import eliza import threading import random import re import time concmd=['/q', '/lt', '/st', '/lg'] blacklist = ['bslsk05'] doctor = eliza.eliza() trusted = {} trustedlock = threading.Lock() gods = {} godslock = threading.Lock() msgs = {} msgslock = threading.Lock() accountcheck = {} accountchecklock = threading.Lock() die_expr=re.compile("#[0-9]*d([0-9]+|%)") class Cron(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): self.timedjobs = [] self.timedjobslock = threading.Lock() self.cronctrl = [] self.cronctrllock = threading.Lock() threading.Thread.__init__(self) def queuejob(self, time, fn): self.timedjobslock.acquire() self.timedjobs.append((time, fn)) self.timedjobslock.release() def ctrl(self, cmd): self.cronctrllock.acquire() self.cronctrl.append(cmd) self.cronctrllock.release() def run(self): run = True while run: time.sleep(1) # Accuracy doesn't need to be high self.cronctrllock.acquire() for cmd in self.cronctrl: if cmd == 'QUIT': run = False self.cronctrl=[] self.cronctrllock.release() self.timedjobslock.acquire() self.timedjobs = map((lambda (time, fn): (time-1, fn)), self.timedjobs) torun = map((lambda (time, fn): fn), filter((lambda (time, fn): time<=0), self.timedjobs)) self.timedjobs = filter((lambda (time, fn): time>0), self.timedjobs) self.timedjobslock.release() for fn in torun: fn() cron=Cron() cron.start() def loadmessages(): global msgs, msgslock msgslock.acquire() f = open('msgs.txt', 'r') for line in f: while len(line) > 0 and line[-1] == '\n': line = line[:-1] if len(line) > 0: receiver, sender, msg = line.split('\t') if receiver not in msgs: msgs[receiver] = [] msgs[receiver].append((sender, msg)) f.close() msgslock.release() def savemessages(): global msgs, msgslock msgslock.acquire() f=open('msgs.txt', 'w') for receiver in msgs: for sender, msg in msgs[receiver]: f.write('%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (receiver, sender, msg)) f.close() msgslock.release() loadmessages() def addtrusted(chan, account): global trusted, trustedlock trustedlock.acquire() if chan not in trusted: trusted[chan] = [] if account not in trusted[chan]: trusted[chan].append(account) trustedlock.release() def rmtrusted(chan, account): global trusted, trustedlock trustedlock.acquire() if chan in trusted and account in trusted[chan]: trusted[chan].remove(account) trustedlock.release() def loadtrusted(): global trusted, trustedlock trustedlock.acquire() trusted = {} trustedlock.release() f=open('trusted.txt', 'r') for line in f: while len(line) > 0 and line[-1] == '\n': line = line[:-1] if len(line) > 0: chan, account = line.split() addtrusted(chan, account) f.close() def loadgods(): global gods, godslock godslock.acquire() gods = {} f=open('gods.txt', 'r') for line in f: while len(line) > 0 and line[-1] == '\n': line = line[:-1] if len(line) > 0: chan, account = line.split() if chan not in gods: gods[chan] = [] gods[chan].append(account) addtrusted(chan, account) f.close() godslock.release() def savetrusted(): global trusted, trustedlock trustedlock.acquire() f=open('trusted.txt', 'w') for chan in trusted: for account in trusted[chan]: f.write('%s %s\n' % (chan, account)) f.close trustedlock.release() loadtrusted() loadgods() def chmode(irc, chan, nick, mode, args): if args == ['']: if isauthorized(irc, chan, nick): irc.send('MODE %s %s %s' % (chan, mode, nick)) else: for name in args: if isauthorized(irc, chan, nick): irc.send('MODE %s %s %s' % (chan, mode, name)) def istrusted(chan, account): trustedlock.acquire() if chan in trusted and account in trusted[chan]: trustedlock.release() return True else: trustedlock.release() return False def initaccountcheck(nick): global accountcheck, accountchecklock accountchecklock.acquire() accountcheck[nick] = None accountchecklock.release() def setaccountcheckvalue(nick, value): global accountcheck, accountchecklock accountchecklock.acquire() if nick in accountcheck: accountcheck[nick] = value accountchecklock.release() def getaccountcheckvalue(nick): global accountcheck, accountchecklock accountchecklock.acquire() if nick in accountcheck: value = accountcheck[nick] accountchecklock.release() return value def removeaccountcheck(nick): global accountcheck, accountchecklock accountchecklock.acquire() if nick in accountcheck: del accountcheck[nick] accountchecklock.release() def getaccount(irc, nick): initaccountcheck(nick) irc.send('WHOIS ' + nick) cron.queuejob(5, (lambda : setaccountcheckvalue(nick, ''))) account = None while account == None: account = getaccountcheckvalue(nick) time.sleep(0.1) removeaccountcheck(nick) if account == '': # '' Signifies failure return None else: return account def isauthorized(irc, chan, nick): account = getaccount(irc, nick) if account: return istrusted(chan, account) else: irc.msg(nick, 'Identify with NickServ') class ArgsfmtError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg def __str__(self): return 'Error with argument format: ' + msg ARG_STD = 0 ARG_OPT = 1 ARG_UNL = 2 def parseargsfmt(args): # parses the argument format used by matchcmd and parsecmd # e.g. parseargsfmt("foo [bar] {baz} ) -> [ARG_STD, ARG_OPT, ARG_UNL] args = args.split(' ') out = [] for arg in args: if len(arg) >= 2 and arg[0] == '[' and arg[-1] == ']': # Optional (0-1) argument: [bar] out.append(ARG_OPT) elif len(arg) >= 2 and arg[0] == '{' and arg[-1] == '}': # Unlimited (0-) number of arguments: {baz} out.append(ARG_UNL) else: # Normal argument: foo out.append(ARG_STD) return out def getargnums(argtypes): min = 0 max = 0 # max = None if number of arguments is unlimited for argtype in argtypes: if argtype == ARG_STD: min += 1 if max != None: # Don't try to increment if max is unlimited max += 1 elif argtype == ARG_OPT: if max != None: # Don't try to increment if max is unlimited max += 1 elif argtype == ARG_UNL: max = None return min, max def matchcmd(line, cmd, args=None): # matchcmd(line, cmd) matched if the command cmd is used, matchcmd(line, cmd, args) checks whether the args match too if len(line) == 0: return False if line[0] != cmd: return False if not args: return True min, max = getargnums(parseargsfmt(args)) if max and len(line)-1 >= min and len(line)-1 <= max: return True elif not max and len(line)-1 >= min: return True else: return False def parsecmd(line, args): # Returns a tuple containing the arguments. An optional argument that didn't get a value will be assigned '' argtypes = parseargsfmt(args) if len(argtypes) >= 1 and ARG_UNL in argtypes[:-1]: # Disallow non-final unlimited arguments raise ArgsfmtError('Non-final unlimited argument') if len(filter((lambda type: type == ARG_OPT or type == ARG_UNL), argtypes)) > 1: # Disallow more than one optional or unlimited argument per argument string raise ArgsfmtError('Ambiguous argument format') # Remove the command if len(line) == 0: raise ArgsfmtError('No command given') line = line[1:] min, max = getargnums(argtypes) if len(line) == min: # Only standard arguments given out = [] for type in argtypes: if type == ARG_STD: out.append(line[0]) line = line[1:] else: out.append('') elif max and len(line) == max: # Optional argument given out = [] for type in argtypes: if type == ARG_STD or type == ARG_OPT: out.append(line[0]) line = line[1:] else: out.append('') elif not max and len(line) > min: # Unlimited argument given out = [] for type in argtypes: if type == ARG_STD or type == ARG_OPT: out.append(line[0]) line = line[1:] elif type == ARG_UNL: out.append(' '.join(line)) line = [] else: raise ArgsfmtError('Number of given arguments not possible for given format string') if len(out) == 1: return out[0] else: return out def parse((line, irc)): global blacklist global msgs, msgslock global trusted, trustedlock, gods, godslock global doctor, die_expr line = line.split(' ') nick = line[0].split('!')[0][1:] chan = line[2] if line[2][0] == '#' else nick zwsp = '\xe2\x80\x8b' if nick in blacklist: return elif len(line) >= 4 and len(line[3]) >= 4 and line[3][:len(zwsp)+1] == ':'+zwsp: # If line begins with ZWSP return if line[1]=='PRIVMSG': cmdline = [line[3][1:]] + line[4:] while '' in cmdline: cmdline.remove('') if matchcmd(cmdline, '#echo'): text = parsecmd(cmdline, '{text}') irc.msg(chan, zwsp+text) elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#op'): args = parsecmd(cmdline, '{args}') chmode(irc, chan, nick, '+o', args.split(' ')) elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#deop'): args = parsecmd(cmdline, '{args}') chmode(irc, chan, nick, '-o', args.split(' ')) elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#voice'): args = parsecmd(cmdline, '{args}') chmode(irc, chan, nick, '+v', args.split(' ')) elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#devoice'): args = parsecmd(cmdline, '{args}') chmode(irc, chan, nick, '-v', args.split(' ')) elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#kick'): if matchcmd(cmdline, '#kick', 'nick {reason}'): kicknick, kickreason = parsecmd(cmdline, 'nick {reason}') if kicknick.lower() == irc.nick: irc.send('KICK %s %s :Fuck you' % (chan, nick)) elif random.randint(0,9) == 0 and len(line) == 5: irc.send('KICK %s %s :Bam' % (chan, nick)) else: if isauthorized(irc, chan, nick): irc.send('KICK %s %s :%s'%(chan, kicknick, kickreason)) else: irc.msg(chan, 'Usage #kick nick reason') elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#src'): irc.msg(chan, '') elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#prefix') and chan == '#osdev-offtopic': irc.msg(chan, 'gopher://') elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#msg'): if matchcmd(cmdline, '#msg', 'nick {message}'): msgnick, message = parsecmd(cmdline, 'nick {message}') msgslock.acquire() if msgnick not in msgs: msgs[msgnick] = [] msgs[msgnick].append((nick, message)) msgslock.release() else: irc.msg(chan, 'Usage: #msg nick message') elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#trusted?'): if matchcmd(cmdline, '#trusted?', '[nick]'): trustnick = parsecmd(cmdline, '[nick]') if trustnick == '': trustnick = nick account = getaccount(irc, trustnick) if account: if istrusted(chan, account): irc.msg(chan, '%s is trusted' % trustnick) else: irc.msg(chan, '%s is not trusted' % trustnick) else: irc.msg(chan, 'Failed to get account for %s' % trustnick) else: irc.msg(chan, 'Usage: #trusted? [nick]') elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#trust'): if matchcmd(cmdline, '#trust', 'nick'): trustnick = parsecmd(cmdline, 'nick') if isauthorized(irc, chan, nick): account = getaccount(irc, trustnick) if account: addtrusted(chan, account) else: irc.msg(chan, 'Failed to get account for %s' % trustnick) else: irc.msg(chan, 'Usage #trust nick') elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#untrust'): if matchcmd(cmdline, '#untrust', 'nick'): untrustnick = parsecmd(cmdline, 'nick') if isauthorized(irc, chan, nick): account = getaccount(irc, untrustnick) if account: godslock.acquire() if chan not in gods or account not in gods[chan]: rmtrusted(chan, untrustnick) godslock.release() else: irc.msg(chan, 'Failed to get account for %s' % untrustnick) else: irc.msg(chan, 'Usage #untrust nick') elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#ls-trusted'): trustedlock.acquire() if chan in trusted: irc.msg(nick, '%s: %s' % (chan, ', '.join(trusted[chan]))) trustedlock.release() elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#invite'): if matchcmd(cmdline, '#invite', 'nick'): invitenick = parsecmd(cmdline, 'nick') if isauthorized(irc, chan, nick): irc.send('INVITE %s %s' % (invitenick, chan)) else: irc.msg(chan, 'Usage #invite nick') elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#help'): if matchcmd(cmdline, '#help', '[command]'): command = parsecmd(cmdline, '[command]') helptext = help(command) if helptext: irc.msg(chan, zwsp+helptext) elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#esoteric') and chan=='#esoteric': irc.msg(chan, 'Nothing here') elif cmdline[0] in [irc.nick, irc.nick+',', irc.nick+':']: question = parsecmd(cmdline, '{question}') irc.msg(chan, '%s: %s' % (nick, doctor.respond(question))) elif die_expr.match(cmdline[0]): die=cmdline[0][1:].split('d') times=int(die[0]) if die[0] else 1 die='%' if die[1]=='%' else int(die[1]) if die=='%': if times!=1: irc.msg(chan, 'Not supported') else: irc.msg(chan, '%s%s' % (random.randint(0,9), random.randint(0,9))) elif die<2: irc.msg(chan, 'This die is not available in your space-time region.') elif times<1: irc.msg(chan, 'What exactly do you want me to do?') elif times>128: irc.msg(chan, 'Sorry, I don\'t have that many. Can I borrow yours?') else: rolls=[random.randint(1, die) for i in xrange(times)] result=reduce((lambda x,y:x+y), rolls) if times>1: irc.msg(chan, '%s (%s)' % (str(result), ', '.join([str(i) for i in rolls]))) else: irc.msg(chan, str(result)) elif line[1] == '330': # WHOIS: is logged in as whoisnick = line[3] account = line[4] setaccountcheckvalue(whoisnick, account) elif line[1] == '318': # WHOIS: End of /WHOIS list. whoisnick = line[3] if getaccountcheckvalue(whoisnick) == None: setaccountcheckvalue(whoisnick, '') # Mark as failed, '' is used because None is already reserved elif line[1] == 'INVITE' and line[2] == irc.nick and line[3][1:] in irc.chan.split(' '): if isauthorized(irc, line[3], nick): irc.send('JOIN ' + line[3]) elif line[1] == '482': irc.msg(line[3], 'Not op') msgslock.acquire() if (line[1] == 'PRIVMSG' or line[1] == 'JOIN') and nick in msgs: for sender, msg in msgs.pop(nick): irc.msg(nick, '<%s> %s' % (sender, msg)) msgslock.release() def execcmd(cmdline): if cmdline[0] == '/q': savemessages() savetrusted() cron.ctrl('QUIT') elif cmdline[0] == '/lt': loadtrusted() elif cmdline[0] == '/st': savetrusted() elif cmdline[0] == '/lg': loadgods() def usage(cmd, message = True): usage = {'#echo': 'text', '#op': '[nick]', '#deop': '[nick]', '#voice': '[nick]', '#devoice': '[nick]', '#kick': 'nick [reason]', '#src': '', '#msg': 'nick message', '#trusted?': '[nick]', '#trust': 'nick', '#untrust': 'nick', '#ls-trusted': '', '#invite': 'nick', '#help': '[command]'} if cmd in usage: if message: return 'Usage: %s %s' % (cmd, usage[cmd]) else: return usage[cmd] else: return None def help(cmd): helptext = {'#echo': '#echo text back', '#op': 'give nick or yourself op rights in case you are trusted by oonbotti2 and identified with NickServ', '#deop': 'remove your/nick\'s op rights', '#voice': 'give nick or yourself voice in case you are trusted by oonbotti2 and identified with NickServ', '#devoice': 'remove your or nick\'s voice in case you are trusted by oonbotti2 and identified with NickServ', '#kick': 'kicks nick with specified reason', '#src': 'paste a link to oonbotti2\'s git repo', '#msg': 'send a message to nick', '#trusted?': 'tell you if nick or yourself is trusted by oonbotti2', '#trust': 'add nick to trusted list', '#untrust': 'remove nick from trusted list', '#ls-trusted': 'list nicks that are trusted. use only in a query', '#invite': 'invites nick to channel', '#help': 'give short info of command or list commands'} if cmd=='': return '#echo #op #deop #voice #devoice #kick #src #msg #trusted? #trust #untrust #ls-trusted #invite #help' elif cmd=='me': return 'I shall.' elif cmd in helptext: if helptext[cmd]: return '%s %s %s' % (cmd, usage(cmd, False), helptext[cmd]) else: return '%s %s' % (cmd, usage(cmd, False)) else: return None