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No commits in common. "3a843fb07f8c5ec1407266572493c6b9ec624542" and "d7bab30809e87e1e58040c161b6ec28101424bfd" have entirely different histories.

3 changed files with 11 additions and 266 deletions

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@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
import enum
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
from regex import Literal, Concatenation, Alternation, Star, lit, concat, bar, star
class token_types(enum.Enum):
char, left_paren, right_paren, bar, star, start, end = range(7)
Token = namedtuple('Token', ['type', 'position', 'extra'])
class ParseError(Exception):
def __init__(self, text, position):
self.text = text
self.position = position
def __repr__(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
name = 'ParseError'
name = __name__ + '.ParseError'
if self.position is not None:
return '%s(%s, %i)' % (name, self.text, self.position)
return '%s(%s, None)' % (name, self.text)
def __str__(self):
if self.position is not None:
return '%i: %s' % (self.position, self.text)
return self.text
def tokenize(text):
tokens = [Token(token_types.start, 0, None)]
index = 0
while index < len(text):
char = text[index]
token_start = index
index += 1
if char == '\\':
# Handle \<char> as one token
# Since we don't have any \<letter> extensions, just
# implement \ as passing
if index >= len(text):
raise ParseError('\\ at end of text, should be followed by a character', token_start)
tokens.append(Token(token_types.char, token_start, text[index]))
index += 1
elif char == '(':
tokens.append(Token(token_types.left_paren, token_start, None))
elif char == ')':
tokens.append(Token(token_types.right_paren, token_start, None))
elif char == '|':
tokens.append(Token(, token_start, None))
elif char == '*':
tokens.append(Token(, token_start, None))
tokens.append(Token(token_types.char, token_start, char))
tokens.append(Token(token_types.end, index, None))
return tokens
def parse(text):
def test_predicate(predicate, element):
if type(predicate) != list:
predicate = [predicate]
# If any of the funcs in the list pass, consider it as success
for f in predicate:
if f(element):
return True
return False
def match(*predicates):
nonlocal working_stack
# Predicates can only match stuff on the stack if it's there
if len(working_stack) < len(predicates):
return False
top_of_stack = working_stack[-len(predicates):]
for predicate, element in zip(predicates, top_of_stack):
if not test_predicate(predicate, element):
return False
return True
def pop(n = None):
nonlocal working_stack
if n == None:
return working_stack.pop()
r = working_stack[-n:]
working_stack = working_stack[:-n]
return r
def push(*args):
nonlocal working_stack
for arg in args:
# Predicates
def charp(x):
return type(x) == Token and x.type == token_types.char
def lparenp(x):
return type(x) == Token and x.type == token_types.left_paren
def rparenp(x):
return type(x) == Token and x.type == token_types.right_paren
def barp(x):
return type(x) == Token and x.type ==
def starp(x):
return type(x) == Token and x.type ==
def startp(x):
return type(x) == Token and x.type == token_types.start
def endp(x):
return type(x) == Token and x.type == token_types.end
def regexp(x):
return type(x) in [Literal, Concatenation, Alternation, Star]
tokens = tokenize(text)
working_stack = []
while True:
# Try all possible reduces
if match(charp):
char = pop()
text = char.extra
elif match(regexp, regexp, [lparenp, rparenp, barp, endp]):
regex1, regex2, tos = pop(3)
push(concat(regex1, regex2), tos)
elif match(lparenp, regexp, rparenp):
_, regex, _ = pop(3)
elif match(lparenp, rparenp):
_, _ = pop(2)
elif match(regexp, barp, regexp, [lparenp, rparenp, barp, endp]):
regex1, _, regex2, tos = pop(4)
push(bar(regex1, regex2), tos)
elif match([lparenp, startp], barp):
a, b = pop(2)
push(a, lit(''), b)
elif match(barp, [lparenp, rparenp, barp, endp]):
a, b = pop(2)
push(a, lit(''), b)
elif match(regexp, starp):
regex, _ = pop(2)
elif match(startp, endp):
a, b = pop(2)
push(a, lit(''), b)
elif len(tokens) > 0:
# Can't reduce but can shift, so let's shift
elif match(startp, regexp, endp):
# Can't reduce nor shift, and stack is in the form
# signalling that the parsing is complete, so let's
# return the completed regex
_, regex, _ = pop(3)
return regex
# Can't reduce nor shift
# As we've already handled the case where we finished
# parsing, this means something's gone wrong
# Figure out what's gone wrong
parens_stack = []
for i in working_stack:
if startp(i) or endp(i) or regexp(i) or barp(i):
elif lparenp(i):
elif rparenp(i):
if len(parens_stack) == 0:
raise ParseError('Unpaired right parenthesis', i.position)
elif starp(i):
raise ParseError('Missing the thing to repeat before a *', i.position)
elif type(i) == Token:
raise ParseError('(Should be impossible!) Unprocessed token of type %s' %, i.position)
raise ParseError('(Should be impossible!) Unprocessed junk in parsing stack: %s' % (i,), i.position)
if len(parens_stack) > 0:
raise ParseError('Unpaired left parenthesis', parens_stack[0].position)
# Wasn't anything we could figure out
raise ParseError('(Should be impossible!) Error figuring out the type of parse error', None)
def main():
regex = parse(input('regex> '))
except ParseError as err:
print('%s: Error: %s' % (sys.argv[0], str(err)), file=sys.stderr)
if __name__ == '__main__':

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@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
import sys
from regex import Literal, Concatenation, Alternation, Star, lit
from regex import Literal, Concatenation, Alternation, Star, lit, concat, bar, star
from nfa import NFA, prettyprint
from parse_regex import parse, ParseError
def to_nfa(regex):
def new_state():
@ -97,13 +94,9 @@ def to_nfa(regex):
return NFA(start_state, [end_state], transitions)
def main():
regex = parse(input('regex> '))
regex = concat(lit('x'), star(bar(lit('a'), lit('b'))), lit('y'))
except ParseError as err:
print('%s: Error: %s' % (sys.argv[0], str(err)), file=sys.stderr)
nfa = to_nfa(regex)

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@ -1,17 +1,11 @@
import sys
from regex import lit, concat, bar, star
from regex_to_nfa import to_nfa
from nfa_to_regex import to_regex
from parse_regex import parse, ParseError
def main():
regex = parse(input('regex> '))
regex = concat(bar(lit('foo'), lit('bar')), bar(lit('baz'), lit('qux')))
except ParseError as err:
print('%s: Error: %s' % (sys.argv[0], str(err)), file=sys.stderr)
nfa = to_nfa(regex)
regex_prime = to_regex(nfa)