Gir is an optimizing brainfuck interpreter in Javascript. Name ---- 𒌋𒀜 gir (Sumerian) - n. kiln License ------- Everything in the repo is under Unlicense / CC0. Status ------ Gir can parse, prettyprint, and run programs in brainfuck. Gir supports following optimizations: * Turn runs of +- or <> into one command * Turn [-] or [+] into one command * Add offsets to commands that modify tape, to reduce moving tape head * Turn multiply loops into one command Examples -------- `ircbot.js` is an implementation of an IRC bot's brainfuck interpreter function. Smaller examples for every function are available in `` const gir = require('bf-gir'); let compiled = gir.compile(',[+.,]'); let input = gir.encodeUTF8('Foobar'); let vm = gir.newVM(compiled, input); let result = gir.runVM(vm, 1000); if(result.completed) { console.log(gir.decodeUTF8(result.state.output)); } else { console.log('Bf program terminated abnormally'); } Installing ---------- Gir is available at npm registry under the name bf-gir. TODO ---- ### gir.html * Implement a UI ### General * Move stuff into subdirectories?