import eliza import threading concmd=['/q','/lt'] doctor=eliza.eliza() trusted=[] trustedlock=threading.Lock() msgs={} msglock=threading.Lock() authcmds={} authcmdlock=threading.Lock() msglock.acquire() f=open('msgs.txt','r') for line in f: while len(line)>0 and line[-1]=='\n': line=line[:-1] if len(line)>0: receiver,sender,msg=line.split('\t') if receiver not in msgs: msgs[receiver]=[] msgs[receiver].append((sender,msg)) f.close() msglock.release() def loadtrusted(): trustedlock.acquire() while len(trusted)>0: trusted.pop() #I'm really sorry but trusted=[] created trusted as local variable f=open('trusted.txt','r') for line in f: while len(line)>0 and line[-1]=='\n': line=line[:-1] if len(line)>0: trusted.append(line) f.close() trustedlock.release() loadtrusted() def addauthcmd(nick,cmd): authcmdlock.acquire() trustedlock.acquire() if nick in trusted: if nick not in authcmds: authcmds[nick]=[] authcmds[nick].append(cmd) trustedlock.release() authcmdlock.release() def parse((line,irc)): line=line.split(' ') nick=line[0].split('!')[0][1:] chan=line[2] if line[2][0]=='#' else nick if line[1]=='PRIVMSG': if line[3]==':#echo': irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :%s'%(chan,' '.join(line[4:]))) elif line[3]==':#op': if len(line)==4: addauthcmd(nick,'MODE %s +o %s'%(chan,nick)) irc.send('PRIVMSG NickServ :ACC '+nick) else: for name in line[4:]: addauthcmd(nick,'MODE %s +o %s'%(chan,name)) irc.send('PRIVMSG NickServ :ACC '+nick) elif line[3]==':#deop': if len(line)==4: addauthcmd(nick,'MODE %s -o %s'%(chan,nick)) irc.send('PRIVMSG NickServ :ACC '+nick) else: for name in line[4:]: addauthcmd(nick,'MODE %s -o %s'%(chan,name)) irc.send('PRIVMSG NickServ :ACC '+nick) elif line[3]==':#kick': if len(line)>4: addauthcmd(nick,'KICK %s %s :%s'%(chan,line[4],' '.join(line[5:]))) irc.send('PRIVMSG NickServ :ACC '+nick) else: irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :Usage #kick nick reason'%chan) elif line[3]==':#src': irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :'%chan) elif line[3]==':#msg': if len(line)>5: msglock.acquire() if line[4] not in msgs: msgs[line[4]]=[] msgs[line[4]].append((nick,' '.join(line[5:]))) msglock.release() else: irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :Usage: #msg nick message'%chan) elif line[3]==':#readmsg': msglock.acquire() if nick in msgs: for sender,msg in msgs.pop(nick): irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :<%s> %s'%(chan,sender,msg)) else: irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :You have no unread messages'%chan) msglock.release() elif line[3]==':#help': irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :%s'%(chan,help(' '.join(line[4:])))) elif line[3]==':#esoteric' and chan=='#esoteric': irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :Nothing here'%chan) elif line[3][1:] in ('oonbotti:', 'oonbotti', 'oonbotti,', 'oonbotti2', 'oonbotti2:', 'oonbotti2,'): irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :%s: %s'%(chan,nick,doctor.respond(' '.join(line[4:])))) elif line[1]=='NOTICE' and line[0].split('!')[0]==':NickServ' and line[4]=='ACC': authcmdlock.acquire() trustedlock.acquire() if line[3][1:] in trusted and line[3][1:] in authcmds and line[5]=='3': for i in authcmds.pop(line[3][1:]): irc.send(i) else: if line[3][1:] in authcmds: authcmds.pop(line[3][1:]) trustedlock.release() authcmdlock.release() elif line[1]=='482': irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :Not op'%line[3]) msglock.acquire() if (line[1]=='PRIVMSG' or line[1]=='JOIN') and nick in msgs: irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :%s: You have unread messages, read them with #readmsg'%(chan,nick)) msglock.release() def execcmd(cmdline): if cmdline[0]=='/q': msglock.acquire() f=open('msgs.txt','w') for receiver in msgs: for sender, msg in msgs[receiver]: f.write('%s\t%s\t%s\n'%(receiver,sender,msg)) f.close() msglock.release() elif cmdline[0]=='/lt': loadtrusted() def help(cmd): if cmd=='': return '#echo #op #deop #kick #src #msg #readmsg #help' elif cmd=='#echo': return '#echo text echo text back' elif cmd=='#op': return '#op [nick] give nick or yourself op rights in case nick/you is/are trusted by oonbotti2 and identified with NickServ' elif cmd=='#deop': return '#deop [nick] remove your/nick\'s op rights (added due to irrational demand by shikhin and sortiecat, nick support added for same reason)' elif cmd=='#kick': return '#kick nick reason kicks nick with specified reason' elif cmd=='#src': return '#src paste a link to oonbotti2\'s git repo' elif cmd=='#msg': return '#msg nick message send a message to nick. messages can be read with #readmsg' elif cmd=='#readmsg': return '#readmsg read messages you have received' elif cmd=='#help': return '#help [command] give short info of command or list commands' else: return 'Not found'