto cleanup_font; if ( !(queue = new TextBufferCmd[QUEUE_LENGTH]) ) goto cleanup_chars; if ( !(ret = new LFBTextBuffer) ) goto cleanup_queue; memcpy(font, VGA::GetFont(), fontsize); ret->execute_lock = KTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; ret->queue_lock = KTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; ret->queue_not_full = KTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; ret->queue_not_empty = KTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; ret->queue_exit = KTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; ret->queue_sync = KTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; ret->queue_paused = KTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; ret->queue_resume = KTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; ret->queue = queue; ret->queue_length = QUEUE_LENGTH; ret->queue_offset = 0; ret->queue_used = 0; ret->queue_is_paused = false; ret->queue_thread = false; ret->lfb = lfb; ret->backbuf = backbuf; ret->lfbformat = lfbformat; ret->bytes_per_pixel = (lfbformat + 7) / 8; ret->pixelsx = xres; ret->pixelsy = yres; ret->scansize = scansize; ret->columns = columns; ret->rows = rows; ret->font = font; ret->chars = chars; ret->cursorenabled = true; ret->cursorpos = TextPos(0, 0); ret->emergency_state = false; ret->invalidated = false; ret->need_clear = true; ret->exit_after_pause = false; if ( !kernel_process ) return ret; ret->queue_thread = true; // Visible to new thread. if ( !RunKernelThread(kernel_process, LFBTextBuffer__RenderThread, ret, "console") ) ret->queue_thread = false; return ret; cleanup_queue: delete[] queue; cleanup_chars: delete[] chars; cleanup_font: delete[] font; cleanup_backbuf: delete[] backbuf; cleanup_done: return NULL; } void LFBTextBuffer::SpawnThreads() { if ( queue_thread ) return; Process* kernel_process = Scheduler::GetKernelProcess(); queue_thread = true; // Visible to new thread. if ( !RunKernelThread(kernel_process, LFBTextBuffer__RenderThread, this, "console") ) queue_thread = false; } LFBTextBuffer::LFBTextBuffer() { } LFBTextBuffer::~LFBTextBuffer() { if ( queue_thread ) { kthread_mutex_lock(&queue_lock); if ( queue_is_paused ) { queue_is_paused = false; exit_after_pause = true; kthread_cond_signal(&queue_resume); } else { TextBufferCmd cmd; cmd.type = TEXTBUFCMD_EXIT; kthread_mutex_unlock(&queue_lock); IssueCommand(&cmd); kthread_mutex_lock(&queue_lock); } while ( queue_thread ) kthread_cond_wait(&queue_exit, &queue_lock); kthread_mutex_unlock(&queue_lock); } delete[] backbuf; delete[] font; delete[] chars; delete[] queue; } size_t LFBTextBuffer::Width() { return columns; } size_t LFBTextBuffer::Height() { return rows; } bool LFBTextBuffer::UsablePosition(TextPos pos) const { return pos.x < columns && pos.y < rows; } TextPos LFBTextBuffer::CropPosition(TextPos pos) const { if ( columns <= pos.x ) pos.x = columns - 1; if ( rows <= pos.y ) pos.y = rows -1; return pos; } TextPos LFBTextBuffer::AddToPosition(TextPos pos, size_t count) { size_t index = pos.y * columns + pos.x + count; TextPos ret(index % columns, index / columns); return CropPosition(ret); } void LFBTextBuffer::RenderChar(TextChar textchar, size_t posx, size_t posy) { if ( columns <= posx || rows <= posy ) return; // TODO: Support other resolutions. if ( lfbformat != 24 && lfbformat != 32 ) return; // TODO: Support other font sizes. if ( VGA_FONT_WIDTH != 8UL ) return; bool drawcursor = cursorenabled && posx == cursorpos.x && posy == cursorpos.y; uint32_t fgcolor = textchar.fg; uint32_t bgcolor = textchar.bg; if ( textchar.attr & ATTR_BOLD ) fgcolor = boldify(fgcolor); int remap = VGA::MapWideToVGAFont(textchar.c); const uint8_t* charfont = VGA::GetCharacterFont(font, remap); size_t pixelyoff = rows * VGA_FONT_HEIGHT; size_t pixelxoff = posx * (VGA_FONT_WIDTH+1); for ( size_t y = 0; y < VGA_FONT_HEIGHT; y++ ) { size_t pixely = posy * VGA_FONT_HEIGHT + y; uint8_t linebitmap = charfont[y]; uint8_t* line = (uint8_t*) (lfb + pixely * scansize); size_t bytesxoff = bytes_per_pixel * pixelxoff; for ( size_t x = 0; x < VGA_FONT_WIDTH; x++ ) { uint32_t color = linebitmap & 1 << (7-x) ? fgcolor : bgcolor; line[bytesxoff++] = color >> 0; line[bytesxoff++] = color >> 8; line[bytesxoff++] = color >> 16; if ( lfbformat == 32 ) line[bytesxoff++] = color >> 24; } uint32_t lastcolor = bgcolor; if ( 0xB0 <= remap && remap <= 0xDF && (linebitmap & 1) ) lastcolor = fgcolor; line[bytesxoff++] = lastcolor >> 0; line[bytesxoff++] = lastcolor >> 8; line[bytesxoff++] = lastcolor >> 16; if ( lfbformat == 32 ) line[bytesxoff++] = lastcolor >> 24; if ( unlikely(posx + 1 == columns) ) { for ( size_t x = pixelxoff + VGA_FONT_WIDTH + 1; x < pixelsx; x++ ) { line[bytesxoff++] = bgcolor >> 0; line[bytesxoff++] = bgcolor >> 8; line[bytesxoff++] = bgcolor >> 16; if ( lfbformat == 32 ) line[bytesxoff++] = bgcolor >> 24; } } } if ( unlikely(posy + 1 == rows) ) { size_t width = VGA_FONT_WIDTH + 1; if ( unlikely(posx + 1 == columns) ) width = pixelsx - pixelxoff; for ( size_t y = pixelyoff; y < pixelsy; y++ ) { size_t bytesxoff = bytes_per_pixel * pixelxoff; uint8_t* line = (uint8_t*) (lfb + y * scansize); for ( size_t x = 0; x < width; x++ ) { line[bytesxoff++] = bgcolor >> 0; line[bytesxoff++] = bgcolor >> 8; line[bytesxoff++] = bgcolor >> 16; if ( lfbformat == 32 ) line[bytesxoff++] = bgcolor >> 24; } } } if ( likely(!drawcursor) && !(textchar.attr & ATTR_UNDERLINE) ) return; size_t underlines = VGA_FONT_HEIGHT - (!drawcursor ? 1 : 0); for ( size_t y = VGA_FONT_HEIGHT - 2; y < underlines; y++ ) { size_t pixely = posy * VGA_FONT_HEIGHT + y; uint8_t* line = (uint8_t*) (lfb + pixely * scansize); size_t bytesxoff = bytes_per_pixel * pixelxoff; for ( size_t x = 0; x < VGA_FONT_WIDTH+1; x++ ) { line[bytesxoff++] = fgcolor >> 0; line[bytesxoff++] = fgcolor >> 8; line[bytesxoff++] = fgcolor >> 16; if ( lfbformat == 32 ) line[bytesxoff++] = fgcolor >> 24; } } } void LFBTextBuffer::RenderCharAt(TextPos pos) { RenderChar(chars[pos.y * columns + pos.x], pos.x, pos.y); } void LFBTextBuffer::RenderRegion(size_t c1, size_t r1, size_t c2, size_t r2) { for ( size_t y = r1; y <= r2; y++ ) for ( size_t x = c1; x <= c2; x++ ) RenderChar(chars[y * columns + x], x, y); } void LFBTextBuffer::RenderRange(TextPos from, TextPos to) { from = CropPosition(from); to = CropPosition(to); uint8_t* orig_lfb = lfb; bool backbuffered = from.y != to.y; if ( backbuffered ) { lfb = backbuf; from.x = 0; to.x = columns - 1; } TextPos i = from; RenderChar(chars[i.y * columns + i.x], i.x, i.y); while ( !(i.x==to.x && i.y==to.y) ) { i = AddToPosition(i, 1); RenderChar(chars[i.y * columns + i.x], i.x, i.y); } if ( backbuffered ) { lfb = orig_lfb; size_t scanline_start = from.y * VGA_FONT_HEIGHT; size_t scanline_end = ((to.y+1) * VGA_FONT_HEIGHT) - 1; if ( to.y + 1 == rows ) scanline_end = pixelsy - 1; for ( size_t sc = scanline_start; sc <= scanline_end; sc++ ) { size_t offset = sc * scansize; memcpy(lfb + offset, backbuf + offset, pixelsx * bytes_per_pixel); } } } void LFBTextBuffer::IssueCommand(TextBufferCmd* cmd, bool already_locked) { if ( invalidated ) { invalidated = false; TextBufferCmd newcmd; newcmd.type = TEXTBUFCMD_REDRAW; IssueCommand(&newcmd, already_locked); } if ( !queue_thread || emergency_state ) { bool exit_requested = false; bool sync_requested = false; bool pause_requested = false; TextPos render_from(columns - 1, rows - 1); TextPos render_to(0, 0); ExecuteCommand(cmd, exit_requested, sync_requested, pause_requested, render_from, render_to); if ( !IsTextPosBeforeTextPos(render_to, render_from) ) RenderRange(render_from, render_to); return; } if ( !already_locked ) kthread_mutex_lock(&queue_lock); while ( queue_used == queue_length ) kthread_cond_wait(&queue_not_full, &queue_lock); if ( !queue_used ) kthread_cond_signal(&queue_not_empty); queue[(queue_offset + queue_used++) % queue_length] = *cmd; if ( !already_locked ) kthread_mutex_unlock(&queue_lock); } bool LFBTextBuffer::StopRendering() { if ( !queue_thread || emergency_state ) return false; TextBufferCmd cmd; cmd.type = TEXTBUFCMD_PAUSE; ScopedLock lock(&queue_lock); if ( queue_is_paused ) return false; IssueCommand(&cmd, true); while ( !queue_is_paused ) kthread_cond_wait(&queue_paused, &queue_lock); return true; } void LFBTextBuffer::ResumeRendering() { if ( !queue_thread || emergency_state ) return; ScopedLock lock(&queue_lock); if ( !queue_is_paused ) return; queue_is_paused = false; kthread_cond_signal(&queue_resume); } TextChar LFBTextBuffer::GetChar(TextPos pos) { if ( UsablePosition(pos) ) { bool was_rendering = StopRendering(); TextChar ret = chars[pos.y * columns + pos.x]; if ( was_rendering ) ResumeRendering(); return ret; } return {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; } void LFBTextBuffer::SetChar(TextPos pos, TextChar c) { if ( !UsablePosition(pos) ) return; TextBufferCmd cmd; cmd.type = TEXTBUFCMD_CHAR; cmd.x = pos.x; cmd.y = pos.y; cmd.c = c; IssueCommand(&cmd); } bool LFBTextBuffer::GetCursorEnabled() { bool was_rendering = StopRendering(); bool ret = cursorenabled; if ( was_rendering ) ResumeRendering(); return ret; } void LFBTextBuffer::SetCursorEnabled(bool enablecursor) { TextBufferCmd cmd; cmd.type = TEXTBUFCMD_CURSOR_SET_ENABLED; cmd.b = enablecursor; IssueCommand(&cmd); } TextPos LFBTextBuffer::GetCursorPos() { bool was_rendering = StopRendering(); TextPos ret = cursorpos; if ( was_rendering ) ResumeRendering(); return ret; } void LFBTextBuffer::SetCursorPos(TextPos newcursorpos) { TextBufferCmd cmd; cmd.type = TEXTBUFCMD_CURSOR_MOVE; cmd.x = newcursorpos.x; cmd.y = newcursorpos.y; IssueCommand(&cmd); } void LFBTextBuffer::Invalidate() { invalidated = true; } size_t LFBTextBuffer::OffsetOfPos(TextPos pos) const { return pos.y * columns + pos.x; } void LFBTextBuffer::Scroll(ssize_t off, TextChar fillwith) { if ( !off ) return; TextBufferCmd cmd; cmd.type = TEXTBUFCMD_SCROLL; cmd.scroll_offset = off; cmd.c = fillwith; IssueCommand(&cmd); } void LFBTextBuffer::Move(TextPos to, TextPos from, size_t numchars) { to = CropPosition(to); from = CropPosition(from); TextBufferCmd cmd; cmd.type = TEXTBUFCMD_MOVE; cmd.to_x = to.x; cmd.to_y = to.y; cmd.from_x = from.x; cmd.from_y = from.y; cmd.val = numchars; IssueCommand(&cmd); } void LFBTextBuffer::Fill(TextPos from, TextPos to, TextChar fillwith) { from = CropPosition(from); to = CropPosition(to); TextBufferCmd cmd; cmd.type = TEXTBUFCMD_FILL; cmd.from_x = from.x; cmd.from_y = from.y; cmd.to_x = to.x; cmd.to_y = to.y; cmd.c = fillwith; IssueCommand(&cmd); } void LFBTextBuffer::DoScroll(ssize_t off, TextChar entry) { bool neg = 0 < off; size_t absoff = off < 0 ? -off : off; if ( rows < absoff ) absoff = rows; TextPos scrollfrom = neg ? TextPos{0, absoff} : TextPos{0, 0}; TextPos scrollto = neg ? TextPos{0, 0} : TextPos{0, absoff}; TextPos fillfrom = neg ? TextPos{0, rows-absoff} : TextPos{0, 0}; TextPos fillto = neg ? TextPos{columns-1, rows-1} : TextPos{columns-1, absoff-1}; size_t scrollchars = columns * (rows-absoff); DoMove(scrollto, scrollfrom, scrollchars); DoFill(fillfrom, fillto, entry); } void LFBTextBuffer::DoMove(TextPos to, TextPos from, size_t numchars) { size_t dest = OffsetOfPos(to); size_t src = OffsetOfPos(from); if ( dest < src ) for ( size_t i = 0; i < numchars; i++ ) chars[dest + i] = chars[src + i]; else if ( src < dest ) for ( size_t i = 0; i < numchars; i++ ) chars[dest + numchars-1 - i] = chars[src + numchars-1 - i]; } void LFBTextBuffer::DoFill(TextPos from, TextPos to, TextChar fillwith) { size_t start = OffsetOfPos(from); size_t end = OffsetOfPos(to); for ( size_t i = start; i <= end; i++ ) chars[i] = fillwith; } bool LFBTextBuffer::IsCommandIdempotent(const TextBufferCmd* cmd) const { switch ( cmd->type ) { case TEXTBUFCMD_EXIT: return true; case TEXTBUFCMD_SYNC: return true; case TEXTBUFCMD_PAUSE: return true; case TEXTBUFCMD_CHAR: return true; case TEXTBUFCMD_CURSOR_SET_ENABLED: return true; case TEXTBUFCMD_CURSOR_MOVE: return true; case TEXTBUFCMD_MOVE: return false; case TEXTBUFCMD_FILL: return true; case TEXTBUFCMD_SCROLL: return false; case TEXTBUFCMD_REDRAW: return true; default: return false; } } void LFBTextBuffer::ExecuteCommand(TextBufferCmd* cmd, bool& exit_requested, bool& sync_requested, bool& pause_requested, TextPos& render_from, TextPos& render_to) { switch ( cmd->type ) { case TEXTBUFCMD_EXIT: exit_requested = true; break; case TEXTBUFCMD_SYNC: sync_requested = true; break; case TEXTBUFCMD_PAUSE: pause_requested = true; break; case TEXTBUFCMD_CHAR: { TextPos pos(cmd->x, cmd->y); chars[pos.y * columns + pos.x] = cmd->c; if ( IsTextPosBeforeTextPos(pos, render_from) ) render_from = pos; if ( IsTextPosAfterTextPos(pos, render_to) ) render_to = pos; } break; case TEXTBUFCMD_CURSOR_SET_ENABLED: if ( cmd->b != cursorenabled ) { cursorenabled = cmd->b; if ( IsTextPosBeforeTextPos(cursorpos, render_from) ) render_from = cursorpos; if ( IsTextPosAfterTextPos(cursorpos, render_to) ) render_to = cursorpos; } break; case TEXTBUFCMD_CURSOR_MOVE: { TextPos pos(cmd->x, cmd->y); if ( cursorpos.x != pos.x || cursorpos.y != pos.y ) { if ( IsTextPosBeforeTextPos(cursorpos, render_from) ) render_from = cursorpos; if ( IsTextPosAfterTextPos(cursorpos, render_to) ) render_to = cursorpos; cursorpos = pos; if ( IsTextPosBeforeTextPos(cursorpos, render_from) ) render_from = cursorpos; if ( IsTextPosAfterTextPos(cursorpos, render_to) ) render_to = cursorpos; } } break; case TEXTBUFCMD_MOVE: { TextPos to(cmd->to_x, cmd->to_y); TextPos from(cmd->from_x, cmd->from_y); size_t numchars = cmd->val; DoMove(to, from, numchars); TextPos toend = AddToPosition(to, numchars); if ( IsTextPosBeforeTextPos(to, render_from) ) render_from = to; if ( IsTextPosAfterTextPos(toend, render_to) ) render_to = toend; } break; case TEXTBUFCMD_FILL: { TextPos from(cmd->from_x, cmd->from_y); TextPos to(cmd->to_x, cmd->to_y); DoFill(from, to, cmd->c); if ( IsTextPosBeforeTextPos(from, render_from) ) render_from = from; if ( IsTextPosAfterTextPos(to, render_to) ) render_to = to; } break; case TEXTBUFCMD_SCROLL: { ssize_t off = cmd->scroll_offset; DoScroll(off, cmd->c); render_from = {0, 0}; render_to = {columns-1, rows-1}; } break; case TEXTBUFCMD_REDRAW: { render_from = {0, 0}; render_to = {columns-1, rows-1}; } break; } } void LFBTextBuffer::RenderThread() { queue_is_paused = false; size_t offset = 0; size_t amount = 0; bool exit_requested = false; bool sync_requested = false; bool pause_requested = false; while ( true ) { kthread_mutex_lock(&queue_lock); if ( queue_used == queue_length && amount ) kthread_cond_signal(&queue_not_full); queue_used -= amount; queue_offset = (queue_offset + amount) % queue_length; if ( !queue_used ) { if ( exit_requested ) { queue_thread = false; kthread_cond_signal(&queue_exit); kthread_mutex_unlock(&queue_lock); return; } if ( sync_requested ) { kthread_cond_signal(&queue_sync); sync_requested = false; } if ( pause_requested ) { queue_is_paused = true; kthread_cond_signal(&queue_paused); while ( queue_is_paused ) kthread_cond_wait(&queue_resume, &queue_lock); pause_requested = false; if ( exit_after_pause ) { queue_thread = false; kthread_cond_signal(&queue_exit); kthread_mutex_unlock(&queue_lock); return; } } } while ( !queue_used ) kthread_cond_wait(&queue_not_empty, &queue_lock); amount = queue_used; offset = queue_offset; kthread_mutex_unlock(&queue_lock); execute_amount = amount; kthread_mutex_lock(&execute_lock); TextPos render_from(columns - 1, rows - 1); TextPos render_to(0, 0); for ( size_t i = 0; i < amount; i++ ) { TextBufferCmd* cmd = &queue[(offset + i) % queue_length]; ExecuteCommand(cmd, exit_requested, sync_requested, pause_requested, render_from, render_to); } kthread_mutex_unlock(&execute_lock); if ( !IsTextPosBeforeTextPos(render_to, render_from) ) RenderRange(render_from, render_to); } } bool LFBTextBuffer::EmergencyIsImpaired() { return !emergency_state; } bool LFBTextBuffer::EmergencyRecoup() { if ( !emergency_state ) emergency_state = true; if ( !kthread_mutex_trylock(&queue_lock) ) return false; kthread_mutex_unlock(&queue_lock); if ( !kthread_mutex_trylock(&execute_lock) ) { for ( size_t i = 0; i < execute_amount; i++ ) { TextBufferCmd* cmd = &queue[(queue_offset + i) % queue_length]; if ( !IsCommandIdempotent(cmd) ) return false; } } else kthread_mutex_unlock(&execute_lock); TextPos render_from(0, 0); TextPos render_to(columns - 1, rows - 1); for ( size_t i = 0; i < queue_used; i++ ) { bool exit_requested = false; bool sync_requested = false; bool pause_requested = false; TextBufferCmd* cmd = &queue[(queue_offset + i) % queue_length]; ExecuteCommand(cmd, exit_requested, sync_requested, pause_requested, render_from, render_to); } queue_used = 0; queue_offset = 0; RenderRange(render_from, render_to); return true; } void LFBTextBuffer::EmergencyReset() { // TODO: Reset everything here! Fill(TextPos{0, 0}, TextPos{columns-1, rows-1}, TextChar{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}); SetCursorPos(TextPos{0, 0}); } void LFBTextBuffer::Resume() { if ( need_clear ) { for ( size_t y = 0; y < pixelsy; y++ ) memset(lfb + scansize * y, 0, bytes_per_pixel * pixelsx); need_clear = false; } ResumeRendering(); } void LFBTextBuffer::Pause() { StopRendering(); } } // namespace Sortix