/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2017, 2021-2022, 2024 Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * fs/user.cpp * User-space filesystem. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Sortix { namespace UserFS { class ChannelDirection; class Channel; class ChannelNode; class Server; class ServerNode; class Unode; class ChannelDirection { public: ChannelDirection(); ~ChannelDirection(); size_t Send(ioctx_t* ctx, const void* ptr, size_t least, size_t max); size_t Recv(ioctx_t* ctx, void* ptr, size_t least, size_t max); void SendClose(); void RecvClose(); private: static const size_t BUFFER_SIZE = 8192; uint8_t buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; size_t buffer_used; size_t buffer_offset; kthread_mutex_t transfer_lock; kthread_cond_t not_empty; kthread_cond_t not_full; bool still_reading; bool still_writing; public: uintptr_t sender_system_tid; uintptr_t receiver_system_tid; }; class Channel { public: Channel(ioctx_t* ioctx); ~Channel(); public: void InformSystemTids(uintptr_t client_tid, uintptr_t server_tid); public: bool KernelSend(ioctx_t* ctx, const void* ptr, size_t count) { return KernelSend(ctx, ptr, count, count) == count; } size_t KernelSend(ioctx_t* ctx, const void* ptr, size_t least, size_t max); bool KernelRecv(ioctx_t* ctx, void* ptr, size_t count) { return KernelRecv(ctx, ptr, count, count) == count; } size_t KernelRecv(ioctx_t* ctx, void* ptr, size_t least, size_t max); void KernelClose(); public: bool UserSend(ioctx_t* ctx, const void* ptr, size_t count) { return UserSend(ctx, ptr, count, count) == count; } size_t UserSend(ioctx_t* ctx, const void* ptr, size_t least, size_t max); bool UserRecv(ioctx_t* ctx, void* ptr, size_t count) { return UserRecv(ctx, ptr, count, count) == count; } size_t UserRecv(ioctx_t* ctx, void* ptr, size_t least, size_t max); void UserClose(); private: kthread_mutex_t kernel_lock; kthread_mutex_t user_lock; kthread_mutex_t destruction_lock; ChannelDirection from_kernel; ChannelDirection from_user; bool kernel_closed; bool user_closed; public: uid_t uid; gid_t gid; }; class ChannelNode : public AbstractInode { public: ChannelNode(); ChannelNode(Channel* channel); virtual ~ChannelNode(); void Construct(Channel* channel); virtual ssize_t read(ioctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* buf, size_t count); virtual ssize_t write(ioctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* buf, size_t count); private: Channel* channel; }; class Server : public Refcountable { public: Server(); virtual ~Server(); void Disconnect(); void Unmount(); Channel* Connect(ioctx_t* ctx); Channel* Accept(ioctx_t* ctx); Ref BootstrapNode(ino_t ino, mode_t type); Ref OpenNode(ino_t ino, mode_t type); private: kthread_mutex_t connect_lock; kthread_cond_t connecting_cond; kthread_cond_t connectable_cond; uintptr_t listener_system_tid; uintptr_t connecter_system_tid; Channel* connecting; bool disconnected; bool unmounted; }; class ServerNode : public AbstractInode { public: ServerNode(Ref server); virtual ~ServerNode(); virtual Ref accept4(ioctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* addr, size_t* addrlen, int flags); private: Ref server; }; class Unode : public Inode { public: Unode(Ref server, ino_t ino, mode_t type); virtual ~Unode(); virtual bool pass(); virtual void unpass(); virtual void linked(); virtual void unlinked(); virtual int sync(ioctx_t* ctx); virtual int stat(ioctx_t* ctx, struct stat* st); virtual int statvfs(ioctx_t* ctx, struct statvfs* stvfs); virtual int chmod(ioctx_t* ctx, mode_t mode); virtual int chown(ioctx_t* ctx, uid_t owner, gid_t group); virtual int truncate(ioctx_t* ctx, off_t length); virtual off_t lseek(ioctx_t* ctx, off_t offset, int whence); virtual ssize_t read(ioctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* buf, size_t count); virtual ssize_t readv(ioctx_t* ctx, const struct iovec* iov, int iovcnt); virtual ssize_t pread(ioctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* buf, size_t count, off_t off); virtual ssize_t preadv(ioctx_t* ctx, const struct iovec* iov, int iovcnt, off_t off); virtual ssize_t write(ioctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* buf, size_t count); virtual ssize_t writev(ioctx_t* ctx, const struct iovec* iov, int iovcnt); virtual ssize_t pwrite(ioctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* buf, size_t count, off_t off); virtual ssize_t pwritev(ioctx_t* ctx, const struct iovec* iov, int iovcnt, off_t off); virtual int utimens(ioctx_t* ctx, const struct timespec* times); virtual int isatty(ioctx_t* ctx); virtual ssize_t readdirents(ioctx_t* ctx, struct dirent* dirent, size_t size, off_t start); virtual Ref open(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* filename, int flags, mode_t mode); virtual Ref factory(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* filename, int flags, mode_t mode); virtual int mkdir(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* filename, mode_t mode); virtual int link(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* filename, Ref node); virtual int link_raw(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* filename, Ref node); virtual int unlink(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* filename); virtual int unlink_raw(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* filename); virtual int rmdir(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* filename); virtual int rmdir_me(ioctx_t* ctx); virtual int symlink(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* oldname, const char* filename); virtual ssize_t readlink(ioctx_t* ctx, char* buf, size_t bufsiz); virtual int tcgetwincurpos(ioctx_t* ctx, struct wincurpos* wcp); virtual int ioctl(ioctx_t* ctx, int cmd, uintptr_t arg); virtual int tcsetpgrp(ioctx_t* ctx, pid_t pgid); virtual pid_t tcgetpgrp(ioctx_t* ctx); virtual int settermmode(ioctx_t* ctx, unsigned mode); virtual int gettermmode(ioctx_t* ctx, unsigned* mode); virtual int poll(ioctx_t* ctx, PollNode* node); virtual int rename_here(ioctx_t* ctx, Ref from, const char* oldname, const char* newname); virtual Ref accept4(ioctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* addr, size_t* addrlen, int flags); virtual int bind(ioctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* addr, size_t addrlen); virtual int connect(ioctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* addr, size_t addrlen); virtual int listen(ioctx_t* ctx, int backlog); virtual ssize_t recv(ioctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* buf, size_t count, int flags); virtual ssize_t recvmsg(ioctx_t* ctx, struct msghdr* msg, int flags); virtual ssize_t send(ioctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* buf, size_t count, int flags); virtual ssize_t sendmsg(ioctx_t* ctx, const struct msghdr* msg, int flags); virtual int getsockopt(ioctx_t* ctx, int level, int option_name, void* option_value, size_t* option_size_ptr); virtual int setsockopt(ioctx_t* ctx, int level, int option_name, const void* option_value, size_t option_size); virtual ssize_t tcgetblob(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* name, void* buffer, size_t count); virtual ssize_t tcsetblob(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* name, const void* buffer, size_t count); virtual int unmounted(ioctx_t* ctx); virtual int tcdrain(ioctx_t* ctx); virtual int tcflow(ioctx_t* ctx, int action); virtual int tcflush(ioctx_t* ctx, int queue_selector); virtual int tcgetattr(ioctx_t* ctx, struct termios* tio); virtual pid_t tcgetsid(ioctx_t* ctx); virtual int tcsendbreak(ioctx_t* ctx, int duration); virtual int tcsetattr(ioctx_t* ctx, int actions, const struct termios* tio); virtual int shutdown(ioctx_t* ctx, int how); virtual int getpeername(ioctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* addr, size_t* addrsize); virtual int getsockname(ioctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* addr, size_t* addrsize); private: bool SendMessage(Channel* channel, size_t type, void* ptr, size_t size, size_t extra = 0); bool RecvMessage(Channel* channel, size_t type, void* ptr, size_t size); void RecvError(Channel* channel); bool RecvBoolean(Channel* channel); void UnexpectedResponse(Channel* channel, struct fsm_msg_header* hdr); private: ioctx_t kctx; Ref server; }; // // Implementation of Channel Directory. // ChannelDirection::ChannelDirection() { buffer_used = 0; buffer_offset = 0; transfer_lock = KTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; not_empty = KTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; not_full = KTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; still_reading = true; still_writing = true; sender_system_tid = 0; receiver_system_tid = 0; } ChannelDirection::~ChannelDirection() { } size_t ChannelDirection::Send(ioctx_t* ctx, const void* ptr, size_t least, size_t max) { const uint8_t* src = (const uint8_t*) ptr; size_t sofar = 0; CurrentThread()->yield_to_tid = receiver_system_tid; ScopedLock inner_lock(&transfer_lock); sender_system_tid = CurrentThread()->system_tid; while ( true ) { while ( true ) { if ( !still_reading ) return errno = ECONNRESET, sofar; if ( buffer_used < BUFFER_SIZE ) break; if ( least <= sofar ) return sofar; if ( !kthread_cond_wait_signal(¬_full, &transfer_lock) ) return errno = EINTR, sofar; } size_t use_offset = (buffer_offset + buffer_used) % BUFFER_SIZE; size_t count = max - sofar; size_t available_to_end = BUFFER_SIZE - use_offset; size_t available = BUFFER_SIZE - buffer_used; if ( available_to_end < available ) available = available_to_end; if ( available < count ) count = available; if ( !ctx->copy_from_src(buffer + use_offset, src + sofar, count) ) return sofar; if ( !buffer_used ) kthread_cond_signal(¬_empty); buffer_used += count; sofar += count; if ( sofar == max ) return sofar; } } size_t ChannelDirection::Recv(ioctx_t* ctx, void* ptr, size_t least, size_t max) { uint8_t* dst = (uint8_t*) ptr; size_t sofar = 0; CurrentThread()->yield_to_tid = sender_system_tid; ScopedLock inner_lock(&transfer_lock); receiver_system_tid = CurrentThread()->system_tid; while ( true ) { while ( true ) { if ( buffer_used ) break; if ( least <= sofar ) return sofar; if ( !still_writing ) return errno = ECONNRESET, sofar; if ( !kthread_cond_wait_signal(¬_empty, &transfer_lock) ) return errno = EINTR, sofar; } size_t use_offset = buffer_offset; size_t count = max - sofar; size_t available_to_end = BUFFER_SIZE - use_offset; size_t available = buffer_used; if ( available_to_end < available ) available = available_to_end; if ( available < count ) count = available; if ( !ctx->copy_to_dest(dst + sofar, buffer + use_offset, count) ) return sofar; if ( buffer_used == BUFFER_SIZE ) kthread_cond_signal(¬_full); buffer_offset = (buffer_offset + count) % BUFFER_SIZE; buffer_used -= count; sofar += count; if ( sofar == max ) return sofar; } } void ChannelDirection::SendClose() { ScopedLock lock(&transfer_lock); still_writing = false; kthread_cond_signal(¬_empty); } void ChannelDirection::RecvClose() { ScopedLock lock(&transfer_lock); still_reading = false; kthread_cond_signal(¬_full); } // // Implementation of Channel. // Channel::Channel(ioctx_t* ctx) { kernel_lock = KTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; user_lock = KTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; destruction_lock = KTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; user_closed = false; kernel_closed = false; uid = ctx ? ctx->uid : 0; gid = ctx ? ctx->gid : 0; } Channel::~Channel() { } void Channel::InformSystemTids(uintptr_t client_tid, uintptr_t server_tid) { from_kernel.sender_system_tid = client_tid; from_kernel.receiver_system_tid = server_tid; from_user.sender_system_tid = server_tid; from_user.receiver_system_tid = client_tid; } size_t Channel::KernelSend(ioctx_t* ctx, const void* ptr, size_t least, size_t max) { ScopedLockSignal outer_lock(&kernel_lock); if ( !outer_lock.IsAcquired() ) return errno = EINTR, 0; size_t ret = from_kernel.Send(ctx, ptr, least, max); CurrentThread()->yield_to_tid = 0; Scheduler::ScheduleTrueThread(); return ret; } size_t Channel::KernelRecv(ioctx_t* ctx, void* ptr, size_t least, size_t max) { ScopedLockSignal outer_lock(&kernel_lock); if ( !outer_lock.IsAcquired() ) return errno = EINTR, 0; CurrentThread()->yield_to_tid = 0; Scheduler::ScheduleTrueThread(); return from_user.Recv(ctx, ptr, least, max); } void Channel::KernelClose() { // No lock needed, this thread is the last to use this object as kernel. from_kernel.SendClose(); from_user.RecvClose(); kthread_mutex_lock(&destruction_lock); kernel_closed = true; bool delete_this = user_closed; kthread_mutex_unlock(&destruction_lock); if ( delete_this ) delete this; } size_t Channel::UserSend(ioctx_t* ctx, const void* ptr, size_t least, size_t max) { ScopedLockSignal outer_lock(&user_lock); if ( !outer_lock.IsAcquired() ) return errno = EINTR, 0; size_t ret = from_user.Send(ctx, ptr, least, max); CurrentThread()->yield_to_tid = 0; Scheduler::ScheduleTrueThread(); return ret; } size_t Channel::UserRecv(ioctx_t* ctx, void* ptr, size_t least, size_t max) { ScopedLockSignal outer_lock(&user_lock); if ( !outer_lock.IsAcquired() ) return errno = EINTR, 0; size_t ret = from_kernel.Recv(ctx, ptr, least, max); CurrentThread()->yield_to_tid = 0; Scheduler::ScheduleTrueThread(); return ret; } void Channel::UserClose() { // No lock needed, this thread is the last to use this object as user. from_kernel.RecvClose(); from_user.SendClose(); kthread_mutex_lock(&destruction_lock); user_closed = true; bool delete_this = kernel_closed; kthread_mutex_unlock(&destruction_lock); if ( delete_this ) delete this; } // // Implementation of ChannelNode. // ChannelNode::ChannelNode() { channel = NULL; } ChannelNode::ChannelNode(Channel* channel) { Construct(channel); } ChannelNode::~ChannelNode() { if ( channel ) channel->UserClose(); } void ChannelNode::Construct(Channel* channel) { inode_type = INODE_TYPE_STREAM; this->channel = channel; this->type = S_IFCHR; this->dev = (dev_t) this; this->ino = 0; // TODO: Set uid, gid, mode. } ssize_t ChannelNode::read(ioctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* buf, size_t count) { return channel->UserRecv(ctx, buf, /*1*/ count, count); } ssize_t ChannelNode::write(ioctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* buf, size_t count) { return channel->UserSend(ctx, buf, /*1*/ count, count); } // // Implementation of Server. // Server::Server() { connect_lock = KTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; connecting_cond = KTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; connectable_cond = KTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; listener_system_tid = 0; connecting = NULL; disconnected = false; unmounted = false; } Server::~Server() { } void Server::Disconnect() { ScopedLock lock(&connect_lock); disconnected = true; kthread_cond_signal(&connectable_cond); } void Server::Unmount() { ScopedLock lock(&connect_lock); unmounted = true; kthread_cond_signal(&connecting_cond); } Channel* Server::Connect(ioctx_t* ctx) { Channel* channel = new Channel(ctx); if ( !channel ) return NULL; CurrentThread()->yield_to_tid = listener_system_tid; ScopedLock lock(&connect_lock); while ( !disconnected && connecting ) { if ( !kthread_cond_wait_signal(&connectable_cond, &connect_lock) ) { CurrentThread()->yield_to_tid = 0; delete channel; return errno = EINTR, (Channel*) NULL; } } CurrentThread()->yield_to_tid = 0; if ( disconnected ) return delete channel, errno = ECONNREFUSED, (Channel*) NULL; channel->InformSystemTids(CurrentThread()->system_tid, listener_system_tid); connecting = channel; kthread_cond_signal(&connecting_cond); return channel; } Channel* Server::Accept(ioctx_t* ctx) { ScopedLock lock(&connect_lock); listener_system_tid = CurrentThread()->system_tid; while ( !connecting && !unmounted ) { if ( ctx->dflags & O_NONBLOCK ) return errno = EWOULDBLOCK, (Channel*) NULL; if ( !kthread_cond_wait_signal(&connecting_cond, &connect_lock) ) return errno = EINTR, (Channel*) NULL; } if ( unmounted ) return errno = ECONNRESET, (Channel*) NULL; Channel* result = connecting; connecting = NULL; kthread_cond_signal(&connectable_cond); return result; } Ref Server::BootstrapNode(ino_t ino, mode_t type) { return Ref(new Unode(Ref(this), ino, type)); } Ref Server::OpenNode(ino_t ino, mode_t type) { return BootstrapNode(ino, type); } // // Implementation of ServerNode. // ServerNode::ServerNode(Ref server) { inode_type = INODE_TYPE_UNKNOWN; this->server = server; this->type = S_IFSOCK; this->dev = (dev_t) this; this->ino = 0; // TODO: Set uid, gid, mode. } ServerNode::~ServerNode() { server->Disconnect(); } Ref ServerNode::accept4(ioctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* addr, size_t* addrlen, int flags) { (void) addr; if ( flags & ~(0) ) return errno = EINVAL, Ref(NULL); size_t out_addrlen = 0; if ( addrlen && !ctx->copy_to_dest(addrlen, &out_addrlen, sizeof(out_addrlen)) ) return Ref(NULL); Ref node(new ChannelNode); if ( !node ) return Ref(NULL); Channel* channel = server->Accept(ctx); if ( !channel ) return Ref(NULL); node->Construct(channel); return node; } // // Implementation of Unode. // Unode::Unode(Ref server, ino_t ino, mode_t type) { SetupKernelIOCtx(&kctx); this->server = server; this->ino = ino; this->dev = (dev_t) server.Get(); this->type = type; // Let the remote know that the kernel is using this inode. Thread* thread = CurrentThread(); bool saved = thread->force_no_signals; thread->force_no_signals = true; thread->DoUpdatePendingSignal(); if ( Channel* channel = server->Connect(NULL) ) { struct fsm_req_refer msg; msg.ino = ino; SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_REFER, &msg, sizeof(msg)); channel->KernelClose(); } thread->force_no_signals = saved; thread->DoUpdatePendingSignal(); } Unode::~Unode() { // Let the remote know that the kernel is no longer using this inode. Thread* thread = CurrentThread(); bool saved = thread->force_no_signals; thread->force_no_signals = true; thread->DoUpdatePendingSignal(); if ( Channel* channel = server->Connect(NULL) ) { struct fsm_req_unref msg; msg.ino = ino; SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_UNREF, &msg, sizeof(msg)); channel->KernelClose(); } thread->force_no_signals = saved; thread->DoUpdatePendingSignal(); } bool Unode::SendMessage(Channel* channel, size_t type, void* ptr, size_t size, size_t extra) { struct fsm_msg_header hdr; hdr.msgtype = type; hdr.msgsize = size + extra; hdr.uid = channel->uid; hdr.gid = channel->gid; if ( !channel->KernelSend(&kctx, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)) ) return false; if ( !channel->KernelSend(&kctx, ptr, size) ) return false; return true; } bool Unode::RecvMessage(Channel* channel, size_t type, void* ptr, size_t size) { struct fsm_msg_header resp_hdr; if ( !channel->KernelRecv(&kctx, &resp_hdr, sizeof(resp_hdr)) ) return false; if ( resp_hdr.msgtype != type ) { UnexpectedResponse(channel, &resp_hdr); return false; } return !ptr || !size || channel->KernelRecv(&kctx, ptr, size); } void Unode::RecvError(Channel* channel) { SetupKernelIOCtx(&kctx); struct fsm_resp_error resp; if ( channel->KernelRecv(&kctx, &resp, sizeof(resp)) ) errno = resp.errnum; // In case of error, errno is set to that error. } bool Unode::RecvBoolean(Channel* channel) { struct fsm_msg_header resp_hdr; if ( !channel->KernelRecv(&kctx, &resp_hdr, sizeof(resp_hdr)) ) return false; if ( resp_hdr.msgtype == FSM_RESP_SUCCESS ) return true; UnexpectedResponse(channel, &resp_hdr); return false; } void Unode::UnexpectedResponse(Channel* channel, struct fsm_msg_header* hdr) { if ( hdr->msgtype == FSM_RESP_ERROR ) RecvError(channel); else errno = EIO; } bool Unode::pass() { return true; } void Unode::unpass() { } void Unode::linked() { } void Unode::unlinked() { } int Unode::sync(ioctx_t* ctx) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_sync msg; msg.ino = ino; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_SYNC, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_SUCCESS, NULL, 0) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::stat(ioctx_t* ctx, struct stat* st) { // stat(2) isn't allowed to fail with EINTR. sigset_t set, oldset; sigfillset(&set); Signal::UpdateMask(SIG_SETMASK, &set, &oldset); int ret = -1; Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( channel ) { struct fsm_req_stat msg; struct fsm_resp_stat resp; msg.ino = ino; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_STAT, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_STAT, &resp, sizeof(resp)) && (resp.st.st_dev = (dev_t) server.Get(), true) && ctx->copy_to_dest(st, &resp.st, sizeof(*st)) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); } Signal::UpdateMask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldset, NULL); return ret; } int Unode::statvfs(ioctx_t* ctx, struct statvfs* stvfs) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_statvfs msg; struct fsm_resp_statvfs resp; msg.ino = ino; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_STATVFS, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_STATVFS, &resp, sizeof(resp)) && (resp.stvfs.f_fsid = (dev_t) server.Get(), true) && (resp.stvfs.f_flag |= ST_NOSUID, true) && ctx->copy_to_dest(stvfs, &resp.stvfs, sizeof(*stvfs)) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::chmod(ioctx_t* ctx, mode_t mode) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_chmod msg; msg.ino = ino; msg.mode = mode; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_CHMOD, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_SUCCESS, NULL, 0) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::chown(ioctx_t* ctx, uid_t owner, gid_t group) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_chown msg; msg.ino = ino; msg.uid = owner; msg.gid = group; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_CHOWN, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_SUCCESS, NULL, 0) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::truncate(ioctx_t* ctx, off_t length) { // truncate(2) is allowed to EINTR but may be used by open(2) O_TRUNC which // should not fail with EINTR. sigset_t set, oldset; sigfillset(&set); Signal::UpdateMask(SIG_SETMASK, &set, &oldset); int ret = -1; Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( channel ) { struct fsm_req_truncate msg; msg.ino = ino; msg.size = length; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_TRUNCATE, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_SUCCESS, NULL, 0) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); } Signal::UpdateMask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldset, NULL); return ret; } off_t Unode::lseek(ioctx_t* ctx, off_t offset, int whence) { if ( whence != SEEK_END && offset != 0 ) return errno = EINVAL, -1; Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; off_t ret = -1; struct fsm_req_lseek msg; struct fsm_resp_lseek resp; msg.ino = ino; msg.offset = offset; msg.whence = whence; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_LSEEK, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_LSEEK, &resp, sizeof(resp)) ) ret = resp.offset; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } ssize_t Unode::read(ioctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* buf, size_t count) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; ssize_t ret = -1; struct fsm_req_read msg; struct fsm_resp_read resp; msg.ino = ino; msg.count = count; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_READ, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_READ, &resp, sizeof(resp)) ) { if ( resp.count < count ) count = resp.count; if ( channel->KernelRecv(ctx, buf, count) ) ret = (ssize_t) count; } channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } ssize_t Unode::readv(ioctx_t* ctx, const struct iovec* iov, int iovcnt) { ssize_t sofar = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < iovcnt && sofar < SSIZE_MAX; i++ ) { size_t maxcount = SSIZE_MAX - sofar; uint8_t* buf = (uint8_t*) iov[i].iov_base; size_t count = iov[i].iov_len; if ( maxcount < count ) count = maxcount; int old_dflags = ctx->dflags; if ( sofar ) ctx->dflags |= O_NONBLOCK; ssize_t amount = read(ctx, buf, count); ctx->dflags = old_dflags; if ( amount < 0 ) return sofar ? sofar : -1; if ( amount == 0 ) break; sofar += amount; if ( (size_t) amount < count ) break; } return sofar; } ssize_t Unode::pread(ioctx_t* ctx, uint8_t* buf, size_t count, off_t off) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; ssize_t ret = -1; struct fsm_req_pread msg; struct fsm_resp_read resp; msg.ino = ino; msg.count = count; msg.offset = off; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_PREAD, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_READ, &resp, sizeof(resp)) ) { if ( resp.count < count ) count = resp.count; if ( channel->KernelRecv(ctx, buf, count) ) ret = (ssize_t) count; } channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } ssize_t Unode::preadv(ioctx_t* ctx, const struct iovec* iov, int iovcnt, off_t off) { ssize_t sofar = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < iovcnt && sofar < SSIZE_MAX; i++ ) { size_t maxcount = SSIZE_MAX - sofar; uint8_t* buf = (uint8_t*) iov[i].iov_base; size_t count = iov[i].iov_len; if ( maxcount < count ) count = maxcount; off_t offset; if ( __builtin_add_overflow(off, sofar, &offset) ) return sofar ? sofar : (errno = EOVERFLOW, -1); int old_dflags = ctx->dflags; if ( sofar ) ctx->dflags |= O_NONBLOCK; ssize_t amount = pread(ctx, buf, count, offset); ctx->dflags = old_dflags; if ( amount < 0 ) return sofar ? sofar : -1; if ( amount == 0 ) break; sofar += amount; if ( (size_t) amount < count ) break; } return sofar; } ssize_t Unode::write(ioctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* buf, size_t count) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_write msg; msg.ino = ino; msg.count = count; struct fsm_msg_header hdr; hdr.msgtype = FSM_REQ_WRITE; hdr.msgsize = sizeof(msg) + count; hdr.uid = ctx->uid; hdr.gid = ctx->gid; struct fsm_resp_write resp; if ( channel->KernelSend(&kctx, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)) && channel->KernelSend(&kctx, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && channel->KernelSend(ctx, buf, count) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_WRITE, &resp, sizeof(resp)) ) ret = (ssize_t) resp.count; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } ssize_t Unode::writev(ioctx_t* ctx, const struct iovec* iov, int iovcnt) { ssize_t sofar = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < iovcnt && sofar < SSIZE_MAX; i++ ) { size_t maxcount = SSIZE_MAX - sofar; const uint8_t* buf = (uint8_t*) iov[i].iov_base; size_t count = iov[i].iov_len; if ( maxcount < count ) count = maxcount; int old_dflags = ctx->dflags; if ( sofar ) ctx->dflags |= O_NONBLOCK; ssize_t amount = write(ctx, buf, count); ctx->dflags = old_dflags; if ( amount < 0 ) return sofar ? sofar : -1; if ( amount == 0 ) break; sofar += amount; if ( (size_t) amount < count ) break; } return sofar; } ssize_t Unode::pwrite(ioctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* buf, size_t count, off_t off) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; ssize_t ret = -1; struct fsm_req_pwrite msg; msg.ino = ino; msg.count = count; msg.offset = off; struct fsm_msg_header hdr; hdr.msgtype = FSM_REQ_PWRITE; hdr.msgsize = sizeof(msg) + count; hdr.uid = ctx->uid; hdr.gid = ctx->gid; struct fsm_resp_write resp; if ( channel->KernelSend(&kctx, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)) && channel->KernelSend(&kctx, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && channel->KernelSend(ctx, buf, count) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_WRITE, &resp, sizeof(resp)) ) ret = (ssize_t) resp.count; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } ssize_t Unode::pwritev(ioctx_t* ctx, const struct iovec* iov, int iovcnt, off_t off) { ssize_t sofar = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < iovcnt && sofar < SSIZE_MAX; i++ ) { size_t maxcount = SSIZE_MAX - sofar; uint8_t* buf = (uint8_t*) iov[i].iov_base; size_t count = iov[i].iov_len; if ( maxcount < count ) count = maxcount; off_t offset; if ( __builtin_add_overflow(off, sofar, &offset) ) return sofar ? sofar : (errno = EOVERFLOW, -1); int old_dflags = ctx->dflags; if ( sofar ) ctx->dflags |= O_NONBLOCK; ssize_t amount = pwrite(ctx, buf, count, offset); ctx->dflags = old_dflags; if ( amount < 0 ) return sofar ? sofar : -1; if ( amount == 0 ) break; sofar += amount; if ( (size_t) amount < count ) break; } return sofar; } int Unode::utimens(ioctx_t* ctx, const struct timespec* times) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_utimens msg; msg.ino = ino; msg.times[0] = times[0]; msg.times[1] = times[1]; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_UTIMENS, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_SUCCESS, NULL, 0) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::isatty(ioctx_t* ctx) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return 0; int ret = 0; struct fsm_req_isatty msg; msg.ino = ino; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_ISATTY, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_SUCCESS, NULL, 0) ) ret = 1; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } ssize_t Unode::readdirents(ioctx_t* ctx, struct dirent* dirent, size_t size, off_t start) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; ssize_t ret = -1; struct fsm_req_readdirents msg; struct fsm_resp_readdirents resp; msg.ino = ino; msg.rec_num = start; errno = 0; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_READDIRENTS, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_READDIRENTS, &resp, sizeof(resp)) ) { if ( !resp.namelen ) { ret = 0; goto break_if; } struct dirent entry; memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(entry)); entry.d_reclen = sizeof(entry) + resp.namelen + 1; entry.d_namlen = resp.namelen; entry.d_dev = (dev_t) server.Get(); entry.d_ino = resp.ino; entry.d_type = resp.type; if ( !ctx->copy_to_dest(dirent, &entry, sizeof(entry)) ) goto break_if; if ( size < entry.d_reclen && (errno = ERANGE) ) goto break_if; char nul = '\0'; if ( channel->KernelRecv(ctx, dirent->d_name, resp.namelen) && ctx->copy_to_dest(&dirent->d_name[resp.namelen], &nul, 1) ) ret = (ssize_t) entry.d_reclen; } break_if: channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } Ref Unode::open(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* filename, int flags, mode_t mode) { // open(2) may EINTR on slow devices but is used by stat(2) and readlink(2) // wnich aren't allowed to EINTR. sigset_t set, oldset; sigfillset(&set); Signal::UpdateMask(SIG_SETMASK, &set, &oldset); Ref ret; Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( channel ) { size_t filenamelen = strlen(filename); struct fsm_req_open msg; msg.dirino = ino; msg.flags = flags; msg.mode = mode; msg.namelen = filenamelen; struct fsm_resp_open resp; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_OPEN, &msg, sizeof(msg), filenamelen) && channel->KernelSend(&kctx, filename, filenamelen) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_OPEN, &resp, sizeof(resp)) ) ret = server->OpenNode(resp.ino, resp.type); channel->KernelClose(); } Signal::UpdateMask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldset, NULL); return ret; } Ref Unode::factory(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const char* /*filename*/, int /*flags*/, mode_t /*mode*/) { return errno = EBADF, Ref(NULL); } int Unode::mkdir(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* filename, mode_t mode) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; size_t filenamelen = strlen(filename); int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_mkdir msg; msg.dirino = ino; msg.mode = mode; msg.namelen = filenamelen; struct fsm_resp_mkdir resp; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_MKDIR, &msg, sizeof(msg), filenamelen) && channel->KernelSend(&kctx, filename, filenamelen) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_MKDIR, &resp, sizeof(resp)) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::link(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* filename, Ref node) { if ( node->dev != this->dev ) return errno = EXDEV, -1; Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; size_t filenamelen = strlen(filename); int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_link msg; msg.dirino = ino; msg.linkino = node->ino; msg.namelen = filenamelen; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_LINK, &msg, sizeof(msg), filenamelen) && channel->KernelSend(&kctx, filename, filenamelen) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_SUCCESS, NULL, 0) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::link_raw(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const char* /*filename*/, Ref /*node*/) { return errno = EPERM, -1; } int Unode::unlink(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* filename) { // TODO: Make sure the target is no longer used! Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; size_t filenamelen = strlen(filename); int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_unlink msg; msg.dirino = ino; msg.namelen = filenamelen; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_UNLINK, &msg, sizeof(msg), filenamelen) && channel->KernelSend(&kctx, filename, filenamelen) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_SUCCESS, NULL, 0) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::unlink_raw(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const char* /*filename*/) { return errno = EPERM, -1; } int Unode::rmdir(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* filename) { // TODO: Make sure the target is no longer used! Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; size_t filenamelen = strlen(filename); int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_rmdir msg; msg.dirino = ino; msg.namelen = filenamelen; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_RMDIR, &msg, sizeof(msg), filenamelen) && channel->KernelSend(&kctx, filename, filenamelen) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_SUCCESS, NULL, 0) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::rmdir_me(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/) { return errno = EPERM, -1; } int Unode::symlink(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* oldname, const char* filename) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; size_t oldnamelen = strlen(oldname); size_t filenamelen = strlen(filename); int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_symlink msg; msg.dirino = ino; msg.targetlen = oldnamelen; msg.namelen = filenamelen; size_t extra = msg.targetlen + msg.namelen; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_SYMLINK, &msg, sizeof(msg), extra) && channel->KernelSend(&kctx, oldname, oldnamelen) && channel->KernelSend(&kctx, filename, filenamelen) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_SUCCESS, NULL, 0) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } ssize_t Unode::readlink(ioctx_t* ctx, char* buf, size_t bufsiz) { // readlink(2) isn't allowed to fail with EINTR. sigset_t set, oldset; sigfillset(&set); Signal::UpdateMask(SIG_SETMASK, &set, &oldset); ssize_t ret = -1; Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( channel ) { struct fsm_req_readlink msg; struct fsm_resp_readlink resp; msg.ino = ino; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_READLINK, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_READLINK, &resp, sizeof(resp)) ) { if ( resp.targetlen < bufsiz ) bufsiz = resp.targetlen; if ( channel->KernelRecv(ctx, buf, bufsiz) ) ret = (ssize_t) bufsiz; } channel->KernelClose(); } Signal::UpdateMask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldset, NULL); return ret; } int Unode::tcgetwincurpos(ioctx_t* ctx, struct wincurpos* wcp) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_tcgetwincurpos msg; struct fsm_resp_tcgetwincurpos resp; msg.ino = ino; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_TCGETWINCURPOS, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_TCGETWINCURPOS, &resp, sizeof(resp)) && ctx->copy_to_dest(wcp, &resp.pos, sizeof(*wcp)) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::ioctl(ioctx_t* ctx, int cmd, uintptr_t arg) { if ( cmd == TIOCGWINSZ ) { struct winsize* ws = (struct winsize*) arg; Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_tcgetwinsize msg; struct fsm_resp_tcgetwinsize resp; msg.ino = ino; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_TCGETWINSIZE, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_TCGETWINSIZE, &resp, sizeof(resp)) && ctx->copy_to_dest(ws, &resp.size, sizeof(*ws)) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } return errno = ENOTTY, -1; } int Unode::tcsetpgrp(ioctx_t* ctx, pid_t pgid) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_tcsetpgrp msg; msg.ino = ino; msg.pgid = pgid; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_TCSETPGRP, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_SUCCESS, NULL, 0) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } pid_t Unode::tcgetpgrp(ioctx_t* ctx) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; pid_t ret = -1; struct fsm_req_tcgetpgrp msg; struct fsm_resp_tcgetpgrp resp; msg.ino = ino; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_TCGETPGRP, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_TCGETPGRP, &resp, sizeof(resp)) ) ret = resp.pgid; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::settermmode(ioctx_t* ctx, unsigned mode) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_settermmode msg; msg.ino = ino; msg.termmode = mode; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_SETTERMMODE, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_SUCCESS, NULL, 0) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::gettermmode(ioctx_t* ctx, unsigned* mode) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_gettermmode msg; struct fsm_resp_gettermmode resp; msg.ino = ino; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_GETTERMMODE, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_GETTERMMODE, &resp, sizeof(resp)) && ctx->copy_to_dest(mode, &resp.termmode, sizeof(*mode)) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::poll(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, PollNode* node) { short status = POLLIN | POLLOUT | POLLRDNORM | POLLWRNORM; if ( !(status & node->events) ) return errno = EAGAIN, -1; node->master->revents |= status & node->events; return 0; } int Unode::rename_here(ioctx_t* ctx, Ref from, const char* oldname, const char* newname) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_rename msg; msg.olddirino = from->ino; msg.newdirino = this->ino; msg.oldnamelen = strlen(oldname); msg.newnamelen = strlen(newname); size_t extra = msg.oldnamelen + msg.newnamelen; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_RENAME, &msg, sizeof(msg), extra) && channel->KernelSend(&kctx, oldname, msg.oldnamelen) && channel->KernelSend(&kctx, newname, msg.newnamelen) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_SUCCESS, NULL, 0) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } Ref Unode::accept4(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, uint8_t* /*addr*/, size_t* /*addrlen*/, int /*flags*/) { return errno = ENOTSOCK, Ref(); } int Unode::bind(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const uint8_t* /*addr*/, size_t /*addrlen*/) { return errno = ENOTSOCK, -1; } int Unode::connect(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const uint8_t* /*addr*/, size_t /*addrlen*/) { return errno = ENOTSOCK, -1; } int Unode::listen(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, int /*backlog*/) { return errno = ENOTSOCK, -1; } ssize_t Unode::recv(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, uint8_t* /*buf*/, size_t /*count*/, int /*flags*/) { return errno = ENOTSOCK, -1; } ssize_t Unode::recvmsg(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, struct msghdr* /*msg*/, int /*flags*/) { return errno = ENOTSOCK, -1; } ssize_t Unode::send(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const uint8_t* /*buf*/, size_t /*count*/, int /*flags*/) { return errno = ENOTSOCK, -1; } ssize_t Unode::sendmsg(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, const struct msghdr* /*msg*/, int /*flags*/) { return errno = ENOTSOCK, -1; } int Unode::getsockopt(ioctx_t* ctx, int level, int option_name, void* option_value, size_t* option_size_ptr) { size_t option_size; if ( !ctx->copy_from_src(&option_size, option_size_ptr, sizeof(option_size)) ) return -1; Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_getsockopt msg; struct fsm_resp_getsockopt resp; msg.ino = ino; msg.level = level; msg.option_name = option_name; msg.max_option_size = option_size; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_GETSOCKOPT, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_GETSOCKOPT, &resp, sizeof(resp)) ) { if ( resp.option_size < option_size ) option_size = resp.option_size; if ( channel->KernelRecv(ctx, option_value, option_size) ) ret = 0; if ( !ctx->copy_to_dest(option_size_ptr, &option_size, sizeof(option_size)) ) ret = -1; } channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::setsockopt(ioctx_t* ctx, int level, int option_name, const void* option_value, size_t option_size) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_setsockopt msg; msg.ino = ino; msg.level = level; msg.option_name = option_name; msg.option_size = option_size; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_SETSOCKOPT, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && channel->KernelSend(ctx, option_value, option_size) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_SUCCESS, NULL, 0) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } ssize_t Unode::tcgetblob(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* name, void* buffer, size_t count) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; if ( !buffer ) count = SSIZE_MAX; ssize_t ret = -1; size_t namelen = name ? strlen(name) : 0; struct fsm_req_tcgetblob msg; struct fsm_resp_tcgetblob resp; msg.ino = ino; msg.namelen = namelen; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_TCGETBLOB, &msg, sizeof(msg), namelen) && channel->KernelSend(&kctx, name, namelen) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_TCGETBLOB, &resp, sizeof(resp)) ) { if ( resp.count < count ) count = resp.count; if ( count < resp.count ) errno = ERANGE; else if ( !buffer || channel->KernelRecv(ctx, buffer, count) ) ret = (ssize_t) count; } channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } ssize_t Unode::tcsetblob(ioctx_t* ctx, const char* name, const void* buffer, size_t count) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; ssize_t ret = -1; size_t namelen = name ? strlen(name) : 0; if ( SIZE_MAX - count < namelen ) return errno = EOVERFLOW, -1; struct fsm_req_tcsetblob msg; struct fsm_resp_tcsetblob resp; msg.ino = ino; msg.namelen = namelen; msg.count = count; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_TCSETBLOB, &msg, sizeof(msg), namelen + count) && channel->KernelSend(&kctx, name, namelen) && channel->KernelSend(ctx, buffer, count) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_TCSETBLOB, &resp, sizeof(resp)) ) ret = (ssize_t) resp.count; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::unmounted(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/) { server->Unmount(); return 0; } int Unode::tcdrain(ioctx_t* ctx) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_tcdrain msg; msg.ino = ino; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_TCDRAIN, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_SUCCESS, NULL, 0) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::tcflow(ioctx_t* ctx, int action) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_tcflow msg; msg.ino = ino; msg.action = action; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_TCFLOW, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_SUCCESS, NULL, 0) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::tcflush(ioctx_t* ctx, int queue_selector) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_tcflush msg; msg.ino = ino; msg.queue_selector = queue_selector; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_TCFLUSH, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_SUCCESS, NULL, 0) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::tcgetattr(ioctx_t* ctx, struct termios* io_tio) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_tcgetattr msg; struct fsm_resp_tcgetattr resp; msg.ino = ino; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_TCGETATTR, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_TCGETATTR, &resp, sizeof(resp)) && ctx->copy_to_dest(io_tio, &resp.tio, sizeof(resp.tio)) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } pid_t Unode::tcgetsid(ioctx_t* ctx) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; pid_t ret = -1; struct fsm_req_tcgetsid msg; struct fsm_resp_tcgetsid resp; msg.ino = ino; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_TCGETSID, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_TCGETSID, &resp, sizeof(resp)) ) ret = resp.sid; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::tcsendbreak(ioctx_t* ctx, int duration) { Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; struct fsm_req_tcsendbreak msg; msg.ino = ino; msg.duration = duration; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_TCSENDBREAK, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_SUCCESS, NULL, 0) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::tcsetattr(ioctx_t* ctx, int actions, const struct termios* user_tio) { struct fsm_req_tcsetattr msg; if ( !ctx->copy_from_src(&msg.tio, user_tio, sizeof(msg.tio)) ) return -1; Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; msg.ino = ino; msg.actions = actions; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_TCSETATTR, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_SUCCESS, NULL, 0) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::shutdown(ioctx_t* ctx, int how) { struct fsm_req_shutdown msg; Channel* channel = server->Connect(ctx); if ( !channel ) return -1; int ret = -1; msg.ino = ino; msg.how = how; if ( SendMessage(channel, FSM_REQ_SHUTDOWN, &msg, sizeof(msg)) && RecvMessage(channel, FSM_RESP_SUCCESS, NULL, 0) ) ret = 0; channel->KernelClose(); return ret; } int Unode::getpeername(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, uint8_t* /*addr*/, size_t* /*addrsize*/) { return errno = ENOTSOCK, -1; } int Unode::getsockname(ioctx_t* /*ctx*/, uint8_t* /*addr*/, size_t* /*addrsize*/) { return errno = ENOTSOCK, -1; } bool Bootstrap(Ref* out_root, Ref* out_server, const struct stat* rootst) { Ref server(new Server()); if ( !server ) return false; ino_t root_inode_ino = rootst->st_ino; mode_t root_inode_type = rootst->st_mode & S_IFMT; Ref root_inode = server->OpenNode(root_inode_ino, root_inode_type); if ( !root_inode ) return false; Ref server_inode(new ServerNode(server)); if ( !server_inode ) return false; return *out_root = root_inode, *out_server = server_inode, true; } } // namespace UserFS } // namespace Sortix