/****************************************************************************** COPYRIGHT(C) JONAS 'SORTIE' TERMANSEN 2011. This file is part of Sortix. Sortix is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Sortix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Sortix. If not, see . scheduler.h Handles the creation and management of threads. ******************************************************************************/ #include "platform.h" #include #include "panic.h" #include "scheduler.h" #include "globals.h" #include "multiboot.h" #include "memorymanagement.h" #include "descriptor_tables.h" #include "iprintable.h" #include "log.h" namespace Sortix { const bool LOG_SWITCHING = false; Process::Process(addr_t addrspace) { _addrspace = addrspace; _endcodesection = 0x400000UL; } Process::~Process() { // TODO: Delete address space! } namespace Scheduler { // This is a very small thread that does absoluting nothing! char NoopThreadData[sizeof(Thread)]; Thread* NoopThread; const size_t NoopThreadStackLength = 8; size_t NoopThreadStack[NoopThreadStackLength]; void NoopFunction() { while ( true ) { } } // Linked lists that implements a very simple scheduler. Thread* currentThread; Thread* firstRunnableThread; Thread* firstUnrunnableThread; Thread* firstSleeping; size_t AllocatedThreadId; } Thread::Thread(Process* process, size_t id, addr_t stack, size_t stackLength) { ASSERT(process != NULL); ASSERT(process->IsSane()); _process = process; _id = id; _stack = stack; _stackLength = stackLength; _state = INFANT; _prevThread = this; _nextThread = this; _inThisList = NULL; } Thread::~Thread() { Unlink(); Page::Put(_stack); } void Thread::Unlink() { if ( _inThisList != NULL && *_inThisList == this ) { *_inThisList = ( _nextThread != this ) ? _nextThread : NULL; _inThisList = NULL; } if ( _nextThread != this ) { _prevThread->_nextThread = _nextThread; _nextThread->_prevThread = _prevThread; _prevThread = this; _nextThread = this; } } void Thread::Relink(Thread** list) { Unlink(); _inThisList = list; if ( *list != NULL ) { (*list)->_prevThread->_nextThread = this; _prevThread = (*list)->_prevThread; (*list)->_prevThread = this; _nextThread = *list; } else { *list = this; } } void Thread::SetState(State newState) { if ( newState == _state ) { return; } if ( newState == RUNNABLE ) { Relink(&Scheduler::firstRunnableThread); } else if ( ( newState == UNRUNNABLE ) /*&& ( State != UNRUNNABLE || State != WAITING )*/ ) { Relink(&Scheduler::firstUnrunnableThread); } _state = newState; } void Thread::SaveRegisters(CPU::InterruptRegisters* Src) { #ifdef PLATFORM_X86 _registers.eip = Src->eip; _registers.useresp = Src->useresp; _registers.eax = Src->eax; _registers.ebx = Src->ebx; _registers.ecx = Src->ecx; _registers.edx = Src->edx; _registers.edi = Src->edi; _registers.esi = Src->esi; _registers.ebp = Src->ebp; #else #warning "No threads are available on this arch" while(true); #endif } void Thread::LoadRegisters(CPU::InterruptRegisters* Dest) { #ifdef PLATFORM_X86 Dest->eip = _registers.eip; Dest->useresp = _registers.useresp; Dest->eax = _registers.eax; Dest->ebx = _registers.ebx; Dest->ecx = _registers.ecx; Dest->edx = _registers.edx; Dest->edi = _registers.edi; Dest->esi = _registers.esi; Dest->ebp = _registers.ebp; #else #warning "No threads are available on this arch" while(true); #endif } void Thread::Sleep(uintmax_t miliseconds) { if ( miliseconds == 0 ) { return; } Thread* Thread = Scheduler::firstSleeping; if ( Thread == NULL ) { Scheduler::firstSleeping = this; } else if ( miliseconds < Thread->_sleepMilisecondsLeft ) { Scheduler::firstSleeping = this; _nextSleepingThread = Thread; Thread->_sleepMilisecondsLeft -= miliseconds; } else { while ( true ) { if ( Thread->_nextSleepingThread == NULL ) { Thread->_nextSleepingThread = this; break; } else if ( miliseconds < Thread->_nextSleepingThread->_sleepMilisecondsLeft ) { Thread->_nextSleepingThread->_sleepMilisecondsLeft -= miliseconds; _nextSleepingThread = Thread->_nextSleepingThread; Thread->_nextSleepingThread = this; break; } else { miliseconds -= Thread->_sleepMilisecondsLeft; Thread = Thread->_nextSleepingThread; } } } _sleepMilisecondsLeft = miliseconds; SetState(UNRUNNABLE); } namespace Scheduler { // Initializes the scheduling subsystem. void Init() { currentThread = NULL; firstRunnableThread = NULL; firstUnrunnableThread = NULL; firstSleeping = NULL; AllocatedThreadId = 1; // Create an address space for the idle process. addr_t noopaddrspace = VirtualMemory::CreateAddressSpace(); // Create the noop process. Process* noopprocess = new Process(noopaddrspace); // Initialize the thread that does nothing. NoopThread = new ((void*) NoopThreadData) Thread(noopprocess, 0, NULL, 0); NoopThread->SetState(Thread::State::NOOP); #ifdef PLATFORM_X86 NoopThread->_registers.useresp = (uint32_t) NoopThreadStack + NoopThreadStackLength; NoopThread->_registers.ebp = (uint32_t) NoopThreadStack + NoopThreadStackLength; NoopThread->_registers.eip = (uint32_t) &NoopFunction; // NoopFunction; #else #warning "No scheduler are available on this arch" while(true); #endif // Allocate and set up a stack for the kernel to use during interrupts. addr_t KernelStackPage = Page::Get(); if ( KernelStackPage == 0 ) { Panic("scheduler.cpp: could not allocate kernel interrupt stack for tss!"); } #ifdef PLATFORM_VIRTUAL_MEMORY uintptr_t MapTo = 0x80000000; VirtualMemory::MapKernel(MapTo, (uintptr_t) KernelStackPage); #endif GDT::SetKernelStack((size_t*) (MapTo+4096)); } // Once the init process is spawned and IRQ0 is enabled, this process // simply awaits an IRQ0 and then we shall be scheduling. void MainLoop() { Log::PrintF("Waiting for IRQ0\n"); // Simply wait for the next IRQ0 and then the OS will run. while ( true ) { } } Thread* CreateThread(Process* Process, Thread::Entry Start, void* Parameter1, void* Parameter2, size_t StackSize) { ASSERT(Process != NULL); ASSERT(Process->IsSane()); ASSERT(Start != NULL); // The current default stack size is 4096 bytes. if ( StackSize == SIZE_MAX ) { StackSize = 4096; } // TODO: We only support stacks of up to one page! if ( 4096 < StackSize ) { StackSize = 4096; } #ifndef PLATFORM_KERNEL_HEAP // TODO: Use the proper memory management systems using new and delete instead of these hacks! // TODO: These allocations might NOT be thread safe! void* ThreadPage = Page::Get(); if ( ThreadPage == NULL ) { return NULL; } #endif // Allocate a stack for this thread. size_t StackLength = StackSize / sizeof(size_t); addr_t PhysStack = Page::Get(); if ( PhysStack == 0 ) { #ifndef PLATFORM_KERNEL_HEAP Page::Put(ThreadPage); #endif return NULL; } // Create a new thread data structure. Thread* thread = new #ifndef PLATFORM_KERNEL_HEAP (ThreadPage) #endif Thread(Process, AllocatedThreadId++, PhysStack, StackLength); #ifdef PLATFORM_X86 #ifdef PLATFORM_VIRTUAL_MEMORY uintptr_t StackPos = 0x80000000UL; uintptr_t MapTo = StackPos - 4096UL; addr_t OldAddrSpace = VirtualMemory::SwitchAddressSpace(Process->GetAddressSpace()); VirtualMemory::MapUser(MapTo, PhysStack); #else uintptr_t StackPos = (uintptr_t) PhysStack + 4096; #endif size_t* Stack = (size_t*) StackPos; #ifdef PLATFORM_X86 // Prepare the parameters for the entry function (C calling convention). //Stack[StackLength - 1] = (size_t) 0xFACE; // Parameter2 Stack[-1] = (size_t) Parameter2; // Parameter2 Stack[-2] = (size_t) Parameter1; // Parameter1 Stack[-3] = (size_t) thread->GetId(); // This thread's id. Stack[-4] = (size_t) 0x0; // Eip thread->_registers.ebp = thread->_registers.useresp = (uint32_t) (StackPos - 4*sizeof(size_t)); // Point to the last word used on the stack. thread->_registers.eip = (uint32_t) Start; // Point to our entry function. #endif #else #warning "No threads are available on this arch" while(true); #endif // Mark the thread as running, which adds it to the scheduler's linked list. thread->SetState(Thread::State::RUNNABLE); #ifdef PLATFORM_VIRTUAL_MEMORY // Avoid side effects by restoring the old address space. VirtualMemory::SwitchAddressSpace(OldAddrSpace); #endif return thread; } Thread* PopNextThread() { //Log::PrintF("PopNextThread(): currentThread = 0x%p, firstRunnableThread = 0x%p, firstRunnableThread->PrevThread = 0x%p, firstRunnableThread->NextThread = 0x%p\n", currentThread, firstRunnableThread, firstRunnableThread->PrevThread, firstRunnableThread->NextThread); if ( firstRunnableThread == NULL ) { return NoopThread; } else if ( currentThread == firstRunnableThread ) { firstRunnableThread = firstRunnableThread->_nextThread; } return firstRunnableThread; } void Switch(CPU::InterruptRegisters* R, uintmax_t TimePassed) { //Log::PrintF("Scheduling while at eip=0x%p...", R->eip); WakeSleeping(TimePassed); // Find the next thread to be run. Thread* NextThread = PopNextThread(); //if ( NextThread == NoopThread ) { PanicF("Going to NoopThread! Noop=0x%p, First=0x%p -> 0x%p, Unrun=0x%p", NoopThread, firstRunnableThread, firstRunnableThread->NextThread, firstUnrunnableThread); } // If the next thread happens to be the current one, simply do nothing. if ( currentThread != NextThread ) { // Save the hardware registers of the current thread. if ( currentThread != NULL ) { currentThread->SaveRegisters(R); } if ( LOG_SWITCHING && NextThread != NoopThread ) { Log::PrintF("Switching from thread at 0x%p to thread at 0x%p\n", currentThread); } // If applicable, switch the virtual address space. VirtualMemory::SwitchAddressSpace(NextThread->GetProcess()->GetAddressSpace()); currentThread = NextThread; // Load the hardware registers of the next thread. //Log::PrintF("Switching to thread at 0x%p\n", NextThread); NextThread->LoadRegisters(R); } else { if ( LOG_SWITCHING ) { //Log::PrintF("Staying in thread 0x%p\n", currentThread); } } #ifdef PLATFORM_X86 if ( currentThread != NoopThread ) { uint32_t RPL = 0x3; // Jump into user-space! R->ds = 0x20 | RPL; // Set the data segment and Requested Privilege Level. R->cs = 0x18 | RPL; // Set the code segment and Requested Privilege Level. R->ss = 0x20 | RPL; // Set the stack segment and Requested Privilege Level. } else { uint32_t RPL = 0x0; // Jump into kernel-space! R->ds = 0x10 | RPL; // Set the data segment and Requested Privilege Level. R->cs = 0x08 | RPL; // Set the code segment and Requested Privilege Level. R->ss = 0x10 | RPL; // Set the stack segment and Requested Privilege Level. } R->eflags |= 0x200; // Enable the enable interrupts flag in EFLAGS! #else #warning "No threads are available on this arch" while(true); #endif //Log::PrintF("ds=0x%x, edi=0x%x, esi=0x%x, ebp=0x%x, esp=0x%x, ebx=0x%x, edx=0x%x, ecx=0x%x, eax=0x%x, int_no=0x%x, err_code=0x%x, eip=0x%x, cs=0x%x, eflags=0x%x, useresp=0x%x, ss=0x%x\n", R->ds, R->edi, R->esi, R->ebp, R->esp, R->ebx, R->edx, R->ecx, R->eax, R->int_no, R->err_code, R->eip, R->cs, R->eflags, R->useresp, R->ss); #if 0 size_t* Stack = (size_t*) R->useresp; // TODO: HACK: Currently ESP is not properly set after we return // from the interrupt. So we call a helper function that restores // it by storing it in EAX, then restoring EAX, and restoring EIP, // then we should have returned successfully. Stack[-1] = (size_t) &PrintRegistersAndDie; // R->eip; Stack[-2] = (size_t) R->eax; R->eax = (uint32_t) (Stack - 2); R->eip = (uint32_t) &RestoreStack; Log::PrintF("ds=0x%x, edi=0x%x, esi=0x%x, ebp=0x%x, esp=0x%x, ebx=0x%x, edx=0x%x, ecx=0x%x, eax=0x%x, int_no=0x%x, err_code=0x%x, eip=0x%x, cs=0x%x, eflags=0x%x, useresp=0x%x, ss=0x%x\n", R->ds, R->edi, R->esi, R->ebp, R->esp, R->ebx, R->edx, R->ecx, R->eax, R->int_no, R->err_code, R->eip, R->cs, R->eflags, R->useresp, R->ss); #endif //Log::PrintF("Stack = {0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p}\n", Stack[0], Stack[1], Stack[2], Stack[3], Stack[4], Stack[5], Stack[6], Stack[7], Stack[8], Stack[9], Stack[10], Stack[11], Stack[12], Stack[13], Stack[14], Stack[15]); //Log::PrintF(" resuming at eip=0x%p\n", R->eip); } void WakeSleeping(uintmax_t TimePassed) { while ( firstSleeping != NULL ) { if ( TimePassed < firstSleeping->_sleepMilisecondsLeft ) { firstSleeping->_sleepMilisecondsLeft -= TimePassed; break; } TimePassed -= firstSleeping->_sleepMilisecondsLeft; firstSleeping->_sleepMilisecondsLeft = 0; firstSleeping->SetState(Thread::State::RUNNABLE); Thread* Next = firstSleeping->_nextSleepingThread; firstSleeping->_nextSleepingThread = NULL; firstSleeping = Next; } } void ExitThread(Thread* Thread, void* Result) { //Log::PrintF("\n", Thread); // TODO: What do we do with the result parameter? Thread->~Thread(); //Log::PrintF("\n", Thread); #ifndef PLATFORM_KERNEL_HEAP Page::Put((addr_t) Thread); #else delete Thread; #endif //Log::PrintF("\n", Thread); if ( Thread == currentThread ) { currentThread = NULL; } } #define ASSERDDD(invariant) \ if ( unlikely(!(invariant)) ) \ { \ Sortix::Log::PrintF("Assertion failure: %s:%u : %s %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, #invariant); \ while ( true ) { } \ } #define LOL(what) #what void SysCreateThread(CPU::InterruptRegisters* R) { #ifdef PLATFORM_X86 Thread* Thread = CreateThread(CurrentProcess(), (Thread::Entry) R->ebx, (void*) R->ecx, (void*) R->edx, (size_t) R->edi); R->eax = (Thread != NULL) ? Thread->GetId() : 0; //Log::PrintF("\n", Thread); #else #warning "This syscall is not supported on this arch" while(true); #endif } void SysExitThread(CPU::InterruptRegisters* R) { //Log::PrintF("\n", CurrentThread()); #ifdef PLATFORM_X86 ExitThread(CurrentThread(), (void*) R->ebx); Switch(R, 0); #else #warning "This syscall is not supported on this arch" while(true); #endif //Log::PrintF("\n", CurrentThread()); } void SysSleep(CPU::InterruptRegisters* R) { //Log::PrintF("\n"); #ifdef PLATFORM_X86 intmax_t TimeToSleep = ((uintmax_t) R->ebx) * 1000ULL; if ( TimeToSleep == 0 ) { return; } CurrentThread()->Sleep(TimeToSleep); Switch(R, 0); //Log::PrintF("\n"); #else #warning "This syscall is not supported on this arch" while(true); #endif } void SysUSleep(CPU::InterruptRegisters* R) { #ifdef PLATFORM_X86 intmax_t TimeToSleep = ((uintmax_t) R->ebx) / 1000ULL; if ( TimeToSleep == 0 ) { return; } CurrentThread()->Sleep(TimeToSleep); Switch(R, 0); #else #warning "This syscall is not supported on this arch" while(true); #endif } } Thread* CurrentThread() { return Scheduler::currentThread; } Process* CurrentProcess() { if ( Scheduler::currentThread != NULL ) { return Scheduler::currentThread->GetProcess(); } else { return NULL; } } }