/* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2014, 2016, 2024 Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #if defined(__sortix__) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "command.h" #include "editor.h" #include "input.h" #include "modal.h" struct terminal_sequence { const char* sequence; int kbkey; bool control; bool shift; }; // TODO: The terminal doesn't deliver shift-pageup and shift-pagedown events. // TODO: The terminal doesn't deliver shift-home and shift-end events. struct terminal_sequence terminal_sequences[] = { { "\e[1;2A", KBKEY_UP, false, true }, { "\e[1;2B", KBKEY_DOWN, false, true }, { "\e[1;2C", KBKEY_RIGHT, false, true }, { "\e[1;2D", KBKEY_LEFT, false, true }, { "\e[1;2F", KBKEY_END, false, true }, { "\e[1;2H", KBKEY_HOME, false, true }, { "\e[1;2~", KBKEY_HOME, false, true }, { "\e[1;5A", KBKEY_UP, true, false }, { "\e[1;5B", KBKEY_DOWN, true, false }, { "\e[1;5C", KBKEY_RIGHT, true, false }, { "\e[1;5D", KBKEY_LEFT, true, false }, { "\e[1;5F", KBKEY_END, true, false }, { "\e[1;5H", KBKEY_HOME, true, false }, { "\e[1;5~", KBKEY_HOME, true, false }, { "\e[1;6A", KBKEY_UP, true, true }, { "\e[1;6B", KBKEY_DOWN, true, true }, { "\e[1;6C", KBKEY_RIGHT, true, true }, { "\e[1;6D", KBKEY_LEFT, true, true }, { "\e[1;6F", KBKEY_END, true, true }, { "\e[1;6H", KBKEY_HOME, true, true }, { "\e[1;6~", KBKEY_HOME, true, true }, { "\e[1~", KBKEY_HOME, false, false }, { "\e[3;2~", KBKEY_DELETE, false, true }, { "\e[3;5~", KBKEY_DELETE, true, false }, { "\e[3;6~", KBKEY_DELETE, true, true }, { "\e[3~", KBKEY_DELETE, false, false }, { "\e[4;2~", KBKEY_END, false, true }, { "\e[4;5~", KBKEY_END, true, false }, { "\e[4;6~", KBKEY_END, true, true }, { "\e[4~", KBKEY_END, false, false }, { "\e[5;2~", KBKEY_PGUP, false, true }, { "\e[5;5~", KBKEY_PGUP, true, false }, { "\e[5;6~", KBKEY_PGUP, true, true }, { "\e[5~", KBKEY_PGUP, false, false }, { "\e[6;2~", KBKEY_PGDOWN, false, true }, { "\e[6;5~", KBKEY_PGDOWN, true, false }, { "\e[6;6~", KBKEY_PGDOWN, true, true }, { "\e[6~", KBKEY_PGDOWN, false, false }, { "\e[A", KBKEY_UP, false, false }, { "\e[B", KBKEY_DOWN, false, false }, { "\e[C", KBKEY_RIGHT, false, false }, { "\e[D", KBKEY_LEFT, false, false }, { "\e[F", KBKEY_END, false, false }, { "\e[H", KBKEY_HOME, false, false }, { "\e:", KBKEY_ESC, false, false }, { "\eOF", KBKEY_END, false, false }, { "\eOH", KBKEY_HOME, false, false }, { "\x7F", KBKEY_BKSPC, false, false }, }; void editor_codepoint(struct editor* editor, uint32_t codepoint) { wchar_t c = (wchar_t) codepoint; if ( c == L'\b' || c == 127 /* delete */ ) return; if ( editor->mode == MODE_EDIT ) editor_type_character(editor, c); else editor_modal_character(editor, c); } void editor_type_kbkey(struct editor* editor, int kbkey) { if ( kbkey < 0 ) return; if ( kbkey == KBKEY_ESC ) { editor_type_command(editor); return; } if ( editor->control && editor->shift ) { switch ( kbkey ) { case KBKEY_LEFT: editor_type_control_select_left(editor); break; case KBKEY_RIGHT: editor_type_control_select_right(editor); break; case KBKEY_UP: editor_type_control_select_up(editor); break; case KBKEY_DOWN: editor_type_control_select_down(editor); break; } } else if ( editor->control && !editor->shift ) { switch ( kbkey ) { case KBKEY_LEFT: editor_type_control_left(editor); break; case KBKEY_RIGHT: editor_type_control_right(editor); break; case KBKEY_UP: editor_type_control_up(editor); break; case KBKEY_DOWN: editor_type_control_down(editor); break; } } else if ( !editor->control && editor->shift ) { switch ( kbkey ) { case KBKEY_LEFT: editor_type_select_left(editor); break; case KBKEY_RIGHT: editor_type_select_right(editor); break; case KBKEY_UP: editor_type_select_up(editor); break; case KBKEY_DOWN: editor_type_select_down(editor); break; case KBKEY_HOME: editor_type_select_home(editor); break; case KBKEY_END: editor_type_select_end(editor); break; case KBKEY_PGUP: editor_type_select_page_up(editor); break; case KBKEY_PGDOWN: editor_type_select_page_down(editor); break; case KBKEY_BKSPC: editor_type_backspace(editor); break; case KBKEY_DELETE: editor_type_delete(editor); break; } } else if ( !editor->control && !editor->shift ) { switch ( kbkey ) { case KBKEY_LEFT: editor_type_left(editor); break; case KBKEY_RIGHT: editor_type_right(editor); break; case KBKEY_UP: editor_type_up(editor); break; case KBKEY_DOWN: editor_type_down(editor); break; case KBKEY_HOME: editor_type_home(editor); break; case KBKEY_END: editor_type_end(editor); break; case KBKEY_PGUP: editor_type_page_up(editor); break; case KBKEY_PGDOWN: editor_type_page_down(editor); break; case KBKEY_BKSPC: editor_type_backspace(editor); break; case KBKEY_DELETE: editor_type_delete(editor); break; } } } void editor_modal_kbkey(struct editor* editor, int kbkey) { if ( editor->control ) return; if ( kbkey < 0 ) return; switch ( kbkey ) { case KBKEY_LEFT: editor_modal_left(editor); break; case KBKEY_RIGHT: editor_modal_right(editor); break; case KBKEY_HOME: editor_modal_home(editor); break; case KBKEY_END: editor_modal_end(editor); break; case KBKEY_BKSPC: editor_modal_backspace(editor); break; case KBKEY_DELETE: editor_modal_delete(editor); break; case KBKEY_ESC: editor_type_edit(editor); break; } } void editor_kbkey(struct editor* editor, int kbkey) { if ( editor->mode == MODE_EDIT ) editor_type_kbkey(editor, kbkey); else editor_modal_kbkey(editor, kbkey); } void editor_emulate_kbkey(struct editor* editor, int kbkey, bool control, bool shift) { editor->control = control; editor->lshift = shift; editor->rshift = false; editor->shift = shift; editor_kbkey(editor, kbkey); editor_kbkey(editor, -kbkey); editor->control = false; editor->lshift = false; editor->rshift = false; editor->shift = false; } void editor_emulate_control_letter(struct editor* editor, uint32_t c) { #if !defined(__sortix__) if ( c == 'Z' ) { raise(SIGSTOP); } #endif editor->control = true; editor_codepoint(editor, c); editor->control = false; } void editor_input_begin(struct editor_input* editor_input) { memset(editor_input, 0, sizeof(*editor_input)); tcgetattr(0, &editor_input->saved_termios); struct termios tcattr; memcpy(&tcattr, &editor_input->saved_termios, sizeof(struct termios)); tcattr.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ICANON | ISIG | IEXTEN); tcattr.c_iflag |= ICRNL; tcattr.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; tcattr.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &tcattr); if ( getenv("TERM") && strcmp(getenv("TERM"), "sortix") != 0 ) { printf("\e[?1049h"); fflush(stdout); } } void editor_input_process_byte(struct editor_input* editor_input, struct editor* editor) { unsigned char uc; ssize_t amount_read = read(0, &uc, sizeof(uc)); if ( amount_read != sizeof(uc) ) return; // TODO: Work around https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=110091 // false positive warning on gcc 14.2.0 -O2. #if defined(__GNUC__) && 12 <= __GNUC__ #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdangling-pointer" #endif if ( editor_input->termseq_used < MAX_TERMSEQ_SIZE ) editor_input->termseq[editor_input->termseq_used++] = (char) uc; size_t num_seqs = sizeof(terminal_sequences) / sizeof(terminal_sequences[0]); while ( editor_input->termseq_seen < editor_input->termseq_used ) { size_t match = 0; size_t match_size = 0; bool full_match = false; bool partial_match = false; for ( size_t i = 0; i < num_seqs; i++ ) { struct terminal_sequence* terminal_sequence = &terminal_sequences[i]; const char* sequence = terminal_sequence->sequence; bool potential_partial_match = false; for ( size_t n = 0; n < editor_input->termseq_used; n++ ) { if ( sequence[n] != editor_input->termseq[n] ) { potential_partial_match = false; break; } if ( sequence[n+1] == '\0' ) { potential_partial_match = false; full_match = true; match = i; match_size = n + 1; break; } potential_partial_match = true; } if ( potential_partial_match ) partial_match = true; } if ( full_match ) { editor_emulate_kbkey(editor, terminal_sequences[match].kbkey, terminal_sequences[match].control, terminal_sequences[match].shift); memmove(editor_input->termseq, editor_input->termseq + match_size, editor_input->termseq_used - match_size); editor_input->termseq_used -= match_size; editor_input->termseq_seen = 0; continue; } if ( partial_match ) { editor_input->termseq_seen = editor_input->termseq_used; continue; } char input = editor_input->termseq[0]; if ( 1 <= input && input <= 26 && input != '\t' && input != '\n' ) { editor_emulate_control_letter(editor, L'A' + input - 1); } else { wchar_t wc; size_t amount = mbrtowc(&wc, &input, 1, &editor_input->ps); if ( amount == (size_t) -1 ) memset(&editor_input->ps, 0, sizeof(editor_input->ps)); if ( amount == (size_t) 1 ) editor_codepoint(editor, (uint32_t) wc); } memmove(editor_input->termseq, editor_input->termseq + 1, editor_input->termseq_used - 1); editor_input->termseq_used--; editor_input->termseq_seen = 0; } } extern volatile sig_atomic_t had_sigwinch; void editor_input_process(struct editor_input* editor_input, struct editor* editor) { sigset_t sigset; sigemptyset(&sigset); struct pollfd pfd = { .fd = 0, .events = POLLIN }; struct timespec timeout = { .tv_sec = 0 }; struct timespec* timeout_ptr = NULL; while ( !had_sigwinch && ppoll(&pfd, 1, timeout_ptr, &sigset) == 1 ) { editor_input_process_byte(editor_input, editor); timeout_ptr = &timeout; } had_sigwinch = 0; } void editor_input_end(struct editor_input* editor_input) { if ( getenv("TERM") && strcmp(getenv("TERM"), "sortix") != 0 ) { printf("\e[?1049l"); fflush(stdout); } tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &editor_input->saved_termios); } void editor_input_suspend(struct editor_input* editor_input) { (void) editor_input; #if !defined(__sortix__) struct termios current_termios; if ( getenv("TERM") && strcmp(getenv("TERM"), "sortix") != 0 ) { printf("\e[?1049l"); fflush(stdout); } tcgetattr(0, ¤t_termios); raise(SIGSTOP); tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, ¤t_termios); if ( getenv("TERM") && strcmp(getenv("TERM"), "sortix") != 0 ) { printf("\e[?1049h"); fflush(stdout); } #endif }